count dooku's hangar swgoh

This ship takes a bonus turn without reducing its cooldowns. This ability starts on cooldown.

Level 3: Deal Physical damage to all enemies, dealing 50% more damage, and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. Allied ships start in Defensive Formation.

Assault Formation: Reduce allied non-Capital ships cooldowns by 2 and they gain 50% Turn Meter. If you don't believe me, I am in a December 2015 shard, and here is my This attack can't be evaded. His statistics impacted include Health & Armor from his Strength Growth, Armor, Physical Critical Chance & Physical Damage from his Agility Growth, Resistance & Special Damage from his Tactics Growth and Critical Chance, Critical Damage & Damage his Agility Attacker Mastery. Waves: 1 ARC Trooper. Remove 10 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B1s and 3 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B2s. This ship takes a bonus turn without reducing its cooldowns. Moddiing for this faction is easy. This ship takes a bonus turn without reducing its cooldowns. Plus if you use his "Let the Hate Flow" ability, it will give Biggs 100% TM and Offense up, which, when timed with his Assist attack, will one shot Dooku. Darth Revan. From SWGoH Help Wiki., T-Series Tactical Droid / Nute Gunray (w/Count Dooku), or, Command Battle Droid / General Grievous (w/Wat Tambor), Geonosian Brood Alpha (w/all Geos except Poggle), or, T-Series Tactical Droid / General Kalani, or, Command Battle Droid / Geonosian Brood Alpha (w/all Geos), B2 Rocket Droid / Geonosian Brood Alpha (w/all geos), or, Command Battle Droid / Poggle the Lesser (w/all geos), or, [Core Enemies] but no Geonosian Spy, Droideka, B1 Heavy Gunner, or Command Battle Droid. (Cooldown: 2)

Level 2: Add to Defensive Formation: Allied non-Capital ships recover 25% of their Max Health and all of their Protection.

Level 3: Add to Assault Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied non-Capital ships deal 100% more damage. This ability starts on cooldown. Remove 10 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B1s and 3 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B2s. Separatist allies have +35% counter chance and gain 50% Tenacity the first time they are Stunned or Dazed.Whenever an enemy falls below 100% Health, they inflict Tenacity Down and Healing Immunity for 2 turns on themselves, which can't be evaded or resisted, and all Separatist allies gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 50%). Disciplined Separatist Attacker with high damage, counter attacks, and debuff capabilities. (Cooldown: 2)

Defensive Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied Tanks Taunt at the start of each turn if they don't already have it. Platoons in phase 4 are all 4/6. SWGOH Geonosis Battle Count Dooku and Asaj Mission. Count Dooku. (Cooldown: 2)

Level 2: Add to Defensive Formation: Allied non-Capital ships recover 25% of their Max Health and all of their Protection.

Level 3: Add to Assault Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied non-Capital ships deal 100% more damage. Reward: Sith Eternal Emperor - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. Platoons affecting territory: Republic Resolve Level 1: All Galactic Republic characters have +10% Tenacity and Potency.

Level 2: All Galactic Republic characters have +10% Tenacity and Potency, deal 25% more damage when they use an ability targeting an Elite enemy and are immune to Stun.

Level 3: All Galactic Republic characters have +25% Tenacity and Potency, deal 25% more damage when they use an ability targeting an Elite enemy, are immune to Stun, and take a bonus turn whenever they defeat an enemy., AT-TE Granted to Galactic Republic characters only
Level 1: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns.This attack can't be evaded. In the Middle Territory in Phase 4 there is a Combat Mission requiring the use of Count … 1 Description 2 History 3 Appearances 3.1 Non-canon appearances 4 Sources 5 Notes and references The hangar was … Characters that can apply. 501st. p1 Bottom is still available to do battles/deploy, too. Platoons Affecting Territory: None, Required: Light Side (7-Star) One entrance was to the north and crossed over a fuel storage ch… Swgoh relic guide . (Cooldown: 2)

Level 2: Add to Defensive Formation: Allied non-Capital ships recover 25% of their Max Health and all of their Protection.

Level 3: Add to Assault Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied non-Capital ships deal 100% more damage. Remove 10 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B1s and 3 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B2s. This attack can't be evaded. (Cooldown: 2)

Defensive Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied Tanks Taunt at the start of each turn if they don't already have it. Jump to:navigation, search. Galactic Republic Jedi. This attack can't be evaded. Darth Malak. Dooku was born on the planet Serenno to the planet's ruler, Count Gora, and his wife, Countess Anya. This ship takes a bonus turn without reducing its cooldowns. Platoons Affecting Territory: None, Required: Jedi (7-Star) This ability starts on cooldown. BA and GS are G13. Waves: 1 This ability starts on cooldown and shares a cooldown with Assault Formation. The AI is somehow programmed to use the bonus turn to get rid of extortion. Save JKA aoe dispel for if droideka has tenacity up ad damage immunity IMO. Kill b2 with multi attacks. Platoons affecting territory: AT-TE Granted to Galactic Republic characters only
Level 1: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns.This attack can't be evaded. Stats are for the maximum usable Gear Tier and 7 Star. Platoons affecting territory: AT-TE Granted to Galactic Republic characters only
Level 1: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns.This attack can't be evaded. Waves: 4 This attack can't be evaded. This ability starts on cooldown.

Level 2: Deal Physical damage to all enemies dealing 25% more damage, and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. Required: Light Side (7-Star) Deal massive damage to target non-Elite enemy. The Search for Count Dooku Boba Fett #1: The Fight to Survive by Terry Bisson April 2002 0 EVENT SOURCE MONTHS PUBLICATION DATE AFTER AOTC Assignment: Corellia “Elusion Illusion” by Mike Stackpole March 2003 1 EVENT SOURCE WEEK PUBLICATION DATE AFTER AOTC The Dark Reaper Project The Clone Wars October 2002 1 EVENT SOURCE MONTH … Seen 1248 Win % This ability starts on cooldown.

Level 2: Deal Physical damage to all enemies dealing 25% more damage, and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. Shock the target enemy, deal Special damage, and Stun them for 1 turn. Dooku is useless against: Daze, stun; which, happens to be 99% of the top 20 in fact, since almost every team has Zaul and/or EP teams. (Cooldown: 2)

Defensive Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied Tanks Taunt at the start of each turn if they don't already have it. This attack can't be evaded. Waves: 4 I discuss strategy in the video. Platoons Affecting Territory: Formations Level 1: The allied Capital Ship gains two abilities, Assault Formation and Defensive Formation. (Cooldown: 2)

Defensive Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied Tanks Taunt at the start of each turn if they don't already have it. Count Dooku has 100% counter chance. Deal massive damage to target non-Elite enemy. This ability starts on cooldown.

Level 2: Deal Physical damage to all enemies dealing 25% more damage, and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. Dooku, Spy and SunFac are at G12.5+ only missing finishers. Platoons affecting territory: Core Ship Starts on Level 3.
Level 3: All Separatist characters have +15% Offense and Speed, and call another random Separatist ally to assist, dealing 40% less damage, whenever they use an ability during their turn. This ship takes a bonus turn without reducing its cooldowns. This attack can't be evaded. This ability starts on cooldown.

Level 2: Deal Physical damage to all enemies dealing 25% more damage, and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. Level 1: The allied Capital Ship gains two abilities, Assault Formation and Defensive Formation. In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his turn, he deals 30% more damage, gains 15% Turn Meter, recovers 15% Protection, and gains Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn. This B2 Rocket Trooper Taunts for 1 turn at the end of each of its turns. Required: Galactic Republic (7-Star) Allied ships start in Defensive Formation.

Assault Formation: Reduce allied non-Capital ships cooldowns by 2 and they gain 50% Turn Meter. Deal massive damage to target non-Elite enemy. Remove 10 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B1s and 3 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B2s. Emperor Palpatine. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. For Count Dooku, his Lightsaber is his Relic of choice in SWGoH. Speed and Potency mods on both. Kuiil. The non-playable character (NPC) kits are identical to their corresponding playable characters (PC).There are 10 core enemies that appear in every mission (unless otherwise indicated): Geonosian Soldier, Geonosian Spy, IG-100 MagnaGuard, B1 Battle Droid, B1 Heavy Gunner, B2 Super Battle Droid, BX-series Commando Droid, Command Battle Droid, Droideka, and Sniper Droid. Require: 7-Star, Galactic Republic, Negotiator, Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter The facility was a factory that was used to produce aquatic weapons. This ability starts on cooldown.

Level 3: Deal Physical damage to all enemies, dealing 50% more damage, and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns. It had one launch chute on the east side of the building, and two entrances. This attack can't be evaded. Hopefully, he has no protection from extortion. This ability starts on cooldown and shares a cooldown with Defensive Formation. Dispel all buffs on all enemies, which can't be evaded.

Disabled: (Droid Factory destroyed), 7-Star, 22,000+ Power. This attack can't be evaded. This ability starts on cooldown., Hailfire Tank Starts at Level 3
Level 3: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Defense Down, Offense Down, Stagger, Tenacity Down, and 3 Damage Over Time debuffs for 2 turns.

Level 2: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and two random enemies, dealing 20% less damage. This attack has a 50% chance to Shock and Stun another random enemy, doubled if the target is Galactic Republic. This ability starts on cooldown and shares a cooldown with Defensive Formation. Inflict 3 Damage Over Time debuffs on each of them and Stagger them for 2 turns.

Level 1: Deal Physical damage to target enemy, dealing 40% less damage, and inflict 3 Damage Over Time debuffs for 2 turns.

Disabled: (Hailfire Tank destroyed). (Cooldown: 2)

Level 2: Add to Defensive Formation: Allied non-Capital ships recover 25% of their Max Health and all of their Protection.

Level 3: Add to Assault Formation: Until a new Formation is issued, allied non-Capital ships deal 100% more damage. These attacks have a 50% chance to inflict Stun and Ability Block for 1 turn and can't be countered or evaded. Time flies ! Platoons from phases 1-3 were all 6/6. This ability starts on cooldown. by | Feb 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | Feb 19, 2021 | Uncategorized Deal massive damage to target non-Elite enemy. Requires: 7-Star, 16,500+ Power, Galactic Republic, Padmé Amidala Waves: 4 Platoons Affecting Territory: None Possible Enemies [Core Enemies] but no Geos; Elites (Waves 3/4): T-Series Tactical Droid / Nute Gunray (w/Count Dooku), or This attack can't be evaded. Note: to simplify encounter list for missions, the shorthand "[Core Enemies]" is used to represent the following ten enemies who appear in every mission unless otherwise indicated: Zone 2: Contested Air Space (Republic) (Fleet), Combat Mission - Contested Air Space (Republic), Special Mission - Contested Air Space (Republic), Combat Mission 1 - Contested Air Space (Separatist), Special Mission - Contested Air Space (Separatist). Guilds must achieve at least 1 star to earn rewards and players must earn at least 1 Territory Point to be considered as participating. Light Side (7-Star) Waves: 4 Palpatine's shock prevents Dooku's health steal and will last for three turns, which will give you plenty of time to kill hiim. Galactic Legend: Sith Eternal Emperor. Power 32409; Speed 187; Health 33,095 This ability starts on cooldown and shares a cooldown with Assault Formation. Waves: 4 This ability starts on cooldown., Hailfire Tank Starts at Level 3
Level 3: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Defense Down, Offense Down, Stagger, Tenacity Down, and 3 Damage Over Time debuffs for 2 turns.

Level 2: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and two random enemies, dealing 20% less damage. Allied ships start in Defensive Formation.

Assault Formation: Reduce allied non-Capital ships cooldowns by 2 and they gain 50% Turn Meter. 7-Star, 23,000+ Power. Required: 7-Star, Galactic Republic, Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter Waves: 4 This ability starts on cooldown., Metal Mayhem Starts on Level 3
Level 3: All Droid allies have 35% Critical CHance and Critical Damage. Waves: 1 Galactic Republic. B2 Rocket Droid / Count Dooku Wat Tambor / Nute Gunray Count Dooku / Wat Tambor T-Series Tactical Droid (Elite is in Wave 4 only) General Strategy. Clone Troopers, Shaak Ti. Deal massive damage to target non-Elite enemy. I have a Dooku at g13 Relic 7 (No pic sorry) but like some people say Id run him as a tenacity junky to be safe if you can, I still run with critical damage and critical chance mods as they have decent speed on them atm, so he has some decent numbers, ill post them to give you an idea of where hes at, only weak point id say is my protection, I also currently run a G13 Relic … In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his turn, he deals 30% more damage, gains 15% Turn Meter, recovers 15% Protection, and gains Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn. Requires: Light Side (7-Star) Remove 10 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B1s and 3 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B2s. Waves: 4 Deal massive damage to target non-Elite enemy. - YouTube Waves: 4 Platoons affecting territory: Republic Resolve Level 1: All Galactic Republic characters have +10% Tenacity and Potency.

Level 2: All Galactic Republic characters have +10% Tenacity and Potency, deal 25% more damage when they use an ability targeting an Elite enemy and are immune to Stun.

Level 3: All Galactic Republic characters have +25% Tenacity and Potency, deal 25% more damage when they use an ability targeting an Elite enemy, are immune to Stun, and take a bonus turn whenever they defeat an enemy., AT-TE Granted to Galactic Republic characters only
Level 1: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Healing Immunity for 2 turns.This attack can't be evaded. In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his turn, he deals 30% more damage, gains 15% Turn Meter, recovers 15% Protection, and gains Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn. The Dark Acolytes was an shadowy counterpart to the Jedi Order aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Systems formed from fallen Jedi who served the former Jedi Master Count Dooku that had emerged at the start of the Clone Wars. Count Dooku – Relic 6 – 28,267 power – 339 speed, 62k health, 31k protection, 141.55% Potency – Six 6-dot mods (Speed & Potency sets), all abilities maxed Successful Attempt – I will start by saying that I suggest you do not attempt this until you get Sith Eternal Emperor to Gear 12 or Gear 13 first and have most of the Zetas. This ability starts on cooldown and shares a cooldown with Defensive Formation. Dooku's hangar was a hangar in the N'ge'u Valley of Geonosis used by Count Dooku before the start of the Clone Wars. SWGOH Count Dooku Counters Based on 86 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Light Side (7-Star) This ship takes a bonus turn without reducing its cooldowns. This ability starts on cooldown and shares a cooldown with Defensive Formation. Inflict 3 Damage Over Time debuffs on each of them and Stagger them for 2 turns.

Level 1: Deal Physical damage to target enemy, dealing 40% less damage, and inflict 3 Damage Over Time debuffs for 2 turns.

Disabled: (Hailfire Tank destroyed), 7-Star, 21,000+ Power. Kill droideka asap. This attack can't be evaded. 7-Star, 21,000+ Power. Phase 4 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. This page was last edited on 11 January 2021, at 18:44. Remove 10 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B1s and 3 stacks of Droid Battalion from all B2s. General Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano The Acolytes served the Confederacy of Independent Systems and … Inflict 3 Damage Over Time debuffs on each of them and Stagger them for 2 turns.

Level 1: Deal Physical damage to target enemy, dealing 40% less damage, and inflict 3 Damage Over Time debuffs for 2 turns.

Disabled: (Hailfire Tank destroyed), Light Side (7-Star) 7-Star, 21,000+ Power. Allied ships start in Defensive Formation.

Assault Formation: Reduce allied non-Capital ships cooldowns by 2 and they gain 50% Turn Meter. Platoons Affecting Territory: Formations Level 1: The allied Capital Ship gains two abilities, Assault Formation and Defensive Formation. Platoons Affecting Territory: Formations Level 1: The allied Capital Ship gains two abilities, Assault Formation and Defensive Formation. Waves: 4 The production facility ran further down the structure, but the hangar sat higher up in a tower above and was used to house Geonosian fighters. We are happy to announce that the Boba’s counters discord bot is now usable by everyone in the swgoh community. Description Character cannot heal, gain buffs, or gain bonus turn meter.