tartarians in america

458 BC-One day in this year the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah (earlier disowned by the Israelites) produced a racial creed, the disruptive effect of which on subsequent human affairs may have exceeded that of explosives or epidemics. And built many other structures that we would have a very hard time replicating. Not a new concept at all which Isaac Newton presented to his Queen when he supplied a, The main narrative of this story presents the idea that a huge and highly technologically advanced northern hemisphere empire existed, that after some dubious internal decisions were enacted, the consequences triggered a series of catastrophic events that saw many of the inhabitants flee. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Has England’s History Been Faked Pre-14th Century? ( Log Out /  So far I haven’t heard anything definite, but I am pretty freaked. They then commenced the three World War strategy into the 1900s. Taken as a screenshot we have here a map of North America said to be from 1570 clearly showing a huge city and area named nation : Claes Janszoon Visscher ‘s rare Twelve Caesars world map. The new and twisted doctrine comes out of the Talmud of the Druid Dis. The Great Wall is not seen on any maps pre-dating the late 1600’s. Won’t you get a little pissed off once you realize you have been suckered into paying for a service that our forefathers could tap for free? Since other nations were invited to participate. } The Tartarians were a very tall people, averaging some eight I get an archived page when I go there. The openings on the wall are on the north side towards the former Tartary not on the south China facing side. code-IT. Like, flooded and buried. It had a higher standard of living, was more ethical and lived closer to nature. If it stays down I’m going to start reposting my threads on this blog. This was found in Sir Francis Nethersole’s study after his death, Memoirs of the Life of William Whiston, 1749  (Chapter 388. Saved from youtube.com. She was part of the war fighting with the men, they say in the civil war time. Exposing The Expositions 1851-1915: Ancient Rome in America? Could it be because they developed a whole different approach to energy technology that tapped natural currents of the planet and was freely available to the inhabitants? Dismissed as wild superstition now, but it was a big deal back then, people could tell when that shit was switched on and knew there would be consequences. Tartaria was a global empire spread by the Irish : Great Wall of China Well, sorry about that and thanks for coming back and posting about the interference. Has England’s History Been Faked Pre-14th Century? A sandhill crane view… I then learned of a growing idea of a mud flood event not that long ago which lead to a concept they are calling the restart. Seeking Ophir, The Phoenician Empire If we move back into the the Old Testament at the time immediately following the Exodus, it states that the Israelites used the Ark of the Covenant as a weapon of war, against the Amorites, Midianites and Philistines. said this on June 19, 2020 at 4:14 pm | Reply. Original Thinking! The settlement of the Americas is widely accepted to have begun when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered North America from the North Asian Mammoth steppe via the Beringia land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum. Seen them wheeling around high in the sky… They land in the fields over there. They kill off the adults and are left to do as they please with the remaining children. Once there were the Israelites who became imprisoned by Judah that became known collectively as Judaism. border: none !important; It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Haven’t watched Dutchinese, but if it’s about the Dutch presence here early on, I’m interested. weewarrior said this on October 27, 2020 at 6:04 am | Reply. Gabriel Ruffin said this on May 20, 2020 at 4:11 pm | Reply. Hyperborea -What Happened to the Polar Continents? However, that is the only point on which the two histories have affinity, because if Tartaria is indeed a point of fact, then Newton was cementing the history offered by the Biblical tradition as the only history post Crusades. The architecture they are hiding under the title of Tartaria is more than likely the old advanced empire that operated according to the grid brought about by Jesus and his thousand year reign, that this new creed was headed not in Russia at all, which from 1917 has been the playground of the Bolshevik, an incursion that would shift the Russian Orthodox Church away from Christ and into the hands of the Greek canon coming out of Byzantium. By Giles Fletcher, Doctor of Both Laws, and sometime Ambassador from Elizabeth, Queen of England, to the Emperor of Russia. I got into the indigenous legends about Niagara Falls, they make it clear that that formation is relatively recent. This is a tricky one, for the available information appears to be pretty confusing. The active use of the toponym can be … Evidence of highly advanced scientific methods employed within Tartaria from the 1600s : *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Menu About me; Experience; Certification; Log in; Contact There is evidence sufficient to prove that these cities were in ruins at least sixteen or eighteen hundred years ago. .goog-tooltip:hover { However your argument that no one cares about America’s hidden past is incorrect, this is a hot topic that is gaining momentum. The other side to that idea would be that the Israelites as a whole, are the evil doers. An enemy that appears to have full control over our governing machinery through the incorporation of the State from which they have managed to set our nations to war against ourselves. display: none !important; As far as everyone knows our famous Venice was built on the water. The third is to confront the idea that there once was a global empire, not that long ago, which broke up when certain members of the trade agreement wanted more and moved into a role that they called the parasite, what the Hebrew tradition would call Judas, and demolished the long held acceptance of each others cultures within their own boundaries, which had served to allow for a peaceful existence by all the nations in agreement, without everyone having to be uniform. There could still be living descendants of that civilization that somehow survived the mudflood and disasters of the last reset or two resets ago. This exposition was so successful that other Expos followed in the major cities of Europe. The architecture they are hiding under the title of Tartaria is more than likely the old advanced empire that operated according to the grid brought about by Jesus and his thousand year reign, that this new creed was headed not in Russia at all, which from 1917 has been the playground of the Bolshevik, an incursion that would shift the Russian Orthodox Church away from Christ and into the hands of the Greek canon coming out of Byzantium. The remnants of the empire are thought to have been completely demolished by about 1733, and not until the ability of flight, was there any signs of the empire and its buildings in Siberia to modern man. Could the Mongols have been the liberators of the landmass back into a Tartarian tribes hands? On the back of the revelations of this empire, the out-there brigade are making their move upon it, the first I came across was the flat earth division, an immediate red flag, and then it was the obligatory claims of extraterrestrial technologies that came out as the second. I saw the Static video and I think he got it right. } So, we all know the story of how Columbus "discovered" America and found those primitive tribes he called the Indians because, ya know, he thought he was somewhere else. In fact, evidence indicates that antiqui-tech worked to harmonize atmospheric energy, sound and water to clean and stabilize the cities and promote health and growth — not to power polluting factories or plug in smartphones. We have ancient history to inform us of the events of Egypt how that empire was founded and how it prospered and fell, we have the same record of Babylon, Greece, Homeland Carthage; but not the least information have we relative to those who erected these cities, what people and whence they came ; not a ray of light to dispel the dark gloom which seems to rest on this excellent history of America. Tartarians and Acadians in North America Part 1 of 3 - YouTube Newton was said to be the last of the great Magi which presents the same as in control of the entire Hebrew Tradition. [This article continues after a message from the authors] These Articles are Written by the… This example is the final state of that map from 1652, determined by the date engraved in the lower right image, next to the small southern hemispheric map. Whatever did that might have flooded the desert areas and washed away their soil. We see the cranes by Delta as the come through. The thread was later edited to include a link to a post on ‘Tartarians’ in North America made on 7 August 2018, but that’s beside the point here, read at your own leisure (if you can call it ‘leisure’). With all that in mind we will enter this topic through the eyes of centuries gone by as they speak of Tartaria as we would today speak of Europe. Christopher M Johnson said this on October 18, 2020 at 6:03 am. My thoughts steer towards the Mongol invasion being a cover for a much larger attack on the entire landmass leaving history seeing only the Mongol as native to those lands. A country that once seemed to be world known is … It should be called the Great Wall of Tartaria. Hey! Change ). Elizabeth said this on October 28, 2020 at 9:15 am | Reply. Got to get a bird’s eye view! The first paradigm to be challenged would be what academia offers up as chronology. veritasgeniusuniversalis said this on November 4, 2020 at 11:29 am | Reply. ( Log Out /  text-align: left !important; Tartarians and Acadians In North America Part 2 of 3 - YouTube We each contribute our pieces of the puzzle to help us finally perceive the big picture. The mounds were pieces of technology, burying copper and other metals, to work specific magnetics to amply connection with ancestors in the astral world. His credentials come from a Russia under the Soviet Bolshevik regime which presents a big red flag, this is especially important when contemplating the real motives behind the rise of the new power in the West, the Russian Orthodox Church. Either way what is presented as history is incorrect. https://old.reddit.com/r/CulturalLayer/comments/idp89x/what_happened_to_stolenhistoryorg/