hunter rapid fire macro

Posted on: 12-03-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 52113 times /cast bite(basic attack) I just open my macro tab and change TankName as needed. /cast Bite [nodead] /startattack Never realized how useful they were! SF is Safe Fall, which uses a Goblin Glider Kit, Updraft, or one of the slow fall toys if I dismount while in the air. To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". /cast Bite /cast bite(basic attack) Select your new macro and use the text editor below to … Because the pet AI is wonky. If you have the … Every attack should have (example Arcane Shot) =, #showtooltip Arcane Shot /cast Rapid Fire. Basic ground-target Trap macro. I use this macro for fire burst without problems: /cast Berserking(Racial) /cast Combustion I can use it while casting and Berserking activates properly right after my cast. Pet Macro. By providing faster shooting, it significantly increases damage output for a short period of time; effective use of this ability is central to hunter … Hold shift and click the macro to make the macro memorize your current target. There is a much simpler and more … Includes a couple micro-addons I wrote: TF is Worgen transform, which puts me in Human form about 99% of the time I mount up. #showtooltip That’s great - I will try those out tonight. /cast Rapid Fire. You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. Nochanneling macros like this will let you spam your other buttons while Rapid Fire is channeling, without cancelling it. you will see a marked increase in dps. /use Ruthless Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest. /cast Bite Basic mouseover/focus/target macro for Counter Shot. I prefer this one for either my focus target (tank in groups) or pet (solo): #showtooltip Don’t over-cap Aimed Shot. This is a simple noob macro I still use for dungeons / raids =. Rapid Fire Macro. Shift+keybind again to wake the pet. /cast [pet] Growl Note that Counter Shot inherently includes /stopcasting, while none of the other targeted utility I mentioned has that. I also like Growl on Kill Command - just remember to disable for dungeons etc (i literally just delete the “L” off of Growl so that line wont work). Use the same thing for Tranquilizing Shot, Concussive Shot, any of the PvP stings, etc. This macro casts Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild. Mouse over your tank and click… or mouseover nothing and misdirect to your pet (btw, I have petattack in my kill command). One /castsequence reset=combat/target Bestial Wrath, Rapid Fire, Kill Command, Dire Beast, null … Feign Death & Camouflage in one, with Play Dead on a separate line with Shift modifier. Basic targeted CC macro. Hold ctrl and click the macro to cast misdirection on the memorized target. /cast Play Dead. This macro will cast Distracting Shot then stop attacking. mages 1-shot macro. Spend Precise Shots. Keybind uses Camouflage by default out of combat, but swaps to Feign Death (including Play Dead) if you press Shift+keyind out of combat. /cast [nopet] Call Pet 1 /startattack We choose Efficiencybecause Marksmanship or Survival Hunters pick Improved Hunter's Mark. /cast Feign Death /cast Arcane Shot, This one drops Tar Trap and disengages with 1 button press =, /startattack All my “Oh $#@!” buttons in one button, separated via modifier macros. Some essential macros for Marksman Hunters in arena. /cast Bite This macro will rotate casting of each tracker within the reset timer. This macro will cast Volley or Flare when used in conjunctiong with the shift, control or alt key. /cast Mend Pet However, the following macro: /cast Berserking(Racial) /cast Icy Veins ... does not work. Rapid Fire Rapid Fire is a hunter ability learned at level 54. Uses the PetControl addon I published to Curse, which gives you one button (with modifiers) control over your pet attacking/following/MoveTo/etc. It should be said… Thank you everyone for showing your macros! Burst DPS cooldowns. I created this and am seeking additional advice. Auto Shot and Steady Shot Rotation with Kill Command. I suppose it is working if you press the button twice. Rapid Fire: Increases ranged attack speed by 40% for 15 seconds with a 5 minute cool down. /petfollow /petattack Notice that some are not useful outside arena. /cast Mend Pet, /stopcasting Macro for Wow: Hunter dps 5.1 for Hunters. Use Steady shot if you don't have rapid fire ready and you don't have enough focus to cast aimed shot as you NEVER want to overcap Aimed Shots. Comment by Deepshadows69 And on and on it goes for the duration of the fight. I have Soulshape on a dedicated keybind (same place I have Blink on my Mage) for in-combat use, I want this key to be purely “GO FASTER”. #showtooltip adding those basic commands will make a serious positive change in your dps. Ask here for what you want, if they are posted on the forums all Hunters can benefit. We all know the pet AI is garbage. When you enter the dungeon, right click the tank’s unitframe and set as Focus. /petpassive Night Fae Opener Single Target … Also includes an @player option to drop a Flare on my feet. This macro will cast Auto Shot and Steady Shot in alternating order and activates Kill Command when it's not on cooldown. 1 Agility = 1 Attack Power14 Ranged Attack Power = 1 DPS (Of course, this is a baseline figure. /petattack Use Rapid Fire on cooldown. /cast [@player] Tar Trap Similar to the Bestial Wrath macro, this macro ensures all DPS cooldowns are lined up with your primary Marksmanship Hunter burst ability, Trueshot. If I use it at the end of … Prior to this tier, I didn't stack Rapid Fire with Bestial Wrath, but nowadays with its insane uptime from the 2-piece T16 and Assurance of Consequence I'm far less picky with it. Rapid Fire is a hunter ability that gives the hunter increased ranged attack speed. I press shift+keybind, pet and I both FD, mobs reset. /petattack Auto Shot and Steady Shot Rotation with Kill Command. Macro#2(press twice) Readiness. What are your favorite macros right now for your Hunter? Mount/runspeed/Hearthstone macro. /cast Claw /stopcasting /cast claw(Basic attack). If the trinket is on cooldown, the macro will halt. Also includes [nochanneling] so it doesn’t inadvertently clip Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire - 40% (15 seconds) Improved Aspect of the Hawk - 30% (12 seconds) Ancient Senew Wrapped Lamina - 15% (Equip) Minor Haste - 1% (Enchant Gloves) Arcanum of Rapidity - 1% (Enchant Legs) Arcanum of Rapidity - 1% (Enchant Helm) Kiss of the Spider - 20% (20 seconds) Berserking - 10% (10 seconds) Total - 118% … Basic shot macro, with Misdirection included. Description: This macro for Wow hunters casts Readiness (When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on all Hunter abilities with a base cooldown less than 5 minutes) immediately following your Rapid Fire ability (Increases ranged attack speed by 40% for 15 sec). /stopattack /use Ruthless Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest. Stop Attack/Misdirection macro. This macro will cast Concussive Shot followed by Steady Shot. Note that like the burst DPS macro above, I set specific pet families so I don’t inadvertently pop Primal Rage when I wanted Survival of the Fittest (or vice versa). /cast Claw Instead of reducing to an 8 second CD, its actually reduced to 5.9 seconds, which is 70% reduction. This macro will cast Auto Shot and Steady Shot in alternating order and activates Kill Command when it's not on cooldown. #showtooltip arcane shot /cast [nochanneling:rapid fire] arcane shot; #showtooltip aimed shot /cast … Switching between Hawk and Monkey aspectsOption 1/script if(UnitBuff(“player”,1)==nil)then CastSpellByName(“Aspect of the Hawk”)elseif(string.find(UnitBuff(“player”,1), “Raven”))then CastSpellByName(“Aspect of the Monkey”)elseif(UnitBuff(“player”,1))then CastSpellByName(“Aspect … This macro pops Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild (if available), plus it activates an on-use DPS trinket if one is equipped. /cast [mod:ctrl,@Replace][mod:alt,@pet][nomod:shift]Misdirection /stopmacro [nomod:shift] /run local t=UnitName("target");if t:len()<18 then … Not too familiar with the reason behind this, but writing consecutive commands in macros sometimes leads them to not fire properly even if the commands used are not tried to any global or regular cooldown. Basic shot macro, with Misdirection included. #showtooltip [mod:ctrl,talent:6/3]Double Tap;Aimed Shot /use [@focus,help,nodead][@pet,pet,nogroup]Misdirection /use … /cast Smack, /cast [@player] Spirit Mend /cast Rapid Fire Shift Toggle /cast [mod:shift] Multi-Shot /cast Arcane Shot Sequence with timed reset /castsequence reset=6 Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot-----List of macros that DO NOT work as expected Combining Revive, Call, and Feed pet (Will only revive if pet's corpse exists nearby, otherwise errors with "pet is dead" Simply replace TankName with your tank’s name. I use essentially the same thing for Volley and Wild Spirits as well. /cast Rapid Fire /stopcasting /use Devilsaur Eye /stopcasting /cast Intimidation Renataki's Charm Macro /castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Renataki's Charm of Beasts ¡¤This macro will cycle through Arcane Shot, then Multi-Shot, and then use the trinket. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. And how would you write a macro to Misdirect to the tank first but if there is no tank misdirect to your pet? Focus Fire + Trinket. /cast [nodead] Kill Command This can change a lot. This macro will cast Aimed Shot if you are out of combat and a rotation of Arcane Shot when not on cooldown and Steady Shot. Rapid Fire. I average around 30K on a training dummy but have pulled 70K in an instance. #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast [target=pettarget,nodead,exists] Kill Command /castsequence reset=2/target !Auto Shot, Steady … By allowing you to shoot faster, it significantly increases the damage you can do for a short period of time, and effective use of the ability is central to hunter DPS in groups. and or any other basic pet abilites to the bottom of every macro. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay." /petattack Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot and Steady Shot Rotation. Double tapping Alt+keybind cancels Aspect of the Turtle early to allow me to get back to DPSing faster. /cast [nodead] Claw I’ve been looking for a macro with this kind of functionality for ages. Just keep your eye on the cooldown of blood fury and when it gets around 32 seconds, feign and requip Earthstrike via Macro #1, then be ready to pop Macro#1 again and Macro #2 once the on-use effect ends. Rapid Killing reduces the cooldown by 1 minute per rank, down to 3 minutes. /cast Kill Command F. Armor Penetration and Hunters: Bad marriage 101 Hunters and ArP have had a bad … I press the keybind, I FD, pet keeps aggro. When you cast Multi-Shot on 3 targets or above, your next Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire will cleave up to 5 additional targets for 50% of its original damage. /cast [@mouseover,noharm] Misdirection /cast Roar of Recovery. #showtooltip Trueshot /petassist /petattack /cancelaura Hand of Protection /cancelaura Aspect of the Turtle /cast Blood Fury /use 13 /use 14 /startattack /cast Trueshot. You simply want this buff to be active when casting Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire … /cast [dead] Fetch /petattack [nodead] Notice that some are not useful outside arena. /cast Smack Shift gets Binding Shot, Ctrl gets Tar Trap, no mod gets Freezing Trap, and Alt drops whatever at my feet. /cast Mend Pet, For dropping Spirit Mend on teammates use keybind + mouse =, /cast [@mouseover] Spirit Mend This macro will cast Explosive Trap when right-clicked, Frost Trap when used in conjunction with the shift key, Snake Trap when used in conjunction with the control key, Freezing Trap when used in conjunction with the alt key or Immolation Trap. /cast [target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection. /petattack It basically looks for whomever is marked “Tank” in the raid frames (default UI) and misdirects them. This one just got shown in a Wowhead tanking article, gonna start using it (and stealing some of yours), #showtooltip /stopcasting These effects do not stack. Also includes [nochanneling] so it doesn’t inadvertently clip Rapid Fire. I have my trinkets included in here because both are on-use, but they apply buffs to my character, rather than on-use effects for in-combat. /cast [@pet] Misdirect /cast [nodead] Smack. Using Eagle Eye in this way allows you to chain it and look ridiculously far away. This way the macro works regardless if the tank is cross server, with weird characters in their name, etc. Don’t over-cap Aimed Shot. > Readiness > Refresh Rapid Fire (Don't cut it off.) this is an old macro I’ve found but I have no idea if it still works. During Trueshot: Rapid Fire on cooldown. /cast Trueshot /cast [pet] Growl Is party 1 always the tank? But, am new to the macros. I think there are other ways to set these up with brackets and focus / target etc - but I like to keep my macros simple and these work like a charm. /cast claw(Basic attack), Im not a macro fond of, but I currently have the following Hunter Macros: Combat. This macro will cast Serpent Sting or Viper Sting when used in conjunctiong with the shift key, Scorpid Sting when used in conjunction with the control key and Tranquilizing Shot when used in conjunction with the alt key. This macro will cast Silencing Shot at hostile mouseover target or hostile current target. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. Includes mouseover and Focus cast preference where applicable. NO MATTER WHAT MACRO you use you should add : When you click it - it targets their target so you know which mob to attack. I have a TON. i.e. I keep this even though I have Misdirect macro’d into my main shots, as I generally remove the [@focus] logic when macro’d into the main shot so I can control it manually as needed (like making sure I have it up on the tank before popping off with Trueshot + Wild Spirits). /cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet /cast Claw I always add #showtooltip for the first line too. yes, every hunter site for years has been advising hunters to do this. Misdirection macro. I have many, many more, and am happy to help anybody who has issues that need debugging or wants to learn how to write their own. I’ve only really ever used misdirection ones in the past. /cast Smack. RunWild is tacked on to use Running Wild but only when I’m in The Maw. This macro will cast Aspect of the Hawk when right-clicked, Aspect of the Pack when used in conjunction with the shift key, Aspect of the Cheetah when used in conjunction with the control key, Aspect of the Wild when used in conjunction with the alt key or Aspect of the Monkey. /cast [@focus, help] [@pet, nodead, exists] Misdirection. The Striker's Garb5-piece set bonus also reduces the cooldown to 3 minutes. Some essential macros for Marksman Hunters in arena. Below build has a few talents that could be changed due to personal preference while remaining effective. This macro will cast Misdirection to focus target when it's friendly, to selected friendly target or to pet when it's alive. Debuffs in Classic WoW Be mindful when using Hunter spells that apply debuffs on enemies that they may only have 16 debuffs on them at a time, … Have you tested it already? Hunter Macros There are plenty of places to find good macros, ... #showtooltip Rapid Fire /cast Rapid Fire /cast [target=pettarget, exists] Call of the Wild Rapid Fire will always be in my spell compliment over many other talents even though I do tend to run as a beast master these days. If you don’t have a burst trinket then just remove the … This is essentially the same as a typical PvE Rapid Fire macro, but since PvP is all about burst, I’ll include it here as well. It gives the hunter increased haste. I find them very useful, YMMV. This macro will cast Rapid Fire, Berserking followed by Aimed Shot. This WoW hunter macro guide gives a basic introduction to macros and lists several PvE macros useful in raiding. /cast Disengage, /petattack my battlenet is FbDoubletapt#1479 can you add me, i could def use a couple macros, new to the hunter life lol. Anti-stealth/scouting in one, with mouseover and cursor targeting. Remember that if you want to add /stopcasting, you need to add it twice, once for stopping Steady/Aimed/Rapid, once for stopping Auto Shot. I should only add the previous part to my own macro to make it work? Focus Fire + Trinket. > Chimera Shot > Aimed Shot > Arcane > Steady Shotx4 > Repeat. /cast [@party1] Misdirection. /cast Roar of Recovery. /cast Aimed Shot. We provide links to several good detailed macro guides and to more extensive lists of specialized hunter macros for PvE and PvP. )1 Agility = 0.552 Critical Strike Rating22.08 Critical Strike Rating = +1% Critical Hit40 Agility = +1% Critical Hit25 Agility = +1% Dodge Chance18.92 Dodge Rating = +1% Dodge Chance1 Agility = 2 Armor55 Intellect = +1% Spell Critical Hit1 Strength = 1 Melee Attack Power1 Stamina = 10 He… Though, I doubt if it works. Please note that the cooldown for Readiness is longer than for Rapid Fire, so I’m showing the tooltip for Readiness instead of Rapid Fire … Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. Figure out when it is best to use this on each fight to get your optimal burst. It also reduces the "casting" time of [Steady Shot] and [Cobra Shot]. #showtooltip Aimed Shot The assist Tank one is a game changer if you don’t use something for that - at least it was for me, When I log on next I’ll try to remember to look at my hunter and see what other macros I use - I know have a revive OR mend pet one button push that works great…. If you see something I did wrong or could do better please let me know. /cast [pet] Dash In fact you should macro ALL of your hunter attacks and add these lines at a minimum. We recommend using this type of macro for every offensive ability in your rotation. Rapid Fire's CD is reduced more than its supposed to be by Trueshot. You can't turn MM's all-out burst into a proper macro (As in Rapid Fire and trinktet + Chimera and Silencing + Aimed + KC + Arcane --- Readiness --- Chimera and Silencing + Aimed + Arcane + KC + continue your rotation) If you have Silencing shot in your one button macro, you can't actually save it in fights where … No trinkets in here, but you can tack on a /use 13 and/or /use 14 if you have on-use trinkets. Rapid Fire > Serpent Sting > Chimera Shot > Aimed Shot > Arcane Shot(if below 400 ArP.) Hey guys Here's a really quick tutorial on how to set up a rapid-fire macro for your FAL using Logitech G-Hub. If you get stuck with a dead pet and the corpse has despawned, alt+keybind will force the rez. This macro will cast Raptor Strike followed by Wing Clip. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. I’ve been a hunter for many years. I’m at work and doing these from memory…fairly certain this is how I set these up.