mary sister of aaron qur'an

The Qur'an indicates that Mary (Christ's mother) had a brother whose name was Aaron (chapter 19:28) and a father whose name is Imran (chapter 66:12). roughly the same generational level (like cousins) while "father Her mother, mentioned in the Quran only as the wife of Imran, prayed for a child and eventually conceived. Firstly, it was to remind her of her similarity to Aaron in her piety and worship of God. [29] E. Klein, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English, 1987, Carta: Jerusalem & University of Haifa, p. 17. That includes the Jewish Bible. "O sister of Aaron! Sign Up. [19] B. F. Stowasser, Women In The Qur'an, Traditions, And Interpretation, 1994, Oxford University Press: New York, p. 156, note 23. 27-28, Strong's Corncordance Number 269. “Sister Of Aaron”: A Genealogical, Historical And Lexical Enquiry, When Mary reached the age of maturity, she was divinely informed that she would give birth to a prodigious child Jesus [Qur'an 3:45]. Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!". “O sister of Aaron! I don’t know about the Quran, but the Bible does. The Sword: Los Angeles (CA), p. 42; D. Ali & R. Spencer, Inside Islam: A Guide To Catholics, 2003, Ascension Press: West Chester (PA), p. 74; M. Elass, Understanding the Koran: A Quick Christian Guide To The Muslim Holy Book, 2004, Zondervan: Grand Rapids (MI), p. 58. This can be answered by reading the Qur’an where Moses and Aaron are clearly depicted as brothers. God honoured her by Himself officiating as the cohen to declare her definitely a leper and subsequently to declare her cleansed (Zebahim 102a). cit., pp. Al-Baidawi says she was called `sister of Aaron' Why would Y. Ali accept one part of this tradition (e.g. Yusuf Ali for example writes in his footnote 2481 commenting The above points are just some "minor questions". Paul perhaps recognised the severity of the inherent problems with the two irreconcilable genealogies of Jesus recorded in the New Testament. This article was reprinted many times with slight modifications. And only Aaron's descendents Perhaps the most comprehensive study in recent times on the issue of the genealogies of Jesus in the New Testament is that of the Catholic scholar Raymond E. Brown's And a last question: Is there any other instance in the Qur'an where [32] J. H. Thayer, Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament Coded With Strong's Concordance Numbers, 2005 (7th Printing), Hendrickson Publishers Inc.: Peabody (MA), p. 10. Until I 31 et seq.)[4]. They said: "O Mary! This can be answered by reading the Qur’an where Moses and Aaron are clearly depicted as brothers. [19:27] She came to her family, carrying him. Pellat (Eds. is definitely not allowed that just anybody can have sex with a woman For example, Barbara Freyer Stowasser points out: Mary's designation as "sister of Aaron" (and also "daughter of Amram") has led some non-Muslims to allege a Qur'anic "confusion" of Miriam (Maryam) the sister of Aaron and Moses with Mary (Maryam) the mother of Jesus. on this issue that "it is certainly a cause of some perplexity to A. Shorrosh, Islam Revealed: A Christian Arab's View Of Islam, 1988, Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nashville, pp. Contradictions in the Qur'an No. [31] The united monarchy refers to a period in the history of Israel where the Twelve tribes of Israel were united into one monarchy under King Saul roughly around 1050 BC. [21] A. J. Wensinck (Penelope Johnstone), "Maryam" in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W. P. Heinrichs & Ch. "refers not to descendants but to two contemporaries". the Qur'an from this contradiction. January 19, 2016 at 1:49 PM The Christian missionaries are quick to dismiss any suggestions of Mary being a Levite and claim that the Muslims will "have to make their argument apart from the Bible" to show that Mary was a Levite. But though Mohammed may be supposed to have been ignorant enough in ancient history and chronology, to have committed so gross a blunder; yet I do not see how it can be made out from the words of the Koran. In chapter 11 verse 78, Prophet Lot refers to the women folk of his community as my daughters. J. T. Willis), Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament, 1974, Volume I, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company: Grand Rapids (MI), pp. All Rights Reserved. This is faulty reasoning. [40] Instead, the explanation offered is that Matthew and Luke had a certain theological point of view and dogma that they wished to propagate. A wonder from your Lord hath come unto you. be stressed then necessarily she would have to be called a daughter On the other hand, all the Hebrew lexicons give an unqualified support that the word ’achôwth can be used both literally and figuratively. [2] A. Geiger, Judaism And Islam (English Translation Of Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume aufgenommen? Here she is only being called a female person of the family, from the Noble lineage of Prophet Aaron. Neither did Mughirah ibn Shu‘bah find the answer "unsatisfactory" as he had no further clarification to make on this matter. And the commentators accordingly fail not to tell us, that there had passed about one thousand eight hundred years between Amran the father of Moses and Amrean the father of the Virgin Mary: they also make them the sons of different persons; the first, they say, was the son of Yeshar, or Izhar (though he was really his brother) the son of Kahath, the son of Levi; and the other was the son of Matthan, whose genealogy they trace, but in a very corrupt and imperfect manner, up to David and thence to Adam. If this relation is included in the genealogy asserted by earlier scholars, the following chart would result: One could counter that the verses examined mention only Aaron being the sister of Mary so perhaps Muḥammad did not know Aaron had a brother called Moses. But the attempts of harmonization don't really sound var sc_invisible = 1; See ibid., pp. Muhammad. (Well, “right” according to the Bible, I mean). The Prophet is said to have refuted similar arguments made by the Christians of Najran during his lifetime; "to confuse Mary the mother of Jesus with Mary the sister of Moses and Aaron in Torah is completely wrong and in contradiction to the sound Hadith and the Qur'anic text as we have established it in the Tafsir" (Isma'il ibn Umar Abu l-Fida Ibn Kathir, Qisas al-anbiya', ed. Another verse titles Mary the “daughter of Imran” – “and Mary, daughter of ‘Imran. Even if there was to be one sometimes rather losely and only indicate a "general family [7] H. Lammens (Translated from French by Sir E. Denison Ross), Islam: Beliefs and Institutions, 1929, Methuen & Co. Ltd.: London, p. 39. sister of Aaron! cit., p. 43; Also see Th. The Christians of Najran during the time of the Prophet raised a similar objection and it was answered by the Prophet. Similarily, when they called Mary "O sister of Aaron", they meant to call her sister of Aaron in faith !. Facebook. Press alt + / to open this menu. [37] There is a Prophetic ḥadīth that throws some additional light on this matter. If Mary's lineage of being part of a priestly family should Likewise, H. A. R. Gibb and J. H. Kramers say (H. A. R. Gibb & J. H. Kramers, Shorter Encyclopaedia Of Islam, 1961, E. J. Brill: Leiden, p. 328): It has been supposed that the name of ‘Imrān, which apparently corresponds with the Biblical ‘Amram, the father of Moses, as well as the fact that Maryam is called a sister of Hārūn (Sura xix. [23] The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible very briefly describes the word ’achôwth, "sister", and says that it is widely used both literally and figuratively in the Hebrew Bible.[24]. What one may say with surety of Luke's list is that, in part, it is artificially arranged in numerical patterns of seven and that it contains enough inaccuracies and confusions to suggest a popular provenance (rather than an archival provenance) among Greek-speaking Jews. relationship." And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. to explain this very problem, but such a late theory / "tradition" When I came back to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) I asked him about that, whereupon he said: "The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostles and pious persons who had gone before them.". indeed confused. Enter your email address To Be a member: Blog archive 2014 (1) 2014 (1) July (1) why why women baned from driving in saudi arabia? Serve Allah. So in the very same manner when Qur’an describes Mary, the mother of Christ as 'Sister of Aaron', It means that she is being referred to as a (female) person from the people, the lineage of Prophet Aaron. Mary, Sister of Aaron & Daughter of Amram. Upon seeing Mary with a child, and having no knowledge of her having married anyone or being unchaste, her people exclaimed using the epithet yā ukhta harūn or “O sister of Aaron”. in Hebrew] with Miriam the sister of Aaron and Moses, and daughter of Are there any statements present in the Qur’an which suggest that Jesus and Moses lived at the same time? isn't it the use even in Islam that "brothers and sisters" live on Interestingly Judah is called a "sister" of Israel (Jeremiah 3:7-10) not because they were contemporary with each other, but because they were the descendants of a common ancestor, i.e., Israel's united monarchy (as well as Prophet Jacob!). [Luke 1:36, KJV]. and 1 Chronicles 23? "Maryam ibnat `Imran" in Sura 66:12. and "Harun ibn `Imran", Mary, the Mother of Jesus It is not necessary to assume that these kinship links are to interpreted in modern terms. Nöldeke, "The Koran" in C. Turner (Ed. ’ (Qur’an 19:28). This second ‘Imrān, together with Harun, can be taken as purely Kur'ānic... Muslim tradition is clear that there are eighteen centuries between the Biblical ‘Amram and the father of Maryam.[21]. The case here is based on a superficial reading of Qur'an 19:28 without taking into account the qualities of Mary, mother of Jesus. 167-169; G. L. Archer Jr., New International Encyclopedia Of Bible Difficulties, 1982, Zondervan: Grand Rapids (MI), pp. The genealogies of Jesus in the New Testament are fraught with difficulties and contradictions, consequently it is impossible to determine the precise lineage of Jesus and thereby of Mary. ), The Interpreter's Dictionary Of The Bible, 1962 (1996 Print), Volume 3, Abingdon Press: Nashville, p. 290; "Elizabeth" in G. W. Bromiley (Gen. Consequently, applying the confused genealogy of the critics would have the Qur’anic Jesus and Moses both alive at the same time. Mary and her cousin Elisabeth Similarly, summarising the state of the art of Mary and her presentation in the Qur’an, Michael Marx makes no use of Islamic tradition. In Chapter 7 verses 65, 73 and 85 Prophets Hud, Saleh and Shu‘ayb are referred to as "brothers" of their respective peoples. [30] D. J. 'sisters of Aaron' or daughter of `Imran (who was Aaron's father).". [1] This argument was developed by subsequent authors, as we shall soon see, by indicating that ‘Imran, the name which the Qur'an gives to Mary's father, sounds similar to Amram, the Old Testament name of the father of Moses, Aaron and Miriam (Numbers 26:59). cit., p. 36. This is not unusual as the Qur'an uses the same idiomatic expression in several earlier verses. Therefore we have to carefully read in each mentioning This is perfectly clear if the two Miriams were I do agree that "father", "daughter" and "sister" might be used since ad hoc explanations, i.e. They said: "O Mary! - Aisha certainly was not called the mother The Qur'an connects Mary with another illustrious and pious family of the past; the events leading to it which we shall now turn our attention. And his people came rushing towards him, and they had been long in the habit of practising abominations. Why are the wives of Muhammad not called the - Mary was not the biological sister of Aaron: Sahih Muslim 5326 "When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read "Sister of Harun", (i.e. The Qur’an mentions that Jesus and Moses both reached maturity and adulthood. “O sister of Aaron! Since Mary belonged to the priestly caste and hence descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses, she was called a "sister of Aaron"... [36] J. These verses state initially that Mary is a daughter of `Imran. 325-326 and pp. Note: Moses and Aaron are called 3- New Testament clearly tells us that Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist (PBUH) was from - Twitter thread from Imam Murrah's Disciple (Abbas not Ibn Abbas) @TheRadMadLad1 - Rattibha Question It is mentioned in your Qur’an that Mary was the sister of Aaron (pbuh). [40] Christian apologetical literature is in a class of its own when it comes to defending the diverse genealogies of Jesus. [16] "Miriam", Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1971, Volume 12, Encyclopaedia Judaica Jerusalem, col. 84. [5] Rev. [13] Secondly, the epithet yā ukhta harūn was also to remind Mary of her pious ancestor Miriam, the sister of Aaron (and Moses), who was given the title "prophetess" (Exodus 15:20) and is highly regarded in the Hebrew Bible and rabbinical literature. normal everyday sense. ), The Origins Of The Koran: Classic Essays On Islam's Holy Book, 1998, Prometheus Books, p. 213. The ‘Ad, Pharaoh, the brethren of Lut, (Qur'an 50:13). Thus the statement becomes a reprimand to her having borne a child without being married, a shocking sin given her piety and the known righteousness of her immediate family and her ancestors. The Bible tells us that, the Jewish clerical organization was initiated by Aaron (Exodus 28:1, 40:13), just as his younger brother Moses promulgated the Jewish law. [15] Rabbi Dr. 533-563. ), The Babylonian Talmud: Seder Nashim In Four Volumes, 1936, Volume III, The Soncino Press: London (UK), p. 52. [Qur'an 11:78]. A. Mingana & A. S. Lewis (Eds. [33] B. F. Stowasser, "Mary" in J. D. McAuliffe (Ed. If the Qur’an's use of the terms wife, daughter and sister in this particular context cannot be understood in a literal sense, as we have shown above, is there another way to understand these terms and what historical circumstances could warrant such an explanation? is no question that the theory of "far descendency" is contradicted [Qur'an 49:10]. At length she brought (the babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms), They said: "O Mary! cit., p. 301. Also reprint in A. Geiger, "What Did Muhammad Borrow From Judaism?" According to the author of the Qur’an, YES! The Believers are but a single brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy. Zakariyya was appointed as the guardian of Mary [v. 37]. [37] P. H. Davids, "Mary" in W. A. Elwell (Gen. purpose than to explain away this one problem but are not used anywhere Thomas Patrick Hughes in his "Dictionary of Islam", page 328, writes When the Qur’an calls Mary ‘sister of Aaron’ it isn’t meant literally. Yusuf Ali in his footnote 375 to Sura 3:35 even goes so far to invent (?) We will also draw attention to some important aspects of the story of Mary in the Qur'an that were hitherto missed by earlier scholars. priest. 136-137. var sc_project=608214; He said: O my people! [8] R. Bell, The Origins Of Islam In Its Christian Environment, 1926, The Gunning Lectures Edinburgh University - 1925, Macmillan And Co., Limited: London, p. 132. The Qur'an has confused Jesus' mother with Aaron's sister because both of them carry the same name, though there are several centuries between them. Guest post written by Aaron Smalley In many places, the Qur’an mentions Mary as the sister of Moses and Aaron and the daughter of Imran. Answering Islam Home Page, "Musa ibn `Imran" Even though "sister" might be used Thus Mary not only came from a very illustrious family but also one which was very devout. As for the issue of whether Mary "did have a brother" by the name Aaron, this interpretation appears to be unlikely as Mary's mother desperately prayed for a child. [42] It is worth mentioning George Sale, who in 1825, wrote the following (G. Sale, The Koran Commonly Called Alcoran Of Mohammed Translated Into English Immediately From The Original Arabic With Explanatory Notes Taken From The Most Approved Commentators To Which Is Prefixed A Preliminary Discourse, 1825, Volume I, London, p. 56): From the identity of names it has been generally imagined by Christian writers that the Koran here confounds Mary the mother of Jesus with Mary of Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron; which intolerable anachronism, if it were certain, is sufficient of itself to destroy the pretended authority of this book. very logical. [Qur'an 7:65], And to (the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. This article was reprinted and edited by N. A. Newman, The Qur'an: An Introductory Essay By Theodor Nöldeke, 1992, Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute: Hatfield (PA), p. 9; Also see Th. In Ṣaḥiḥ Muslim, a ḥadīth related by Mughirah ibn Shu‘bah [5326] says: Mughira b. Shu‘ba reported: When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read "O sister of Harun" in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born much before Jesus. This important point was noticed by Aliah Schleifer in her Mary The Blessed Virgin Of Islam, 1998, op. Receive Thou this from me; Thou hearest, and knowest.' cit., Book I, Chapter II "The Genealogy Of Jesus", pp. But the same tradition that calls Therefore, the epithet "O sister of Aaron" used by Mary's people when they saw a baby in her arms, was simply a reminder to her of the people like her who had gone before and were pious and chaste. 188-193. cit., pp. Neither Moses nor their sister Miriam are ever ), The Babylonian Talmud: Seder Kodashim In Three Volumes, 1948, Volume I, The Soncino Press: London (UK), p. 490. Many people, including Aisha, understood Mary and Miriam to be the same person, based on their understanding of the Qur'anic text. Mary's designation as "sister of Aaron" (and also "daughter of Amram") has led some non-Muslims to allege a Qur'anic "confusion" of Miriam (Maryam) the sister of Aaron and Moses with Mary (Maryam) the mother of Jesus. place of "father" and "brother", and never be mentioned in does not give any reference for this "tradition" he refers to. [11] For example see H. Schwarzbaum, Biblical And Extra-Biblical Legends In Islamic Folk-Literature, 1982, Beiträge Zur Sprach- Und Kulturgeschichte Des Orients - Volume 30, Verlag für Orientkunde Dr. H. Vorndran: Walldorf-Hessen, p. 99; K. Armstrong, Muhammad: Many Western scholars have suggested that the appearance of Haman in the Qur'anic story of Moses and Pharaoh has resulted from a misreading of the Bible, leading the author of the Qur'an to move Haman from the Persian court of King Ahasuerus to the Egyptian court of the Pharaoh. She was disappointed when she delivered a girl who was named Mary; but God accepted the female child [v. 36-37]. [23] F. Brown, S. Driver & C. Briggs, The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew And English Lexicon Coded With Strong's Concordance Numbers, 2005 (9th Printing), Hendrickson Publishers: Peabody (MA), pp. 9a). No such limited definition exists. because she was of Levitical race; but Husain says that the Aaron Assalamu ʿalaykum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu: At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). Whenever Zakariyya entered Mary's mihrāb, to his surprise, he always found her being provided with food miraculously. the line of Israelite priesthood. Compare this Christian apologetical literature with Raymond E. Brown's The Birth Of The Messiah: A Commentary On The Infancy Narratives In The Gospels Of Matthew And Luke, 1999 (Updated Edition), op. This observation developed polemical overtones beginning in the 9th century in the form of Nicetas of Byzantium's trenchant criticisms and general Anti-Islam polemic. God cit., pp. [22] S. P. Tregelles (Trans. Here’s how it started to get everyone situated… [quote=Edris]“O sister (i.e. ), Encyclopaedia Of The Qur'an, 2003, Volume III, Brill: Leiden, pp. Alphonse Mingana reiterated the same claim: Who then will not be astonished to to learn that in the Qur'ân, Miriam, the sister of Aaron, is confounded with the Virgin Mary? Also reprint in A. Mingana, "Three Ancient Korans" in Ibn Warraq (Ed. The question posed is thus: Did Muḥammad and/or the Qur’an really understand Moses to be Jesus uncle? This is consistent with the picture of Mary depicted in the Qur'an, a pious woman, chaste, dedicated to serving God and putting her trust in Him. "O In attempting to censure Mary for what they assumed to be an act of impiety, the Jews called Mary “sister of Aaron” – “ Sister of Aaron! From the immediate context it is obvious this epithet was used to draw Mary's attention, which could mean the following things. [25] S. P. Tregelles (Trans. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible suggests that this word could mean "relative" or "kinswoman" or "cousin". 57-95. name in the clan so overpowering that everybody is named in his or [1 Timothy 1:4], But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies, Les Théologiens Byzantins Et L'Islam: Textes Et Auteurs (VIII, The Origins Of The Koran: Classic Essays On Islam's Holy Book, The Qur'an: An Introductory Essay By Theodor Nöldeke, The Koran: Critical Concepts In Islamic Studies, Leaves From Three Ancient Qur'âns Possibly Pre-‘Othmânic With A List Of Their Variants, The Origins Of Islam In Its Christian Environment, Biblical And Extra-Biblical Legends In Islamic Folk-Literature, Muhammad: This can be graphically represented as follows: Crucially the Qur’an informs us that Mary was also the mother of Jesus. Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman T. Nöldeke (J. S. Black [Trans. As we have mentioned, earlier scholarly critics of the Qur’anic account (of which Muḥammad is the implied author), have made the simple assertion that Muḥammad has conflated the lives of two Mary's, namely Mary, mother of Jesus, with Mary, sister of Aaron and Moses. Some Muslim commentators might have made something up later Mary is a celebrated figure in the Qur’an, both as the mother of Jesus and as the equal of the male prophets who are found in its pages. For details see A. Schleifer, Mary The Blessed Virgin Of Islam, 1998, Fons Vitae: Louisville (KY), pp. This article is intended to give further arguments about what the Qur'an meant by describing Mary as the daughter of Imran or sister of Aaron. At any rate Muslim traditions assures us that there is a distance of 1,800 years between the Biblical ‘Amram and the father of Mary, (metaph) of Israel's and Judah's relationship. http://www.answeringmuslims.comThe Qur'an claims to be the Word of Allah. I. Epstein (Ed. This is infact an Arabic idiom, a way to address. ]), Sketches From Eastern History, 1892, Adam and Charles Black: London & Edinburgh, p. 30. The material below is taken from Gesenius's Hebrew And Chaldee Lexicon To The Old Testament Scripture. [15] A miraculous well, created during the twilight on the eve of the first Sabbath (Avot. The controversy surrounding the honorary epithet “Sister of Aaron” applied to Mary, mother of Jesus, in the Qur'an, has been a characteristic of Muslim-Christian dialogue from the very beginning of the Prophet’s mission. Nicetas of Byzantium, a 9th century Christian theologian famous for his anti-Islamic polemical works, noted that in the Qur'an Mary is greeted as “sister of Aaron” [Qur'an 19:28]. The question now is why the epithet “O sister of Aaron”? ), The Qur'ān In Context: Historical And Literary Investigations Into The Qur'ānic Milieu, 2010, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden: The Netherlands, p. 518, footnote 41. The Qur'an describes Mary, the mother of Jesus, as being a daughter of Amram and a sister of Aaron - in the same family relationship as Miriam. In several Suras the Qur'an confuses Mary the mother of Jesus [Miriam However, the passages in Al-Imran pretty much clinch it that Muhammad was confused. `Imran, then she is the direct daughter of `Imran and there Mary), in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born well before Jesus. Was Mary the Mother of Jesus; the same as Mary (Miriam) the sister of Aaron? 267-270; N. Geisler & T. Howe, When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook On Bible Difficulties, 2004 (7th Printing), Baker Books: Grand Rapids (MI), pp. There is a tradition in the Arabic language in which family references like ‘son/sister/brother of’ simply mean ‘from the tribe of’. The nativity of Jesus and pangs of Mary's labour can be read in the Qur'an 19:23-26. She is mentioned in Micah 6:4 with Moses and Aaron as one of the three who led Israel out of Egypt. Strong, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible, 1990, op. "sisters of the believers" but "the mothers of the believers"? That will be better for you, if ye are believers. From Sura 3 (Âl 'Imran), Yusuf Ali translation, we read: Referring to a different incident also involving the Christians of Najran, Angelika Neuwirth says, “… interpretation relies, however, on sīra data, involving the Christians of Najran, who according to Islamic tradition are the addressees in Q 3:63, whereas our approach tries to dispense with data from the Islamic tradition.” See A. Neuwirth, "The House Of Abraham And The House Of Amram: Genealogy, Patriarchal Authority, And Exegetical Professionalism" in A. Neuwirth, N. Sinai & M. Marx (Eds. The clue about Mary's genealogy comes from the Gospel of Luke. Quran 66:12, “And Mary, DAUGHTER OF IMRAN (sister of Aaron), whose body was chaste, therefore we breathed therein something of Our Spirit. It implies that Mary and Elizabeth were closely related but as to their exact relationship, the matter is unclear. [1 Timothy 1:4], But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Not the actual biological sister of Aaron. A relative (by blood); by extens. 57-95. The Greek word used for "cousin" is suggenes. In the Quran, Mary, the mother of Jesus is described in 19:28 as يَاأُخْتَ هَارُونَ which can be interpreted in one of two ways: either as "O sister of Aaron" or as "O descendant of Aaron." One thing we need to consider is that Qur’an does not call Mary ‘Sister of Moses’ but ‘Sister of Aaron’. It is clear from this ḥadīth that the Prophet did not "confuse" between the two Marys. this is the camel of Allah, a token unto you; so let her feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with hurt lest painful torment seize you.