dim for estrogen dominance

I have autoimmune hypothyroidism and i had a goiter ( enlarged thyroid gland ) throughout my childhood. Definately take DIM, it lowers estrogen by letting the liver let go of the excess hormone, over stressed life causes too much cortisol increasing estrogen, so many factors, take DIM and a progesterone cream from health food store. breast and all the others ! Estrogen is balanced by progesterone during the last two weeks. Herbs & Supplements for Healing Estrogen Dominance . I’ve had it for 25 +years. I have thickening of the lining of the womb 7mm but not cancer. I can only see at books length. Use DIM and Estro-Aid (Smoky Mountain Naturals.) She is supposed to start the progesterone cream after her next period. DHT Blocks Estrogen. I am 22 years old. Other than DIM, mostly plant based diet, daily exercise, meditation, no eggs, no cheese what can I do naturally to inhibit estrogen. I’m on spirolactone and have been for 15 yrs. I want to write this to help people diagnosed with PMDD that can't or don't want to get on birth control and don't want to get on antidepressants. Trying progesterone starting tonight as well since it is low and have adrenal issues..Thanks! I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, and also had 12 lymph nodes removed in 2014. Hi Nixie, this is the best I could do to figure out hormonal heart palpitations after years of reading. I don’t know if you’ll see this message as yours was a month ago, but I discovered an excellent method to deal with heavy bleeding/flooding. Each capsule provides 200mg of DIM, and every bottle contains a 2-month supply. I have also started taking Sam-e which maybe helping but I am a bit sensitive to it so can only take every 3rd day. You can have the good carbs like fruits. Amazon.com assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products. I was thinking about DIM but heard that it may cause heart palpitations which is my main complaint! I did look him up when patients mentioned him repeatedly. I found Yam Cream was the only thing to stop rapped heart, panic based attacks. Eat lots of the green leafy vegetable like spinach salad arugula, broccoli etc Eat no more than two red meats a week. I am 48 and perimenopausal. These menopause symptoms are ruining my career and my relationships and my life. This whole cascade operates as a sort back up plan for low thyroid/unstable blood sugar, but obviously it’s very disruptive to one’s life. FYI, my integrative health care practitioner was advised of my supplements and had no problem with the regimen. She is regularly active, maybe a little stressed and eats healthily. If you are not a doctor, you should not be diagnosing these ladies. Albert Einstein. I have tried other things for the anxiety but got no relief at all (5 htp, etc). The therapy includes both estrogen and testosterone. There is lots on internet about oral vs topical bioidentical progesterone and estrogen dominance and zenoestrogens and losing your mind after menopause. Stop taking estrogen !!!! Anyways, things that cause estrogen to fluctuate like alcohol (alcohol temporarily increases estrogen), soy, flax, etc might cause problems when estrogen decreases in it’s monthly ebb and flow. Now I’m basically blind without my glasses (nearsighted). When my estrogen levels lowered due to menopause, I felt very unwell and my joints bothered me to the point that I thought I would be disabled within a year. I take vitex to regulate my periods. Nonetheless, they are worse at night accompanied by heart pounding, insomnia, and if I do drift off to sleep I immediately pop awake. Could this be true post menopausal ? The pain in my side was due to excess estrogen messing up my gall bladder function and the swollen feeling in my throats was due to the hypothyroid. Although in all fairness, I did find bioidentical hormones in cold pressed organic oils (the creams etc are suspended in bases that are highly toxic. There is a hormone balance cookbook out that gives so much information and has a test to help you know where you may be off. The hormones are produced in your ovaries. … I also started mixing flaxseed and a fiber supplement into my smoothies. Also stopped heartburn. You don’t have to have all these symptoms to have P.C.O.S. I was skinny when I was young–never had trouble at all. I will often ask my hubs to check the moon ( I used to menstruate on or around the full moon) so I would know why I was feeling awful. It causes cancer! Most menopausal or post menopausal women don’t need estrogen we need bioidentical progesterone and we need to cut out all xenoestrogens in our environment and diet as well. I never got any blood tests for anything, and I can’t afford to test for all the conditions I mentioned earlier because I don’t have insurance, I pay out of pocket. Any thoughts on a link between IUD hormones and thyroid changes would be potentially helpful. Color can range from beige to pink. That sounds very concerning. Please try DIM from the https://www.berkeleyformula.com website. Before estrogen, I could not eat and lie down unless there was several hours in between or I would have awful heartburn. If having problems with sleep, is it best to take the full dose at bedtime? I never wanted to die of that type of cancer. Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2018. Many women in their thirties and early forties find that they experience moderate to severe symptoms of estrogen dominance as they approach perimenopause. Your hypothyroidism isn’t being treated properly, which is causing you to not be able to lose weight, and with your thyroid hormones being out of whack, so are your sex hormones and adrenals – they all work together. See a functional medicine doctor in your area. My herbalist suggested using Chaste tree berry extract to gradually and gently balance my hormones. I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and regret it. I’m hoping the DIM will help and allow me to lessen or stop the antidepressants (with the guidance of my doctor). Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. Ella, Hi Patty, He has over 2,000 videos, all related to your situation. Her blood sugar may be a possible problem. Doctors have been lying to woman for years ! I know there is ONLY one form of progesterone that “protects” from getting uterine cancer….is it the pill form OR the cream? Do not take on an empty stomach. His website is http://www.goodhormonehealth.com I wish you and your daughter all the best! I have gained 25lbs in the past 6 months…and I am highly active. Not every night. I apologize for the length of this question. Can you take DIM and bioavailabile progesterone cream at the same time? And of course my GYNOB wants to take out my uterus. Eggs feeds that virus and exasperates symptoms. We had pretty much gotten things to a manageable level and about 2 years ago things changed. Your use of and/or visitation to the Web site signifies your agreement to CNI’s Terms of Use and CNI’s Privacy Policy. Have you checked your prolactin levels? Using both estrogen and progesterone as hormone therapy can have a beneficial anti-androgen effect in menopause. Results from following the information on our Amazon product page will vary from individual to individual. Through Wisdom of Menopause & Dr. Patrick Holford I came on DIM. -Hair loss It has taken care of all the issues I am having and more. Thankful they are benign. I am thinking about getting my hormones checked. You need to find a Functional Medicine or Holistic doctor in your area, such as Dr. Northrup, who will LISTEN TO YOU. And then no sugar diet. I had Ovarian cancer at age 31 and wanted to keep my other ovary and other “bits” in case I wanted to have kids later in life. On JJ’s advice, I cut refined sugars and white flour from my diet and upped my fiber intake by adding more cruciferous vegetables and low-sugar fruits. I have had a hysterectomy and one ovary removed. My period has not come yet this month, and yet I have cramps. I know these foods are used by the Asians, how many of them have cancers of the Ovaries or not. By clicking “Submit” below, or otherwise using or visiting www.DrNorthrup.com, you hereby agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in Christiane Northrup, Inc’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I didn’t see that listed as a symptom of estrogen dominance. Is there any way to accurately determine what my actual hormone levels are? I would appreciate your feed back on my concerns. I’ve also found that caffeine makes me far worse and that my periods are far less painful when I eat low sugar, low carb (no gluten), and dairy free. The pain was like nothing else I have experienced. * Too much estrogen has a variety of undesired impacts. Estrogen is a hormone that is stimulating, while progesterone is its calming counterpart. Hello Dr Northrup She refused Chemo because they had just started it and didn’t want to loose her hair and many were dying from Chemo at that time. DIM how much do you take each day? Hi, So therefore worth a try ? And eating only 500 calories a day is dangerous w/extreme exercise up to twice a day is dangerous…you will sooner or later become nutritionally deficient in essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, neurotransmitters, etc. -Too much stress, resulting in excess amounts of cortisol, insulin, and norepinephrine, which can lead to adrenal exhaustion and can also adversely affect overall hormonal balance Sounds like me too. Dose is typically 200 mg/day but must be adjusted to the individual. I’m age 34 and I’ve been struggling with many of the symptoms on your list but I’ve also been experiencing hot flashes. If you would like me to send you a link when I have finished (it will be within the next week or so) don’t hesitate to email me at ellesoiree@gmail.com – same goes for any other ladies . Thank you! I used to have over 20/20 vision. Also, I have hypothyroidism that was undiagnosed for years because I was always “within” range. Hi I have been on oestrogel, utogestran and testim gel for 4 months now, im 50 and hormone test through gp showed i was menapausal along with weight gain, fatigue painful joints particularly knees. I am 57 years young. Check your Cortisol Awakening Response C.A.R. Thank you all. It is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women — an astounding 14,000 out of 23,000 diagnosed each year, die. Pure estrogen ! I feel so lost and don’t know what to do. I am 66 years old, was on the vivelle patch for at least 10 years. And some women can suffer from the symptoms of estrogen dominance for 10 to 15 years, beginning as early as age 35. Have you found any relief? Good Morning, Doctors have been tought to treat symptoms not cause, so I wouldn’t put all my faith in them. Too much estrogen during peri-menopause can suppress thyroid. Well, I am happy to say I have gotten rid of that forever! It’s pricey – $400 and it lasts 3-4 months for most women. All the plastics we drink from eat from in canned foods, and so much more, and petrochemicals in beauty, personal and cleaning products among other factors mimic estrogen in our system and creat E dominance.