karens and antivaxers will no longer exist. William Barr appeared before Congress yesterday. It didn’t end well for him. Instead, they interrupted him and used the term “reclaiming my time,” in order to cut-off the Attorney General left, right, and center. “Reclaiming my time” is a phrase used by U.S. representatives to reclaim the floor from another member who is speaking during a meeting. The guy in the hot seat was avoiding, diverting and talking endlessly while she was on a time limit. Let "reclaiming my time" become your new power statement. https://crsreports.congress.gov RS22991 . Ben Carson tried to ‘reclaim’ his time while being questioned by Maxine Waters’ committee. your life will get better. 2021 won't be bad, nothing bad will happen. Adapted from Reclaiming Her Time: The Power of Maxine Waters (Dey Street Books, $26.99) This content is created and maintained by a third … Reclaiming my time: Maxine Waters’s beleaguered congressional hearing led to a mighty meme Waters’s fiery refrain became the new “she persisted.” By … biden will be the best president in human history, all traces of covid including the mutations will be gone. In 2017, California Congresswoman Maxine Waters created her own catchphrase: “Reclaiming my time." It was non-stop. MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] Wannabe Tough Guy […] There are two different methods by which time to speak on legislation is distributed on the House floor. Honey, there is no better response than "Reclaiming my time." Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) got combative with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin at a House Financial Services Committee hearing on Wednesday and … We rely on readers like you to uphold a free press. Search ... when she calls you in front of congress to ask you why you didn't make like … I am not exactly sure why he was there; since Democrats didn’t allow Barr to answer any questions. It came about during a question-and-answer session in Congress when she, as questioner, wasn’t getting the answers she wanted. During one particularly contentious moment, Carson said, “Reclaiming my time.” “You don’t get to do that,” Pressley retorted. When people are on your time but wasting it! The manner in which time is obtained, restricted, and distributed in the House depends on the procedures the House is using to consider a measure, as well as the terms of any special order of the House governing the consideration of the measure. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson got into a spat with a Democratic lawmaker after Carson tried to reclaim his time during a hearing. House Democrats repeatedly interrupted Attorney General William Barr at Tuesday's contentious Judiciary Committee hearing with the phrase "reclaiming my time." V. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.