If the player interacts with him, he asks if they want a copy of his book and that it will cost fifty dollars. After the driver has left (he will eventually pass out after walking a short distance), the player can take any valuables from the wreckage, but will lose honor. While crossing bridges in O'Driscoll territories, the player may be ambushed by a group of them, two or four of which shall appear in front of him from behind rocks or trees, and two others who will sneak from the other end of the bridge to kill him. I fire bombed and eventually blew the shack up, because he locked himself in. Afterwards, the player explains that they've known people who were good and bad regardless of their race. The hunter will dismount his horse and start tracking a bear, commenting aloud how he cannot wait to eat it. The player can use eagle eye to help you locate the dog and the dog can be seen barking at a tree. This encounter is more likely to occur at night, but can also be seen during the day. If the player gets off their horse to investigate the corpse, three Night Folk will appear and rush the player from behind. The wife will mourn the loss of her husband and will leave the area. The Gray member will execute the Braithwaite and disposes his body on the Braithwaite's property. So, take a minute to rest and replenish your meters. This person, called Sonny, is one of a number of strangers in Red Dead Redemption 2. After killing the two O'Driscolls, the driver will thank Arthur. If the player approaches the three Raiders, they will become hostile towards them. If mislead he'll head to the docks and fall in the water where he will drown himself to death. The player can loot the corpses, but will lose honor. They demand the man to pay them what he owes. On the edge of the Dakota River, Morgan may find a man skipping stones while ranting about a woman called "Lily-May". With each encounter, Nigel will provide additional details, such as how Gavin is a Cockney and that he disappeared without a trace one night while Nigel slept. Beware, though, that the residents in Van Horn may begin shooting at the player afterwards. The player can encounter two outlaws arguing over a crashed wagon. The man by the fire will then threaten the player, identify themselves as the Murfree Broods and warn that the player should be careful where they camp. If approached, they'll identify the player as one of the Van der Lindes and start shooting. The protagonist can untie the tax collector and he will thank them for saving him. The horse can be taken without losing honor, but looting the horse's dead owner will reduce honor. This event can only occur in Chapter 2. The player must kill the thugs and untie the man. If defused is chosen, Arthur will tell the man that he got him mixed up with someone else. The second woman follows nearly the same scenario, but instead asks to be taken to Emerald Ranch. The lawmen will shoot back if the player attacks them or follows them to close. The protagonist will be asked to shoot bottles, and must shoot as many as possible without missing. If lassoed or murdered, he can be looted for the Letter to Nigel from Tom. After finding the money, the man's friend will enter his room seeing the player is robbing him. If the player comforts him by telling him that the Skinners are gone and that he can rest now, the man, though blinded by the attack, sees a vision of his departed loved one and uses his final words to address that he's joining her now, before he passes on. The hunter will spot the player and ask him to stop for a moment. He spots the player and asks them to come and sit next to him at the fire. The player can greet the man or intervene. The player can help get the dead horse off her legs or decline helping her. Seriously. As the player is riding along a trail near Hill Haven Ranch, a loud voice whistles and shouts out: "There's the son of a bitch! The man decides to holster his weapon, but accidentally fires a round in his gun holster and ends up shooting his leg. She will discuss how horses do not help much in Largas and tell that she needs a horse that can swim fine, explaining that "a duck would be more useful" than the horses are. How to hang and bury wanted criminals that you bounty hunt in the game Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). The Raiders tell the man that they will be taking the goods, to which he responds that they are crazy. Once you proceed further down the sto Take an injured man to the hospital for +10 Honor and unlocking the ‘Public Hanging’ RDR2 Random Encounter. He will point out the wreckage and corpse before riding away to tell the authorities in Strawberry. Now, here’s the best part: you can go back and get revenge on what this stranger did to you! In the latter two cases, the O'Driscolls will start a fistfight with the player, with all three assaulting at once. The player can fake surrender and shoot both of them. In one of the encounters, the player talks to a man, who will rant about not finding any gold and then he eventually finds some gold. The stranger states that a conman sold him a fake serum, claimed to have been made from rhino horn to be used for a little problem the man has been having. There will be a Ghost Orchid in the tree's trunk. After a short walk, during which the hunter will point out that the trail is fresh, a grizzly bear will emerge from a small stand of trees higher up the slope and charge. A man notices a man dressed in sailor outfit inside the basement of Rhodes gunsmith with bars on the window. Two soldiers approach the pit and with their weapons drawn at him. The player will gain Honor if they intervene. A person is trying to fight off a lone cougar and is climbing up a tree for safety. The hunter will get on his horse and head to where his friend died and will mourn the death of his friend. The player can ignore them, in which case they can be heard gloating that they scared the player off, or antagonize them, which will start a fight. The player has the choice to accept or decline. They thank the prostitute for helping lure the player outside and want to get revenge on the protagonist for posing a threat to their boss. He claims his book can change a person's life and help you become rich. In Saint Denis, a man will be speaking with an acquaintance on a sidewalk near a muddy street puddle. On subsequent encounters with the same prisoner, the player will comment on how he was recaptured and suggest he run further away. The player can encounter a man around the area of New Hanover. The tax collector will state the Lemoyne Raiders put his belongings in a box and allows the player to take whatever they want. If the player decides to help they must kill the two Murfrees before the man is set on fire. While passing the gunsmith in Rhodes during its operating hours, two men will emerge from the shop, with one bragging about his newly-purchased revolver. The wife is seen being held by the neck. If the player beats her, she will lightly berate her horse for losing and vow to win the next time. More Murfrees will show up after the player shoots the first three. The player will have to kill all of the rats inside the tavern. Their clothing and behavior shall be the same, however. The player can ride near Beaver Hollow and hear a man inside a closed tent screaming, making vomiting noises and yelling "Help me! After chanting slogans, the player can speak to her. If not, the protagonist will tell the police officer about how they saved the man's life. The man stands up and the two Murfrees walk away; both can be killed by the player. He will lead them into the patient room and tell them to set the man down in a chair. The player can encounter a fight between two men near Smithfield's Saloon in Valentine. Forsythe can be heard preaching the ideology of eugenics and how other races are inferior. The player can encounter two bounty hunters transporting a wanted criminal they captured and will order the player to stay back from them. The player can greet or antagonize him. Inside Rhodes Parlour House in Rhodes, the player may encounter two Lemoyne Raiders, who enter the bar. He goes on to mention that Arthur's advice ruined his life. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. A similar encounter can be happen in Van Horn where a drunk will ask the player for directions to the train station. He takes his gold and states that he is going to tell his friend. He will pan to see if he got any gold but get frustrated that he was unable to find any and walks away. If antagonized, they will become hostile and attack the player. The boy can be found at a house. The two muggers will then rifle through the player's pockets and mock the player's gullibility. The player has the option to accept or decline. The player can encounter a Soothsayer in Bayou Nwa in Lemoyne. The suspect will apologize for stealing food, but the lawman decides to punch him and the suspect is knocked out. The tax collector will tell them that he is not a federal tax collector and works for the state. In another encounter, the suffragette will claim that the first female president will surely be elected "in ten years or so", and women will do a better job of running the country than men; the player will say he hopes she is right. If the beverage is given the drunk will thank the player and say that it's fitting that he be drinking the devil brew. If the player does not intervene they will knock the man out and the protagonist will lose Honor for not helping the man. The boy is found waiting under a tree, and his dog appears to be unhappy to see him. If the player doesn't report her she can be encountered again, asking for the same favor. Haha, after I catch my first legendary fish nearby and needed 15 minutes I thought so long for go in, but I already could think any wrong with the guy, while I thinking he waited, I decided to lit a dynamite and throw it in there, he shout any loud closed the door and realizediit’s was dynamite then he fast open the door again and try to run but the bomb already exploded and throw his body 20m away inside the woods, weirdly he survived that and I had to end it with a solid shoot to the head, but lost my reputation, I’m a outlaw already because always any incidents happen who upset me and then any go wrong and someone have to die, maybe already paid 1k bountys haha. Looting the two corpses in the boat incur in honor loss. In Tumbleweed, the player can encounter him preaching law and order to the citizens of Tumbleweed and executing a member of the Del Lobos. The latter will result in a loss of honor. The man will similarly race them to a random location in Grizzlies East. The Skinner Brother with the knife releases the protagonist, and warns them that they should stay away from their territory, otherwise they will murder and mutilate the player. The stranger will show his quick draw skills and his friend will tell him that it is dangerous to point a weapon like that. Near the Fontana Theatre in Saint Denis, the player can encounter Norris Forsythe a professor in eugenics. At this point, Donahue flees and thus his fate is left to the player; they can leave him, or loot the $50 from him after either killing or hogtying him. The man then thanks the protagonist for helping him and pays them. The man in the basement is relieved that player is here. The boy will cry and say "No...no! The self-proclaimed gunslinger will get very nervous and tries to make up an excuse. In Rhodes, an encounter with the same scenario will occur. The man recognizes the player and asks him to help him escape. Acting as side missions in RDR2, Stranger Missions are optional missions with no connection to the Main Story. If the player approaches, the gang member will demand that the player leave and will attack the player if they do not comply. It will follow the same scenario. If accepted the man will state that his friend is staying at the hotel and has rented a room on the first floor. If you help the living prisoner by shooting the chain, he will give you the location of a gold bar in between three rocks southwest of the Rhodes water tower across the railroad tracks. If approached, the Murfrees will panic and flee. If the player accepts to help her, she will give John the location of the homestead and tell the player that she going to find more help. If the player does join the hunter, the bear will target the player, and so must be killed in order to survive. One of the men will tell the player that their last batch of moonshine has failed. In some cases, excessive amount of bounty on your head or certain faction turning hostile on you may block you from taking up their missions. Near Beecher's Hope, an "X" mark can appear, representing a wagon with a dead driver, killed with an arrow who is driven by a lone scarred Nokota or Shire, moving fast. Two prisoners chained together murder the homeowner after a failed robbery and can be found outside following the trail of blood from the slain homeowner. Anyone brave enough to attempt taking on the Night Folk nee The player can choose to help them or not. The stranger will cry for help and state that they are low on ammo. The player can encounter a man screaming in pain off the side of a road in New Hanover or Scarlett Meadows. The drunk will also tell the player that he feels sleepy and takes one last swig of the whisky. The player can head to the Saints Hotel and enter the room to find the money. The horse will kick him, killing the man. For the third encounter, he can be tracked back to his cave, where he will set his wolves on the player. At night, two Lemoyne Raiders are seen at the Saint Denis City Hall. The player can then loot his corpse, if he wishes. They demand the driver to give them the key, but the driver states that the company that he works for does not give the keys to the employees. The player can encounter Hayden Russell at Clingman in Roanoke Ridge, a delusional former US Army captain who believes that the current date is April 14th, 1862 and the Civil War is still raging. In the swamps of Bayou Nwa, the player may come across a hanged corpse dangling from a tree by the road. Out in the wilds of Red Dead Redemption 2’s vast landscape, you stumble onto something sinister – a serial killer, leaving messages like … When spoken to, the man will explain that the owner of Lenora View apparently lost control of his wagon and drove off the cliff to his death. In Big Valley, a man riding a Nokota horse will appear and compliment the player's horse. The man runs away and the gunsmith tells the player to take whatever they want from his shop. Looting the outlaws will give you a free lock breaker. At Coot's Chapel, a gravedigger is seen picking up a corpse, dragging it and putting it in a mass grave. The player can whistle for the horse, if they have achieved enough bonding level or they can deal with the Laramies themselves before they get too far away. This will always occur the first time the player approaches the entrance to Caliga Hall. Occasionally, when passing Blackwater Saloon or Keane's Saloon in Valentine, the player will encounter a man threatening Uncle. If the player decides to challenge him, the protagonist will say that he believes that the man is "full of shit" and suggests they go outside to see who shoots faster. The player can encounter two outlaws trying to break open a safe they stole. The player can come across the aftermath of a camp that had been raided due to the Skinner Brothers' assault. The man groans then appears as an "X" and will fall off his horse. They will pass out only to get robbed by a prostitute who will leave the area. Outside the Rhodes Parlour House in Rhodes, the player may encounter a lone Lemoyne Raider, who tells the player that this is not the place for them to be and asks if they are from around here. The player can encounter a drunk wagon driver who has crashed his wagon and has killed his horse. If the player approaches, the gang member will attack the player. If Arthur decides to help, he and Javier ride a short distance to a large clifftop, where they find a camp of bounty hunters, with Bill hogtied. This way you get all the goodies and Arthur doesn’t have to be some creeper’s…. The player can choose to fight them or not. When travelling through Bayou Nwa during the day, a man losing a lot of blood will fall off his horse and will call for help. Arthur and Javier kill the bounty hunters and free Bill, who thanks the duo. His wife and son are seen crying and begging the lawmen not to kill him. He is usually found ranting while standing in the water, and can be briefly spoken to by the player. She challenges the player to a race to a random location within Scarlett Meadows. Maybe you want to visit the Hermit Stranger to find the first part of the Torn Treasure Map. Bayou Nwa Stranger Cabin in RDR2 is a location you can visit in the game. After his initial dialogue with the player, Nigel will proceed to wander through the town he was encountered in, repeatedly and desperately calling Gavin's name. In Strawberry, the player can encounter two men spying on a woman. After they are dealt with, it is possible to shoot the rope off and loot the hanged man to obtain the Murfree Brood Prisoner's Note. The two street urchins then will run away and, if the player chases after them, they will encounter a large group of ambushers armed with guns, who will demand that the player to hand over the money. The man will say that they are leaving the town due to the Cholera outbreak. The officer then knocks out the suspect and carries him.The player can question the lawman's actions or antagonize him. The horse is a Palomino Dapple American Standardbred. 121k members in the RDR2 community. You’ll lose some money, and all of your core meters will be in the red. The player can attack the Raiders and loot the chest in the back of the wagon. Another Skinner Brother appears wielding a rifle, and two men laugh maliciously. Killing the wolves will result in an honor loss. At one of the Lemoyne Raiders' campsites, the player may find that the Raiders have kidnapped a tax collector for ransom and are interrogating him. This Stranger mission is well worth playing, but also super spoilery if you’ve not reached RDR2’s epilogue. The other Lemoyne Raider will tell the man to get lost. You can also deliver them to the sheriff to get a cash reward, but only after completing the mission Good, Honest, Snake Oil. The player can encounter a trapper, who stepped on his own trap. If the player antagonize the Lemoyne Raider, the Lemoyne Raider will tell him to leave and pull out a knife to attack the player. Shooting the lock and allowing the prisoner to fight the lawman and escape will increase the player's honor. A Machete can be obtained from one of the Murfrees. The man bets that his horse named Ariel is faster than the player's horse and challenges the protagonist to race him to a random location in Ambarino. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There is an option to antagonize the three men. If approached or questioned they will attack the player. Red Dead Redemption 2 Serial Killer Clue #1 The first serial killer clue is found south of Wallace Station (south-west of Valentine). We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. She'll then tell the player she's from Butcher Creek, and that they have to cope with a demon there, taking control of the bodies and minds of the villagers. Sequence Description: A beggar asks for money. If the player chooses to intervene, they will be forced to dispatch the Lemoyne Raiders. The player can encounter a man between Bluewater Marsh and the area near the Van Horn trading post. The man will greet the player, to which the latter can choose to antagonize him or greet him. Two prisoners will purposely get into a fight and a lawman will step in to intervene. Morgan can either give the man advice to be a good man and she will come, or antagonize him. Bounty hunting is one of the many side activities available in Red Dead Redemption 2.Protagonist Arthur Morgan may be an outlaw, but as they … He challenges the player to a race to a random location within Big Valley. He will explain to the player that his friend went outside to get more firewood for their cabin, but his friend got lost in a storm. If they are killed, then two more will show up and start shooting. Head up towards the bridge and there’s a body hanging … The player can encounter a shipwreck south of Flatneck Station or near the Van Horn Trading Post. The player can encounter a treasure hunter with the High Stakes Treasure Map. The player can also tie her up and take her to the sheriff's office or report her crime to the sheriff for 14$ cash and a small boost in Honor. The dead man's name is James Peyton, and he was going to pick up his wife Mildred before losing control of his wagon. As the man is approached, he will ask if the player wants to make a lot of money very quickly, and then beckon the player to follow him into the alley. Then the man states that there is no one that can shoot like him and announces that he will challenge anyone to a duel. Then the protagonist will tell the man to go get the law, and that they will see what they can do. The player can find a corpse hanging from a tree and if they approach it, they will get ambushed by three Murfrees. Then they can choose to split the money or lie to the man and keep the money for themselves. At one of the Lemoyne Raiders' campsites, the player may find that the Raiders have kidnapped a Saint Denis policeman for ransom and are interrogating him. His friend states that he should go get some medical attention to his injury, but the man declines his advice. The player can decline the offer which will gain them some more honor. If you go exploring through Bayou Nwa, you might come across a stranger hanging out on the porch of his cabin, just south of the letter N in Nwa on the map (exact location provided below). If accepted, she'll say that her friends, Esther and Jerry-Ann, are part of why she's so cold, eating all chitterlings and lending her warm breeches amongst other things. The town crier will also state that other plagues have occurred in the town over the years and that some folks believe that Armadillo is cursed. There’s a rock with the remains of a torso hanging on it. Two street urchins by the sidewalks in Saint Denis will rudely insult the player, who can antagonize or defuse them. About three Murfrees will show up to see what fell in their trap, who can be killed by the player. They will greet the player and will request that they find some Milkweed for their moonshine. Marion Marketing Global. Killing him after the duel is over, will not affect the players' honor. The stranger states that he has committed sins and would reveal them to the player if they are given some whiskey. The man manages to track down the coyote and kills it. If the player chooses to intervene, they will be forced to dispatch the O'Driscoll's and one of the passengers will subsequently express thanks for the assistance. If they help him escape, the player will receive a bounty. During the ride she explains, that her friend let her borrow her horse to inquire about a seamstress job for a wealthy man. Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of the Stranger Side Mission - American Dreams from Red Dead Redemption 2, including gameplay tips, guides, and more! The player can encounter a pair of prospectors near the Dakota River, Little Creek River or Upper Montana River panning for gold.