can guppies mate with swordtails

Keep in mind that with eBay and AquaBid, you will have to likely ship the fish, so you'll need bags, insulated packages and things like that. Regardless of the type of fish or tank mate you introduce to the tank, you’ll need to make sure that every fish has enough room. Like guppies, Molly and Swordtails reproduce very quickly too! So, the crayfish might not keep up with the number of guppies in the tank. This is because guppies and swordtails belong to a different genus of fish. HOWEVER, these fish are both live bearing, which means you will have LOTS of babies to deal with if you get these fish in that ratio. Usually, the following are considered as the best tank mates for guppies: Swordtails. Can Guppies Breed With Swordtails? What live plant should I add to my betta tank? guppies are from the genus Poecilia, swordtails are from the genus Xiphophorus, they are essentially different entirely, however they both belong to the family Poeciliidae. Guppies are normally peaceful so they can get along with a number of tank mate species. Yes, since Swordtails and Platy fish come from the same family of Xephophorus, they can breed and produce viable offspring. The gestation period for livebearers is usually 28 days but can range from 20 to 40 days. The answer is YES but, Mollies are considered to be a semi aggressive fish, they will sometimes attack other fish that have long fins and any other long body part and guppies meet that criteria, guppies are also relatives of … Catfish. Guppies and Swordtails are livebearers which means that their babies come out swimming. Guppies are Poecilia reticulata and Mollies are Poecilia sphenops or the sailfin Molly is Poecilia latipinna and there are Endler's Livebearers which are Poecilia wingei. However, Platies can breed with Swordtails and Mollies can breed with Guppies as they share same families. And if you're not into all of that, you don't have to get those fish. How Many Guppies Can You Have in a 20-Gallon Community Tank? here is your answer. Yup, it’s better to keep a variety of tank mates in your guppy tank, too. that's as much as you no count if or no longer you opt to euthanize it, yet i opt to propose including some extra fish, so as that it will no longer happen back. Even if they try to “court” each other, they will not mate even … but all the suggestion online seems to be that mollies can crossbreed with guppies, and plays can mate with swordtails. Example, you should have 2 female guppies and 1 male guppy AND 2 female swordtails to every 1 male swordtail. Example, you should have 2 female guppies and 1 male guppy AND 2 female swordtails to every 1 male swordtail. Do guppies mate with Mollies? So, I think they can be an ideal choice if you are willing to sacrifice a few. You can also post on sites like Craigslist and eBay if you're looking to sell to wider range of people, and there's also that specifically sells to fish people. Well, this depends on the tank mate. Crossbreeding in fish can be really fascinating as it results in the creation of something new and totally different. Males of swordtails can be aggressive, therefore they do not recommend settling several males in one aquarium. Platies are Xiphophorus maculatus; Swordtails are Xiphophorus helleri; However: Platies that are Xiphophorus maculatus cannot interbreed with Guppies which are Poecilia reticulata and vice versa. there is not any way that that fish will stay out an entire existence. Both the Platy and the Goldfish are considered ideal ‘beginner’ fish for people new to the aquarium hobby. A Guide in Choosing Guppy Tank Mates No nibblers – do not get any fish that will nibble at your guppies. It can even resemble a swordfish with its long, slender shape. when fish belong to different genus, its … Technically, yes guppies and mollies can cross as they are both Poecilia. Almost all livebearers such as ender’s livebearers and swordtails can make ideal tank mates for them too. Guppies are compatible with various species ranging from platies, swordtails, and mollies, to cory catfish, to mention but a few. I'm assuming you've got a smaller tank, but if that's not the case and you have a larger tank, your options are widened. Odd ones out are usually bullied by paired angelfish. If you have a similar question, go to Post then New Topic. *If you don't want baby fish, but still want to keep your fish less stressed (babies are what these fish like to do, lol)you can ask around your local fish shops and see if anyone would be willing to take and sell your fish in exchange for products or even just to keep your tank levels in order. Guppies with veil-like tails have tails shaped like an isosceles triangle, and each angle is at 45 degrees. Research the space requirements of each tank mate to avoid overcrowding. Swordtails are known to breed faster when the males are dominating because they harass the females and try to mate with them severally. Swordtail fish are average-size fish; they don’t need very much space due to their size, but given they are very active, they greatly benefit from having enough space to swim around. As you can see guppies and bettas are able to live in the same conditions together. ... male swordtail fish will always run around in the tank in attempt to mate with the female swordtail fish. How Can You Tell the Difference Between Male and Female Guppies? As Mollies belong to the family Poecilia and Platies belong to the Xiphophorus therefore, they cannot cross breed. There are two species of platy commonly found for sale, Xiphophorus maculatus, the common Platy, and Xiphophorus variatus, the Variatus Platy. Mollies and Guppies are genetically similar so they can crossbreed and their hybrid is known as a Muppy. Fun Facts about Guppies Each time they can give birth to 20 to 50 babies. Swordtail females do store sperm though, that is … Swordtails can be kept in water temperature ranging between 65 to 82 °F (18 – 28 °C). That's minimum. This group gives birth to live fry. You can sign in to vote the answer. But can Platy fish live with Goldfish? If you want the female guppies to rest from the constant harassment of the males wanting to mate all the time, then drop them in with the swordtail's, but once the fry are dropped the others will quickly eat them up. I was just wondering if any dude/dudette here knows of anyone whose guppy mated with a swordtail?? I need help trying to... Live bearing fish Mollies, platies, and swordtails are dying need help fast!!!!!!! A female swordtail can produce offspring as often as every four weeks. All can cross breed, which is why guppies, Endlers and mollies should not be kept in the same tank. They are in the same family (Poeciliidae), but not in the same genus. If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly fish as a companion for your guppies, swordtails are one of the best choices for guppy tank mates. Can a betta happilly live with guppies, Mollies, platties, swordtails, and ... Scuds - very nearly perfect live food for fish. Tetra fish. However, if you plan to add other fish for good company, plan to house them in at least a 29-gallon aquarium. But how many will fit in a 20-gallon community tank? Typically though, guppies and swordtails like to be kept in groups of 2 females to every 1 male. In fact, there are fish that can live with your betta you haven’t even thought of yet! Can platys mate with guppies...? They are in the same family (Poeciliidae), but not in the same genus. Therefore, ensure the male swordtail fish are more than the female in the tank. The more females for every male, the better. Some commonly kept aquarium fish that are livebearers are guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails, and Endlers. How do you think about the answers? the tank itsel... How many guppies can I put with my 40L fish tank, i already have 13 guppies... Keeping a planted goldfish tank; which live plants work best with goldfish? Their tails are quite different than other guppies’ tails, and this makes them a very unique type of guppy. You should have a tight fitting lid on your aquarium because swordtails can easily jump out of an uncovered aquarium. 3. What are the causes of a live bearing fish (in this case swordtails) to bin... Is it safe to feed guppies, platys, and swordtails coconut? Male to Female Ratio. What are good inexpensive tropical fish for a 40 gallon  aquarium? Bottom feeders. The females of the Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies, and Platies have a rather astounding skill where they can store sperm that is unused in their bodies for a time period of several months. Although opinions vary a little, I was … Angelfish. Help/Advice Sorry if this is a weird question (for this sub?) Without knowing your specific tank's gallons, it's hard to tell you how many. guppy (Poecilia reticulata) swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii), sorry nope different genus and species. The guppy fish belong to the Poecilia genus while swordtails belong to the Xiphophorus genus. Some of the fish we have successfully kept with our Black Mollies are Guppies, Danios, Tetras, other Mollies, Swordtails, Gouramis, Platies and even female Betta fish. they frequently are born ineffective, yet sometimes they'll stay. There are several species of Swordtail, with Xiphophorus helleri being the usual one found for sale in the trade, although crosses can occur often. Lastly, keep in mind that these fish are prolific breeders and will try to mate with other live bearer fish in the tank (especially male guppies). Probably not. You can always go with tetras, danios, corydoras catfish, or a betta! What kind of fish do you guys keep and how long have you been keeping fish? No, although some livebearers can produce hybrids, Swordtails and Guppies can not do so together. When you're done, you can scroll to the bottom (it updates every time you add a quantity of fish) and see what is suggested for your tank. The swordtail belongs to the group of livebearer fishes – scientifically classified as Poecillidae – to which the mosquito fish, the guppies, the mollies and the platies belong. What fish could live in a 1/2 gallon tank with no heater or filter? Swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri and related species) very frequently cross with Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus, Xiphophorus variatus, and maybe a few other Xiphophorus species), and guppies (Poecilia reticulata) have been known to cross with Mollies (Poecilia sphenops, Poecilia velifera, and related species) on rare occasions, but I've never seen any record of a Poecilia x Xiphophorus cross. No. You should avoid housing them with larger aggressive species, especially if they’re likely to make a meal of them. If you have a male and a female then you will eventually have a pregnant female. When is my live bearing fish going to have birth? swordtails and guppies cannot crossbreed. Knowing the different behavior, tank requirements and diets of multiple fish is a difficult task to accomplish. Typically though, guppies and swordtails like to be kept in groups of 2 females to every 1 male. It will give you a percentage of how stocked you are, a suggestion on how much water to change a week, and ideal temperature and group # of fish. Guppies; Mollies; Swordtails; Can Platy Fish And Goldfish Live Together? The young fry of Goodeids are born with trophotaenia, an umbilical cord-like structure attached to them when they are born. Guppies - the smallest of viviparous, but larger molly, placium and swordfish can be … After reaching sexual maturity, Guppies can give birth after every 30 days. This thread is locked. Molly fish. Here is a site just for this: :You can plug in your tank's dimensions or gallons and add fish in the calculator. Buy a tank of the appropriate size so that the fish can remain stress-free. Thus, the species can interbreed. (The Nitrogen Cycle). Favorite Answer. can you breed fish without a license in Texas. The process is referred to as Superfetation. And guppies can provoke barbs, thorns, angelfish, some gourams with their bright long tails. you read and agreed to the, Why a Betta fish can NOT live in a bowl or tank smaller than 2.5 gallons. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. This one is 4 years old. Mollies and Platies cannot crossbreed because of their DNA and genes are not compatible. Freddy could you please keep up with the current threads? By entering this site you declare Very impressive indeed. The female can then give birth numerous times after having mated just once. Therefore, it's suggested to have a larger-than-you-need tank to accommodate the baby fish* as well. Veil Tail Guppy. They’re active fish and they even like to jump, so a higher tank or a cover on the tank will keep them from jumping out. But, can mollies and guppies live in the same tank? Get your answers by asking now. that's amazingly uncommon that they actually crossbreed, yet particular that's a threat. Yes, that combination should be fine. Can guppies and swordtails live together and if they can how many? To ensure that your swordtails are healthy, you will have to maintain an optimal ratio. ... TRACK EM (live bearers). As has been seen … That's where it'll be good to go with the aqadvisor site and plug in your information to see what your other options are. Tank Size: 20 gallons; Compatibility: 10/10. Still have questions? Yes swordtails and guppies will be fine together. Male swordtails are aggressive towards each other, but swordtails are fine with guppies (1 male per tank). They can also be kept with other peaceful community fish such as Mollies, Platies, Gouramis, Corydoras and peaceful tetras. tank. I have a 300 gallon Rubbermaid tank and have swordtails, platys and guppies... How long do you have to wait to add fish to a new tank? Would it be ok for a Redtail shark to live with with guppies, molly's, and ... Can I put a red parrot fish in with my guppies, swordtails, and angelfish? The typical rule to finding compatible tank mates with Guppies to create a community aquarium tank is to avoid known fin-nibblers, such as Tiger Barbs or Red-Tailed Shark, and fish that grow too big in comparison to Guppies, such as Angelfish. Guppies should be kept in a tank that is at least 10 gallons (38 L) in size, with roughly 2 gallons (7.6 L) for each guppy. The minimum tank size for one adult swordtail fish should be at least 15-gallons. I have swordtails and guppies. Of these species, both Platy and Swordtail there are a myriad of line-bred colour forms, in virtually any colour and pattern variation. 4 angelfish, 4 livebearers (platies, mollies, and/or swordtails), 4 guppies, 4 corydoras catfish, 1 bristlenose pleco ; Angelfish are kept in even numbers or as singles because they tend to pair off with one another. Gourami fish. I have a 29 gal. stable success. Generally this is true when you have two creatures that are the same species. Guppies cannot breed with Swordtails. The best male to female ratio is one male and three or four females… i have to disagree have the two together and the swords are just killing off all the guppies females and males so i would just stick to one or the other. How this cowgirl confronted her racist peers, 39-game college football winning streak ends, Pockets of U.S. feeling 'disproportionate' virus effect, Vulnerable inmates left in prison as COVID rages, Fauci on newly approved J&J vaccine: 'I would take it', 'Example of the American Dream' dies of virus at age 40, Biden warned not to budge on minimum wage hike, Seattle mayor warns suitors: 'Keep your eyes off' Wilson, Confederate statues removed at historic pace, Cuomo asks AG, top judge to launch harassment probe, Rising tension in Minneapolis as Floyd trial looms. I might... Will African Dwarf Frogs be good to live in a 1gallon tank ? Like most livebearers, there is not much to getting your guppies or swordtail to breed.