He would have eventually been circumcised. Good luck! She began to pressure me about getting circumcised and was adamant that any future son would be circumcised. When his pens is hard and erect ready for sex I just love the circumcised look , it just turns me on so much seeing his exposed pens head and tight sharft , it really looks like it means business. I would like to get answers from women mailnly. It is a commonly thought that circumcised men are more obedient to their wives as they are unable to effectively relieve themselves. I think most women prefer the clean look, I do also. When my first wife and I first started having sex, my foreskin was a bit tight and would not retract all the way. Before we knew it we had shed clothes, throwing them onto the bedside rug and jumping under the covers to avoid the cold. She always said that if I was not circumcised when we meet, she would have required me to have my penis circumcised. Some men are asking their wives to have their labia removed to make their wife cleaner. That’s great news and fact he brought it up was good I guess he wants it done as much as you doHe He must love you a lot to do it for you. That’s so wonderful that your wife got hair removal for you, but I’ll bet she likes it more than you do! Many of them have told me they do not like uncircumcised penises. Well, but on the bright side, when erect it is very tight with no mobile skin whatsoever. Ali my wife is also completely shaved it’s a beautiful thing but it was a trade off to get circumcised. Loose, easier to masturbate. I mean, I have, but I don’t enjoy guys that aren’t, and I tell them that as soon as I find out they aren’t. I was not circ’d at birth. Start by just pulling his extra skin back hard. This has been such a vast improvement for us. I made a deal with him about his masturbation if we never had time to have sex I told him he had to come to me and I would do it for him , I wonted to stay connected, i felt like a bad wife if he had to do it on his own, I did not want my man going around sexually frustrated or masturbating , I must admit stroking his penis masturbating him turns me on but it really ticks me of if he does it with out me. The reason I ask is because two summers ago (pre-Covid era) my wife and I visited a couple of nude beaches while in Florida. Hi Jenny in my last post I forgot to ask you if you may have a circumcision experience that you may like to shear, I would be interested hear. I was not particular about the style, but the surgeon ended up doing it pretty tight. My wife watched her husband being circumcised each time. Make the decision together and do lots of research on it before you do it , know what you are doing. My girlfriend (27) had told me about her newborn nephew being circumcised and that got us talking about our potential future child. I have asked a number of my friends if there wives asked them to get circumcised would they do it and so far every man has said that they would not do it , this forum is the only place were I have heard stories of men getting sniped at there wifes request. Please keep us posted…. they just dont talk about it. My husband had set up an appointment and was getting circumcised the next month. She had to examine my private up close. He can’t say no. "Good afternoon my darling!" Gwen, my wife, mentioned that circumcised penises looked, in her words, “More handsome and manly.”. She was very turned on by my tightly circumcised penis. Maybe she was so hungry for a fuck that she came harder than usual. I plan to see a surgeon next month. I am considering having my penis circumcised again to remove the rest of my remaining foreskin. It’s good and bad. My wife likes sex a lot, but at night, oral and penetrative but not handjobs, even if she promised me lubed handjobs after my circumcision. I can tell he is having a lot of reservations about getting it done. He said the problem is the infection had moved to inside my urethra from inside foreskin so washing the outside at that point, though good hygiene, didn’t fix the indwelling infection! In fact in Hungary we all know that Jews and others circumcise to curb masturbation. So the head of my penis was half exposed which was a very ugly thing. He knows how you feel about it and will eventually get it done to make you happy. My wife did not notice any different during sex. Many women don’t keep it bare so he’s lucky in that regard. For a few months, his skin would still occasionally roll forward, but eventually it got “trained” to stay back. He is now sixty four years old and still gets erect as ever, although he has said that he is slightly less sensitive which is good because before, he usually orgasmed much too soon. were circumcised. Hello! i have been thinking of circumcision after a girl expressed her opinion on my foreskin. Very excited! He did admit that the doctor said getting circed could reduce the likelihood of me getting infections, but he said he doesn’t think he’s going to get it done. He has to get to a place where he wants to do it and believes that he is doing it for himself. When a uncut man masturbates he just slides his forskin back and forth, it is the same affect as having sex, this is why removing a mans forskin and leaving him with just tight skin with no movement on his penis really changes things for him. But I never admitted this to my father or anyone else. I never said anything after that. To the helpful Rich, thanks a lot for your help, I’ll try to keep you updated. A Washington, DC, mom says her political-consultant husband left her for Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to a bombshell divorce filing obtained by … I was fairly lucky, being a shower rather than a grower, and so my relatively tight cut left the head exposed all the time and it’s been that way for nearly ten years. I have two brothers but my mother explained that they both were done two days after they were born, so they were the only ones that I had seen. For me now I can’t go back. For real? User avatar uploaded successfuly and waiting for moderation. Ali did your bf decide to get circumcised or is it over. Glad you wouldn’t want you man any other way! You’ve been so helpful! I was sitting at the hotel's restaurant by noon. I work as a phisician now and my experience about foreskin began when I was 15 yo. Enjoy the new him, stay well. Anyway that aside, his penis is such a sculpted beauty now. I did have my gyn appointment today though. Her second orgasm took a bit longer, but I was paying more attention. Circumcision also reduces sensitivity of the penis head also , the penis head is a inside organ of the body , the skin on the penis head is the same as the skin as on the inside of your body. When we left hospital I was shattered but was looking forward to getting home. How did that conversation come up with your sister? It’s off topic here and attracts angry internet flames. I gave her several long strokes, so needy we both were. When my wife returned I never told her about it , we both missed each other very much, that night we went to beed and began to engage in very intermit forplay I kept her away from my penis by keeping my PJ pants on, she was naked , lights dim and she did not notice anything different at this point in time , I gently moved both of us into a 69 position she quickly complied, I have always loved giving her oral but she has never don it in return ,in this 69 position she would always uses her hand and strokes my penis. She’s somewhat protective of her brother, so I’m not sure if she’s trying to make him feel threatened that he’s loosing his safety blanket, or if she thinks that now that we’re getting married maybe she should get closer to me, or maybe she just felt that way at the moment. After our love making, I asked her if she liked circumcised or uncircumcised penis. We have an apt. There is also less smell and cleaning before sex required. Hardly any pain, wound healed in a couple of days. I wish my wife had known about circumcision and if I wasn’t already circumcised, had insisted on it before we married. i’d like to connect with women whose husbands had it done. Masturbation was painful after that and I didn’t do it since then. "I have not felt like this for a long, long time. We talked about circumcision for a few minutes Wirth the mother and farther and they said all there boys were circumcised as this was there 3ird child ,I made a comment and said I believed it was a good thing to be circumcised I am a Dutch national in Indonesia. My first circumcision was a modified dorsal slit, done when I was married to my first wife. I had slowed down as she came, and now felt myself sliding along more easily. That was a very good description of a coupls before and after circumcision experience. He is now 66 years old and is still quite sexual, no signs of being impotent. She asked me a question but I didn’t understand her. Oral sex is amazing. That must have blown your fiancé away. That’s the hard part trying to convince him to get circumcised you must be doing something right. He told me that the day after he left he decided he would keep this skin pulled back permanently as I liked it so much and he was getting more used to it. High or low… Jury’s out on that one. If you'd like to make a contribution, please consider posting in the forums. The circumcised penis does definitely drag out much more vaginal fluid to the out side of your vagina , I have noticed this as well, when the man has a forskin the forskin stays still in one place and his penis moves in and out of his forskin and the forskin stays still and the penis is moving inside of it and it acts like a plug. Ali it’s a slow process and know matter what he decides your still going to love him. Looks like you are having a tough go of it. The same style result. I am a pro-circ wife. Your experience of how you and your husband agreed to get him circumcised later in life based upon your own preferences is very helpful. So, I guess I got a “yeah, eventually I’ll get it done” that I’m hoping I can make happen sooner. I have been circumcised four times, trying to get penis to look circumcised. Ali just spoke to my wife and asked if it felt different being circumcised. I have no regrets and my wife loves it. What are your reasons for wanting him circumcised, Ali? If your frenulum is not short (breve) there is NO need to remove it, mine was retained and it is the source of much pleasure. I am grateful that his mother decided to make the decision earlier in his life as I did for my son. Sex feels incredibly good, she said she could feel me better too. Sometime they see something you may not see. I turned the lights on and came back to him and quickly grabbed his penis and realised he had a circumcised penis now, I said what have you dun, he said he wanted to surprise me so he got the operation dun wile I was away. I thanked those three women or nurses who did a wonderful job on my penis by cutting my foreskin completely. I met my husband at a young age of 19. I didn’t think much about it then but it certainly looked neater. She agreed. I have found this forum amazing I had no idea that there were so may couples out there in the world that have had so many similar experiences with circumcision. My DH can hardly slide his skin when in erection. well. Also, would Choicemaker comment on influences from his father or brothers, if any. I cringed a little but it was over so quickly and to my great relief they made almost no fuss. Great story Charlie , nice to see that there are men out there that have taken responsibility for their own penises, I think that this forum is doing a amazing job in getting the circumcision subject out were it can be discussed. I wish my parents had had me cut when I had my tonsils out, or some other time when I was small. "How I Met My Husband" is a short story written by Alice Munro, first published in 1974 as a part of her collection Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You. So logically stroking for masturbation becomes very difficult. Find out where it is done surgery center is best. When she changed position to sit squarely at the table the leg nearer me she placed on the foot of the table, thereby raising it slightly above the other one. Her husband, on leaving the table had his back to us so it was a quick movement to hand her the card, which vanished almost magically into her handbag. It’s really just plain sex for us, so I’m not sure how to…. She said she wished my BIL would get it done but he was perfectly happy being uncircumcised. No ED, no problem functioning and quite sensitive. One guy, who Googled me before our first date, said when we met that the shit-sending story was funny and, having read the article, felt my husband deserved it. Very cool Anna. I’ve tried the suggestions that it’s better looking and that it’s my preference. He must be convinced. Truthfully, I have never seen one that was not clipped except for my infant nephew and my sister already had the appointment made to take care of it. We chatted on WhatsApp in the evenings as her husband would be watching his favourite TV shows and quite often left her in the sitting room. Maybe one will ultimately work for you”. Update on my end though, my bf/fiance has officially agreed to be circumcised! Tight is nicer for sex (in my opinion). Hi Jenny, yes this forum is excellent. trouble deciding whether to have the frenulum removed. Me and my wife have experienced the same thing, The loos of sensitive is not a problem the orgasm is more intense now because i have to work harder to achieve it, working harder at it you seem to get me more excited and so does my wife. She is young (22) and I’m her first, but she said she just feels closer to me when my head is exposed and she wants me to feel it completely too. I told him that I love him but I do prefer the look of a circumcised penis as foreskin isn’t very attractive. It’s a holiday weekend so just drop the subject for now. The first few months of our relationship was the best anyone could imagine but then it started to get worse and worse over the years. Actually he was the one that brought the topic up. Four times? It wasn’t really completely the same situation (I didn’t remind him that he suggested it because I was complaining about how long it took to shave, so it’s really for me, not him), but I could see he had that look on his face of “yeah, I guess sometimes we do change things on ourself for each other” for a split second. It would stay that way if I left it, but I hated my foreskin so I always left it back. Jeez, how brazen she was! She loves to have me inside of her and it’s worth a shot. Planting the seed is the first step…. My husband and I were married two years when he had his removed and we both feel that it has been a good move. ‘hardware’ post has valid points. After I found out about my husbands masterbation habit I found it hard to appreciat my husbands uncircumcised penis After my first circumcision by glans would not stay covered anymore, my remaining foreskin would roll back by itself if I tried to cover my glans. And he was clipped very aggressively with the hairy skin riding up the penis when erect if he is not shaved. I replied and said that I have always believed that circumcision would be much cleaner and healthier, my wife agreed and commented on a number of thrush infections that we had both had during our relationship. The loos of sensitivity is not a problem I found it to be a very big benefit as I use to have premature Ejaculation , after I was circumcised I can last much longer and my wife loves that, I can now relax during sex because I am not trying to hold back. Time will tell I guess. Like I said though, I haven’t gotten him to the point where he’s agreed to get circumcised yet. "I will never let you go, honey! She called me the next day, a Saturday. He asked me why and I was honest and said because it looks way better with the head out than covered. "Your perfume is so exciting, darling!" Though she has not requested I get circumcised, I think it is a matter of time before this discussion occurs. she then came back to bed and we started were we left of and we had the most beautiful oral sex , it was so nice I thought my hart was going to stop , she never held back she gave me everything she could give me. I was circumcised to prevent masturbation and for me it “worked”. You both have to be very much on the same page, and understand the benefits that getting circumcised can bring. As far as los of sensitivity goes there is a small los of sensitivity but I can go much longer during sex and she loves that. A gentle movement was all that was needed to let me right into her. Perhaps try the technique the originator of this thread was doing, pull his foreskin back and let him know you prefer he keep it that way. I gave him oral sex for the first time that night and I loved every bit of it, I can’t leave his penis alone it is like a new toy for me now, it has now smell at all , its so clean and tight skinned. (pl don’t publish my email), I am from the Fiji island and I am married to a man who is uncut it looks weird and the cover doesn’t pull up all the way it looks like a turtle neck I want him to get a dorsal cut to relieve the cover so I feel the head inside it gets stuck so we are pondering on my he issue. When we have sex now he thrusts his penis in and out of my vagina with deeper and longer thrusts and it takes much longer for him to come, this is so much nicer. I hadn’t thought about scheduling it myself. Contrary to what I thought, they actually take off plenty of skin during circumcision to the point the remaining skin is totally immobile.and taut. Hmm can’t be bad. I had always kept my foreskin retracted, I started when I was about 8 years old, it did not always stay back, but I was persistent and at about 13 my foreskin stayed back all the time. That night wile we were in bed my wife started playing with my penis for skin , my wife asked me why I made the comment to the friends about circumcision been a good thing to do to boys. The skin doesn’t move an inch! However she has mentioned that she would prefer me with no foreskin. I have found that the circumcised penis because of the tight skin on the shaft seems to drag out much more vaginal fluid to the out side of my verging, this results in having much more fluid running down outside of my vagina, there is much greater need for a towel underneath me or him depending who is on the bottom side, my husband has noticed this also if I am on top I make him quite wet, maybe I am just a very wet women during sex.
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