[1j] Dorn rescued Garro and his men and took him back to Luna aboard the Phalanx. Blades and trench fighters can deal more wounds to tanks due to mortal wound output. Your baseline caster that can cast two Contagion powers a turn and deny one. [2], Nathaniel Garro was completely bald, his head covered with light battle scars. A Proteus with twin heavy bolters is 285pts, the exact same as the vanilla LR. After fighting their way to the top of the newly constructed fortress, they found Malcador awaiting them. Really, it's for assault cannons and blast weapons like the Leman Russ cannon. Even if you're not running a Daemon Detachment, consider a Fortification Network for these nasty trees. [1d], During the Battle of Iota Horologi Garro distinguished himself when fighting alongside a detachment of Sisters of Silence. While 4 CP is a heavy cost for Terminators, we are realistically getting a lot of CP per turn with the Tallyman, and watching the opponent move all of their tanks to get line of sight on your terminators that dropped in and are now holding an objective and then declaring at the start of the shooting phase that they can't be shot now is a wonderful feeling. - Malcador to Nathaniel Garro[8], Nathaniel Garro was the Captain of the 7th Great Company of the Death Guard Space Marine Legion. [4c] Aboard were members of the Emperor's Children and White Scars led by Captain Macer Varren of the World Eaters, who had also abandoned his legion after refusing to turn against the Emperor. [4j] Together, they slipped aboard a derelict ship sent to be used as material to build a fortress monastery on Titan, and they managed to navigate through various construction sites as they discovered esoteric weapons being shipped in and the arrival of the Mertiol wounded arriving. [1d] By the time of the Horus Heresy, Garro was one of the few originally Terran Marines still serving in the Legion, which caused a rift between him and his fellow Captains, who often called him "Straight-Arrow Garro. So no Blades of Putrefaction mega-bonus for you :(. The ensuing explosion echoed across the warp and acted as a beacon for Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists' fleet, which had been becalmed by Warp Storms. It also works at full efficiency even with one wound left and it does not hurt your units when it blows up. Like Magnus, Mortarion's command aura only grants reroll 1's to hit. You could bring in an allied detachment of generic Nurgle CSM, but they're going to be playing considerably differently compared to your sluggish tanks spreading all sorts of fuckery in the air. This is important for objective games. Combine this with the Plague Skull of Glothila on another character and people will remember why they don't get close to Death Guard. Not having Disgustingly Resilient and an invulnerable save makes you very fragile, and this is exactly what you shouldn't be as Death Guard. Mechanically, they focus on buffing blightlords and increasing your army's auras, as well as making your warlord a scary bugger in melee. 1 in 5 can swap out a bolter for a meltagun, plasma gun, or plague belcher. Centurion and Wulfen models are mentioned, but no unit with those keywords is small enough to fit in, and Primaris isn't allowed as per usual. Get a Biologis Putrifier, a handful of Plague Marines, and use the Blightening stratagem for 18 shots that autohit if engaged. If you have a squad of PMs and one has a blight launcher, use this strat to hit the target with the blight launcher first, and then the rest of the bolters get to reroll ones to wound for them and other squads that decide to shoot at the target. Garro was set free by Malcador, absolved of his role as a Knights-Errant. 1 plague marine with a bolter can also carry an icon of despair (in your Morale phase, roll 1d6 for every enemy unit in engagement, dealing a mortal wound on a 4+), and another one can also carry a sigil of decay (unmodified bolter hits of 6 automatically wound). If you decide to go for this, bring plenty of lascannons, multi-meltas, missiles, and blight launchers. You'll notice that Mortarion has THREE WTs open to him on top of the Plague Company's WT. [1l], Afterwards, Garro, Qruze and Amendera Kendel were approached by Malcador the Sigillite and told that they would be needed to form the beginnings of an organisation which would utilise "men and women of inquisitive nature, hunters who might seek the witch, the traitor, the mutant, the xenos". Sponson options are two twin volkite culverins (45", heavy 8, S6, AP0, D2, wound rolls of unmodified 6 inflict an additional MW) or two twin multi-meltas. ), This essentially gives your footsloggers the old 8th ed. However, the Proteus costs 1CP to take due to Martial Legacy, so get the most out of it and grab one of the two unique wargear items. Hilariously, for being a huge daemon primarch, Mortarion is exceptional at dealing with infantry. In addition, you now have to denote the various subfactions. Use this to "snipe" a character you don't want to deal with otherwise! They're a pain in the ass piece of terrain for your opponents. Final waves are usually Typhus and his zombie mosh pits. With T8, 16 wounds, and a 2+ armour save it'll be a tough nut to crack even with anti-armour weaponry. In addition, you may only take 1 faction specific Secondary, so choose carefully. Thematically, they are Mortarion's personal boys, a company of dark alchemists and plague brewers in the manner of their patron deity. On average, that's 2/3 of a mortal wound for a non-character non-vehicle, and 1/3 of a character non-vehicle. Remember that while the Death Guard are stated to look down on the use of flyers, nowhere does it say that they don't actually use them (because what's the point in specialising in attrition warfare if you have no air superiority and just get bombed and/or strafed all the time?). 3 shots hitting everything on 3s and wounding most enemy vehicles on 3+ isn't that great after all, and you can't really modify the outcome in any reliable way. Mostly a matter of getting a caster back there. With 3 missile launchers/bile spurts, they are no slouches against infantry, with 3 missile launchers/multi-meltas they can kill tanks, and in combat, a squad of 3 will get 12 attacks on the charge, hitting on 4s, at S6, re-rolling 1s to wound and -2AP. It also lacks a bunch of the new rules available to the chaos lord, mostly on virtue of it not being updated for the 9E codex - unless GW shows us mercy, this may be permanent. He eventually bested the daemonic ruin of his comrade and banished the entity he had become. See Assassinate. For only 170 points that’s very tough, especially considering it can kill a knight in a turn. Bubonic Astartes is essentially a fancy way of denoting all the CSM units. Should be attempted by Poxwalkers or Cultists as taking d3 Mortals on anything more elite costs more and a 50% chance of wasting a unit's turn and flat out missing 3VP just isn't smart. It's all about. Honestly, this is one plague company you could get away with taking a generic Warlord trait and being fine. first time in 40k's history, Grandfather Nurgle's favorite pus-sacks have gotten their own Codex, and it's a solid mix of the fluffy and crunchy [4h], While in the Sol System, Garro infiltrated the Phalanx in an attempt to recruits the Codicier Yored Massak, who had been sealed in a vault with the other Librarians of the Imperial Fists. Probably the best unique one we got. Mortarion also chose this moment to subtly sound Garro out about where he and his men might position themselves in the face of rebellion against the Emperor. Mechanically, The Inexorable use infantry to support and screen their vehicles as they advance on their targets. Garro was forced to battle him throughout a Sister of Silence keep and out onto the surface of Luna itself. Pairs really well with literally everything. When you take an objective, expect to hold it until your opponent brings their heavy weapons to bear.
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