Microsoft.Identity.Web brings a renewed, simplified, end-to-end experience for developers to build secured-by-default web apps or web APIs, possibly calling Microsoft Graph or other web APIs. ASP.NET Core-MVC-Webanwendung ruft ASP.NET Core-Web-API auf. For projects that support PackageReference, copy this XML node into the project file to reference the package. These samples use one of the flavors of MSAL.js. The Microsoft identity platform is an authentication service, open-source libraries, and application management tools. In den folgenden Beispielen wird eine öffentliche Clientanwendung veranschaulicht, die auf einem Gerät ohne Webbrowser ausgeführt wird.The following sample shows a public client application running on a device without a web browser. Anhand dieser Beispiele wird die Vorgehensweise erläutert, und es werden Codeausschnitte bereitgestellt, die Sie in Ihren Anwendungen verwenden können.These samples show you how it's done, and also provide code snippets that you can use in your applications. ASP.NET Core MVC web application calls Graph API, active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2. Hier finden Sie Ressourcen für die Microsoft identity platform-Entwicklung, darunter Codebeispiele, Ereignisse und Blogbeiträge. Die folgenden Beispiele zeigen Webanwendungen, die Benutzer anmelden. A Simplified Example of an OAuth 2 Flow. ASP.NET Core-MVC-Webanwendung ruft Graph-API auf. Quickstart: Add Microsoft identity platform sign-in to an ASP.NET web app. The following samples show public client applications (desktop or mobile applications) that access the Microsoft Graph API, or your own web API in the name of a user. Sie können Beispiele bewerten, um die Qualität der Beispiele zu verbessern. The following samples show an application that accesses the Microsoft Graph API with its own identity (with no user). Einige Beispiele zeigen außerdem, wie die Anwendung Microsoft Graph oder Ihre eigene Web-API mit der Identität des Benutzers aufruft. Diese Beispiele verwenden eine der Arten von MSAL.js.These samples use one of the flavors of MSAL.js. Require an access token to access a protected web API. Außerdem enthält der Code Kommentare, die die wichtigsten Abschnitte besser verständlich machen. In this quickstart, you download and run a code sample that demonstrates how an ASP.NET web app can sign in users from any Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) organization. Apart from the Desktop (Console) with WAM sample, all these client applications use the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). Diese App kann ein Befehlszeilentool sein oder unter Linux oder Mac ausgeführt werden, oder es kann sich um eine IoT-Anwendung handeln.The app can be a command-line tool, an app running on Linux or Mac, or an IoT application. Some samples also demonstrate the application calling Microsoft Graph, or your own web API with the user's identity. Außerdem enthält der Code Kommentare, die die wichtigsten Abschnitte besser verständlich machen.Comments within the code help you understand the critical sections. Explore our samples and discover the things you can build. Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Corporate Logo Guidelines. Reach the world's largest organizations and over a billion users. Microsoft Graph API conceptual and reference, App types for the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Azure Active Directory samples and documentation, active-directory-javascript-singlepageapp-angular, ms-identity-javascript-angular-spa-aspnetcore-webapi, active-directory-b2c-javascript-angular-spa, ms-identity-javascript-react-spa-dotnetcore-webapi-obo, ms-identity-javascript-tutorial-chapter4-obo, ms-identity-javascript-angular-spa-dotnetcore-webapi-roles-groups, ASP.NET Core WebApp signs-in users tutorial, ASP.NET Core web app calls Microsoft Graph, Accessing the logged-in user's token cache from background apps, APIs and services, AD FS to Azure AD application migration playbook for developers, ms-identity-b2c-java-servlet-webapp-authentication, ms-identity-python-flask-webapp-authentication, Blazor Server app signs-in users tutorial, Blazor Server app to sign-in users and call APIs with Azure Active Directory, ms-identity-javascript-angular-spa-aspnet-webapi-multitenant, active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2, active-directory-javascript-nodejs-webapi-v2, active-directory-b2c-javascript-nodejs-webapi, Node.js and passport-azure-ad using on behalf of, Microsoft Graph Community samples & tutorials, SPA calls Microsoft Graph using Auth Code Flow w/ PKCE, SPA calls B2C using Auth Code Flow w/PKCE, SPA calls custom Web API which in turn calls Microsoft Graph, SPA calls custom web API which in turn calls Microsoft Graph, SPA calls custom Web API with App Roles and Security Groups, Blazor WebAssembly Tutorial to sign-in users and call APIs with Azure Active Directory, Desktop tutorial (.NET Core) - Optionally using:- the cross platform token cache- custom web UI, Multi-tenant SPA calls multi-tenant custom Web API, ASP.NET Core MVC web application calls Graph API, ASP.NET Core MVC web application calls ASP.NET Core Web API, ASP.NET Core web API (service) Azure Function of. This information helps you to decide whether adjunctive antibiotic administration is necessary and which active substance provides the best coverage of the microbial spectrum present … tutorial source net microsoft management aspnet asp applicationuser active-directory adam profile-provider Wie kann ich Microsoft ADAM so konfigurieren, dass es Active Directory ähnelt? To understand the basic scenario for each sample type, see App types for the Microsoft identity platform. ASP.NET Core-Web-API (Dienst)-Azure-Funktion von, ASP.NET Core web API (service) Azure Function of, Microsoft Graph-API – Konzepte und Referenz, Microsoft Graph API conceptual and reference, Anwendungstypen für Microsoft Identity Platform, App types for the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Azure Active Directory – Beispiele und Dokumentation, Microsoft Azure Active Directory samples and documentation, ASP.NET Core-Web-App-Aufrufe an Microsoft Graph, ASP.NET Core web app calls Microsoft Graph, Zugreifen auf den Tokencache des angemeldeten Benutzers über Hintergrund-Apps, APIs und Dienste, Accessing the logged-in user's token cache from background apps, APIs and services, Playbook für Entwickler zur Migration von Anwendungen von AD FS zu Azure AD, AD FS to Azure AD application migration playbook for developers, Blazor Server-App zum Anmelden von Benutzern und Aufrufen von APIs mit Azure Active Directory, Blazor Server app to sign-in users and call APIs with Azure Active Directory, active-directory-javascript-nodejs-webapi-v2, active-directory-b2c-javascript-nodejs-webapi, Node.js und Passport-Azure-AD mithilfe von OnBehalfOf, Node.js and passport-azure-ad using on behalf of, Beispiele und Tutorials der Microsoft Graph-Community, Microsoft Graph Community samples & tutorials. Comments within the code help you understand the critical sections. Minor versions older than N-1 are not supported.Minor versions are bugfixes or features with non-breaking (additive) API changes. ms-identity-javascript-angular-spa-aspnet-webapi-multitenant, Mehrinstanzenfähige SPA ruft mehrinstanzenfähige benutzerdefinierte Web-API auf, Multi-tenant SPA calls multi-tenant custom Web API. This article briefly describes and provides you with links to samples for the Microsoft identity platform. Explore our video series to learn about best practices and how to build secure apps with the Microsoft identity platform. 1 package C# Apache-2.0 43 179 2 0 Updated Feb 24, 2021 IdentityModel.OidcClient Diese Clientanwendung verwendet die Microsoft-Authentifizierungsbibliothek (Microsoft Authentication Library, MSAL).This client application uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). These samples show how to write a single-page application secured with Microsoft identity platform. The app can be a command-line tool, an app running on Linux or Mac, or an IoT application. Example of using XPATH in Identity Manager: Novell Identity Manager originally started as Novell DirXML and required all work to be done in XSLT (XML Style sheets). In diesem Artikel werden Links und Beispiele für Microsoft Identity Platform bereitgestellt und kurz erläutert. WATCH VIDEO LEARN MORE. Several quickstarts, tutorials, and samples now use Microsoft.Identity.Web: Quickstarts for ASP.NET Core web apps and web APIs. Mehrinstanzenfähige SPA ruft Graph-API auf. This service identity sample demonstrates how to set the identity for a service. As a general rule, third parties may not use the Microsoft logo. Consider the following example. The following sample shows a public client application running on a device without a web browser. Read more October 7, 2020 As you may remember from last time, the goal of this scenario is to setup an authentication server which will allow users to sign in (via ASP.NET Core Identity) and provides a JWT bearer token that can be used to access protected resources from a SPA or mobile app. Configuring your application to be multi-tenant means that you can offer a Software as a Service (SaaS) application to many organizations, allowing their users to be able to sign-in to your application after providing consent. Die folgenden Beispiele veranschaulichen, wie Sie mit „HttpTrigger“ eine Azure-Funktion schützen, mit Microsoft Identity Platform eine Web-API verfügbar machen und über die Web-API eine nachgeschaltete API aufrufen.The following samples show how to protect an Azure Function using HttpTrigger and exposing a web API with the Microsoft identity platform, and how to call a downstream API from the web API.
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