With a little experimentation, you will find the damper setting and drag factor that work best for you. I am thinking of a 3 split strength training program (monday, wednesday and Friday). Your snatch technique doesn’t change when you start using kilos instead of pounds. We recommend starting out on a damper setting of 3–5. The resistance can be adjusted by your rower machine damper settings, but a higher setting doesn’t necessarily translate into a harder or better workout. Really focus on technique, and as you improve, you may find that a lower damper setting gives you the best workout and results. The fan cages on our later indoor rowers (Model C and later), are numbered so you can set the damper lever to a particular value from 1–10, indicating how much air is drawn into the cage on each stroke: Which is like 4.5-6. It was an all out sprint, I gave it 100%. Strong verbal encouragement will help the subject achieve their maximal score. A lower setting is best use for aerobic work. In the case of the bar, if ... with different damper settings to find the setting that gives you the best workout and results. Sprint Intervals. That’s it. Seeing as you have been doing weightlifting I am assuming you have a good idea of programmes that you can use, if you don't I would recommend the r/Fitness subreddit. Coaches who are empirical, document results and adapt, generate the best results for their clients. Defo agree. The greater concern is the drag factor—it increases as you set the damper higher and decreases as you set the damper lower, independent of the intensity of your rowing. Again, you usually do not want to be the damper at a high setting when sprinting; think of gears on a bicycle. Row well. Row 250m in as close to 1 minute as you can. I’m 6’5″ and weigh 210lbs. You can also post a video of you erging on this subreddit and we can give you some pointers. This means that Rower B is able to generate the same amount of power in 28 strokes per minute as Rower A does in 40 strokes, making him/her a more efficient rower; generally speaking, this boils down … Once you’re comfortable with the resistance setting that feels best, select “more options” from the main menu. I consistently mastered most workouts where rowing was included, with fairly decent splits, and seemed to be able to hang with the best of them. Try this: Row 100 meters at different damper settings: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The damper setting is the number on the side of your Concept 2 machine, which goes from 1 – 10, and regulates the air intake and resistance you feel. Selecting a damper setting is not like selecting how much weight to put on a bar. I think the Pete-plan looks GREAT! However, I also love weight lifting, and considering the summer is coming up I also want to focus a little bit on my looks as well. You need to improve your aerobic fitness (UT1/2 training)) and lactate tolerance (AT) as your strength/power is already very good - a 1.20 500m puts you in the top 25! In order to go fast at 5-6 damper, he had to row well, not just pull hard. Both rowers are moving at an equal pace of 2:30/500m and have the damper set at 5. My best 500m row is 1:24.9, damper was at 7.5. The Pete plan is a good programme for people just getting started: https://thepeteplan.wordpress.com/the-pete-plan/ https://thepeteplan.wordpress.com/beginner-training/ I would recommend the beginner variant to start off with as it's short and simple. With a little experimentation, you will find the damper setting and drag factor that work best for you. With a little experimentation, you will find the damper setting and drag factor that work best for you. In the 2007 CF article by Dreissigacker it was stated that during a 500 m test, damper setting doesn't matter as it equals the same amount of work done. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, http://www.concept2.co.uk/indoor-rowers/training/technique-videos, https://thepeteplan.wordpress.com/the-pete-plan/, https://thepeteplan.wordpress.com/beginner-training/. The 500 meter row is more like a sprint. This actually is an issue I was aware of from seeing a lot of athletes pull without reaching leg extension. in the world on the C2 rankings for your age (do 1K at that pace and you would have the world record) whereas there are hundreds better than you over 2K (look at C2 Indoor Rowing Rankings) Re drag - agree with moomie - don't have it high and keep the rating up. It's probably not what you think. Keep in mind, you still may want to change the damper setting for longer workouts. Me n my bro used to gym together n we did a couple of 500m races and there was 3-4 seconds difference tops. Rest 90 seconds. The damper setting is important, but it does not determine how much actual work you are doing when you row. That is a good time for your first 2k and an especially strong 500 which isn't surprising considering your size and background. Like the 400, the 500m row will require a maximal effort and a smart race strategy if you plan to get your best time on the day. You need to make adjustments. The drag factor display will appear in the lower right display window. My 500m is obviously my best row (coming from a strength background), which I am able to do in 1.20. On your first row, set the damper setting between 3-5 and start rowing. Quite simply the 2K row for time might be the best all-around fitness test ever created. Rather than using the damper setting on the side of the machine as a gauge, it is better to instead use drag factor as it is consistent across machines. She has been rowing since at least 2000 and has been a top rower in Poland for a number of years. Repeat 5-10 times. Damper Settings and Workout Intensity Peter Dreissigacker of 3 People often ask us at Concept2 what the damper on our rower does and where to set it for the best workout. Myth: The higher the stroke rate, the better the workout. My first question to Magda was ,“Where do I set the damper?” (You know, the big blue dial on the right of the fan.) A higher setting is best used to make rowing more of a strength workout. Let me tell you a little about Magda. In this case, adjusting the damper is like changing gears on a bike; some bikers prefer to pedal fast with less force on each stroke and others perform better by pedaling slower but putting more force into … Instruct the employee to begin the test and to utilize maximum effort to cover the 500 meters 7. I would go with the latter. All you need is a rowing machine, alternatively known as an "ergometer," to … Keep in mind, you still may want to change the damper setting for longer workouts. UCanRow2's Terry Smythe, a C2 master instructor, gives you the answer in this clip from a recent instructor certification. Row 500m in as close to 2 minutes as you can. As the damper is moved, it adjusts the air flow in the flywheel, which in turn changes the resistance level. A good resource is the Concept2 website: http://www.concept2.co.uk/indoor-rowers/training/technique-videos. Concept2 recommend starting out on a damper setting of 3–5. I personally set the damper to 3.5 (drag factor 100) for short pieces up to 2000m, and 4.5 (drag factor 115) for longer pieces. How should the rowing be done (I know that I can't try to beat my 2000m record every time)? What came next was something that didn’t sound too appealing to me. What is a 'good' 500m time on a rowing machine and what are the best ways to improve 500m times? You should be able to maintain 24 to 30 strokes per minute. How Rowing Machine Settings Work. Read that again. When the drag factor display is present, subjects are to row lightly and adjust the damper setting to select the correct drag factor. Defo agree. Obviously, these features are dependent on the sort of rower you are using but at least some of the following will apply to … Record your distance. Each person will find their own “sweet spots” if they experiment a bit with the damper setting. A subreddit for all rowing related news, erging advice and fitness discussion related to the sport. and try to keep the same pace. ), Again, Thank you all for answering these questions, it is really helping me! I had never rowed in my life until I started CrossFit, and to my surprise I wasn’t all that bad - at least as times are concerned. For 500M workouts, the key is speed, not endurance, so decrease the damper setting to <3! When I polled the whole Polish women’s rowing team at the camp, their stroke rates varied between 26 and 32 strokes per minutes (spm), but all agreed it was fairly important to keep that stroke rate throughout the whole row, regardless of how long. Whereas, a higher damper setting is best for strength-based workouts. Repeat 5-10 times. The aim of the test is to cover the 2 km in the shortest possible time, and you should be exhausted at the completion of the trial. I really appreciate all the help I can get with this, I really want to achieve a good 2000m. What is a 'good' 500m time on a rowing machine and what are the best ways to improve 500m times? You want to row hard, but you … Around the 250m mark I noticed the damper was on 8. But you need to get it done. “We use that damper setting for longer rows that require pacing. You’re going to have play with different settings, record results and “tweak” as needed. I am really looking forward to this! 2k i'd say is a pretty good measurement. Rest of the time you do the long distance sessions, which will fit great at the end of my strength workouts! Check out these simple workouts and fun exercises that can be done at-home with makeshift or no equipment at all. This will give me a 7 - 8 km bike ride in each direction. The best generic setting is a three or a … Record the finish time for the 500m on the ETR‐164 8. For example, let’s say a workout calls for you to row 1,000 meters. Be rested for the race. What I am curious about is a good way to combine rowing and strength training … What is your take on this? I am sure with your height you can row a sub 1:30, LONG pulls are the key. ... when you row. Damper Settings and Workout Intensity Peter Dreissigacker of 3 People often ask us at Concept2 what the damper on our rower does and where to set it for the best workout. Concept2 describes damper settings and drag factor quite well here. First she said, “Set the units to watts.” I set the computer display, but in my mind I was wondering about that setting, as I always thought was useless because it wasn’t meters or calories and I had never seen watts being called for in a workout. Your stroke rate will most likely be high due to you trying to row as fast as possible. Get the damper setting right. Selecting a damper setting is not like selecting how much weight to put on a bar. The confusion arises when it comes to rowing performance and trying to get ones best time for a particular distance (for instance the 500 or 2,000 meter row). The damper setting is important, but it does not determine how much actual work you are doing when you row. Press J to jump to the feed. I will try to do more "endurance" based training. Keep your stroke rating at a 24. Do your last really hard workout about a week before the race so your body has time to recover. At a damper setting of 8-10 it is going to feel like you’re doing a lot of work without seeking out that work because of how it is to get the fan moving each stroke, resulting in a HEAVY stroke. Really focus on technique, and as you improve, you may find that a lower damper setting gives you the best workout and results. However, Rower A has a stroke rate of 40, while Rower B has a much lower stroke rate of 28. Among many titles, she earned the title of world champion in 2009 and a bronze medal at the London Olympics in 2012 in the women’s double sculls. The damper setting is important, but it does not determine how much actual work you are doing when you row. Our legs are so powerful that a lot of energy is wasted if we don’t make the most of it in the rower. Just what I needed! Perform 10 squats, 10 push-ups, and row 10 calories. And again, damper setting does not equal difficulty. I went to row some 500m intervals the other day, put the damper on 4 and had the custom workout all set up. “The damper setting really depends on the rower (person) and the ergometer. See more on damper setting. The drag factor calibrates the damper setting … You do need a rest day or 2 each week if you are doing very heavy weights to let the muscles repair/adaptation take place - or just very light walking, cycling etc. Look at: Concept2 Logbook | Search Rankings Enter your age range and weight classification. People often ask us at Concept2 what the damper on our rower does and where to set it for the best workout. Realize that you won’t always have time to do this (sometimes you have to switch ergs … I am now 31 years old and I am determined to get a good 2000m row! If the 2K is the rowers equivalent of the runners mile, a 500m Erg race is the equivalent of a 400m track sprint, the opening event. Resist setting the damper lever too high; this can exhaust your muscles before you … We recommend starting out on a damper setting of 3–5. My 2k and below pieces are between 26-32 spm, with longer pieces in the 20-24 range. I know that when rowing for calories, a higher damper setting will generate more calories, so it's a trade-off. Damper Setting is… The damper is the lever on the side of the flywheel housing, or fan cage, that controls how much air flows into the cage. According to Magda finding the right stroke rate that one can keep through a long period of time is key and varies from person to person. Assuming you already know that your fastest 500 meter row is 2:30, it doesn’t make much sense to assume you can hold that pace over 1,000 meters. Keep your stroke rating at a 24. By highest setting you mean damper setting, its not resistance either but 1.30 for 500m is pretty good If you go into settings you can set up a 500m row so it counts down that way it will stop at 0. A good target stroke rate (measured as “strokes per minute” or spm) for most workouts will be in the range of 24–30 spm. #10 Report Thread starter 3 years ago #10 (Original post by hezzlington) By highest setting you mean damper setting, its not … To which I got, “That all depends.” Fortunately she decided to expand. The short version is that there isn't really a standard; it depends on what your goals for the session are. In an ideal world I would start my day rowing 8k - 15k, go to work, do weight training, go home, do ice bath followed by a long bath in salt water and afterwards eat a really healthy meal before going to bed just to sleep 8 - 10h and repeat the cycle. If I do that 3 times per week, I may not need to do the long endurance rows? The damper setting for the 500 meter row test must be set at level 5 on the flywheel 6. You may assume that a higher setting, which would translate to more work to keep moving, is the best choice, but you would be wrong. :), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The damper setting is a personal preference, she says. I feel that in time, and with maintaining this newfound consistency, my rowing “game” will significantly improve. Descending HIIT Ladder. One of the things that became immediately apparent was that I had a really strong pull and would have issues keeping my initial stroke rate for a longer row. To get quicker on the erg it's simple: erg more. I am now 31 years old and I am determined to get a good 2000m row! Between 1 and 10, the best setting is one that requires you to work hard, but still lets you get a good cardiovascular workout you can maintain without muscle fatigue for at least 20 minutes. Do your last really hard workout about a week before the race so your body has time to recover. Selecting a damper setting is not like selecting how New Sign Badges: 2. We recommend starting out on a damper setting of 3–5. Finally, finding the right damper setting is like a lab experiment. I really like the idea of doing 5/3/1 3 days a week training regime with a setup that I do long distance ergo on monday (before or after my strength training), and then I do the sprint interval and intermediate endurance interval on my days "off", which means tuesdays and thursdays. From then on, get … So, over to the damper settings. I was too far along to quit at that point so I just kept … . As foreverchopping says - go to the C2 (Indoor Sports Services) website where there is lots of advice including 'interactive training plans' These are based on formulae depending on your heart rate so you should certainly have a heart rate monitor - the basic models are OK unless you want to keep records on your computer etc. 3. In training this is called tapering. Don’t drastically change your ratio. “For a strong powerful rower we look for a drag coefficient of about 132-135,” he said. Row for 10 mins, maintaining a 22-26 s/m stroke rate. Once you have mastered the art of rowing it’s time to explore the settings and functions offered by your machine. Specificity – if you are training for rowing on water, you should set your damper/resistance to match the density of … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bilstein 33-174525 5100 Series Steering Damper Front 5100 Series Steering Damper at the best online prices at ! With a little experimentation, you will find the damper setting and drag factor that work best for you. Get updates and special offers delivered directly to your inbox. What feels differently? We did a max effort 500m row today, and the damper settings were all over the place. You’re going to need average a 1:45 500m for the 7-minute row, obviously. when a high damper setting makes sense. Understanding the Functions of your Rower. At races, there is no prescribed damper setting so you are free to set the damper anywhere you want as long as you don't change it during the race. When the drag factor display is present, subjects are to row lightly and adjust the damper setting … Sit ready to start the 2 km test. . My best 500m row is 1:24.9, damper was at 7.5. Don’t row upside down. If so, then I guess that's a strategic decision. I am sure with your height you can row a sub 1:30, LONG pulls are the key. Ensure 500m splits are set on the PM3/4 prior to the trial. I am sure with your height you can row a sub 1:30, LONG pulls are the key. I acknowledge the fact that today’s workout actually involves switching the damper setting. As the damper setting regulates the air intake, it is not an accurate unit of measure. For new rowers, a low damper setting is generally best. Record your time. A great test is to set a rowing machine for 2,000 meters and you row for time. Row 250m in as close to 1 minute as you can. Packaging should be the same as what is … Try this: Row 100 metres at different damper settings: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Record your time. I switched to next one over, set up the custom workout and started the first interval. Rest 1 minute. This is a somewhat crappy part of the damper discussion: sometimes you may need to go slower first at a lower damper in order to learn how to get connected before you are able to obtain the same speed you had a higher damper. We started with the damper at a “1” setting and she would progressively increase it while keeping an eye on the number displayed on the screen for the drag coefficient. I would think power would be the same, but work done would be greater with a higher drag. Thank you so much for the information! It was an all out sprint, I gave it 100%. Row Repeats – 500m “Spend ten minutes warming up, then row for 500m at a reasonably tough effort, followed by a 60-second rest,” says Zachariah. Check with local staff to ensure the drag factor is set for the particular ergometer you are using. There are a couple of exceptions to the low-damper rule: 1) Larger or heavier athletes (weight-loss clients or muscle-bound rowers with big thighs, for example) may need a higher damper setting in order to feel some resistance from the machine. If it’s an all out short row (100-500m) then the damper setting doesn’t become so important.”. There is a function on each machine that allows you to determine where you may row with the least resistance, called the drag coefficient.”, To calculate my best setting, Magda asked me to sit on the rower and start rowing as if I was going to do a 2000m. I tried my first 2000m a couple of days ago and I made it in 7 minutes and 10 seconds, which is a great time based on what I have read online. This won’t make it any easier, but it will stop you unnecessarily hamstringing yourself. Row 1000m aiming for a consistent 500m pace. Sign the ETR‐164 and … Magda suggested two exercises to gain awareness of the legs, but also of the back before employing the pull. . One piece of advice I can offer is not to let your adrenaline get the best of you during the first 500 meters. However, I also love weight lifting, and considering the summer is coming up I also want to focus a little bit on my looks as well. In the case of the bar, if for one workout you load it with 100 … Selecting a damper setting is not like selecting how It is better to do your weight training and endurance erg training on different days (your 3 days weights a week is plenty I would have thought) or, if on the same day, with a long gap. What feels differently? Row 50 calories aiming for a consistent 500m pace. Examples: If you have a 250-500 meter sprint then a lower damper setting would be best. 0. reply. “We use that damper setting for longer rows that require pacing. In training this is called tapering. So is life. You rowed in the past so you may have erg technique down already, but if you haven't, correcting it is an easy way to find some speed. One other point about damper setting: the power is in the legs of the … Really focus on technique, and as you improve, you may find that a lower damper setting gives you the best workout and results. Rest 1 minute. Adjust the handle as needed to provide a high quality aerobic session. 2k i'd say is a pretty good measurement. Now, every time you row on a new machine simply go to the Drag Factor and move the damper up or down until you are within a few points of your optimal setting. Really focus on technique, and as you improve, you may find that a lower damper setting gives you the best workout and results. I was actually surprised myself of my 2000m row, I was actually very happy with it (should mention that I had to sit down for 15 minutes afterward to catch my breath :)). You can find the drag factor reading for the machine in the settings, a good value for someone of your size would be 140 (or higher). Record your time. Then earlier this month I found myself accidentally located at the same facility as the Polish national rowing team, and among them I met the humble and friendly Magdalena (Magda) Fularczyk. People often ask us at Concept2 what the damper on our rower does and where to set it for the best workout. You should not be setting the rower’s damper as high as possible, ever. If you had a 2,000 meter row … How do you row for calories: You row well. When I did my 2000m row I had it on damper setting 7, which I thought was great considering that I am a strong guy. “Repeat this ten times. Strength training, rowing, damper setting (concept 2) :) Hi, I want to start out by saying that I am quite new to rowing, I have been rowing a little bit when I was 14 -15 years old, however, in the last 12 years I have probably been rowing short of 20 000m in all years combined. Thank you so much for the information! A heavier boat would require more work to go a given distance, it would also take more time, thus … Another athlete, Augustin Maillefer, an Olympic rower from Switzerland, attempted to explain to me how the use the drag coefficient to decide where to row. It’s true that a higher damper will increase the power of your pull - increasing calorie and distant rates - but this also equates to a much higher amount of work that … Try this: Start rowing at a high stroke rating (such as 28–30 spm) and note your pace per 500m. The same rules apply as they do when rowing for meters. There are two schools of thought to the order of your training: do what you want to improve more first or do weights first because you're more likely to injure yourself if you're tired after erging.
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