dr harvey's canine health reviews

Thank you for sharing this with Dr. Harvey. Sam LOVES Paradigm! I never knew how sick his old food was making him until I put him on your food. Today their website provides a wealth of information on pet food ingredients and nutrition. Our vet thinks they look great now, and was impressed with the ingredients listed on the Canine Health package. I gave her Pee Wee’s weight and she taught me how to feed him, when to feed him. Unbeknownst to me, blood work was ordered before the procedure was to performed. I have never had an experience quite like it, we have been blessed with great vets, but Dr. Harvey is more than that he is a great human being who really cares. That is when I found Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health pre-mix dog food. A few short months later, July 2017, I felt a lump in Jack’s throat. My husband had also started walking them for 45 minutes a day. He was just getting sicker everyday. We want him to have the best. I was at a loss because it happened suddenly and I knew he probably felt sick inside. I was excited yet apprehensive due to my many previous failures. Because of this his mouth doesn’t close and his tongue hangs out. I thought that like all our other quick fix remedies (shampoos and meds) that his itching and discomfort would surely be back in a week or two . Don’t discount the calendula – healer of all wounds – herbally and homeopathically. I prepare enough for three days and as soon as I take it out of the refrigerator and open the container she starts to cry for it. By 6 months she was eating raw. She runs, hops, or jumps everywhere she goes, and I swear her hearing and sight are better! Thank you all SO much for the tummy relief and peace of mind! Recommended. I found a comment about Dr. Harvey’s and a blend he has where you add your own meat and how so many people were seeing great results. She then put him on another prescription diet; which caused stomach upset. I had no idea that any food could make such a difference! Thank you Dr. Harvey, from Jojo, my family and me.”, “We have been feeding our four dogs Dr. Harvey’s Healthy Canine for many years. Thank you for this food! His appearance says it all! Thanks sooo much for your great products! They have called me so excited with the results. In addition to her extremely high kidney values, her liver enzymes were through the roof as well, but that had never even been mentioned to me. I feed my dog with digestive issues Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health, but I wanted to put my younger dogs on a raw diet and Veg to Bowl is a huge help. I don’t know about the Veg to bowl. terrific! The vet told me to keep her on low-fat food, so that’s what I fed her (a very good brand, mind you). We have never had any issue with any of them not wanting it. Canine Health would work well for my rescued dogs. “Hi there – we absolutely LOVE your product! A stranger mentioned this product to me in passing…I won’t be able to thank him…but I can thank Dr. Harvey Cohen for his knowledge of nutrition and common sense. Our 13 year old Pit Bull/Lab mix, who has a tumor the size of a foot ball on her back, was fading. Â, Dr. Harvey’s believes that feeding a fresh, holistic, natural diet will lead to a healthier, longer life for our pets. I was so broken-hearted thinking I would lose my sweet Georgia girl soon. Of course they didn’t get the other “health” food. She took to Canine Health immediately, without hesitation, and in a matter of just a couple of weeks she was restored to the happy, healthy, energetic dog she’d been before the horrible colitis cycle. There was not going to be any chemotherapy due to her being perhaps 11 years old and having an enlarged heart. My 14 year-old Golden Retriever has IMT or Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. her meals. It was like fresh food with great supplements! It’s amazing to see the difference in his energy levels and his ability to excel at sports. Stay up to date on all of the latest in the dog world! On Wednesday, March 28th, I noticed Chloe straining a bit to defecate. Forrest Gump is 11 and had just lost his sister Baby. I’m hoping to adopt another dog in a couple of months – figuring on either a puppy or young adult. I urge you to contact Dr. Harvey if you have any questions. His number improved but we weren’t satisfied. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am so happy I found Paradigm! I became frantic. Mugsy absolutely loves the food! She skips to go outside and although she’s always been a very quiet dog due to her forced caged lifestyle until she was rescued, she is very excited to eat, and she loves Paradigm. He really loves this food, which to me is very important because I’m not constantly worried about whether or not he’s going to eat. I knew right away that my dogs liked it a lot and it was healthy. I soon found out his whole story and knew that I had to be the one to make sure it continued. Thank you Dr. Harvey’s for providing a life altering, healthy food option so I can spend as much time as possible with my four legged furry true love and allowing me to see her Happy, Healthy and enjoying being my pup once more. Making DIY Dog Grooming Wipes - Perfect for on the Go! We were completely blown away by Dr. Harvey’s and, Whole Food Herbal Multi-Vitamin and Mineral, different options for feeding Veg-To-Bowl, can’t wait to try out more of their products. It was like an instant transformation. And I remembered that one of those things was a pre-mix called “ Canine Health ” that you could use with either a raw or a cooked diet. My husband & I moved to Charleston, SC from Wilmington, NC four months ago. We couldn’t agree more Melissa! I got on the internet searching for any bad review of Dr Harvey’s food. Neighbors with their dogs were so surprised of her sudden health change I had to share the information with them. Then, we came across Dr. Harvey’s when doing some research online on how to make our own dog food. My next purchase will be for Barkotti. When I take these out to feed my dogs, my cats insist on having them too! The vet was very impressed with how well Karma is doing. Almost two weeks of daily subcutaneous fluids and anti-nausea meds she was doing better. I spent hundreds of dollars. When he quit eating, I took him to Dr. Retz, and she ran a blood panel to learn that extra bad breath and now black colored teeth were the result of renal failure! Dr. Harvey’s suggests a few different options for feeding Veg-To-Bowl. My girl has always been a great eater but now she absolutely loves her food. My husband said what is wrong with her? Antibiotics and a bland diet seemed to do the trick, but as soon as we gradually reintroduced her to her ordinary food, the colitis returned immediately and with a vengeance, which meant yet another cycle of antibiotics. I’d like to thank you and your staff for going through all that fuss to ship my order to South Korea. By the second day her eyes were twinkling bright and walked vigorously on her outing! I think my girls would like the Oracle Dog Food. He was so sick. First off wanted to say thanks for the handwritten card it was so awesome! I was completely devastated and desperate. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Seen by many as merely a means to an end, pet food was not given much thought by the majority of pet owners. I actually first tried your Healing Cream on one of my Westie’s hot spots. It is truly a miracle and we are so thankful for this food and everything that Dr. Harvey and his team have done to help our little guy get better! I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting significant results because I had already had my dog on a homemade diet with a vitamin mix. The Vet immediately put her on fluids to cleanse her kidneys and recommended I put her on the Hills Prescription Diet immediately to help her kidneys. I will highly recommend your products to all my doggie friends! – a rescue we’ve had since March 2014. Homeopathic, natural or nothing is my only way from now on. I have added that into a mostly raw diet switching here and there since it is quite expensive. His numbers have NEVER been this high. DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR KIDS! Available in freeze dried beef, chicken, tripe or grain-free formulas, Oracle represents the easiest way to feed the Raw Diet of you (and your dog’s) dreams. potato, corn, or filler, that he is allergic to. We have been trying different high protein low carb foods since then trying to control the cancer growth. At first when I saw these dog biscuits I wondered if my small dogs would be able to handle the size and the weight. I really like that he’d be getting all sorts of vitamins & minerals too. Dear Dr. Harvey, I worry about our pup getting enough veggies so this is perfect, and since he’s a miniature dachshund / chihuahua mix I’d opt for the fine ground. i just wanted you to know that i think that this cream should be known to everyone. We are thrilled to say the least, and want to do what we can to continue to keep him healthy, happy and have a good quality of life. She slowly stopped eating and I felt like she was quickly starting to take a turn for the worse. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Thank you for developing such a great line of products that is nutritious for dogs (man’s best friend. ), and he will be very sad tonight when he finishes his last serving.". Great Find! Click here to save 10% using code MDL1231. I appreciate your kindness at this time. So naturally, after a vet visit and we were told there was nothing more to do for him, go home, and soon when he would totally give up eating. Dr. Harvey’s believes that feeding a fresh, holistic, natural diet will lead to a healthier, longer life for our pets. would be a great idea. Thank you so much. A miracle has occurred in Forest Hills! I wanted to update you on Ranger since you were so helpful in discussing his care and nutrition with me a few weeks back. I wanted to give Skye the best and the most natural foods I could. This photo was taken the day before his scheduled death.. Brothers rescued—-only a day before death at the shelter. Then the Vet came back in the room and showed me her lab results ALL within normal range. He needs to stay lean and healthy! I just ordered more food! Read ratings and reviews so you can find the right Dr. Harvey'S Freeze-Dried Dog Food for your pet. Exactly what I was looking for as far as healthy, good for My husband and I have a 10 or 11 year old terrier mix who went in for blood work to make sure we could put her under for teeth cleaning. If I’m not going to be able to cook for a few days, I prepare it and freeze each portion. Our 8yr old Golden Retriever was diagnosed with lymphoma about 6 weeks ago by our local vet. In early 2017 Jack had a mass removed from the side of his neck, when the results came back, the mass contained cancer cells, but the tissue around it did not, we thought Jack was healthy and hoped for no return. Canine Health is made from 6 certified organic grains, 9 vegetables and 14 herbs. I can’t tell you how happy and relieved I have become thanks to this preparation. We have been using the Veg-to-Bowl pre-mix for almost 2 months now, and have happily been experimenting with various protein sources. “When I have owners reluctantly admit that they are no longer feeding commercially prepared dog foods, the first concern I have is that this dog may be Calcium deficient. Of course, she still has her tiny nostril, as a side note! In spite of being Dr. Harvey’s most outstanding recipe, we had entirely to attempt it in the family unit as of recently. Three emergency visits had already rendered me financially helpless in not being able to hospitalize her. He was starting to get a little finicky about eating, which he has never been, so I was getting concerned. We have also recently added in Veg-to-Bowl as well. I’m glad people were so excited to share Tyrael’s journey to health! It will make her eating healthy for the time she has left so much easier on us. With all the positive reviews, I had to try it. I spent hours on the Internet looking for a solution and decided I was going to attempt to make her homemade dog food. We were advised to give her a bland diet and sprinkle unflavored Metamucil on her food. Thank You Dr. Harvey! I honestly didn’t think it was possible – it really is a miracle. We are also still in the process of getting his insulin dosage at the correct levels and this past weekend was the best glucose curve we’ve had yet. I came across Dr. Harvey’s, I read reviews and ingredients (which I was able to pronounce, and I knew what each ingredient was) and felt Dr. Harvey’s was worth a try. Did it work? “Enclosed is a picture of our two Labrodoodles, Montecore and Morgan aged It hasn’t quite been two weeks yet but I’ve already noticed a change in her. He only gets a tiny bit of the prescription kibble now, and I was pleasantly surprised to see his blood sugar values dropping and stabilizing after about a week of eating Paradigm. I have added the Veg-to-Bowl to her regular Canine Health-Miracle Food and she eats it up enthusiastically. She’s even gained weight which is something we’ve been trying to do for a couple years.) By the time I got him, he had all the tell-tale signs of a distemper survivor: neurological tics, a motion with his mouth like he was constantly chewing gum, infection around the eyes that seemed impossible to get rid of, and horrible rancid death breath. My Bailey would like the Canine Health-The Miracle Dog Food, I would like Le Dogue Bites and Oracle Dog food. So I am writing to you to tell you to spread the word. I didn’t even transition Bernie to the new food. We gave her a bath one night & felt no abnormalities. The second photo is from his last bath several days ago! On top of it all, the weight loss had been happening gradually which indicated he also had absorption issues. Thanks again! Thank you Dr. Harvey’s! Skipper has many favorites from Dr. Harvey’s pantry: the fish Le Dogue Bites, Coconut Smiles, Sweet Potate’r Chews and Veg-to-Bowl. Took her to the vet and it was biopsied and came back and possibly cancerous. diets for their pets. I love everything about this product. Chemo was just not an option for us financially and I felt Jack was completely himself and I knew chemo would ruin him. They are larger chunks in the Oracle. I would say the Canine Health-The Miracle Dog Food for our senior rescue dog that we have had for a few months. Dr. Harvey’s was kind enough to send us a sampling of their food and supplement lines to try and share with our readers! Again, Thank you Dr. Harvey, Wendy, (who never sleeps), and all your great staff for caring and loving my little Kobe, and so many others. She ate it!! I couldn’t be happier with the results For years we have fed her nothing but Blue Buffalo as I always had the perception that they were a quality food. I have a long story about MeMe and I am glad to share. One month ago, he completely crashed to 0 platelets. A work associate told me to call Dr. Harvey. fallen out or they are so loose they don’t function, so he can not chew to Made boiled organic chicken with mixed veggies, pumpkin, and a touch of spaghetti which was tolerable, but you can tell it was not sufficient enough. Michelle and Morgan. She didn’t have a great start in life but she’s thriving now. I feel I have done the best by her to make her days worthwhile and I attribute a large part of it to the fact that she is eating a high-quality food that is helping her immune system. It has been a fun, educational journey for our entire pack, and the pups love their new food! It was painful and it wouldn’t heal. Debbie the testimonials are amazing. PS… He has given so much to myself and my husband that I would give him my all and more! Your food is the only food he can eat without getting sick and the only food that keeps his weight at a normal level. The lower picture is before Dr.Harvey’s food. Just ordered another 6lb bag for him and one for the neighbor dogs. They are so happy since I switched to your feeding program. It has been a game changer in both of our lives. Boy, it all looks good. I pretty much refuse to practice without healing cream because it is useful post-surgical on incision sites and all other cutaneous lesions. But several years ago, I happened to try Dr. Harvey’s. We tried all kinds of different foods hoping to find one she liked that was low fat and healthy. I’m happy to say my little one’s stomach issues are gone, and their coats have never been softer and shinier! I had always fed him human grade foods but many of the ingredients did not agree with him. I was a little skeptical thinking that this was probably not going to work either, but within a matter of mere days her bad breath was completely gone! *I was told she could take Previcox a high dosage anti-inflammatory and that she probably had about six months or so to live. Dr. Harvey's Canine Health Miracle Dog Food, 10 Pounds become a trends when it comes to this day. I e-mailed Dr. Harvey the results and again he called me with instructions for liver support. Chacha was so weak she could only take brief walks and barely enough strength in her back legs to climb stairs. In addition, she is healthy and that’s the best part! He had 2 bad weeks, however, after that he became symptom-free in October and has been well since then! I was baffled that even with the expensive “high quality” dry food her health was declining. I add my meat and oil and I have very healthy dogs. Woof Woof!!! Beezly!!! We’ll never go back to any other food. So I had it on hand when we brought Henry home and at that time switched our other 8 yr old shihtzu/maltese mix to the Canine Health. It is truly a little miracle in a jar. (and he, obviously, is very happy, too!). She also just had a 2nd (in 12 months) surgery on her knees, so she needs optimum nutrition daily. The vets are amazed when they have their well checkups. to know how amazed we and others are about the health, vitality, and His body is destroying his platelets. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Dr. Harvey's Canine Health Miracle Dog Food (5 pounds) at Amazon.com. He is awesome and thanks to your excellent products he is a new dog. She was a puppy mill breeder. I was truly expecting maybe one or two meals; just enough for her to have a meal or possibly two and that would be it. The stories I read on Dr. Harvey’s site gave me hope. We do think this food would be a great option however for smaller dogs! She was happy and playful and so much fun. I said she wants this and I picked up the bag of Dr Harvey’s Parrot food. Some unseen force ordered me to take him, even with the looming uncertainties that come along with a distemper survivor—will his neurological condition continue to go downhill? This food is simply incredible . I was adopted by Gilda, an adorable tzu girl who had cancer. I’m including a recent picture of Beazer, who will be 14 years on February 5th! I was lucky enough to speak with Dr. Harvey and he put him on Health and Shine and two other supplements as well. In short he’s allergic to almost all outside grasses, trees and such.. and almost all meats! When you choose Dr. Harvey’s you and your companion animal benefit from 30+ years of research and experience that has made countless pets live long and happy lives. My vet gave up on him and said he only had about 6 months to live, and just give dry prescription K/D food. I avoid giving her anything for treats other than a little piece of cooked chicken every now and then. Kobe will never eat anything but Canine Health again. We thought maybe there was an obstruction somewhere, so we opted for exploratory surgery. The owner was not making sure he ate his meals! I will never again unquestionably trust anyone with the health of my dogs. My big “sister”, Penny, is also very happy to enjoy your food every day. Booker’s teeth rotted horribly and painfully out of his mouth. It is now November and everything is normal! She was getting worse by the day so I insisted on another blood scan. As early advocates to this type of feeding, educating pet parents has been a critical component of their mission. I did everything the vet told me to do! Dr. Harvey's Canine Health is a revolutionary all-natural, holistic dog food pre-mix. This review is targeted toward large and giant breed dog owners currently feeding a raw diet, or those considering transitioning to raw feeding soon. His glucose went from 524 to 329. Our five dogs and I absolutely love Raw Vibrance. Sure did! It all looks really good, but I especially like the veg to bowl option. I never treated her like she was sick and I never cried around her. Again, thank you for being there. These foods look pawsome! I added Veg- to-Bowl to MY soup and loved it! Everyone was healthy and happy. burned from it…the doctors never saw a case like it before. She had no trouble changing food from Science Diet. She has been battling T-Cell Lymphoma for 18 months now. Thanks for this wonderful product that keeps my Sadie so healthy!”, “I want to say how absolutely thrilled I am with the Canine Health Dog Food. After reading the testimonials, its hard to imagine a dog that wouldnt love it! I decided to try Dr Harvey’s food again and when I called to ask if he had a supplement for coughs the doctor got on the phone. I am a little concerned about the liverwurst because of the toxins in the liver, but it was only about an ounce. I like the idea of the veg to bowl. I have a complete physical performed on her and her brother Apollo once a year, along with blood work. Others in our rescue have also used this product with many different breeds and they swear by it too. We are life long fans now! I use extra lean ground beef or GROUND skinless chicken thigh for his meat (which I grind). She loves your food, especially the days I make it with cod. (My husband and I only seem to talk about the dog’s poop anymore! I’ve been amazed at the difference in her. My 13-year-old Corgi, Swannie, started showing early signs of kidney failure last spring. Sucre, my beautiful Labradoodle, was recently diagnosed with diabetes and put on a prescription diet that lists its first ingredient as whole wheat with broths vitamins and a little chicken meal. *We have our sweet dog back and it’s been an amazing transformation. I also get many compliments on his healthy condition and beautiful fur. The health benefits are amazing! I feed a mostly homemade PMR diet, but do regularly use premade and dehydrated raw. He has done chemo, the melanoma vaccine and had 3 surgeries. Thank you for possibly saving our baby’s life! She goes crazy when we give her this because she loves it so much.”, “I received my samples and I have never seen my puppy eat so well. The impact they have made in improving the health of our beloved pets is further solidified through the countless testimonials available on their website.Â. Chloe had pancreatitis and her kidneys were failing. We were feeding her Blue Buffalo because we thought it was a good brand. As the day wore on, she again became lethargic. I am so grateful not to have to worry about what is in her food. I was so happy to find a product with actual healthy food & no preservatives. Captain is now on the Paradigm food and he adjusted his intake and this was able to stabilize his glucose numbers. In June, we started making Canine Health for them. I honestly think she believes she’s getting what I cook nightly for my husband….her greatest dream finally came true (or so she believes!) I had been researching alternative treatments and incorporating them into her routine. When Montecore and Morgan hear us take out the bowl of prepared Canine Health, they come running. Thank you Dr. Harvey! Hi! And at that time, he was at 66,000 platelet count. I started off just giving Sam a little bit, mixed with his prescription kibble from the vet. NomNomNow Review – Seeing the Difference Whole Food Can Make! We are definitely going to make this his permanent diet. He has been seizure free for over 3 weeks. Pee Wee: rising from the dead from renal failure, now running, playing, carrying heavy chew toys again with ease and heck, shocking to see him so happy again. Love the idea especially as Layla is allergic to chicken so I got to the point of making all her food so the vitamin supplement especially would be awesome to add to her food, I am just a Jewish Mom that worries she does not get a balanced diet BOL, so this is a great giveaway – thanks, Ha! Bear is a 10.5-year-old Yellow Lab who was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma I was doubtful but sent him an email describing her condition and blood / liver levels. Dr. Harvey’s are longtime sponsors of this blog, and it is clear that we believe in what they are doing. So many pet parents don’t understand the feeding revolution. You have also helped this mom feel confident in what she is feeding her babies is the healthiest food she can give them! “Meeshka has now been on Canine Health for two months. What makes them truly unique is that they contain, Dr. Harvey’s can ease your mind with their Veg-to-Bowl pre-mix. Very Happy Mommy of Chloe and Apollo. We came up with a great regimen for Gilda and she certainly fooled the dogtors. After a long healing process, he was back to himself; the vet gave me the devastating news; he recommended Jack to go for chemo. I wanted to give you an update on Linus. Thank you for your time and love of animals." We were so excited to see formed stool that we took pictures to send to each other. Forgot to add which one. A friend told me about your They have gorgeous skin and coats and all act like puppies. He has diabetes. He cries to be fed and knows that when the tea kettle goes on the stove, he will be fed. Click here to save 10% from Dr. Harvey’s using code MDL1231. Not once. And the best part is no regurgitation! I was surprised at how quickly my order arrived! He now asks for it by standing in front of me and barking and running back and forth to the refrigerator. Tigger is 17 years old and is my rock he knows when I am sad stays by my side when I am down or not feeling well now I can do that for him because of Dr Harvey. The first night he devoured his meal. I couldn’t believe it! However, we won’t compromise on what Captain needs. We figured he would be “thrilled” with premium dog food and fresh cooked chicken spread across the top. He knows where we keep the package and he will sit by it about 10 minutes before he eats dinner like a kid in a toy store knowing something exciting is going to happen. This is when I discovered Dr. Harvey’s. We go for his annual checkup at the end of October. After owning this breed of dog for over 40 years, I lost my last dog due to treats from China. This food is made with fresh real ingredients like oats, carrots, and peas and gives her a well-balanced meal. Thank you so much for your interest. Thank you so much for the free sample…. I switched Bear to Paradigm and my little guys to Canine Health right away. We will continue on this diet and at this point we have stopped all the supplements the vet recommended and switched to Dr. Harvey’s Kidney Health Supplement along with the Canine Health Miracle Dog Food. It makes life a lot easier “on the go”. I started researching this disease as well as different types of dog food. Try as I might, I cannot figure out the smell that it is releasing, but I will tell you this…it smells good!Â, A few scoops of powder on their grain-free kibble is all that is needed to provide the boys with the benefits of vitamins without all of the fillers or junk that is commonly found in them!