We also commit a greater transgression to the boundaries of Allah, and something that is highly regarded by Allah. Because it all started with some irresponsible parties. “Single” here refers to someone who has never experienced an Islamically recognized marriage. That’s even more dangerous than zina itself. And it has serious implications. Sheikh, am i sinful if i cannot force my colleague to do salah? Zina of hand: Zina of hand includes touching explicitly touching the opposite gender. Instead of opting for it, if the offender was to go for a lawful marriage, these are the same people who would take the pride and witness and bless the union of the couple. Their zina is of two types: hidden, like the bracelets, earrings, bangles, necklaces and the like. This is regardless of the marital status of the parties involved. Zina belongs to the category of hudud offenses (sing. Islamic … People who possess an atom weight of iman do not want their daughters and sisters to be involved in zina, let alone their wives and mothers. This section suggests some 15 dangers of zina which the Muslim should know. Thus, it depends on how Allah wants to afflict the person involved. Zina Kocher: Zina Kocher (born December 5, 1982 in Red Deer, Alberta) is an Olympic Games biathlete for Team Canada. This is good read and very beautiful ways of putting examples to the subject love it. Let your use for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram be for good. Why? Stay blessed…, Jazakumullah khaeran jaza, I found this article interesting even worthwhile, may Almighty Allah reward you as I am looking forward for more mind blowing and interesting article. Thank you…, Asalamu Alaikum, I’ve learned a lot from this thought provoking article. Many girls are sitting at home because of their looks/low status/dowry demands. Amin! Having awareness about these dangers is a requisite to seeking protection again them, which is discussed in my article,  7 Shields for the Muslim Against Fornication and Adultery. Children and the young ones among us make their role models out of the adults around them. This is because one could be infected with some STIs even though he or she has never encountered zina. The humility attained to loss of dignity can never be returned. Similarly, movies, dramas and some media materials can be damaging to the modesty of the Muslim, in many ways that could lead him or her to zina. No one should dispute the bad effects that these soap operas and movies have on societies in general, and on young men and women in particular. It involves someone’s wife. saying what is forbidden), the Zina of the hand is the touching (i.e. Zina – Forms of “Minor” Zinā . Those who choose to seek that pleasure from the ladies they see in the streets, are unable to generate desire when they meet their lawful wives. Therefore, it is completely normal to start a relationship at the age of puberty, however, it is not compulsory. What’s there more dangerous than been kicked out of Allah’s mercy, or being deprived from any blessings from Allah as a result in involvement in it? Once you do it, while you don’t want it to happen to your loved one, that guiltiness will hunt you, because you don’t know when any of your loved ones will fall prey to someone like you. He said: the open zinah is the clothing, and every part of her is 'aurah (private parts), even the fingernail. The zina of hand also includes masturbation and are Haram for Muslims. Sexual intercourse is the gateway to human reproduction. Let’s start with the psychological aspect…. [Article in Italian] Zina G, Ressa PG. Exposing Intimate Secrets. PMID: (Perhaps, that requires an article of its own.). This ḥadīth above is one of the sayings of the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam through which he divinely predicted some happenings that will happen in the future. What zina committers fail to understand is that, unlike intercourse in matrimony, zina lacks the human touch, the intimacy developed, the reassurance of the need of each other that couples give during intimacy and the bonding they eventually strengthen. Also, we know of various sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), such as HIV/AIDS and gonorrhea. As indicated above, sexual intercourse leads to conception, regardless, whether the intercourse is lawful or unlawful. In a ḥadith reported by Imām al-Bukhārī and Muslim, from the narration of Anas ibn Mālik raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhu, the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “From among the signs of the Hour (end of time) are that religious knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious scholars), ignorance will prevail, drinking of alcoholic drinks, and there will be prevalence of zina.”. More important than all the above; it breaks the boundaries of God Himself. These people whom most of us consider their pillars of strength, find it as an unacceptable choice, unless they’re also nurtured in the culture of zina. He reserves high regard for it. Some women, who get impregnated through zina choose to maintain the baby until birth. Allah has created us and outlined some boundaries of His, which we should observe. Insult made may be forgiven, but the words can’t be eradicated. There’s no way one will remain in the state of iman while in the process of performing zina. It involves someone’s mother. This leads to the bigger zina and are equally Haram. Tweet . JazakhaLahu Khairan. Zina is the ultimate … These five people are our parents, spouses, children, our teachers and our other loved ones, i.e., friends, relatives and acquaintances. In other words, a couple may involve in zina, and one of them will be considered to have committed fornication, and the other, to have committed adultery. I would like to hear from you. There is the zina of eyes, the ears, hands and the feet and these are minor sins that would eventually lead to the major sin. Committing it invites Allah’s wrath. Don’t you? This is commonly termed as intercourse. Thus, among the characteristics of the chosen servants of Allah (‘ibād al-Raḥmān) is that they don’t commit zina. With the transgression of zina, we don’t only do great injustice to ourselves as well as our loved ones. Thank you Brother Kassim, It’s worth indicating that evidence shows that couples who wait until marriage report more satisfying sex lives than those who do not wait. 7 Shields for the Muslim Against Fornication and Adultery. Where can they find them? 'accountability, following up after, pursuing or prosecuting') is an Islamic term interpreted to mean "retaliation in kind", "eye for an eye", or retributive justice.In traditional Islamic law (), the doctrine of qisas provides for a punishment analogous to the crime. But its ruling differs between a married person and a single. This is regardless, whether or otherwise, the community or society is a Muslim. There is Zina of the eye, of the ear, of the hand as with all these things we can do which is limited. In the meantime, let’s, together, discuss the dangers of zina. The heart yearns and desires, and the private parts approve or disapprove it.” So, mark the next three weeks in your calendar, inshā Allah. Because the more shyness he develops towards Allah, the more uncomfortable he feels in the presence of Allah. Their details must remain private and secret as well. [On a case of so-called fissured granuloma of the ear]. And their presence influences many decisions we make in life. This means a woman is by default attractive to man. Is this not our responsibility as the ummah of Prophet Muhammad to educate the people. The same thing applies, when zina takes place. The inner self wishes and desires and the private parts testify all this or deny it.”, Now, what is the ruling of fornication and adultery in Islam? The suggested dangers and implications of zina include psychological, physiological, social, health-related and spiritual dangers. In a ḥadīth reported by Imām Muslim from the narration of Sayyiduna Jābir ibn Abdillāh raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhu, the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam says: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart. Again, the meaning of the Zina of the heart is what comes to your mind of imagining Haram things and doings, such as non-Mahrams figures with feeling attached to that imagination, is considered of the heart Zina. The more of it you want, the less satisfaction you achieve. This is what is understood in the verse of Sūrah al-Isrā’, 17:32: “And do not even approach zina, for it is an outrageous act, and an evil way…’’. There are other important factors such as the overall maturity of a person plus his or her ability to anticipate what is good or bad, such that his or her … But the zina, which is discussed in this article is the major zina where sexual organs are involved. It has a broader definition and not just restricted to sexual penetration. One should try as much as possible to ensure the presence of a third party.
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