Quest: Kobolds in the Kitchen Again, there are several ways to solve this. Head south to the other farm, and she'll be easily convinced (or threatened) to give it up for some gold. Sleep: At the second level, the harper scout can cast sleep once per day. In the northwest room of this level, you'll face Valindra (13th-level wizard/6th-level cleric). Moreover, many enhancement spells will make them even stronger. When he surrenders, make him use the silver charm. Use Eltoora's key to enter, then take the flask of water from the diving pool. Pick up the mat and get the key. Talk to the guardian white dragon. To Asabi Camp B. Now enter the temple. As soon as you descend the stairs, it's on! The next friendly face you see will be Geldar, and he'll teach you how to level up. If you ask him how you can trust him, he will give you his oath, and this will come in handy later. Fight the flesh golem near the stairs to the kitchen and climb up. Find the three missing levers and fix the machine, and you can use it. After talking to Dagget, climb the stairs to the second floor. They will both attack at once. As in Fort Ilkard, you need to kill the catapult commanders, then use the catapults to destroy them. This definition includes those weapons that fit the archetype of blade with the additional restriction of a minimum size. Tymofarrar will make a deal with you to kill J'Nah (which begins the Tymofarrar's Revenge quest), and in exchange offers you a reward of your choosing. Most of your quests here are totally optional, and if you already have Relmar's journal and Vardoc's letter, the entire area is optional. Make your way through the caves to the stairs. Maps for almost every location you'll visit. Kurth will offer you 1,000 gold for Baram's head, though you can talk him up if Baram has already made you a similar offer. If you've accepted the Cloaktower Membership quest, you'll have the key for the door. At level six, the effect increases to a 10-percent concealment bonus, +2 to AC, and 5/+2 damage reduction. They're filled with falling rubble and slaads, and you'll need to make your way through the dilapidated environments to the portal in the dead center. You'll find them in Thomas Wheelwright's Wagon Repair, located in the southeast corner of Beggar's Nest. If you want to visit upstairs, you'll need a clean bill of health. The Ring of the Rogue +3 adds three points to your dexterity and two points to your disable-trap and open-lock skills. Free or fight Nuglat, then head toward the southwestern chamber. Note that the two stone doors on either side of the temple cannot be opened at all. Then choose "I want to adjust your equipment." Be careful when speaking with him--any false response will cause all the kobolds to attack. Speak with Lillian Cambridge about the Word of Power. When you enter the docks, a shady character will start following you around. It is available once the harper scout reaches level five. In the bedroom, you'll find Wanev's bedroom journal, which will give you some clues about the puzzle ahead (and its reward). The spells, feats, and skills, as well as character races and classes, are described in detail, and it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with that information. In the center of Kurth's Lair, you'll find Burke's bedroom. In them, you'll find orcs and undead, a tomb, and a dungeon. Note that a spike trap is situated just below the remains. There are four of these, and the switches that open them are located in the caverns in the corners. Each pair is associated with a particular alignment. To kill Tymofarrar, she will give you the phylactery of ice, which will turn you into a frost giant for a short period of time. They are both very powerful and will act as a sufficient damage sponge while you deal the pain from a safe distance. Some of the terminology used may seem foreign to someone who hasn't spent many late nights rolling 20-sided dice and eating slice after slice of stale pizza. He will immediately attack you. As you enter, four stingers will appear from underground and attack. It can also shoot spikes. A. Kill the wolves and then proceed into the prison. The hellhound in the room is fourth level, and her guards are third-level fighters. Give him the Dead Dragon Sphere, and he'll be severely weakened. He'll tell you about Klauth's plan. He's a 12th-level wizard, and he's resistant to fire damage. The Missing Brother quest, given to you by Jemanie, can be completed through either route. For the third, she will reward you with a beatdown. She will reward you in three ways. If you don't have Linu with you or have some turning ability of your own, you'll wish you did. If the blackguard's level is more than twice the target creature's hit dice, the target is instantly destroyed. Don't miss the Imaskarran Tome of Resonance--it's in the glowing bookshelf in the library. You can either attack her or answer her riddles. The common notation for dice in D&D is XdY, where X is the number of dice, and Y is the type of die rolled. Surprise! In a weapon rack in that same southeastern passageway, you'll find a shadow sword, a +2 two-bladed sword that does 1d8 damage and adds 1d4 acid damage. Head to the north fragment. Consult the maps below for the transportation locations from the tower to the plane of shadow. The pedestals will unlock the Star Sapphire. The ruins are a dangerous place. These two citizens are trapped in the streets and need your help getting to the gate. Go through the door and flip the lever to activate the poison trap, then grab one of the elven trap protective helmets from the nearby chest (the weapons racks contain a +1 longbow and a scroll of ghostly visage). Now, you must place the appropriate gem in each of the Pools of Secondary Colors. You also will want to grab the Imaskarran Tome of Death from a chest in his library, and you can follow the recipes in his alchemist's laboratory to create some potions. The northeastern cell contains several captured kobolds. Here, you'll meet Neurik, your free healing dispenser for this chapter. Kill them, and search the leader's body to find the cultist's journal. Colmarr's Fantabulous Contraptions and Magical Errata sells a variety of good equipment. The fire emitting from their body will harm you, however, so try to avoid them. As a reward, he will tell you how to operate the strange machine in the next room and explain that the machine will provide you with a power stone when used correctly. Quest: The Elven Test The blue line marks the safe path to the center. You'll need a key to get in the front doors, but there is also an alternate, and more interesting, means of entrance into the Tanglebrook Estate. When the wizard is dead, the golem will collapse. Sapphira will teach you how to travel to the past. Near the pillar of light, Gam needs healing. Read his book--Treatise on Forgotten Heroes--then go to the well in the south. Before you descend, stop and talk with Janis, Revat's mother. He'll tell you that you may be able to summon an elemental to help him. If you blame Quint or have the guardian keep the phylactery, Charwood will remain trapped in time. This begins the J'Nah's Request quest. The chieftain (13th-level giant/6th-level barbarian) is in the southwestern cavern. There's one more thing to do before leaving the farm. If that weren't enough, her sword has vampiric regeneration and does additional damage against good-aligned players. Subventions de l'État aux associations Ce site vous permettra de consulter de façon détaillée les subventions faites aux associations entre 2010 et 2018 (publié dans les PLF Jaunes entre 2012 et 2020). Nuglat will help you if you free him from his cell. The fire-damage-dealing Desert Wind scimitar. Farmer Gerrol's son will approach you as you leave the barracks, and you'll be given the Gerrol's Wife quest. This is it--the final fight. Lodar will tell you the same thing if you buy him enough drinks. If you choose the cave route, you will face a small group of undead (and enter Helm's Hold through the prison). And it isn't a real guy named Wyvern whose friends are being attacked; it's one of the escaped convicts. Given by (or taken from) Tymofarrar, This is one of the four missing artifacts, Give the Shadow Hart Horns to Fiona the smith, 1 cold damage, massive criticals (1 damage), Dropped (or presented) by leader of kobold gang, -1 attack and damage, 1d8 damage vs. undead, +2 saving throws vs. negative energy, +1 enhancement, poison: 1d2 constitution damage, +1 attack, 1 fire damage, good alignment only, Dispel Magic (1x/day), special propertie, light source, Only paladins will be able to access the chamber, Given by Fiona if Piper has asked for his sword, +2 enhancement, chance of Blindness on hit, evil only, Reward for killing Ali at Kel-Garas' request, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), +1 attack, bonus level 1 spell, light source (Cleric only), Hilltop West, Community Hall, Gilford's shop, +1 attack, Endure Elements (2x/day), massive criticals (4x), +1 Animal Empathy skill, Found on body of stinger warrior near temple stairs, Cure Critical Wounds (2 charges), Divine Power (3 charges), Flame Strike (3 charges), good or neutral clerics only, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Flame Arrow (3x/day), sorcerer and wizard only, Oasis of the Green Palm, Catacomb of Al-Rashid. Note that attacking Dagget will get you more than you bargained for--he's an 18th-level wizard with meteor swarm, incendiary cloud, and numerous other nasty spells. Once you've accepted Aawill's quest, you can cross the bridge to the east. This will teach you how to make focus crystals, and you can do so if you have the proper ingredients. Kill Gulgash and place his heart in the portal to close it. You're too late to save the Waterdhavian creatures. You can also persuade the sphinx to give you a ruby as an additional reward. Give this to Boddyknock once he's told you his story to complete his henchman quest. Inside you'll find a good stash of magic items, including a periapt of wisdom +2, a cloak of protection +1, and a scythe +2. Talk to Gate Captain Kipp to learn about the prison break quest. The road leading east from Port Llast travels past an archaeological dig and into Neverwinter Woods. J'Nah orchestrated the attack on Hilltop. He will tell you that if you can free him from his servitude, he will give you the statue. Solomon and both his guards are 8th-level rogues. To find the key, head into the southern hallways. At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. Now prepare for your toughest battle yet. There are five tomes in this chapter, but there is no quest to find them. And once you step in, Kel-Garas will appear again. This will open a portal to the unreachable area in the southeast corner. Karlat's Chambers are a bit more interesting--and informative. Examine the well and swim through the underwater channel. In one of the central rooms, you'll find the body of a dead thief. You have several choices when it comes time to pass judgment. Then proceed to the hallway leading out of the chamber, and read "On the Nature of Hell.". But as you learned in Chapter One, Desther was just a hired hand. Slightly to the northwest of this same head, there is a pixie lance (a +2 dagger that casts sleep on a successful strike). You'll want to open the door to the bedroom--inside you'll find Lady Tanglebrook's journal, which describes a noise she heard coming from the tunnels beneath her house. You'll get a unanimous verdict and, as a result, the highest payment from Neurik. Here you'll find Vaath (17th-level fighter), one of the orcs Rolkid asked you to hunt. Deneir's Eyes: This +2 bonus to reflex saves against traps is granted to harper scouts at level two. Note, however, that you can only do this once, and as soon as you receive one token the other pedestals will become inactive. Kill the gang leader and search his body for the prison key. Appeal to her love of Erb--tell her that he wants the ring back so that her husband won't hurt him. Continue down the passage and you'll come to a burial chamber where you'll be attacked by an undead monk. He will also tell you the history of his people, and that a helpful artifact can be found in the catacomb of Al Rashid. Golden Sickle: Special holy water and a magic sickle. Regardless of whether or not you are disappointed by the reported greatness here, there are a few areas of interest in the graveyard. Free Nax to learn the whereabouts of the snow globe. If you speak to Telnix first, and agree to ignore the others, he will give you a cloak of Ao, which provides +1 for constitution, +2 for AC, and +1 for saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Just follow the hallways around, kill the Bloodsailor lieutenant guarding the stairs (3rd-level rogue/3rd-level barbarian), and continue down. A halfling named Solomon will give you a ring, insisting that you take it as a reward for saving his family from the plague. You'll find the sewer entrance to Baram's compound to the north and Colmarr's Contraption to the northwest. When you enter the house, disarm the trap near the stairs and go down into the basement. Fight your way to the troll chieftain's chamber in the northeast corner of this level. It lets you take a free attack on a nearby opponent if you deal a killing blow. Behind the guardian is his master's skeleton, but if you attempt to loot it he will attack. Be sure to take a henchman with you, because you won't have another chance to hire one until Chapter Two (there are plenty of undead in your immediate future, so Linu is a good choice for nonclerics). This is good advice, because once you have all four items you'll need to step into the back room to face her minogon guardian. Search its body, take the blessed water, and place it on the altar to break the seal. This is the most dangerous level of the prison, and it's full of convicts and traps. You'll find the Star of Calimshan in the summoning room of Wanev's Tower. Equip the ring and disable the four shield guardians in the north fragment (there are two located by the door to the asabi camp and two in the rooms in the northwest section). It has very good damage reduction and a fair amount of hit points, so be prepared for a long fight unless you can deal great amounts of damage at once. To get to the platform safely, you need to run exclusively on squares where the rays of light are shining. Enter the temple and speak with William, who will agree to help you catch the wise wind. As you wind your way through Moonwood, you'll pass a cave entrance to the west. Finally, put a yellow powder vial and a blue powder vial in the brazier. Find Kasma to learn more about it. Make that "showdowns." Finally, you can get Piper to stop his doom saying by retrieving his sword from Fiona. Finally, take the devourer's brain to Aribeth. This area is immense, and the troll caves in the area lead down into ancient caverns where you'll discover hints of more frightening events on the horizon. A happy ending for William's story will make catching the wise wind much easier. In the center of the forest, you'll come upon a small group of bandits, who will be talking about taking something back to the cave. One of the escaped convicts from the Bounty Hunt quest, Deliliah (14th-level rogue), is hiding up here. Along the way, he'd like for you to find three missing druids: Orlane, Terari, and Bree. If you choose the former, you will be transported back to the forest. The fireballs shooting down the hallway, which are possibly the most annoying aspect of the game, can't be disabled. You can enter its tiny world, and you can rotate it so that the dryads are attacking the dwarves or the dwarves are attacking the dryads. Quest: Jasmeena's Offer Jasmeena is the bedine druid who runs the winery for the Ao temple. Kill the gnolls guarding the slave pen and then open the gate. Kill the giants to help the outnumbered tribesmen. Upstairs, you'll find Wanev's cookbook. Your base of operations for Chapter Three is a small village where racial tensions run high. In the northwest section of this cave, you'll encounter your first Fire Giant (15th level). In the keep, find Zokan in the central room. There are two prisoners being held to the east. Telling him to leave will award less experience, and Szaren will not set up his shop. Ask him about the war, and he'll explain that Damas infected his tribe with the plague, and they joined with Maugrim only because they were promised a cure. At the seventh level, he or she can summon a doom knight. During the trial, focus on Griff's violent behavior, his drugging of Rolgan, and the fact that neither of the two human witnesses saw who started the fight. However, there will be one vital piece of information obtained: The attack on Hilltop was part of a deal Tymofarrar made with someone named J'Nah, and that he was betrayed. But why not just kill them both? Search the room for sixth- and seventh-floor portal stones. Fight your way through the caves to the four cells in the western area. If you haven't retrieved Mystra's hand from your footlocker, do it now. You can enter the tower through the cave to the southwest or through the front door. The seal guardian on this level is only after one thing: you. Entrance From Portal Room Antechamber B. Once they are dead, attack Morag with everything you have, ignoring the minions she summons in. Once the deal is done, Tymofarrar will show you a shortcut out of the caves. Paladins rejoice. As you enter this region of the forest, you will be attacked by a group of cultists, lead by a cult leader (10th-level cleric). You may want to pay Aribeth a quick visit if you get infected. Up ahead, you'll encounter the Golden Eagle Tribe engaged with a group of Hill Giants. Additionally, at the fifth level, it gives the assassin a +1 to reflex saving throws against traps, and at the 10th level, it increases that bonus to +2. You'll also want to flip the switches for the north and south wings, which will open the cells and allow you to loot the contents. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, Shields Skill Points: 4 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). See the appropriate areas for those quests (gnoll caves and Hilltop Foothills, respectively) for details. Of the prestige classes available in Shadows of Undrentide, harper scouts are definitely the most role-play-oriented, in that they don't get significant combat bonuses. Search his body for a smooth token and Burke's Manual, which describes how to close the portal in the next room. Also in the center of the room are two chests and two weapons racks, each with low-level treasure. This tomb is completely optional. Piper is standing near the hall, speaking to a large group of followers. He'll tell you a bit about no-man's-land and ask you to kill Loxar, a thuggish half-orc who has been terrorizing the area. You'll be heading to the North Road soon enough to help his father. The Arcanist's Tower C. Shield Guardian D. To the North Fragment. The D&D Basic Rules document is divided into three parts. This guide will lead you to every important (and not so important) locale, tell you whom to talk to for information, and point out the location of every quest-related object in the game. They aren't too tough individually, but there are four to contend with. ... or a scimitar… In the dockhouse, you can get some easy experience points and cash. To close the planar portal, place the token and the sphere within it. You can also get him to leave by asking him if he had anything to do with Hol's death. Kill him and return his head to Damas. As you make your way through the ruins, you will pass numerous statues. Quest: Horns of the Shadow Hart The shadow hart can appear in several different locations in the foothills. Also search the chests and nearby racks for some random, medium, and high-level treasure. Sharwyn Tamorlyn's song can be found in the creator ruins. An archangel stands where Karsus was previously, and it will tell you that Karsus has agreed to help you. To Nether Mountains B. This will be a tough fight. The shadow lich is a third-level undead/14th-level wizard. Convince him to use the charm--through persuasion or intimidation--and he'll be cured. For that reason, not all the journal entries listed here are covered individually in the walk-through. Dorna is a good choice for almost anyone--she has healing skills and is a good rogue. He will give you an amulet that can cast Light an unlimited number of times a day. Open it in a text editor (make a backup first), then change the line "Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=1" to "Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0". Nathan Hurst will tell you that his daughter, Becka, has been kidnapped by Rumgut, a hill giant who lives to the west. Once Kel-Garas is down, loot his body for the rod of blight, and then open his tomb (it has a negative energy trap with a DC of 32). Near the main gate, you'll see a small gathering of citizens listening to Formosa, a comely half-elf. Your fellow students are rushing to his aid, and you should follow suit. In an armoire you'll find the tower entry key and a small diary, which tells of Aribeth and Maugrim's alliance. But if you do speak with them, you'll learn that they want to be put out of their misery. Pokemon Legends Arceus Announced For Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Remakes Announced For Switch, Destiny 2: Where Is Xur This Week? No matter how you get into the estate, you'll need to deal with Grommin, the 5th-level barbarian half-orc that guards the front door. You'll be fighting undead along the way. Your base of operations for Chapter Two is the large city of Port Llast. Make your way through the halls, exploring the rooms for loot, if you want, and killing the skeletons and goblins in the hall. Free Bree, then loot the house. Plant the ultarg seeds, then return to the present via the sundials. Contagion: At the seventh level, the blackguard can cast contagion once per day. The Lever of Stone can be found in a chest on the first floor of the Wink and Tickle, the Lever of Wind is in a chest in the sewers, and the Lever of Water will be given to you by the outcast ghoul in the sewers. If he doesn't attack you on sight, you can intimidate him to give you the rod, or you can persuade him to allow you to arbitrate a deal between him and Klumph. The portal to the west will make the trip to the surface much easier. He's an 11th-level monk. Ron Dulin You'll also find the second Word of Power in this region. You can just head straight into Charwood or take a little detour here to explore a haunted crypt full of undead and loot. The northernmost of these leads down to a horde of slaads. There are a handful of fairly tough bandits in here, as well as plenty of traps. The crack in the wall leads to Kurth's compound. Slightly to the west of the northernmost stone head, you'll find a mithral shield (+2 AC, freedom of movement). He has some treasure stashed away in the woods behind his camp. Even if you plan on entering through the Tanglebrook Estate, you may want to visit the sewers to get the experience points. As you approach it, your journal will update and you will receive some experience for your discovery. Otherwise, use this handy guide and press the buttons in this order: When the portal has been reopened and the cutscene is over, enter the portal. In fact, there are two ways in. Kill them, and then loot their bodies. Dara'nei can give you the key to Vengaul's hideout. It won't be hard to talk your way past the guard. Before you leave, you'll want to talk to your henchmen and choose one to take along with you. There are two people to speak with here. When it says "Entered Target Mode," click on the character you want to modify. Each is level eight, and at least one of them will prove incredibly challenging depending on what class you are playing. Interrupt the girl and she'll tell you about Meldanen, a local resident who is hoarding grain, among his more frightening crimes. A. From here, you will set out to the outlying areas in search of the Words of Power, while learning more about the cult, the creator race, and how they're connected. The South Road winds east here, into a haunted forest that leads to Charwood. BioWare have been kind enough to put all that in the background. When Vardoc is dead, be sure to search his body for an informative letter. Inside, you'll find a sarcophagus containing the Ancient Symbol of Tyr. At higher levels, the assassin is granted spells that make him or her even more deadly. There's a gang leader (2nd-level rogue/5th-level fighter) blocking the stairs down to the next level, and you don't want to face him and a dozen prisoners at the same time. If he doesn't automatically ask for your help, use your persuade skill to receive the Search for Never's Tomb quest. At the east end of the long tunnel, you'll find stairs leading down. In a small graveyard in the southeastern corner, you will meet a skeleton chieftain who will speak with you. The Feather of Peace from Uncas will grant you violence-free access to the keep.
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