robin bush death time team

I therefore conclude that the program is enjoyed by audiences of all ages. I will miss it & Sunday afternoons will not be the same-I’m all for a petition -there aren’t many programs on now that are educational & family viewing with no risk whatsoever of offending anyone, there are too many reality programs these days & that seems to be what the ‘young people’ are watching. BBC4 seems to have picked up the baton, thank goodness….!! too, although not often. You always felt a relationship with the team, they appeared friendly, very enthusiastic and appeared to be there for the love of archaeology. We NEED Time Team. Channel 4 manages to produce some really rubbish ‘reality’ programmes to titivate the youthful masses it hopes to attract. It was responsible for me going on a dig and having a great time. In the News. I learned a lot about my British roots by watching and have shared the knowledge with my family. With additional reporting from Antoine Gara, John Dobosz and Jeff Kauflin. Like Philip Lethbridge I would be happy to watch TT for ever. Robin Bush, Self: Time Team Extras. Very sad that all great things have to come to an end one day. INCREDIBLE ! What an absolutely stupid decision to ax Time Team! I entirely agree with the article it was definately the loss of Mick and the two new ones that ryined it for me and I have always loved it!! I will have to content myself with watching the 4OD repeats for ever now. My youngest daughter honed her love of history sitting with me on a Sunday evening watching Mick and Tony et al. (a bit of eye candy maybe if your of that age) Sad to see this very good program going down the pan. RELATED: DC: The 10 Best Elseworlds Stories That You Need To Read. And if you do, please include the adorable and hilarious Raksha Dave, dear Francis Pryor and Stewart Ainsworth, all of whom have places near and dear to my heart. CHANNEL 4 … you just do not know what you have done ! I am sure there are more sites for them to investigate. I note that none of them ever received a gong. They have onbly made a couple of mistakes, 1 was letting Mick go and the other was axing Time Team. From jan Marie jaser. I’ve learned that anything classed as “experimental” Is just filler as they’ve found nothing. Time Team has sometimes been accused of peddling stereotypes to the public, but anyone who has met the archaeologists will know … Bringing history to life is far from an easy task but the combination of the experts’ knowledge, Tony Robinson’s ability to act as the interested layman – asking questions that the audience wanted to know the answers to, as well as the interaction and camaraderie between the members of the team I felt worked really well. When I signed there were 1,600 names. Channel 4’s loss their gain :)… What that will show in Britain will start another flood of interest in archaeology with all local likely sites of archaeology being revealed.. Time team might be gone but something like it will be back pretty quick I suspect. but they won’t last forever and young blood is always needed. fingers crossed, The show never recovered from the loss of Faye Simpson in my opinion. Reason: we hardly spoke to each other and what we were watching on tv was hardly worthwhile. He only lives about 10 miles away. In 1994 January 16th until time team along with mick Aston My son in his early 20s always likes to watch it. My husband said I bet you want to get Phill round now. My cable TV subscription gives us awesome selections for history, science, and information buffs! One of the show’s original experts, Robin was resident historian and a key member of the team from the unaired pilot episode, right through until Series 9 in 2003. Hopefully it will be picked up by another channel. And thank you Mick, R.I.P. Totally gutted Time Team is going. While filming Timesigns,  Tim and Mick regularly discussed other ways to bring archaeology to a television audience. In the country you have more sense of the spirit of a place. That executive was not recruited from the intellectual highbrow Channel 5 was he? Now I have no reason what ever to watch ch 4 now or in the future . Sir Tony I salute you and the team,its been a good innings! The first show of 1994 featured a young, dark, long-haired Tony ” The Wildman Baldric ” Robinson, with a equally younger long haired Mick Aston, some of which was not quite all grey. paleo-osteology, finds experts, experts in the Bronze Age or Rome — I am as raptured as Phil squatting in a newly opened trench exclaiming, “Oooh! There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of “too long” is clear. R.I.P. Explore. He retired from his university posts in 2004, but continued working on Time Team until 2011 and in 2006 commenced writing regular articles for British Archaeology magazine until his death. I wonder whether the viewing figures took in the worldwide audience – I know lots of people watched and enjoyed it here in Australia. Quod erat demonstrandum. On February 24, 2019, he rejoined the Team. It is just so sad to read all of these comments, like a requiem for a friend. I once heard Mr Harding say ‘Oh arr’. Bravo to your remaks. , Can’t we have Phil once a week digging a hole in a pub garden, please?…xxxx. The students became instant converts to the program. I’m an Englishman, came to Australia as a 12yo in 1970. & has never been more pi**ed off 2 here that it’s being My absolute favorite TV program! DREADFUL ! tony and all made history come to life to the public and we {as a family] looked forward to the one great programme aweek but know more,,,,how old are the producers ,if they watched t t perhapes they could learn that life does not always mean MONEY MORE MONEY £ £ £ £, What a bummer! As well as appearing in almost 40 regular episodes, Robin presented 8 episodes of Time Team Extra. We are headed to the UK in May from the US to see some of the TT sites. Hope it returns… anne from Ontario Canada. For how many years were John Gater and Stuart Ainsworth’s technical expertise presented as a pat cliche when the work of either could have been expanded? Time Team isn’t the same without Mick and Phill is the token hot tottie (uh hum!) C4 has descended to abysmal levels. Perhaps we could have a US/Canada version? I cannot believe that there will be no more Time Team, I hope the idiots at channel 4 read this site. very sad. I will miss Matt and Bridgit and all the others – especially Phil. It brought the money and expertise to investigate sites that would otherwise never have been touched. of Tony’s and Phil’s hair. Loved the history of U.K. I was digging my veg patch yesterday and I found a napped piece of flint. You can watch some TT episodes on YouTube, you know-that one included. I wonder if channel programmers read these blogs? Mit ihren bissigen Kommentaren und ihrer resoluten Art hielt sie die Bush-Dynastie zusammen. Congratulations to all concerned on a great program. What a bunch of idiots. Bring them back ! Thank you channel 4 Thank you very very much . I am an ex water board worker and I still don’ t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. The team are irreplaceable, such a huge whole left in life once the program ended. Much has been said about this show on this site but I think that all of you would be best served by reading what Raksha had to say. It was broadcast over TVO Toronto Canada. He died on June 22, 2010 in Taunton, Somerset, England. That a pile of random rubble is a wall, a stain in the ground is a ditch and Tony Robinson is a supercilious pot bellied bore. Alan Davis and Mark Farmer were the creative team behind the comic. Many of my friends would love to travel to the UK because of shows like Time Team and Escape to the country. The breakthrough came when Timesigns proved an unexpected hit. It wasn’t perfect but the catty remarks are uncalled for. A good friend of mine was a ‘guest’ archaeologist on several T.T programmes and it was my good fortune to go along on production. “There was a youthful energy to them back them, which was part of the attraction. Shattered. Time team has been a part of tv watching since its beginning . What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. I wonder how Tony felt with this introduction, as he had been doing the job for so long, and never once boring. There is a petition already, on Facebook, which is not the ideal place. Special thanks also to the fantastic people behind the research, graphics, computer animation that added so much to each episode. My wife was not well for several years & she found Time Team to be one of the few programs worth watching. I enjoyed the later seasons in HD quality quite a lot, and I wish they would keep going for 20 more years. An episode where a workplace expert was on stand by for structural shoring when common sense would have not wasted this kind of expense. Especially ones which dig a site. I have been in awe of the items the team dig up and the re-construction’s. I absolutely agree with everything you said ! We are shocked to read that Time Team is finished. xx. I agree .I have thoroughly enjoyed “Time Team” and was greatly disappointed when I switched on my TV at the usual time and found no sign of Time Team at that time or any other. I so agree. I dread to think just where the Television industry is looking for its viewers ” In the Night Garden. (Then, of course, it goes straight to Hell). Victor is a great artist and bought sites to life. Jason Todd was the second Robin, taking over after Dick Grayson.Jason proved to be unpopular with fans and people were given a chance to vote on whether or not the character would live or die. However, the crew have many fond memories of Robin, typically with a glass of Islay single malt whisky in hand. Condolences on your chronic issue with clever people. The show ran on the chemistry among the original team, and failed to work as they left or lost interest. I am deeply sisappointed that time team is now defunct its one programme thst I really love I felt that I could learn a little bit about my ancestors in the uk, C4 the tv channel run by lack of imagination. We’ve been able to order some DVDs from Australia, but we have missed many of the series since we moved here, and there is no way to watch them online. The European robin, or robin redbreast, is a chat-thrush (subfamily Saxicolinae) that breeds throughout Europe, western Asia, and parts of North Africa.It is migratory in northern Europe but only partially so or sedentary farther south. I love watching the old episodes, the ones where there was fantastic camaraderie between the team, excellent and atmospheric music in the background – which always complemented the era of the dig and the extravagant clothing worn by the team. Yes/No? The more ‘TV appeal’ execs tried to inject, the less people wanted to watch. I watched all but episode 1. certainly helped to fill a lot of university places, even if many of those gaining degrees have gone on to other careers. His technique fostered a sense of immediacy for viewers, placing them on the trench edge when discoveries happened and making them privy to key discussions. If Channel Four thinks TT too expensive there is mileage in the “Return To” format for some digs showing some of the original programmes and then updating on subsequent research. I am going to miss the show. Thank goodness there is a myriad of viewers who appreciate the achievement of Time Team. Robin's death hit Bush hard. (Cardiff hillfort). I have watched Time Team from day one, and now my 11 and 9 year old daughters love to watch it, in fact my youngest commented she would like to be an archaeologist when she grows up, and this is from watching Time Team, I cannot believe Time Team has been axed, its a national institution. Yeah. Sunday afternoons will never be the same, a wonderful programme. The announcement of his passing was made in a statement by his son, former President George W. Bush. I used to go into a hole with a size 9 shovel and spent nearly 33 years digging around obstacles like gas, electric, sewers, to name a few and I can assure you that I did not have the patience of some of this team. Perhaps the BBC could take over where Channel 4 has failed and get back to grass roots like in series 4-6. Tony was constantly disagreeing with the archaeologists, and for some unexplained reason there was loud ballet music all but obliterating the commentary. You only have to look at the great interest shown over Richard III to realise that yes there is a market for a programme of this nature. My parents watch it. Well said, Paul! I do agree, bringing the new blood in(an ex model, who I don’t think was all that good looking) without consulting certain long standing experts, was wrong. I’ve enjoyed watching all the archeologists old and new & think Tony Robinson is a great presenter. I found her to be frightening and tedious at the same time, and to this day I fast forward through the segments where she is featured. Lois & Tara, Australia age is no barrier in archaeology and many of us don’t start until our 40s and 50s. I guess I will have to plan a trip to the UK to get my archaeology fix now. well done on ending one of the best programs on tele. So apart from discovering the female cleavage (along with Kleenex tissues) looking for Saxon pottery designed to hold bovine waste, expanding your knowledge of Saxon tea services as well as teaching both Vivian Westwood and Tony & Guy a thing or two…what other skills have you learned since watching Time Team? Maybe the BBC can resurrect this show. Unfortunately my DVD recording did not work. The 2013 series is so much better, very like the old times. The above link is a petition which was put together by Lee Brady. £200k an episode? If ch4 wanted to save money why not repeat them from programme 1 …. I have been watching Time Team since its birth and can quite candidly say, I have never seen and enjoyed such a beautiful piece of television. Veteran quits as Cambridge beauty joins TV's Time Team Mick Aston, 65, quits historical show after it hires Cambridge graduate Mary-Ann Ochota, 30 Prof Aston was on long-running show for 19 years You are going to be missed more than most of us realise. Incidentally, Mr Harding, this “flygirl” will gladly buy you a pint, any day – and would love to hear stories about years of pulling history out of the ground one piece, one bone, and one shard at a time. Interested in keeping up to date with the latest archaeological finds across Britain? We will miss Tony, Mick and Phil and the team. I have no idea which series I am watching, I think it must be a mixture as Tony’s beer belly ebbs and falls and Phil’s hair waxes and wains, though Mick never seems to have changed. RESURRECT THE PAST! !I have just retired and it would be perfect NOW. I know more today of English history and Roman occupation than I ever did before. Now everyone knows the word “geophys”. I thought the programmes inspiring and my grief was genuine at its loss of experts like Mick Aston and the programmes’ ending.The occasional sighting of a long lost member like Carenza Lewis in a published Report makes me wish for the experience as it unfolded once again. Tim Taylor recalls that ‘some archaeologists were initially, quite fairly, a bit sceptical.’ One aspect that some treated with suspicion was the three-day deadline. I never had any interest in my UK ancestors heritage and the conditions they must have endured until I watched the team in action. Joining you at your virtual pyre and raising a glass to Mick Aston! Carrie Kelley, the 13-year-old girl, made her debut with Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1989). True, Tony Robinson did tend to upstage and steal a scene or two, but those of us who enjoyed one of the best programmes to ever hit TV, expected and accepted that. I would just like to thank Tony Robinson, Mick Aston, Phil Harding and all of the crew at Time Team for many years of fascinating TV. However, you can never know if seeing a Robin is a sign of bad luck, because most of the time, we create our own luck. A family programe deleted. Great news that it is ending – now we can have even more programs about yobs drinking abroad, crappy makeovers, the life of white van drivers and buying houses that cost £250,000 or more. I and my husband have learned so much over the years (and are still learning): not only about archeaology itself, but about interpreting architecture, landscapes and social history, to name but three. It seems there was no need for one before Women’s Studies and all those other nonwhite studies. From Phil’s glee over Stone Age flints, Tony’s wisely playful and challenging banter, Mick’s sage hand on the dig’s tiller, John’s gentle determination to get the best cartography the technology can provide, Francis’s round house fireside mussing on an Iron Age man’s joys in life and Stuart goes walk about so we can get the lay of the land and know our place in it was amazing, every bit of it. I enjoy watching this program on my computer(I never knew about it 10 years ago because we have so many garbage programs here on US television, they did not show it here.). (Bog Latin). I loved watching Time Team in Australia, way better than the American version. And to lose Mick Aston … well, that was it for us. In most places over here there are literally hundreds of channels with endless variety. I loved it. We will miss his humour, his knowledge and his warmth. It was not the first time that a chance conversation with Mick had got someone thinking about television archaeology. I wonder if some young Channel 4 TV executive is proud of his/her decisions. The obvious situation is that if it kept to the original cast ( which it did not ), then there would be a problem immediately when someone left, or passed on. Time Team is a British television programme that originally aired on Channel 4 from 16 January 1994 to 7 September 2014. I enjoy his style of presentation. IT DID NOT NEED JAZZING UP. I am wondering how many viewers watch the Time Team now. It was time … although a WONDERFUL outlet for the undoubted heroes, is not archaeology and not what I feel Time Team needs. I loved Time Team in its early format but over the years got fed up listening to the boffins suddenly announcing a high status (Favourite phrase of TT) building eg temple or palace had been found after unearthing a piece of stonework that would get lost in my rockery. We also miss Stuart very much. Stranger things have happened! Axing time team is a huge mistake. How about a petition to Channel 4 demanding it’s continuation? Shades of the quiz-show concept do survive into early episodes of Time Team proper. these idiots decide to change it.i hope they are happy boring peaple.please bring it back. A terrible loss to the worlds of broadcasting and archaeology alike, with luck a pheonix will rise from the ashes. ARE THEY NUTS? Time Team is a victim of Channel 4’s misguided quest for “progress”, and we hope that, in some form, the programme may rise like the phoenix from the ashes and take on a persona not far removed from the popular format. Over the years has shown archaeology all round UK. . What a lot we learned. I would echo it completely. I have scoured the Internet watching every episode I can find, some more than once. TV & life not the same as early 1990s but I think the format is still sound (just don’t turn it into on old OU prog). ALASKAN Bush People's Bear Brown said his dad Billy's tragic death is the "hardest time" for the family, as he thanks fans for their support. To all the people who wrote nasty comments on this forum about it, I leave you with this question why are you on this site at all if you didnt love it like the rest of us? I have watched time team since episode one and I am gutted . Recently hired to satisfy a beautiful woman’s curiosity and leave her with a night to remember. Think again C4, as someone who is 40 years outside your target audience, all axing this program has done is make me switch channels, so demographically relevant or not you have simply lost another viewer and surely viewer numbers are more important than some misguided attempt to only appeal to a certain age group? She was noted for her charitable and humanitarian efforts. Bush is dead at 94. A viewers petition is probably the most difficult to achieve. Time Time could go on indefinitely as long as it found a sympathetic home, and BBC Four would be ideal, their audience demographic would fit far far better than the current Channel 4 one, which is increasingly to try and chase the Reality/Makeover show market at the expense of original programming, and attract audiences that the advertisers prefer to exploit, rather than those with brain. This programme could have run and run with the younger people such as Helen Geake, Brigid, Matt and Raksha taking it into the next 20 years. He asks the questions that some people must be sat in front of their TV asking. Who knows,but hopefully in years to come we might all see a reunion? There is definitly an opportunity for BBC2 together with The Open University to take over when Time Team ceases. If there had been a mission statement for the show during those early days, it would have been the democratisation of archaeology. By the way, if the executives’ mild revamp caused viewer figures to plummet, how come it was the programme and not those executives who got the flak? Subscribe to Current Archaeology — the UK’s favourite archaeology magazine — and like thousands of other people you too can get details of all the latest digs and discoveries delivered to your door, every month. It all got too big, too ambitious. Please BBC take this show under your wings ! If I were an enterprising producer on another channel, I would start a new series that build on the fascinating skills of Stuart A. I agree what will replace it I can see more reality programmes cooking programmes selling houses nothing to work the mind channel 4 must be out of thier tiny mind. If they won’t reinstate Time Team ,then why not release All episodes in a DVD BOX set . TT was an outstanding program. Loved Time Team and will miss it [endless repeats are not the same but I still find myself watching them anyway]. All I can tell u is that I was hooked. "I received a very kind note from President George H.W. The only thing that surprises me is that they didn’t include a so called comedian. This was a fresh ongoing series with a warm and positive vibe, an interesting treat on TV. I will watch Time Team episodes as long as I last. I suppose there’s nothing wrong with her per se, but her presence is utterly unnecessary. It is hardly surprising that I rarely watch TV these days apart from repeats of old favourites – thank goodness we still have 20 years worth of repeats. Although Channel 4 is due the recognition it deserves for its faith and investment in archaeology over the years its decisions over the last couple of years will be a media studies case study “How to destroy a successful programme and alienate millions of viewers”. Shows that actually ADD something GOOD to the mix. My 100year old mother started,me on T.T.years ago & in turn my children and now the grandchildren watch ,ask questions and research . By the way I am 52, so I guess I am too old for channel 4, but tell my kids that. I rue the fact that as a child we used encyclopaedias 20 years out of date.