spelljammer space whale

Delphinids are Space Dolphins. Kindori, also called space whales, are among the largest living It sounds like it should be the name of a token white nerd kid in Breakin’ 2: ... You make laser eye beam space whale … During these long sleeps, the leviathan is attended and protected by its entourage of other whales. However, the killing of a leviathan will result in every whale within that ocean converging on the killer to avenge their lord's death. It may hibernate for years on the ocean floor. Despite the hostility of the humanoids, whales remain curious and basically friendly toward non-whaling seafarers. File:Spelljammer 4016 2701.jpg. The mini-game did not have the space to go into celestial mechanics and travel from sphere to sphere. passing ships. I stumbled upon this, and thought: “Okay, so here’s a whaleship. Discover (and save!) When the killer whale smashes into the ice, every being on the ice must roll a saving throw vs. paralyzation. Created during a dark era of Executive Meddling (see the Trivia page for details), it was an attempt to cash in on the popularity of the Standard Sci Fi Setting in a fantasy RPG.. are that they have no mouth, and their leading edge is dotted with recently in my Spelljammer campaign i realized that i'm lacking in actual Spelljammer content, mostly the PC's have been flying to places, planets and stations, doing ground based adventures. Appearing: 2-12 Armor … The delphinid is a creature from the Spelljammer campaign setting. Plankton-feeding whales can attack with either of their flukes (fins). Because of the value placed on parts of the whale's body, the creatures are hunted to excess by greedy whalers. They are highly intelligent creatures that occupy a number of ecological niches. Whales share a common language that is difficult for land creatures to learn since it uses tones below human hearing. Several pods gather Whales of 12-17 HD inflict 5d4 points of damage, those of 18-24 HD cause 1d4×10 points, and those of 24-36 HD inflict 3d4×5 points. Other forces may also create permanent portals, but only the Spelljammer has … When I call these Spelljammer ideas, I don’t mean that they are literally tied to the Spelljammer game setting. It is during this The premise of the setting is to link each of D&D's then-popular campaign settings … All common whales can attack with their tails. The carcass of a leviathan is worth 100 gp per Hit Die. Spelljammer was introduced early in the life of 2nd Edition–it was published back in 1989, the same year that they transitioned to 2nd Edition AD&D. In the cetacean culture, they serve functions similar to knights or barons by protecting common whales against evil sea monsters and whalers. There's also the Spelljammer, a mysterious living ship that is the namesake of all other Spelljammers. Wildspace societies often travel on the backs of kindori. a Reflex save (DC 22) by every creature caught in the area of effect. Their men are very beautiful and their women are extremely handsome. Contents The Truth Behind the Legends . Giant whales are attended by 2d4 common whales. The leviathan is not always active. Skills: * Kindori receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks. Wildspace Traits[new] (Ex): The kindori have no need to eat or breath, but they retain an air envelope. You might also enjoy Dragonstar. If a narwhal is provoked, the horn can also be used like a lance to attack. Each type of treasure has a 1% chance per Hit Die (of the whale) of being present in the giant whale's gullet.