It has also helped me find out more about my own history that goes back to U.K. Have caught onto Time Team on the History Channel. I’m sorry no-one’s put in a word for the lovely Raksha – always good-natured, hard working and incredibly knowledgeable. Who made the decision to axe time team but it is a mistake they will regret. Even after its star began to wane Time Team remained popular. This is just swell. Have watched 8 seasons and enjoying them all. Some episodes I’ve seen over three times each. It is the programme really. Jim summed up their approach as ‘messing with something perfectly fine, and when it wasn’t a success, blaming the people trying to make it work.’, Time Team‘s cost also made it vulnerable. Photography. I hope its not the end of Time Team. And there is much yet to dig and poke at historically in the world, let alone Great Britain. RELATED: DC: The 10 Best Elseworlds Stories That You Need To Read. Robin has been a fixture in Batman media as Batman's partner. yes, I too have treasured every episode, and it has been the one programme of all channels that I never wanted to miss, even asking family to record it if I went on holiday, in the early years before I had a dvd m/c. With only some strange earthworks exciting the curiosity of local amateur archaeologists to go on, the programme was flexible enough to be able to take a gamble. What a great show. Thank you,Mick, for all that you gave us…….and thanks to Mick’s family for sharing him with us. It was one of the most brilliant Programmes ever on TV. We NEED Time Team. It has become a staple in our family, even with the ABC running older series in high-rotation – it beats the rest of the 6pm options hands down, even in repeat mode. swinging camera booms. Despite their varied talents and backgrounds it quickly became apparent that the team had a natural chemistry. The team also solved a 100-year mystery about a stone monolith bearing Chinese writing, which … I wonder whether the viewing figures took in the worldwide audience – I know lots of people watched and enjoyed it here in Australia. The huge plus for archaeology in general has been the raising of the profile of a branch of science that prior to this program was the province of a fairly small group of people. While the TV producers have obviously ruined a formula that entertained and educated millions of people worldwide for a couple of decades, I assume it is now beyond recall. The fun gone out of Sunday teatime! But that hasn't stopped him from hiring a prominent anti–death penalty advocate to a top post in his administration. Have a look again at the programme where Phils’ DNA results come in and watch Tonys’ reaction. Quod erat demonstrandum. All rights reserved to Warner Bros. Some of them are dead, and the rest have moved on. I read a number of the same comments over and over here, and some are quite valid. Loved Time Team and will miss it [endless repeats are not the same but I still find myself watching them anyway]. Prior to us, by and large archaeology was something you could only really appreciate if you read books with long words in them. Tony Robinson seems an entirely likeable guy and does his presenting job with good humour and humility. does anybody really care what those idiots say surely it is what the public want that matters but no channel 4 has a foolllll running it.. heavan forbid we should have a great program T T ware we think and enjoy it plus it is great family veiwing and may i say also very interresting. A terrible loss to the worlds of broadcasting and archaeology alike, with luck a pheonix will rise from the ashes. I never saw any of these shows until a week ago when I stumbled over them on youtube. We totally agree with Nick Robinson, we too will be enjoying repeats and cursing Channel 4!. Carenza was one of the original experts on Time Team, and remained on the show from the pilot episode through to 2004. I thought the programmes inspiring and my grief was genuine at its loss of experts like Mick Aston and the programmes’ ending.The occasional sighting of a long lost member like Carenza Lewis in a published Report makes me wish for the experience as it unfolded once again. What idiot made this particular decision to cancel such an interesting and educational series! Gifted in many areas. I am an ex water board worker and I still don’ t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. View Robin BUSH's notice to leave tributes, photos, videos, light candles and for funeral arrangements Skip to Add Tribute Skip to Content While you enjoy our new look and all the great new features, rest assured that we haven’t changed any of the 4.7 million notices or our usual outstanding levels of service. Will there ever be a time when I wouldn’t watch Time Team repeats? Yes/No? I am looking forward to last series and specials over the next 2 years.The end of an era. We will miss his humour, his knowledge and his warmth. Rip, time team. Headed by D Macall. Robinhood co-founders Vlad Tenev (L) and Baiju Bhatt (R) in 2015. "I knew what it was about," said Roden. Buggering about with scheduling times has buggered many a decent tv series. The lesson is that if you have a slightly faded masterpiece, don’t try and touch it up with the aid of novices. Time Team brought so much into my life, being bed ridden, television being a large part of my life now. I’m an Englishman, came to Australia as a 12yo in 1970. Come on BBC . Victor is a great artist and bought sites to life. John has kept on top of technical advances, and the results of his survey of Brancaster Roman fort provide one of the outstanding moments in the forthcoming season 20. While viewing it might be a bittersweet experience we should enjoy the moment while we can. I would also back the idea that rural people have the most interest as they can see the landscape every day and the changes on it. Condolences on your chronic issue with clever people. I would just like to thank Tony Robinson, Mick Aston, Phil Harding and all of the crew at Time Team for many years of fascinating TV. It will be sorely missed. George and Barbara Bush never stopped agonizing over the death of their 3-year-old, Robin Robin Bush in Greenwich, Conn., in June 1953. That’s fairly unusual.’. The breathtaking 3D model it produced of the buried structures persuaded English Heritage to commission a complete survey on the spot. A brilliant series has been lost to the older viewer. Their “ethos” has been propagated through the educational system and I feel that it’s still there (though fading) RIP Channel 4. The format changed and little was really seen of the dig. Like you, I find nothing more pleasant than to end a hard day in a Free House with a cold one and a good conversation. Sounds as though short sighted suits are at work. Channel 4 can go to where it rightly belongs confined to History. I am sure the essence of archeology would be attractive to a core audience once again. It all got too big, too ambitious. What Time Team once was in the beginning will never be reproduced. I hate that its producers felt the need to ‘change its face’ to meet the ‘modern’ idea of glamour! Your “Upper Classes” have been re-inventing themselves as “New Romans” and “Empire” builders for some time now, particularly in the last few centuries.They lost touch with who they ACTUALLY were and their own people. Or are we all to turn off our televisions once we reach 40? BRING BACK TIME TEAM PLEASE!!!! Failing that I can recommend looking at Google Maps satellite pictures of your local area looking for earthworks – hours of fun! I have several friends who are “serious” archaeologists who have been dismissive of this program over the years, some of their comments about the lack of time for each dig are valid. 2012 was a very low point and i half expected it to end right then. Such speed was certainly not ideally suited to showcase all of the techniques available to modern archaeologists. She was noted for her charitable and humanitarian efforts. Spoilt in the end by “Fixing something that wan’t bust”. There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of “too long” is clear. Suddenly Channel 4 was receptive to the idea of a major archaeology programme. I have loved it from the first episode and who cares if Tony is a little OTT sometimes, he keeps it entertaining and all together. Robin was the light of the Bush couple’s lives, and her death was a tragic and heartbreaking story. Ben Margot/ASSOCIATED PRESS. I am a mega fan of the show. Time team came back as a clear favourite, so for one of the national conferences we decided to contact Time Team so that Tony or one of the team could come along and give a talk. Time Team's new book Dig Village encourages everyone to discover more about the local history on their own doorsteps. Watching how the team coalesce over time and their skills mature. my point in this is, ‘why try to fix it if it ain’t broke’ change is not always as good as a rest. Great news that it is ending – now we can have even more programs about yobs drinking abroad, crappy makeovers, the life of white van drivers and buying houses that cost £250,000 or more. Don’t let it stop you Margaret. It is obvious to me that they were always working on their format and that Tony was the TV guy while the others were the science folks. What are you going to replace it with? Real shame its leaving our screens but it did give us so many hours of pleasure along with the odd glimpse of a young Alice Roberts and the occasional grumpiness of Mick. Available to view on 4oD (, watching it now provides a salutatory lesson in just how revolutionary the Time Team format was. Special thanks also to the fantastic people behind the research, graphics, computer animation that added so much to each episode. My 100year old mother started,me on T.T.years ago & in turn my children and now the grandchildren watch ,ask questions and research . I loved it and speaking as an Hibernian, the only thing I found mildly irritating was Tonys’ obsession with all things Roman. They gave the little body that had been claimed by a mysterious disease over to medical research, then had their daughter buried in a family plot in Greenwich, Conn. It is to bad that the show was cut, there are so much more to find, discover and educate us all. Did you watch the episode of operation nightingale where the maimed ,psychologically injured soldiers from conflicts abroad found an inner peace and a feeling that they were no longer helpless in the world. Surely a revamp, no helicopters, fewer paid staff, smaller archaeological objectives, involve communities more – hence free labour would help. I’ve got to say I think he handled the shows well…. Well it seems the bean counters got their way. There are DVD’s, some available on Amazon uk. I have watched most episodes many times and it is a joy to come across one I have never seen before. According to a local reporter, the team brass wore casual clothes to put Sirianni at ease. Apart from the marvellous people who made up the Time Team over the years, the way they used the ‘magic of television’ to highlight features of the dig, overlay geophys visualisations onto the site, extend a fragment of a pot into a full representation, and so on, made this program an exemplar of how to produce truly educational television; and the way the passion of the Team members and their expertise was allowed to shine, coupled with a witty front man, showed that educational does not have to mean dull or dumbed down. Explore. Thank you to everyone who made this such a wonderful programme. It’s our favoite show. these idiots decide to change it.i hope they are happy boring peaple.please bring it back. As a teacher of Ancient and Modern History in Australia, I found the T.T programs a wonderful way to back up the various topics I taught. Please BBC take this show under your wings ! My politics are not Tony Robinson’s or Mick Aston’s, but both deserve warm congratulations for what they did for archaeology and viewers over two decades.Tony Robinson seems to be largely responsible for the successful populist formula, the zest and the humour–and the succinct resumes to stop viewers getting flummoxed., He deserves a knighthood but presumably he would just wrinkle his nose. Not on the Live I dug at. VALE Time Team, a wonderful Viking/ Roman pyre is burning and we are drinking ourselves to oblivion. Without time team on the television the world of tv is going to be a poorer place. What’s wrong with a passing reference to global warming – unless you are an eccentric climate change denier? © 2021 CURRENT PUBLISHING LTD - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Above all we learned something new in each programme , not the usual rehashed information served up in other one -off programmes on “popular” periods. Time Team has left a legacy that few TV programs can match and i’m sure that generations to come will enjoy. Surely, the way forward would have been to dig deeper into the technical aspects of the archaeology and to speak to the intelligent audience that made the program in the first place – whether the sites themselves or the techniques being employed. How right Mick Aston was. axed is their a petition running ????? It is made up of real people and I have learnt so much from it. i have seen every episode of time team and i’ve never seen him mention anything like that other than one time, so you are a complete moron and need to look up what the word patronize means since i am now patronizing you. How many people can look back on a twenty year’s span of such a masterful contribution to human culture? Screening 13 episodes a year, as well as live digs and specials the programme was ubiquitous. Towards the end of its run an average episode would cost around £200,000 — a budget more on the scale of a small drama show in the eyes of television insiders — but over 20 years Channel 4 pumped £4 million directly into British archaeology. Twelve months on and I still miss it. Fabulous, thank you. Please, please would someone bring the show back, This is just another example of ‘Management’s’ old adage: “It’s perfect; let’s ‘New and Improve it” Charlie’s comments would carry more weight if the spelling was correct. Good riddance to Time Team; patronising in the extreme, and as for that prat Robinson leaping about a la Baldrick, reduced the entire thing to music hall. I cant help being captivated by the digs. History is a fascinating subject but Perhaps in gthe future we may have a project for a future Time Team, “Channel 4 – where did it all go wrong? I have watched the episode from Barra several times. What a wonderful 20 years we/they had. Yes, Tony R was sometimes (often?) Incidentally, to my British friends & fellow TT fans I have to say that I agree with the comments in this thread that the American shows that BBC chooses to air in the UK are garbage, but what a shame the excellent documentaries and history-related productions are not offered in your part of the world. Time Team's Mick Aston dies This article is more than 7 years old The archaeologist and broadcaster, who found fame with the Channel 4 series, has passed away aged 66 However I would contact Channel Four to find out when they will be repeating it again and maybe arrange to record the programmes. Lets hope that somebody in control is also a fan and a compromise can be reached. Time Team has sometimes been accused of peddling stereotypes to the public, but anyone who has met the archaeologists will know … Pity – arise Sir Phil???? Shows that actually ADD something GOOD to the mix. I don’t understand what purpose that serves, but there you have it. British Television just one more nail in your coffin. I watch any that come on now.. saw one yesterday about the digging our of the 2 world war planes in the bogs.. An absolute feast of mind, interest and the ever curiosity of young and old alike about “What lie underneath that humble plot of soil?”….TIme Team approached that “humble plot” we would all like to delve into….they bring that knowledge of ‘how” with them and together unveal little glimspes of anothers past which we back bring here, to today….as a reflection and connection….like a mirror between centuries and times…and sunrises and pleasant breezes of a long ago Sunday afternoon…, I thought it was the Bi..o presenter the doomed it for sure, brought in because we are all suddenly dumb. Biggest mistake ever! With additional reporting from Antoine Gara, John Dobosz and Jeff Kauflin. My heart goes out to his family. I enjoyed Time Team and I will miss it – Carenza and the later Helen Geake were the highlights for me – there was always a sense of tension when you heard a shout of ‘Tony…’ not knowing what find they’d unearthed. They can’t bring it back. Southern Gaulish Samian ware,” or ” Green Glaze, 14th Century.” Observing how so many, different, recondite specialty fields come together — paleopalynography. He worked his sox off. Its one of those few things in life that meant so much, really looked forward to every episode. The Twitter page has been great up to now. I loved every member of the cast and crew. Thank you time team, one and all, I constantly watch the reruns on the history channel here is oz. The team are irreplaceable, such a huge whole left in life once the program ended. However, the crew have many fond memories of Robin, typically with a glass of Islay single malt whisky in hand. Many episode are available free on Perhaps if Chanel 4 had stuck to the old adage of “if it aint broke, don’t fix it” we would still have had this gem of a program to look forward to enjoying for many years to come.. with shows like Strictly Come Dancing, X Factor, Dancing on Ice, Big Brother etc etc etc all being aired every week, Time Team was an oasis of entertainment and education in a vast desert of mundane TV programming. and I’m so grateful to all the Time Team members for a wonderful 20 seasons. I guess it was always going to happen when TV administrators who, judging by the few I’ve seen interviewed, are challenged by words of more than two syllables come into contact with educated professionals. Hope it returns… anne from Ontario Canada. I am signing up to the campaign to keep Time Team! There is nothing else like it on TV. It may also be heresy to say so, but I think many people who were interested more in the archaeology than the banter, found the relationship between Phil and Tony, to be past it’s sell by date. I wonder how Tony felt with this introduction, as he had been doing the job for so long, and never once boring. Like others I would like to see somebody else either bringing it back or developing the format. . Mick, and Phil, and even Tony all made a significant contribution to our understanding archaeology and they way in which it can inform us of our past. I wonder if channel programmers read these blogs? I thought Channel Four was supposed to be a cultural channel appealing to grown ups, yet the dire Big Brother has been inflicted on us for over ten years along with other ephemeral rubbish. The marvelous experts have described items, historical facts and what could have been, may have been and what was likely to have been and possibly how the ancestors [residents and visitors alike] changed the landscape.
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