Joshua and Matilda Dunbar, Paul's parents, separate and later divorce. However, the social norm of the time required Pharisees and members of the Sanhedrin to be married. Chronology is the study of the sequence of events in an historical text, and the comparison of those events with other known events from other sources. Those arrested are to be taken back to Jerusalem for trial and punishment (Acts 9:1 - 2). How to care for others Paul's life and his works make it evident to us that he cared for others. Timeline 1872. At the time of his martyrdom, Paul was about sixty-six (66) years old. c. A.D. 6 Born a Roman citizen to Jewish parents in Tarsus (in modern eastern Turkey). A. D. 45. Hence,some will date Paul's arrival in Corinthas early as Dec AD 49,while others will date it inthe spring of AD 51. 41-54 ClaudiusA.D. The Bible does not definitively state Paul's marital status. Paul was a Greek-speaking Jew from Asia Minor. This biography of Alice Paul provides detailed information about her childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline. 3 BC – 34 AD. Paul’s Trip to Rome Spread of Christianity during 1st and 2nd Centuries All 15 / OT Books 0 / Old Testament Timelines 7 / New Testament Timelines 9 / NT Books 0 / Homepage 0 / Basics 0 / Beyond the Basics 0 / Timelines 0 This is the last lesson for the book of Acts! He is one of the first deacons appointed by the early church (Acts 6:1 - 6). Paul the Apostle, commonly known as Saint Paul and also known by his Hebrew name Saul of Tarsus, was a Christian apostle (although not one of the Twelve Apostles) who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. The word Pharisee means "to separate" or "separated." Nero is the first emperor of the Roman Empire to actively persecute and kill Christians. After the stoning Paul's dead body is dragged out of Lystra. 1:19-26). 44 to 46Apostle Paul's First Missionary Journey. His intention is to arrest those who believe Jesus is the Messiah and escort them back to Jerusalem for punishment. In Paphos the evangelistic team meets with the island's governor and his friend Elymas who is a sorcerer. All Rights Reserved. It also includes major events in the life of the Apostle Paul. Piecing together a chronology of the Apostle Pauls life is not as easy as the maps in the back of your Bible might make it seem. After learning of a plot to have them stoned to death, the two preachers flee to Lystra (Acts 14:1 - 6). 8. Once again, sadly, unbelieving Jews stir up many in the city to oppose the truth. Paul, in Lystra, heals a crippled man. Chronology of the Apostle Paul's Life By Mike Mazzalongo Posted: April, 2016 Paul recounts his own personal history of faith and early work as a missionary establishing churches throughout the Roman Empire. The apostle Paul, whose life was cut short by the Romans in 68 A.D., is easily the most influential Christian in the New Testament short of Jesus himself. From Syrian Antioch Paul, Barnabas and John Mark begin the first missionary journey (Acts 13:4 - 52, 14:1 - 25). Paul and Barnabas preach the gospel in Derbe then retrace their steps back through Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch. They remain a long time in Antioch. Dunbar gives his first known public reading, delivering "An Easter Ode" to the congregation at the Eaker Street A. M. E. Church, Dayton, Ohio. He also writes no less than fourteen books (epistles) of the Bible (the most of any author), trains other evangelists and gospel preachers like John Mark and Timothy, and endures a total of more than five years in prison. This is before the death of Roman emperor Nero on June 9, 68 A.D. in Greece. After seeing Stephen's life taken, he leads the first great wave of persecution against the early church. Paul and Barnabas are ordained by the church as apostles (Acts 13:1 - 3). Although many in the city initially believe what is taught, they are soon turned against the gospel by Jews who do not believe Jesus is the Messiah (Acts 13:42). He is circumcised on the eighth day, in compliance with the law of God (Leviticus 12:3, Philippians 3:5). Summer: Paul executed at Nero’s orders. c. 33–36 Converted on the way to Damascus; spends three years in Arabia; returns to Damascus to … How bad were the persecutions of Paul against the early New Testament church? Paul's Letters and Missionary Journeys Chart Timeline of Paul's Letters and Missionary Journeys Paul (c. 5 AD - c. 67 AD), whose original name was Saul of Tarsus, was an apostle (though not one of the Twelve Apostles) who taught the … Acts 17:16 says, "While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols." – A.D. 14 AugustusA.D. As his custom was, Paul preaches in a local synagogue. c. 12 to 15 A.D. A zealous Saul (Paul) consents to and witnesses Stephen's death (Acts 7:58 - 8:1). Pharisaism was a major school of thought or. It is during his trip to Damascus that the pivotal event in the life of Paul occurs. Stephen is stoned to death for his testimony about Jesus (Acts 6 - 7). 2 Thessalonians (52 - 53 A.D.) Written from Corinth 3rd Missionary Journey (54 - 58 A.D) Timelines Click below for a timeline of the Apostle Paul's life covers Paul's education, travels, ministry, and much more. Historical events of the period are integrated to provide a sense of the broader Roman world of Paul's time. He was born into a Jewish family in the city of Tarsus. Born an Israelite in Tarsus around the same time of Jesus and John the Baptist Acts 22:3, Phil 3:5; He was a Roman citizen by birth right Acts 22:28; Paul starts school at age 6 or 7 where the OT would be the focus of his study. (This timeline displays a few major events in the lives of Peter, James, and John following the crucifixion of Jesus. After preaching the gospel they walk to Paphos on the other side of the island. Also, some areas of doctrine are based on chronological assertio… He then travels to Jerusalem and stays almost two weeks (Acts 9:26, Galatians 1:18 - 19). Soon, however, Jews from other areas come to the city in order to cause trouble for the two apostles. His birthplace, Tarsus, was a major city in eastern Cilicia, a region that had been made part of the Roman province of Syria by the time of Paul’s adulthood. Paul, after Elymas tries to prevent the governor from receiving and accepting the gospel message, renders the sorcerer blind through a miracle (Acts 13:6 - 12). Paul requests and receives, from the High Priest, permission to go to to search for those who believe in Jesus. Paul's birth occurs in the city of Tarsus to an Israelite family of the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3:5). 69 VitelliusFlavian DynastyA.D. During his ministry he resurrects at least one person from the dead and is resurrected himself after being stoned to death. 36First Visit to Jerusalem after conversion. Those who see the miracle are so amazed that they try to worship the evangelists like gods (Acts 14:6 - 13)! Most attempts toreconstruct a chronology for Paul's life will be made as a result of working backwardandforwardfrom the date of Paul'stimeinCorinth.Thisaccountsfora slightdifferenceof ayear ortwoinmostschemes. Blinded, he is led to Damascus where his repentance leads to being healed, baptized, and becoming a Christian (Acts 9:4 - 18). After his conversion, the same zeal and single-minded dedication Paul had against Christianity transforms into a hyperactive-like quest to spread the gospel worldwide. Loading "Timeline of Apostle Paul's Life"... © 2004 Lukas Media LLC. The chart below is my own and gives a tentative timeline for how one could match the details of Paul’s life in Galatians to Acts. This is an illustrated timeline of the key dates and events of Paul’s life. He also describes an important confrontation with another Apostle over the very issues that existed in the Galatian church. To navigate forward and backward, move your mouse pointer to the right and left sides of the Timeline window. The Great Sanhedrin, who met daily in Jerusalem's temple, had jurisdiction over religious matters. His amazing ministry lasts thirty-five years until his death at the age of sixty-six. They travel to Salamis on the island of Cyprus. His birth in a Roman "free city" grants him Roman citizenship, a privilege he will exercise later in life. This act will lead, in the near future, to a heated discussion between the two evangelists and their ultimate separation (Acts 15:36 - 41). In our last lesson, we will tie everything together with a basic timeline of the Bible that shows its story flow. He is circumcised on the eighth day, in compliance with the law of God (Leviticus 12:3, Philippians 3:5). The book of Acts and the epistles of Paul sometimes tell us the length of time between one event and another. The evangelists are thrown out of the area and travel to Iconium. (Galatians 1:13 - 14, HBFV). He is personally taught by Jesus, for three years, while living in Arabia. A Chronology of Paul’s Writings Barnes’ Bible Charts 1st Missionary Journey (45 - 47 A.D.) No books were written 2nd Missionary Journey (51 - 54 A.D.) 1. She was the eldest child of William Mickle Paul I and Tacie Paul … 1878. He was born into a Jewish family in. The Sanhedrin, or more properly the Great Sanhedrin, was the supreme council of the Jews composed of seventy elders plus the high priest. As he was a Pharisee and likely a member of the Sanhedrin, he was almost certainly married at one point. June 27: Born in Dayton, Ohio. It also adds some semi-related events that Acts mentions besides (i.e., Paul’s other visits to Galatia). 37-41 CaligulaA.D. After his efforts to stop the spread of early Christian beliefs in Jerusalem, he sets his sights on achieving the even more audacious goal of removing any Christian influence in the synagogues of Damascus. When events in the Bible line up with known dates confirmed outside the Bible, is suggests a high level of reliability in the biblical text. They leave Perga and go to Pisidian Antioch. Religious training in Jerusalem. He receives written permission from the temple's High Priest to rid the city's synagogues of any who believe in "the way." Paul returns to Antioch (Acts 12:2-5). They ultimately arrive back at Syrian Antioch (Acts 14:21 - 26). The Timeline of Jesus details each important life event with related historical events and arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of the past major and important events in the life of Jesus. Paul carries out at least five evangelistic journeys, visits more than 50 cities in his travels and preaches the gospel to Emperor Caesar and his entire household. Detailed Life of Paul Chart I posted the summary chart on the stages in Paul’s life, but here is a much more detailed treatment that I use touring the Bible lands: Students have found this very helpful as it takes the journeys of Paul and puts all the ports of call in order, as well as the important events of each part of the Book of Acts. We have thus ascertained two fixed dates in the chronology of St Paul's life—A.D. He is given the authority to arrest anyone who attends a Synagogue and professes belief in "the Way." The (likely) beheading of Paul takes place around May or June of 68 A.D. 69 OthoA.D. He is soon sent by church brethren to Caesarea and back home to Tarsus (Acts 9:30). On reflecting on his pre-conversion days Paul says the following. The birth name of Paul is actually Saul. Philippians may plausibly be explained as having been written just before Paul’s trial at the end of the two years since it reflects an approaching crisis that could end in life or death for the apostle (Phil. Life. A spotlight from heaven shines on him (Saul) during his travel and the voice of Jesus asks "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?" 79-81 TitusA.D. Paul and Barnabas escort food and relief supplies to Jerusalem, after which they return to Antioch (Acts 12:25). Paul's birth occurs in the city of Tarsus to an Israelite family of the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3:5). Paul's second visit to Jerusalem, with the collection (Acts 1:11-30). This is a review of the life of Paul. There is a booklet that I have used and have the kids flip through the pages with me and as I am telling the Bible lesson, I hand out a little item that will hopefully remind them of that part of Paul's life. The apostle Paul was one of the most prolific early Christian writers of the New Testament. 1884. 1885 54-68 NeroYear of the Four Emperors(First three emperors were murdered or executed. They journey from Tarsus back to Antioch and stay in the city for an entire year (Acts 11:25 - 26). 1873. An understanding of the chronological order of events in Paul's ministry can be very valuable as a tool for the study of Acts and Paul's epistles. Date: Description: Galatians: Acts: AD 34: Barnabas travels to Tarsus to seek Paul's help with teaching the newly converted Syrian Antioch Gentiles. He would be regarded as one of the pillars of Christianity for his role in spreading the good news about Jesus Christ.From his role in the persecution of Christianity’s newest converts early in his career to his conversion on the road to Damascus and to his death in Rome, he … Dunbar writes "An Easter Ode," his first poem. Events found on this timeline: Paul shows us the importance of quality time and that it results in knowing Christ intimately and personally. The birth name of Paul is actually Saul. God blesses their efforts and a great number of people become converted (Acts 11:20 - 21). Men from Cyprus and Cyrene travel to Antioch in Syria and begin to speak to Gentiles concerning Jesus. Paul's family sends him to Jerusalem to be taught in a Pharisaic Rabbinical school. Alice Paul was born on January 11, 1885, in Mt. The school is headed up by the well-known Rabbi Gamaliel (see Acts 5:34) who personally teaches the future apostle (Acts 22:3). Timeline of Paul's ministry. Stanley Toussaint, in , writes, Perhaps no charges were filed in Rome and Paul was released. Paul and Barnabas, in Antioch, attend a synagogue where the apostle powerfully preaches the gospel (Acts 13:16 - 41). (Acts 9:4) God strikes him blind and his traveling companions must lead him to the city. Two of the main cities of Syria, Damascus and Antioch, played a prominent part in his life and letters. Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and … Paul's first missionary journey with Barnabas—goes to Cyprus, Antioch in Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, and back through the same places to Antioch. "For you heard of my (Paul is speaking) former conduct when I was in Judaism, how I was excessively persecuting the church of God and was destroying it; And I was advancing in Judaism far beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my fathers." They were the ones who arrested, tried, and condemned Jesus to death. c. 20–30 Studies Torah in Jerusalem with Gamaliel; becomes a Pharisee. Paul is thirty years old when he is an official witness at the stoning of Stephen. Paul's preaching angers some Jews to the point where they plot to take his life (Acts 9:29). Julio-Claudians(31 or) 27 B.C. God also heals him of his blindness. GALBA becomes emperor (68 to 69) Sources: Cornelius Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome and Agricola Conybeare, W. J. and Howson, J. S., The Life and Epistles of St. Paul There is no scale to this timeline at all.) He miraculously regains consciousness and re-enters the city. His dedication to eradicating those believing in the teachings of Jesus led him to take bold actions, such as going from house to house in order to find believers (Acts 8:1, 3)! Date Life of Paul Contemporary Events; 36: Paul's conversion-37: At Damascus: Death of TIBERIUS and accession of GAIUS (Caligula) 38: Flight from Damascus to Jerusalem, then to Tarsus-39 - 43: Paul preaches in Syria and … Chronology of Apostle Paul's Journeys and Epistles Matthew McGee . Apostle Paul stays in his hometown of Tarsus for four years. c. 12 to 15 A.D.Religious training in Jerusalem. Paul, the “Apostle of the Gentiles,” was born in Tarsus, capital city of the Roman province of Cilicia, in southeast Asia Minor. As Paul approaches the city, a burst of light suddenly appears and causes him to fall to the ground (Acts 9:3 - 4). Important events and accomplishments in the life of Paul include his witnessing of the stoning of Stephen. He then hears the voice of Jesus asking why he is persecuting the church (Acts 9:4). Laurel, New Jersey, attending school in nearby Moorestown. The early religious training Paul receives comes from the best Rabbinical school in Jerusalem. 45 for his second journey to Jerusalem and A.D. 60 for his voyage to Rome. 68-69 GalbaA.D. Conversion. The next day he and Barnabas travel to Derbe (Acts 14:19 - 20). Birth & Education. A. D. 46-49. 69-79 VespasianA.D. 14-37 TiberiusA.D. Death of Nero in middle of June. The year ends with Vespasian.)A.D. These events lead to his total repentance and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. His accomplishments are astonishing given the rudimentary (by today's standard) level of transportation and other difficulties that exist in the first century. Paul, Barnabas, and Mark sail to Perga. After docking, Mark leaves and returns to Jerusalem (Acts 13:13). Alice Paul was a women’s rights activist and a key figure of the 20th century women’s suffrage movement. His Pharisaic zeal for God's law and dedication to stopping the early spread of Christianity knew no bounds. The crowds are stirred up against Paul and have him stoned. If this were the case, he would have been a widower at the time of his ministry. After three years in Arabia Paul journeys back to Damascus (Galatians 1:17). 1 Thessalonians (52 - 53 A.D.) Written from Corinth 2. Click on the graphic to view it better, or check it out on the Biblia website . 81-96 Domitian Paul's citizenship saves him from scourging (Acts 22:22-29) Before the Sanhedrin (Acts 22:30 - 23:10) Jesus tells Paul that he will bear witness of him in Rome The plot against Paul's life (Acts 23:12-22) The Bible is an historical document, and part of assessing the value of any historical narrative is the study of Chronology. c. 30–33 Persecutes followers of Jesus of Nazareth in Jerusalem and Judea. God, in Antioch, reveals that a three-year famine will soon occur (Acts 11:27 - 28). He then began a vicious campaign of persecution against Christians. Why did the apostle pretend to be others. Timeline of the Apostle Paul . Paul's family sends him to Jerusalem to be taught in a Pharisaic Rabbinical school. A strict Pharisee who was educated at the feet of Gamaliel, we first find him in Jerusalem, where he was present at and consented to the death of the Christian martyr Stephen. After fleeing Damascus due to persecution (Acts 9:20 - 25), Paul spends three years in Arabia where he is personally taught by Jesus (Galatians 1:11 - 12, 15 - 18).
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