nate johnson prophet

Nate Johnston Just make sure to increase in your love as equally as you swing your hammer. This is an incredible word by Nate Johnston full of powerful insights where we, as a prophetic community, are moving in the Body of Christ. So today I am prophesying over you that you would encounter the roar of the Lion of Judah and feel Him breathe life back into your voice in Jesus' name! Bless them and keep your heart right. Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry "Everyday Revivalists," he teaches on intimacy and hearing God's voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshipper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! • Take authority over your life and voice. These are the ones that have stood faithfully and stewarded well what they had. Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. However, soon into the new year, what was an expectant belief to those who had already been in hiding long enough quickly turned into more frustration, isolation, and an overwhelming agenda to silence the rising voices. I wasn't being rebellious, I swear. Then one of them said, "Won’t you please come with your servants?" He is assigning you not just to a new mission but your name-plate is also changing. God is saying to you that in this season, He is taking you higher, from a suburban mentality and scope to a global scope. Nate Johnson Prophet Everyday Revivalists . We were devastated! For instance, lost and abducted children that had been found and intercessors who had surrounded certain areas of their cities in prayer and diverted disasters, all due to this special kind of prophetic insight. (see 2 Samuel 6:22). The enemy knows that fear will muzzle a prophet unlike anything else, so he has always tried to intimidate using the fear of man so we retreat and do not accomplish or fulfill our callings. • Live tethered to the future you are speaking into, not the present that struggles to accept what you speak. What I feel God is doing is speaking to a deeper "yes" coming from the hearts of the sold-out prophets and He is handing out new assignments and orders for greater Kingdom impact. (Photo via Unsplash), Kim Clement is a powerful and unique worshiping prophet who receives detailed insight into global issues. Symptoms of Being Muzzled in a "Roar" Season. The Lord led me to the story of Elisha who, as we know, was the successor of Elijah and given a double portion of his anointing. As new covenant prophets, we are called to love with no second motive, even when words are confronting. And I’m Nate Johnson. Let me remind you that you can release the prophetic wherever God has you...your workplace, your ministry, your family, your neighbors, your friends, in the supermarket etc...Many around you need to be exhorted and lifted up who cross your paths daily. It means we are in a posture of deep surrender and recalibration, but this doesn't always mean being silent and going into hiding. * Facebook click here • Shake off the disapproval of others or those who don't currently value or recognize your ministry or message. Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Website: Instead of megaphones we were wearing face masks, and instead of being in church services and gatherings, raising our voices in worship, we were in lockdown in our homes. Last week I heard God clearly tell me to do a Live worship broadcast and prophesy whatever He told me to say, so I did. I prophesy those days are over for you and that you will move into an era of ferocious and unwavering obedience to release the words you are given! Emotions and senses undeveloped can lie to you and cause you to move and live according to how you feel over what is. Elijah who was Elisha's predecessor was so terrified by the threats of Jezebel wanting to take his life that he went and hid. The kind of discernment, like in verse 12, was the ability to hear the words and plots of the enemy. Find us on: They can subscribe here. • Be a son/daughter. • Stop ingesting the lies of the media and being influenced by how culture wants you to think, act, and believe. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher ", And Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see." So I need to be real, 'cause I've been in this wrestle too. • Rebuke fear, foreboding, anxiety, and depression that tries to come at you. I felt it. Build yourself up in the Word and begin to see yourself as a mighty, powerful voice. • Decide that you are going to be a voice regardless of how you feel. Look! I said no, wiped the dust from my feet, blessed them, moved on, and the rest is history. With each new day, we will highlight a specific prayer point, and on some days, a call to action. So I want to give you some keys to help you be a voice in this season and encourage you to roar in a time when the enemy wants you on the sidelines: • Spend time with Jesus – the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Well, Nate, we’re about to see the final event in the cross-town rivalry between the Prophets of the Most High God and the Prophets of Baal. This roar doesn't respond out of duty but out of worship, and because of this, it will never be clean and neat according to man's standards of religious customs/protocols. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. They went to the Jordan and began to cut down trees. With that, I feel I want to give you some insight into what I believe God is doing in you right now. "Don’t be afraid," the prophet answered. Prophetic Conference w/ Nate Johnson from Australia. Then I was taken up above my city, and then even higher until I could see the outline of my nation, then other nations as well. "None of us, my lord the king," said one of his officers, "but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.). In that same way, it is only by the power of God that we as prophets can operate. The only permission the enemy has in your life is what you give him by complacency, apathy, or agreement. Remember that as you read this word! "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. I believe, right now, God is awakening your roar and the collective roar of a people called to speak into the darkness; into crisis and chaos. They were using someone else's ax and lost it, and it was only by the power of God that it was recovered. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare). We have dwelt in a small and confined place in the Church but God is taking prophets out of confinement, isolation, and obscurity and into action as effective mouthpieces for the Kingdom. Jesus only did what He SAW His Father doing and that models to us how important it is to be in constant connection. • Find a prophetic tribe or bunch of undignified misfits that are lovers of God. Study it. However, without the roar, we will see NO REAL CHANGE. All that compounded with a losing battle with purity and pornography; I was in a downward spiral of destruction. Isn't that the perfect moment and opportunity to be a voice that cuts through the noise? Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places. Through his ministry "Everyday Revivalists," he teaches on intimacy and hearing God's voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. The Sovereign Lord has spoken – who can but prophesy?" Nate & Christy are on mission to revive the hearts of Gods sons and daughters to their royal identity in Christ, equipping through prophecy, encouragement, and truth. When I heard the Lord say to me recently that He was consecrating prophets in this season, I wasn't really sure what He meant at first. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places. Why do I feel this way?". Through his ministry "Everyday Revivalists," he teaches on intimacy and hearing God's voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. (I know someone in biblical history who liked scaring people into caves and submission, but let's not bring Jezebel into this one just yet.). "I will," Elisha replied. The man of God asked, "Where did it fall?" Nathan Johnson in Oregon. The enemy is doing anything and everything he can to stop the voice of the Bride from being heard, but nothing has changed God's and I were born for this moment. You can do this! More than ever before, prophets need to be armored up and looking ahead, keeping their spiritual senses alert at all times. The mighty Lion of Judah's tribe, the root of David – He has conquered! "Prophecy To Your Destiny" Nate Johnston. After conferring with his officers, he said, "I will set up my camp in such and such a place." That roar is wanting to come through you but it isn't tame. Inka Hammond. I fasted for a week and asked the Lord to show me what His answer was to that. • Ask God for greater discernment and wisdom to be able to see through what you see in the natural/being able to discern the hearts, motives, and intentions of things. • Choose not to be popular but INFLUENTIAL. We are living in an exciting time where you don't just watch from a backstage television, but you get to stand on the front line and witness the hordes of hell retreat in fear as you move towards the horizon. Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. Right now many prophets are coming into their bloom years. • Demonic torment and heaviness against the mind. Germany. Victory Life Church Toowoomba The man of God asked, "Where did it fall?" There has always been a synergy or parallel between prophets and government as true "office" prophets are called to influence and speak the heart and mind of God into those arenas; and its clear that we are truly on the cusp of the Church's greatest season of prophetic revolution as prophets are rising up to the call. It was Elisha's dedication to SEEING Elijah ascend that qualified him to receive double from his teacher. As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water. To dedicate to a purpose of mission. "It was borrowed!" Read this now word from Nate and let it empower you for such a time as this to "rise up and roar!" Then... the sound came. To partner with us, click here.