*Welch RM and Graham RD (2004) Breeding for micronutrients in staple food crops from a human nutrition perspective. Rice farming is regarded as highly important in these areas, as this is the main source of livelihood. exactly as it was designed to do almost a quarter of a century ago. Yet, significantly due to rejection of science by activists, Golden Rice is not yet available to farmers and their communities as an additional intervention for vitamin A deficiency. To prevent even such an unlikely situation, the regulatory data has been made available not only to countries where VAD remains a very significant public health problem, but also to other countries which import rice. Quezon City — Greenpeace today denounced the Bureau of Plant Industry’s (BPI) rubber stamp approval of genetically modified “golden rice” (GR) and called on the government agency to immediately reverse the faulty decision, which the environment group maintains is based on insufficient data. Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) Senior Science Research Specialist Reynante Ordonio assured in an interview that the Golden Rice will just be like an ordinary rice existing in the market now, only that it has a beta-carotene. The complete list of projects honoured can be found at this PMI link, The list of Honourees of the Golden Rice project recognised for their contributions in the PMI Award. The latter attended the official award ceremony on 20 April 2015, accompanied by Dr Rob Russell, a member of the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board. The technology behind Golden Rice was donated to assist the resource poor of the world in 2000, by its inventors Professors Ingo Potrykus and Peter Beyer. Despite the success of public health interventions like oral supplementation, complementary feeding, and nutrition education, Vitamin A deficiency among children aged six months to five years old increased from 15.2 percent in 2008 to 20.4 percent in 2013. Africa saw a 700% surge. The cynic in me expects profit-driven multinationals to behave unethically, but I want to think that those voluntarily campaigning on issues they care about have higher standards. And moreover, conversion of the provitamin A carotenoids contained in them is generally inefficient. Rice is a very important part of a huge part of the world's population. Golden Rice has been accepted as safe for consumption by the Governments of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and USA, and registrations have been applied for in Philippines and Bangladesh. Apart from the Philippines, Bangladesh is also developing the Golden Rice. This site is maintained by the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board for the purpose of providing information on the background and progress of the Golden Rice Humanitarian Project. The Philippines is known by the world as the 8th largest rice producer and is responsible for 2.8 of the global rice production. A recent opinion essay authored by the inventors and promoters of Golden Rice in Leapsmag reminds us of the senseless controversy that has stood in the way of Golden Rice helping reduce one of the main causes of children mortality on a global scale and brings us up to date regarding some positive developments on this front. It is very clear it can make a huge contribution as an additional intervention for vitamin A deficiency, at no cost to growers or consumers. See the video (50%/50% presentation/discussion) here (about 40 min): Three of the slides which are slightly difficult to read on a small screen can be seen as large pictures when clicking on the thumbnails below: You too can sign the letter here: http://supportprecisionagriculture.org/join-us_rjr.html. Golden Rice is back in the news as the Philippines and Bangladesh move closer towards approval of the GMO food crop to combat vitamin A deficiency, a … Im 2018,Lebensmittelstandards Australien Neuseeland, Gesundheit Kanada, und die US-. The rice was submitted to the Philippine Bureau of Plant Industry, which designated it as safe in December 2019.However, Golden Rice still has to be approved for commercial sale and still needs a company to grow marketable quantities of seed. Although it is hard to imagine that such golden grains of polished rice could be included in commercial shipments of white rice by accident, in the modern world any such inclusion could be damaging to international trade. It was a very short message, but very much on point. Farmers in the Bicol region of the Philippines have gathered to renew their fight against field trials of Golden Rice and halt moves towards its commercialization. Doesn’t that make you wonder what a difference a biofortified food like Golden Rice could do for those children? (If an official blessing of the Holy See was given, it would come from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.) If golden rice is widely adopted in the Philippines and vitamin A deficiency plummets, they know the game is over. The plan calls for new drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tests, as well as doubling annual spending. August 2012. The reasons are manifold, ranging from tradition to geographical and economical limitations. The lists are extremely eclectic, and it is gratifying to see Golden Rice recognised, in a process which the project had no input into. In August of 2013, hundreds of them stormed a Philippines government test field planted with golden rice. Fortunately, farmers from the Philippines are rejecting this environmentally irresponsible crop because, “they have plenty of other solutions for Vitamin A deficiency.” Golden Rice has gotten a lot of hype. In these, as almost in all developing countries, effective distribution systems for vitamin A supplementation are not in place to reach all people in need adequately and consistently. They uprooted and destroyed all the plants. The equivalent of 13 jumbo jets full of children crashes into the ground every day and kills them all, because of vitamin A deficiency!!! Legislative and Public Affairs Director. Mit der Tour setzt sich die Kampagne „Allow Golden Rice Now!“ für die Legalisierung des gentechnisch veränderten „Goldenen Reis“ ein. 1019 Words 5 Pages. But twenty years later, this potentially sight- and life-saving miracle food still has not reached the populations most in need―and tens of millions of people in India, China, Bangladesh, and throughout South and Southeast Asia have gone blind or have died waiting. If the first hurdles are taken successfully, then Golden Rice will be heading towards China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Vietnam. ENHANCED DEFENSE AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT, US takes alliances ‘very seriously’ – Pentagon. They are only funded by the makers (or rich people who are associated to or with an investment to the company) of golden rice and they are just making Filipinos the guinea pig as their long term experiment. Golden Rice is a step in the right direction in that it does not create new dependencies or displace traditional foodstuff. The paper, with data based on a registered clinal trial, has been published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This paper analyses potential impacts in a Philippine context. Golden Rice is the only plant-based biotech project listed, although it shares its health applications with the other nine in the list. Before the introduction of orange-fleshed varieties people in Africa had a preference for white-fleshed varieties, something which is changing thanks to the work of the WFP 2016 laureates and their colleagues at various international organizations. Golden Rice and technology adoption theory: A study of seed choice dynamics among rice growers in the Philippines. But I think they know they are going to lose that point, so they don’t want golden rice to be tested at all. Der Reis gilt als großer Hoffnungsträger im Kampf gegen Vitamin-A-Mangel. Golden Rice is a not-for-profit project: no individual, nor organisation involved with its development, has any financial interest in the outcome. Shortly after Ingo and Peter had published their initial ‘Proof of Concept’ research in 2000, they elicited the help of Syngenta. About one million people who subsist on rice become blind or die each year from vitamin A deficiency. While a yellow rice is still unfamiliar to most of us, it is hoped that the pleasant colour will help promote its adoption. From the beginning Golden Rice was conceived as a public-good project under the guidance of the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board. In Bangladesh, one in every five of pre-school aged children are estimated to have VAD. By all standards, Nobel Prize laureates are usually considered the finest intellects that humanity has to offer, notwithstanding the fact that tens of thousands of other fine scientific minds and many other serious thinkers are supportive of biotechnology in agriculture. If proved efficacious and once approved by the regulatory bodies, HKI would proceed to include Golden Rice in their VAD combatting toolbox. Only following adoption of the publicly owned Golden Rice varieties, developed by PhilRice, into daily consumption, can Golden Rice start saving sight and lives, exactly as it was designed to do almost a quarter of a century ago. It has been calculated that the life of 25 percent of those children could be spared by providing them with diets that included crops biofortified with provitamin A (beta-carotene) and zinc. In Golden Rice two genes have been inserted into the rice genome by genetic engineering, to restart the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway leading to the production and accumulation of β-carotene in the grains. But key questions remain unanswered. However, these rural participants are vaguely aware on proper diet and nutrition. Unlike the industrialised countries, the Philippines is a country where rice is so important, that Pinoys (the Filipino people) do not consider any food to be a meal unless it is accompanied by rice. Therefore, the calculationshave to be built on scenarios and assumptions. Many more become blind. From Ingo's perspective, the pope is concerned that genetic modification technology primarily benefits big business and not the poor. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have announced the winners of the 2015 recipients of the Patents for Humanity Award, among them the Golden Rice Project. It is unfortunate that the world is not embracing more readily a number of approaches wih the potential to substantially reduce the number of deaths. Visit the ALLOW GOLDEN RICE NOW! MANILA, PHILIPPINES — After a biosafety assessment, Golden Rice “has been found to be as safe as conventional rice” by the Philippine Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Plant Industry. The United States takes its responsibilities to its treaty alliances including that with the Philippines “very seriously,” a Pentagon official said over the weekend. A 2012 study by Tang et al. Unfortunately, such genetic variability is not available for every crop, thus requiring the use of laternative approaches to generate the new, desirable trait. Before Golden Rice can be adopted by Filipino farmers, it will have to be approved for wide-scale propagation and receive varietal registration. WHO states, with respect to vitamin A capsules: “For deficient children, the periodic supply of high-dose vitamin A in swift, simple, low-cost, high-benefit interventions has also produced remarkable results, reducing mortality by 23% overall and by up to 50% for acute measles sufferers.”. “The price will not be expensive as compared to the other rice varieties. Philippine officials have been following GR development and field trials for several years, and Ingo believes that the government will ultimately give "the green light." Our work will a) develop varieties suitable for Asian farmers; b) help assess the safety of Golden Rice; c) evaluate whether consumption of Golden Rice improves vitamin A status; and d) … Supporters say "Golden Rice" could remedy a … Exactly one year ago, President Rodrigo Duterte ordered Locsin to deliver a diplomatic note informing the US that he is unilaterally... ‘Duterte admin has filed 60 diplomatic protests vs China’. The inventors retained rights to the carefully and generously defined humanitarian applications. By 2013, however, VAD incidence had increased again to 20 percent of preschool children, and 28 percent of children between 6 and 12 months old. These nutrients are lost with the bran fraction in the process of milling and polishing. Der so genannte Golden Reis (golden rice) ist ein Provitamin-A-haltiges Getreide. Here's a link to the press briefing by Sir Richard Roberts FRS and two other Nobel Laureates on the topic: Nobel Laureates Press Conference - 30 June 2016, Here is the full text of the article 107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs, You may also want to read Adrian Dubock's (Executive Secretary, Golden Rice Humanitarian Board) comments on how Greenpeace and other GMO critics misrepresent the Golden Rice Humanitarian Project at the Genetic Literacy Project site: "Disembedding grain: Golden Rice, The Green Revolution, and heirloom seeds in the Philippines", Are you aware of the very important Support Precision Agriculture Initiative? Golden Rice is the first purposefully created biofortified food. Would you believe that once upon a time carrots were white or purple? Writing in a conversational style, Regis separates hyperbole from facts, overturning the myths, distortions, and urban legends about this uniquely promising superfood. Golden Rice was field-tested in the Philippines in 2011 in five separate locations in Luzon, despite intense opposition from various farmers and consumers organisations. Supporters claim that the twenty-year delay in Golden Rice's introduction is an unconscionable crime against humanity. It is expected that adoption of Golden Rice —the golden colour beta-carotene is a source of vitamin A— into the regular diet will continue to reduce the incidence of VAD, and very sustainably: there is no extra cost for the additional nutrition, and no limitations on what small farmers can do with the seed. Thus, unprocessed rice—also known as brown rice—is not apt for long-term storage. Sir Rich: “At the meeting I described the Nobel Laureates campaign in favor of GMOs. The condition affects more than 140 million pre-school children in 118 nations, and more than seven million pregnant women. In those countries national programs are already involved in laying out the necessary groundwork. We advance careers, improve organizational success and further mature the project management profession through globally-recognized standards, certifications, communities, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. The outer coat of the dehusked grains—the so-called aleurone layer—contains a number of valuable nutrients, e.g. The award has been bestowed upon the Golden Rice Project, in particular to Prof Ingo Potrykus, Prof Peter Beyer, and Dr Adrian Dubock. Quezon City — Greenpeace today denounced the Bureau of Plant Industry’s (BPI) rubber stamp approval of genetically modified “golden rice” (GR) and called on the government agency to immediately reverse the faulty decision, which the environment group maintains is based on insufficient data. In response, the pope offered his personal blessing. It is believed that this will help to facilitate adoption. Since the technology is still at the stage of R&D, benefits are simulated with a scenario … In October 2020, DA-PhilRice lodged an application with the DA-BPI for the commercial propagation of Golden Rice . This is the last step toward the release of the permit to propagate before Golden Rice can be officially registered.
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