Swordtails are livebearers, meaning they will give birth to live fry instead of eggs. They are not compatible for breeding because to crossbreed, the two species have to be closely related to each other. Swordtails are live bearers like other fish such as mollies, guppies & platies. They might come already pregnant, but if you don't want any fry just leave the tank pretty bare and don't feed the fish for a couple of days and most, if not all the fry will be eaten. Guppies and mollies can breed together, and swordtails and platies can breed together. By crossbreeding diffrent types of fish together is not at all irresponsible. Swordtail fish are a peaceful and active species. Swordtails, most are found in Mexico, or near Mexico, in true freshwater and inland streams, away from the ocean coast, … I've wanted to get a footing in livebearers, this should be interesting. It can happen in the wild so why cant it happen in my tank. Dalmatian molly Swordtails Balloon mollies any molly for that matter When can I put my fry back into the main tank from a breeder or breeder tank? Looking at the characteristics of my Swordtail, I found out it was a female so the Molly fish is male. The molly will not interbreed but does need salt while the others don't but back to your question. Mollies will breed with each other, but they won’t breed with other species. Crossbred platies/swords look just like what they are - they may have small tail 'sword' extensions and are usualy slightly longer than a normal platy - resembling a 'variatus' platy IMO. Weird almost crusty looking scales on firemouth? I suggest you put only 1 male molly against 4 mollies. It’s almost like a tetra and a pleco. When I bought the Molly fish and the Swordtail, the person who sold them to us told us they would breed because they are a male and a female. Can Guppies Breed With Swordtails? What kind of fish do you guys keep and how long have you been keeping fish? Gradually increase the water … Thus, the species can interbreed. On the other hand, in case your big boys are not infertile then the female swordtails may be giving birth to livebearers but due to lack of hiding spaces, the young ones are cannibalized by the bigger pets including their … In fact, they can store the ***** and can continue having fry … Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. However, Platies can breed with Swordtails and Mollies can breed with Guppies as they share same families. A female swordtail can produce offspring as often as every four weeks. The swordtail belongs to the group of livebearer fishes – scientifically classified as Poecillidae – to which the mosquito fish, the guppies, the mollies and the platies belong. The common rule is, when the baby fish are bigger than the biggest fish mouth in the tank!! Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! Cory Catfish. What live plant should I add to my betta tank? Most of both are farm raised and don't look the same in the wild, plus, there are many different types of both in the wild. Male Swordtail with lighter body coloration … Get your answers by asking now. Basic care of the swordtail is easy to provide if the aquarium is sufficiently large. right up to the colorful and interesting Sanshoku swordtail (Xiphophorus spp.) As far as I am aware, Mollies can't breed with Platies or Swordtails. Anything from a high-fin swordtail (Xiphophorus spp.) OOI, what sex were each? The fish can sometime breed within thier own … There are a few things you can do to encourage them to breed. You must log in or register to reply here. Yes, various colors can and will breed. However, members of the Poecilia genus can crossbreed with each other and members of the Xiphophorus family can crossbreed with each other. I want to know if it is possible to cross breed mollies with swordtails or platys. Mollies will not bread with guppies, swordtails, platies or … Swordtails readily breed when kept in an aquarium of mixed sex, requiring little intervention. Guppies - the smallest of viviparous, but larger molly, placium and swordfish can be settled with scalars, gourami, barbs. As Mollies belong to the family Poecilia and Platies belong to the Xiphophorus therefore, they cannot cross breed. These fish remain fairly small, growing to an average size around 3 to 4 inches and they are a very peaceful species which makes them a g… I would suggest getting several male guppies and a single female molly. This group gives birth to live fry. Peaceful types of corydoras are also great as their companions. Cory Catfish vary in size and color, but regardless of their type, … I have two female molly's in a tank with one male guppy, and as of yet no pregnancy or fry. Also, the Swordtail is an accomplished jumper, so be sure to provide a secure cover for the aquarium. I wanted to stick with normal mollies anyway, balloons freak me out. I have 2 dwarf frogs and out of know where a snail showed up, is it ok in the tank?? The females were as virgin as you get when the experiment started. Also avoid fish with fancy tail types such as sword/double-sword etc. What are good inexpensive tropical fish for a 40 gallon  aquarium? Lyretail in mollies is a dominant trait. Mollies and swordtails are related, share a common ancestor. Probably platies and swords could... and mollies and swords maybe.... but not mollies and platies. I will tell you without even seeing a picture that once a female molly matures to bearing age, and is exposed to a male, she will pretty much stay pregnant. Molly and Guppies to a different Genus. After all, we have only had the Swordtail for a week and a half. You can ask the employees at the store for help, or you can … You are advised to keep more female fish than males in your tank. If she was breeding before you bought her its possible she is now, It takes 30 days for gestation but sometimes the stress of being moved to a new tank will delay the birth, try raising the water temp a few degrees as this will trigger delivery, but only after waiting a good 3 weeks or more. Female swordtails can even give … Some larger types of tetras can be great, too, but keep them in scho… Swordtails are simple to breed & beginners can easily breed them, if aquarium conditions are appropriate & if it consists of both males & females, reproduction will happen naturally. You can add salt as long as the other fish don't have a labyrinth organ. Also, when choosing the guppies, make sure they are not of an in-bred variety as these tend to be less fertile and also don't breed as regularly. Swordtails can cross with platies, but not mollies. Among the livebearers, swordtails work best in garden pond or outdoor tub environments. Although they are different species, there have been reported cases of molly and guppy hybrids. If you want to breed mollies and guppies, it won’t happen. This wild Molly will cross with the tame Mollies and get a first-generation F 1 cross … i have mail sword tail and female molly in my aquarium before 2 months it be mate and i saw them how its mate now the molly Pregnant but u needs condition to do that, 1 at least u must have 20 gallons or 85 letters, 2 at lest 3 molly females for each 1 male sword tail, 3 water degree between 75 to 80 F or 24 to 27C, 5 water must be clear and healthy and more oxygen. Stick to common 'domestic' molly types. They are very social and enjoy good company, especially when housed with other swordtails or similar passive species. Then the ground shifted. Although the swordtail will live in a small aquarium of 10 gallons, it is not particularly suited to the cramped quarters and will seldom breed … If you have a picture, maybe we can help you tell if it's pregnant. Males of swordtails can be aggressive, therefore they do not recommend settling several males in one aquarium. Once you know the gender of the two fish, you can easily assess and keep a check on them if they are planning to mate or not. I've heard stories about mollies interbreeding with guppies on rare occasion, but I've never actually seen it done. If you want to crossbreed these two species, you can breed Mollies with Guppies and … JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They all belong to the genus Poecilia. Also they can store sperm from a single mating and have more then one batch of babies without a male being present. This can be treated with antibiotics purchased from a pet store. You are using an out of date browser. should permit good results. Swordtails are also relatively long lived for a live bearer fish, and it’s not unusual for a well cared for swordtail to see its 5th birthday, and some are reported to have lived even longer. Really? Also, the size difference can be a problem as sailfins get pretty big. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Stick to the usualy roundtail/delta tail etc varieties. Mollies are Poecilia sphenops; Thus, all of the above fish can interbreed. I've been trying the molly guppy experiment for probally six or seven months. can you breed fish without a license in Texas? Well, I didn’t mean to say that male mollies are very aggressive, but yeah they are aggressive than … While there are several varieties of molly fish, they are extremely easy to breed because all colors are the same species, and all males and females breed with one another. The Molly and Platy are not closely related. As such, a female Swordtail can give birth to as many as 80 fry at one time. She meant irresponsible to let it get into the general hobby, has any one got some pics of cross bred mollies plats or swordtails. Is it possible? The young are very easy to rear and can be raised in the same aquarium as the adults. I breed Ballon Mollies and Fancy guppies in my tank with very nice results. This is because a greater number of male swordtail can create an aggressive atmospher… Neither of them have shown any signs of carrying, and the male shows little interest in them at all. Just let nature take it's course. Male mollies can easily breed with the other mollies and keeping less male mollies would actually make your aquariums temperament more peaceful. Rather than lay eggs that the male then fertilizes, these fish hold their eggs internally. It also depends what type of molly it is. These two type fish are just too far apart to breed-- from a genetic standpoint. The simple answer is no, they cannot breed with each other. How To Breed Swordtail Fish. The male appears larger because the tail and sword can often be as long as the rest of the body. The only reason there are Molly/Guppy crosses, is because they are both part of the. Charles My Swordtails stomach has gotten larger and larger over the past couple of weeks so myself and my mother are sure that is is pregnant. Swordtails are livebearers which means they give birth to live young after the eggs have developed in the female’s body. You can sign in to vote the answer. I also have absolutely no idea on fish breeding so at the moment I'm very worried. I reccomend going with the biggest half-black red males you can get. Swordtails add interest and color to the passive community aquarium, and make a perfect addition for the novice … When I first had gotten mollies I had an Ick outbreak killing 3 of 4 original mollies I had, once I fixed that problem I got new mollies from a … Females can produce several hatches of young from a single … Swordtails and platys can interbreed and should not be kept together. The Swordtail is a live-bearing fish related to freshwater aquarium favorites including guppies, mollies, and platys. 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Any help and I would be grateful. When I bought the Molly fish and the Swordtail, the person who sold them to us told us they would breed because they are a male and a female. And, unlike lyretail in swordtails and platies, male molly lyretails have functional gonopodia and can mate naturally, which allows for the development of true breeding lyretail molly strains. Still have questions? And guppies can provoke barbs, thorns, angelfish, some gourams with their bright long tails. If that's the case, is it possible that the Swordtail was pregnant before we bought her? Usually, they have the body of the molly, a bit smaller, with the amazing coloration of the guppies. Swordtails are easy to breed, and new color varieties are developed through selective breeding programs. The male fertilizes them with a specialized fin called a gonopodium, and the young hatch within the female and then swim free. As soon as she is pregnant, take out the males to reduce stress. Conditions such as inadequate water level and poor temperature can inhibit breeding. Contests including the Tank of the Month, Although both egg layers, they cannot breed together. The mollies are in a 20 gallon, 3 adults, 19 fry, with 3 platies. They are considered to be one of the best choices from livebearers. We were at one point worried we were over feeding them but we aren't. I have mollies and swordtails. FishForums.net is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. One interesting note is that in the bayou country there is a wild Molly; commonly called a "red horse minnow" that is esteemed as good fishing bait. Some recommend getting the subspecies of mollies for quicker breeding. I'm not sure just how closely related to guppies the wild sailfin etc mollies are. With mollies, that's usually when they're around 3-4 weeks old Molly Fishes have a very peaceful temperament which makes them the best choice for keeping in community tanks and aquariums. Housing The swordtail fish can make a great companion in similar cousins, such as platies, mollies, or angelfish. Check out the FishForums.net Monthly What distinguishes these fish is their method of breeding. Thus a guppy can crossbreed with a molly and a swordtail can crossbreed with a platy. Swordtails are hardy and colorful fish that make a wonderful addition to the passive community aquarium. The fish commonly known as the Molly (Poecilia sphenops) or Mollies, is a freshwater fish that is often grouped in the same category as Swordtails and Guppies because it is a livebearer. They were on equal footing. From what i have gathered, you cannot cross-breed mollys with platys or swordtails but you can with swordtails and platys; the chances of this ever happening are very remote though and many people keep swordtails and platys for example for years and they never drop a single fry. They are ideal to keep in homely aquariums or tanks sizes according to their breeding perspectives. Remember to keep your tanks with an appropriate number of both the genders if you are looking forward to the breeding process. A pedestrain paradise where the catwalk got it's c, Suggestions for good heater for 75 gallon. Can mollies and guppies breed together? Platy and Sword tail belong to the same Genus. Mollies can breed … You can do all female Swordtails or Mollies or a mix of both. One thing to remember is that all swordtail fish species are jumpers so … From what i have gathered, you cannot cross-breed mollys with platys or swordtails but you can with swordtails and platys; the chances of this ever happening are very remote though and many people keep swordtails and platys for example for years and they never drop a single fry. It is just a way to make a new species. With that being said, you can expect a normal swordtail to live between 3-5 years. This is because they belong to the same genus or … Just a small pinch in the morning and a small pinch in the evening is all they get. Ty sylvia. I'm just guessing here though... this might be worth an experiment. Yes, swordtails and platys are part of the genus Xiphophorus. How do you think about the answers? Do Platies Crossbreed? Balloon mollies are from the same family with regular mollies, so they can breed with each other.
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