Once emacs is open, try executing the following sequence: That is, press space bar, release it, press p, release it and then press p again and release it. So problem solved? To split your current window into two side-by-side windows with Doom, press: This will open up a split window for you like this with the same buffer open in both windows: You may be starting to see a pattern in these key presses. Personally I like to pick the best tool for the job and I wouldn't really bother with Emacs for Android or Java or C# etc., but when working with many other environments, customisable text editors are pretty advantageous. [0]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Interactive-Staging. Personally I do buy cereal partially based on values. I just buy whatever is cheapest. There are a ton of other things you can do with these windows. > A non-WSL2 Windows person doesn't get the benefits of Nix. VS Code runs on remote hosts through SSH, containers, or WSL: Yes... and has the same limitations of roundtripping files in any other IDE. Yes, it does the job. SaaS productivity offerings like Notion). So you should be able to use the regex normally, assuming that the input string has multiple lines. Yes. (Bluetooth has worked just fine for me, though.). I find myself trying to do multiple selections and use kakoune keybindings in bash vi-mode, often. The question is will it grow in the right direction? It's definitely not all roses over in Desktop Linux land. Run gnome in xorg mode. It may very well be the case that Firefox is not using your GPU. I live mostly in the browser. > Out of curiosity, is this an argument for enjoyment or productivity? An IDE helps a lot with verbose languages that have somewhat complicated environments or runtimes. Fear not! I've been using vs code a bit more these days because I feel like the UI itself is a bit more powerful and modern. When I started the job, the little team I was on had a special deal that allowed them to use Linux; the rest of the company was on Windows. Did you run into any issues? Back when I did my degree in the mid-90's, our labs were running a mix of LC III, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups, the recent Windows 95 and terminals for the DG/UX server. If you are an Emacs pro and just want to learn about Doom, some of this will be repetitive, and you would probably be better served just to read the README on the Doom project, but if you are looking to started and still feel a bit lost in Emacs, hopefully this will help you out. 1. XFCE (I love XFCE btw) does not solve this points mentioned. WSL2 + X server was my go-to for a few weeks, but then a rather large repo I access, with git-lfs, became corrupted due to WSL2 + NTFS bugs. "Maintainability - The degree to which it can be modified without introducing faults". The fantastic integration with git forges to check out PR branches as worktrees has really been a game changer for me. See https://magit.vc/manual/magit/Microsoft-Windows-Performance.... - The traditional start menu / taskbar is genuinely nicer than what Gnome attempts to force on me. I'm going to give Doom a shot; I ignored Spacemacs because rebinding native keys and forcing evil-mode was a nonstarter for me. Another needless dotfile dir in my home. But I've been using Emacs for 30 years and it's a tough habit to break. I've done that emacs exercise countless of times over a few decades and now I use vscode. I categorically reject the idea that polished software is mutually exclusive of free software. Magit is orders of magnitude slower, for instance, and external tool integration is grossly impeded by the poor availability and quality of package management on Windows. For me VSCode is pretty clunky in terms of replacing what I like about Emacs. In that respect everyone who is not a core maintainer is an outsider. Doom's Eve is not a transferable buff. Are you seriously suggesting I should post a patch to HN? So, for example, to split the screen into two side-by-side windows, you would press “SPC w v”. I like the mix and match approach I've always used in emacs, but it turns out there fewer scenario where I want that power then I'd have thought, and more where I just want some out of the box functionality from an extension author. ), all for reducing coffee costs by probably a few percent. - I used it for email, then I had to collaborate with people who wrote "please see my comments in orange below". In the background, Emacs has a bunch of buffers open, one for each file you have opened to edit. What I often hear is more about Emacs on windows having performance issues in some areas, magit comes to mind. What if you don’t quite know what your project layout looks like and you’re more comfortable seeing a tree of your file system? I tend to prefer not to spend my time programming things, but, you know, enjoy life. Free = even better. Whether that be the tutorial for new users, built-in documentation for every function or variable, or the ability to M-. I can move my windows around lag free, entirely, always. Thereafter, every day or two the same bug would arise and I'd have to lose an hour or two recovering the repo. I remember trying turbo pascal 7.0 on dosbox. If you are not currently inside of a Projectile project, then it will start with your home folder. And I don't even use WSL. To be fair, of all of the editors I've used, emacs is the slowest and needs a profiler the most. SPC is the evil leader, so it indicates that you want to execute some command. Have an org mode like system where I can do TODOs, as well as link to things in other aspects of VSCode (e.g. Chromium works ok, but I don’t like using chromium. But there should be many people preferring vim-mode or some thing like that. The ESP32 family includes the chips ESP32-D0WDQ6 (and ESP32-D0WD), ESP32-D2WD, ESP32-S0WD, and the system in package (SiP) ESP32-PICO-D4.At its heart, there's a dual-core or single-core Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor with a clock rate of up to 240 MHz. VSCode is by far my favorite programming environment, its killer features as far as I'm concerned are its excellent debugging functionality and the remote mode (we often work on multiple remote machines simultaneously -- being able to have ad-hoc remote configs is a life-saver!). I'm running Archlinux with Nvidia and it's going great. Then, you can just paste from that register using "ap. Very often, people think they hold one set of values (eg "i'm a vegetarian because I value animal life") but that is belied by their actions (eg wearing leather soled shoes). I tried (and mostly succeeded) in turning off the repetitive messages Emacs displays in the echo area, e.g., displaying "Wrote foo.c" any time Emacs writes to file foo.c and, e.g., (particularly distracting to my train of thought) the "Autosaving..." message that regularly appears in the Echo area X seconds after I stop typing. - Mixed-DPI screens basically don't work. For everything else: convenience, price, maybe risk. For example, kakoune delegates to the environment for window management -- so things like resizing windows and switching between them is handled through tmux for me. Linux is much more diverse than other operating systems and there are a lot of alternatives for most components. The core git commands are reliable. But even if you only use it for coding: Magit is the best git client I have used in years (coming from PyCharm + Git Tower App, which is nice), then there‘s Ztree-Diff (excellent folder diff tool; previously using Kaleidoscope app), then Eshell for interacting with the server from within Emacs (programmatically if you like), Tramp for remote editing, excellent integration of ripgrep and silversearcher (ag) into Emacs for code navigation, yasnippet as an excellent templates/snippet manager, and many more packages. And it is trivial to add your own “little tricks” to tighten the feedback loop for whatever you’re doing. From a recent HN discussion, I learned that emacs has had a sampling profiler built in — not on MELPA or something, first-party! Try Magit. Yes, absolutely. With the exception of bluetooth, which is absolutely tragic on Linux (I have issues with bluetooth everywhere, but this is next level), 40% of my job was actually very good using that computer. Android, Web, Embedded, Networking can be done in Linux. The startup time is completely neglible if you do that. Solus Gnome is probably my favorite out of the box experience. I wrote many lines of Emacs Lisp code -- 20,000 lines of which I "kept": I arranged for those lines to get loaded into Emacs every time Emacs starts, and since the code was almost all "UI" code, any particular function or piece of the code ran on average at least several times for every hour I spent using Emacs. It's Unix that's the pain in the arse here.). Mostly issues with lsp servers; particularly ccls and omnisharp. Matter of preference. >Magnar Sveen started doing this several years ago (emacsrock.com). And certainly it makes sense to be proficient in that editor. So if you edit the contents of one window, you’d see that change happening on all of the other windows with that same file. It it practical to be able to work with any hammer, not just your own. A lot of things that should be done asynchronously aren't and so the UI locks up. Personally, I make do with WSL1 and Emacs. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with VSCode as far as I know. If you're building software targeted at most of the world it makes sense to use Windows. Do you mind sharing a bit more about your setup and workflows? Most of the world uses Android to run their browsers, right? Many times I end up picking something that I find slightly less convenient or usable because it aligns with my values better, and I'm unwilling to compromise my ethical stance for a little bit of convenience. The maintainers pretty aggressively keep the project's scope in check. Not much good, and it makes your 4k monitor cry to be so underutilized. Should be "if" and not "when", in my opinion. This has required multiple tech support discussions on Stack Overflow and Github and Reddit. P.S. This is why Emacs has fantastic support for languages like JS and Ruby, and massively subpar support for Java and C#. Basically an interactive git add -p. There's also line-specific unstage and discard. These are the things that I value with Emacs and that make me more productive. To truly emancipate the user, something like Emacs where the software actively aids the user's understanding of its internals, is needed. My .emacs.d folder (now 15 years old, and a bit of a monster, a whole git repo with thousands of lines of nonsense plus a pile of submodules) has no more than a few spot hacks for Windows vs POSIX vs macOS. For anybody looking to really get started being productive with Emacs, I thought it would be helpful to compile the most common functions that I use, and how they are configured in Doom. My monitor runs at 1440p. That being said, I think one of the advantages of a large/durable ecosystem is that it lets me worry less about problems I don't yet have. I'm a little suprised they didn't mention DOOM or Spacemacs. Turns out a huge emacs configuration is not needed, in fact I notice my emacs config actually started to become smaller over the recent times. I've tried all of them, and still prefer vim because it's the least hassle to install/configure anywhere - my dotfile setup installs my plugins automatically, and I'm set. If, however, you already selected a project and are working in that context, it will open up the tree view of just that project. > I'm not sure I can say the same about Kakoune, for example, which is a certainly a promising project but hasn't yet convinced me to jump the fence. Bluetooth audio works. I've seen a few text editor pros who just weren't aware of what modern ides are capable of, particularly with strongly typed languages. What’s wrong with that ? Sure, I can make my own emacs look nice but that doesn't change the default. > differences in keybindings are also worth a mention. So I view a difference here between choosing a tool and designing a tool. Remember that everyone of us is in an information bubble. I can give you an example of a time where I needed to examine some files, and depending on what I saw, with a keystroke make notes in a text file with links to those files, but that's secondary to the topic. But I'm also too deep into neovim to stop using every feature + plugin while writing and editing code, so I usually have Neovim running in the Pycharm terminal and jump back and forth between the Pycharm editor and terminal based on my context (writing or reading), I'm slowly learning the Android IDE. I still use IDEA Ultimate for Java but over the last few years I've fallen back to vim or vscode for basically everything else since the language servers for Python, Typescript, Go and Rust now provide most of the features that I actually use in Intellij. With Firefox 80 and 81, they were added but both were not enabled by default. Yeah, this is very language dependent. Certainly given the state of Hurd that could be true, and perhaps merely the fact that a Free editor exists is enough for them. In the last job I had, their provided Emacs was a little too old for some of the features I used, and I had to compile my own Emacs from scratch (along with tens of other dependent packages). The source code version of vscode (ie, your own binary) is incompatible with one of the extensions microsoft developed (pylance? For example, Java and Kotlin support are miles better than all other IDEs. Emacs is so much more than just an editor. Emacs, by contrast, is the next thing beyond open source: it's software that describes itself. Every choice you make is determined by your values, whether you're conscious of it or not. Ubuntu these days is low friction, most Hw works out of box, etc. it's easy to forget to add something because you skim it without really paying attention to what was changed. Ok, that's also true for nVidia's newest GPUs, and Zen 3, and... different rant entirely. When I single-click to open a project in a JetBrains IDE, the same sequence of events happens (albeit using Docker Compose instead of Vagrant). I'm not sure and I see your point, but also, you are maybe saying that, effectively, "convenience" or "usability" are values you (and most people) prioritize. No, I can't switch to AMD; I need it for CUDA, and anyway GPUs aren't exactly cheap. > I categorically reject the idea that polished software is mutually exclusive of free software. Some aspect here, some aspect there, and then you get pulled away from Emacs. I miss i3, the familiar command line, all the goodies I got to discover and enjoy on my "play" machine, but the 60% remaining got more tedious. Services of language translation the ... An announcement must be commercial character Goods and services advancement through P.O.Box sys Did you use orgmode and mu4e? Everything works, but it's less easy than on macOS or Windows, so you have the added cognitive load. This is why I stay with windows for my dev machines and either use WSL or ssh to a linux box. "Unfortunately, choosing a Linux configuration good for a certain purpose and for certain hardware frequently requires either a lot of experience or the wasting of much time with trying various variants.". Industry-leading system information, diagnostic and benchmarking solution for corporate IT technicians and engineers: Proprietary: AirSkin: 2019-0917: Air For Steam. In the context of use within languages, regular expressions act on strings, not lines. As to where to start: There are many young and ambitious hackers who are re-developing Emacs + Lisp for creating their custom dev / hacking / writing environment, and who create wonderful youtube videos. I get that. Obviously, though, that's could be a poor substitution for some dedicated solutions in the editor. Even among developers it's barely a curiosity. Scuttle - See Crab. I use xonsh, which works fairly well on Windows. VSCode isn't as flexible at all though. Not really. The editor core is under an MIT license, but the binary you download from code.visualstudio.com is proprietary, as are many of the most useful plug-ins. And when someone talks about getting a vim workflow in emacs they likely only mention a big framework like Spacemacs... Oh, maybe my brain counts every mention of Spacemacs or Doom as an implicit mention of Evil. Most people on this planet think that managing files from terminal is pure insanity, and I do just that, I didn't even bothered to install a graphical file manager. Whatever the answer is, reveals your values. Consider for example this next small "hierarchy" of actions: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25311743. VSCode has great and convenient language support, but the trade-off is reduced text editing efficiency, slower speed and more bloat. You press “Ctrl” and “x” at the same time, then release them, then press “Ctrl” and “c” at the same time and then release them and voila, you are in the process of exiting Emacs. We constantly filter out unimportant information based on our experiences. I switched between Java, Python, JS, Typescript, C, Golang, and so on regularly. Is not having much money a value? >When you finally learn to master and config Emacs. So I try it. The really great part is that this is actually a smart open! Tried tide, tried the LSP, but ultimately I found myself in VSCode in order to make the deadline. I feel like GPU accel is disabled for most configurations in Firefox on Linux. In Magit you visit the file you changed, hit `C-x g' and see all diffs. Another aspect I see rarely mentioned is the emacs evil[1], it basicelly provides a full vi layer, it's much more than your average "vi keybindings" plugin. - Imagine you edited a large file, fixed two different things, now you‘d like to select the changes related to one thing first and commit them. I guess I haven't completed the assimilation into VSCode yet. First thing you have to do is stop being dismissive of people for their choices. Once they make a decision ("this is my brand of toothpaste") they tend to stick to that in spite of any new information. Note that most regular people do as well, so there's a fertile ground. Well with wsl2 I gave windows a go for my work dev environment. I quit Emacs when I realized that I spent too much time on configuration rather than solving first hand problems; it can almost become an obsession. Pressing ENTER on a file will open it up in the original window and move the focus of your cursor over to that window. into the implementation, whether in Lisp or C, of any function, the guts of Emacs are always at your fingertips. At the end of the day, I want to spend my time being productive and getting work done, not fighting with my OS to get the basics running. Don't hurry. Steve Yegge wrote a really nice million word essay on this topic. I completely share your sentiment. / plugins work together not intended by the original authors by creating hooks that change the return value of the packages, and you can tie together the tools by writing Elisp scripts. I haven't tried Kakoune, so I'm not really qualified to speak about its merits or demerits. Sure, there are some that are wiz's because of it, but they're usually neutralized by those who become ideological and inflexible because of it. On windows, there's no choice. If you hit the “i” key, it will convert to INSERT mode and you can type text as you normally would in vi. I can see why VS Code might get the Maintainability checkmark in the sense that it's hard to break from a user POV, but I wouldn't consider it "maintainable" in certain aspects as long as it isn't FOSS. I totally get why people prefer Mac and Windows outside of software development. Naah, not really. For 99% of users, code completion, syntax highlighting, etc are not requirements either, because 99% of users do not program. Has NetCraft confirmed that Emacs is dying yet? Interns doing the whole WSL thing makes me cringe. You may choose to buy from an independent bookseller instead of amazon because you want to support them to stay in business. ... and that was an immediately disappointing experience. Both, though it's a more persuasive argument for productivity. There aren't hooks. [1] Of course, if your Emacs is calling out to tools like grep/find, etc, you'll have issues unless you install those tools. IntelliJ has a profiler for the IDE itself, too. (I remember the graphical front end for Neovim not meeting these needs at the time.). Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. But these Windows jockeys I dunno I get the feeling they don't necessarily love computing? Great comment! To claim that microsoft _should_ be releasing this proprietary extension as open source and free is to claim that a user is entitled to it, without paying the cost (presumably, that being the telemetry that the microsoft build of vscode collects). On mac osx, there's no choice (unless you try to mod it yourself after the fact). I love programming and have been programming since I taught myself machine code programming when I was 11. So your actual complain is, it does not match your habits out-of-the-box? But lemme crack open your head and pour in the magic y'know? But these Windows jockeys. Sure, but there are a lot of distros out there that do these things for you. Which one do you pick, and why? It seems to mostly rely on calling the core git commands and parsing their text output. In a lot of ways, VSCode is more convenient, but its extensibility doesn't come close to matching Emacs'. > I think one of the advantages of a large/durable ecosystem is that it lets me worry less about problems I don't yet have. I can be up and running on a windows dev machine in the time it takes me to download VScode and open it, or I can spend weeks trying to get a linux environment to the same place. An exception is diff colorization, but if colorization is taking too long on a big diff, Ctrl-g will make magit fall back instantly to the plain diff. I do not like the JVM because it takes too long to startup and has a bad history of XML files and IDE integration - which give me a bad vibe. At first I loathed the idea, but it's just become part of life. Perhaps that is the reason why I did not have your problems. [1] https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/3776. Lisps are a different story, but not by much. However, I'm sort of addicted to the plugins. I've optimized my Linux workflow, and if my work cannot provide me my preferred tools/window managers, I might as well just use Windows. imo the strength of Magit (and its author has certainly said so) is that while the Git CLI provides a slightly different interface that you have to learn for each different operation, Magit provides a consistent UI for every single Git operation it supports (around 90% of Git features). No problems with the card, performance, and I have 3 screens of different DPI. I would like to emphasize how big of a game changer the next release of Neovim 0.5.0 will be. For many who don't have experience, lisps are intimidating. Once you’ve found the file and hit enter, you will see the file in the main window and you can get started editing on it. Turns out there is a pretty great magit layer in VSCode (. This makes it easy to tidy up before committing. One for a dock, one for weather, one for tray icons, and if you prefer, one for top menu that gives you your more traditional start menu type thing. My batteries-included Emacs launches a server in a few seconds, a client almost instantaneously; doom took minutes to launch a server on my Pinebook Pro and clients took a few seconds. I always felt that Mac struck a good balance between my programming productivity and “the rest”, because I could use some great applications that were otherwise unavailable on Linux, sadly. > I have no idea what point you're trying to make here. Say, "stability" or "velocity". Edit: here's an xkcd more relevant to what I meant: https://xkcd.com/309/. Doom was the closest I ever got to being happy with my setup, but the tooltips and autocomplete were still objectively inferior even to vscode (for typescript and react, at least). Essential IT asset management solution for small and medium enterprises: Proprietary: Aida64En: 6.32.5600: Aida64 Engineer Edition. Your mouse will actually work, but that’s not very Emacs-esque. slavery) passes, coffee customers might be impacted, probably by higher coffee prices. Emacs gives me a computing environment that I can shape and mold to my needs quickly and directly, as I use it. I use Emacs on Linux and Windows equally. I love linux but it's just not ready to replace windows on the desktop. The "ctrl-a", "ctrl-e", "ctrl-k" is in emacs mode. But right now it couldn't be easier.[2]. Launching Emacs as a client that auto-launches a server _always_ failed the first time. "[1] It's great that you have found a good video editing tool, but that tool doesn't do much of what I use mplayer for. The sunk cost fallacy runs deep there as well. There isn't as large of an ecosystem, but Kakoune just feels better integrated with the environment. And it works on Mac osx, windows, and Linux, works with Java, scala, typescript/Javascript, python, yaml,c#, xml, html, haskell, ruby, c, and c++. I'm already at 50 hours and guestimate that I've got another 20 hours to go before it's where I'd like it to be. vscode auto recommends extensions if you open a new file type and from what I remember (been a number of years since I installed a package in emacs), the extension "browser"/"market" was not as user friendly (in terms of raw info about the extension and in discoverability). If I have a plugin to handle email, and another to do TODOs, can I quickly write something that will read an email, and then go and add a TODO in the appropriate section of some document based on the contents of that email? Right now I’m using Doom Emacs which for me is the best balance of the Vim bindings and macros I love, and Emacs power. I'm curious if the userbase of these have tried a Jetbrains IDE (PyCharm, CLion, IntelliJ etc). I never embraced org mode because I didn't want to learn another few dozen keyboard shortcuts ("keys" in Emacs terminology). I installed the Emacs keybindings extension for VS Code. Directory List 2.3 Medium - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. > I don't understand why people are moving Linux --> Windows. [edit for Emacs thoughts]: Now that I think about it, "text centrism" in my mind is also closely related to longevity. I was able to gain some control of my machine with some registry settings but at the next update everything was overwritten. Maybe they don't want emacs to become popular? 3. Your comment is noise in this thread. I think VS Code is a nice coding environment with good defaults and many things done right (compare installing packages in VS Code to Sublime! It beats all the VSCode extensions I have tested. The design intent seems to be that every displayed entity should be interactive, regardless of where it is displayed. > AMD drivers are now open source and finally working well. This can actually be super useful if you have a long file and you want to look at one part of it while you edit the other part. I don't care as much about the properties of plain text as I do about the fact that I'll be able to open/view/edit them _even if the application ecosystem dies_. Even when I'm curious and motivated to learn, I find it hard to learn more and improve. (Maybe it was just me who got tripped up by my unfamiliarity with it.). In general Emacs becomes powerful because it’s full of little tricks that add up to much tighter feedback loops which is so helpful when coding, to keep your attention on the problem you’re trying to solve. :) (Either is a fine answer! The others are marked essentially closed wontfix ("To keep the number of issues in our inbox at a manageable level, we're closing issues that have been on the backlog for a long time")[1] or "write an extension for this"[2]. If you are using Emacs and encounter a new problem you will first try to solve it with the tools you are used to (if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail). And I've configured Emacs to open directly with the magit-status buffer. I’ve been using Emacs for Java dev for a year now using LSP and it’s been great.
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