Getting him out of the WH asap by any means available seems to be Pelosi’s main focus right now. She received a flurry of flattering text messages over the next week asking her to give him another chance. Its maybe the first time he was telling the truth. He and others are convinced Trump’s mention of “the next administration” means it’s a republican administration. Giving Chase as a Narcissistic Response to Rejection. I have been thinking about how this ends for Trump and I don’t think he has it in him to Hitler himself. Maybe he’s just saying he is and he will do something else.Hopefully. Clearly they can do a lot of damages. No hiding. They don’t care they are hurting the other person. Narcissists have a tendency to internalize failure; the narcissist’s emotional response to failure is to feel shame rather than to feel guilt like other people.In order to avoid shame, which the narcissist avoids at any cost, he externalizes blame for all negative events. @Esmom, yes to what you stated and he is a narcissist, no way would be off himself. @esmom I am deeply disgusted that Jack Dorsey let him back on Twitter. He will respond in one of two ways. news just now is: “Pelosi seeks clarity on Trump’s nuclear access”. Sends cold shivers down my spine. Now we have a name for the problem, a definition and some hints on how to handle narcissists. Where would he get those? He is continuing to Tweet to them. This pursuit has nothing to do with your good qualities or their positive feelings about you. Yeah, he’s decompensating, but he’s a figure-head for people who have wanted this for years. No joy in this inauguration at all, only fear and anxiety that Joe and Kamala survive and that DC doesn’t burn to the ground. The 25th amendment discussions are happening. Also, he’s not attending Biden’s inauguration because he’s a big huge baby (and he wouldn’t be welcome there anyway). The way Junior barks “Kimberleh” to beckon her. This article makes me realize how many times I've been hurt by staying with people who are obviously unsafe. After being hurt again recently, I've been asking myself what I'm doing wrong. } However, contrary to the article, I have rarely seen someone try a come back. Zero. Weird! I wasn’t panicked or freaking out – I just felt it all coming. Pelosi/Omar’s resolution is written and ready for Monday. I have Narcissistic friends, colkeagues as well. Unfortunately, they won’t, but we will. They are so beautiful!” Sam did not know how to gracefully say “no,” so he instead he said, “Of course. I was a major victim of a Narcissist! I am fully prepared for a Waco style siege of the WH and Secret Service getting shot at. At the very least, he’s a malignant narcissist. This selfish, egotistical man and those, most notably those Senators who know better and endorse his lies, have undermined our democracy and we just can’t fix it and forget it. Jack on March 11, 2019: Lame little article. Hang on to those memories. Except my father was 30 years ago which is why my mom left him. You’re absolutely right, Seraphina. He should be forced to attend the inauguration, and act as a human shield for Biden. #gallery-1 { If (an empty) WH burns down maybe it’s a good thing. A dawning horror that Trump is literally setting fire to the White House so Joe Biden can’t have it. Somewhere in our psyche, do we all remember that piece of how the Nazi’s took control? And we should be super focused on him after 01/20/2021. I see pictures in my head. They were getting pumped up like NBA players before a playoff game, ready to hit the stage to incite the crowd. That is truly an equal relationship. And God forbid taking a knee. I hate to contradict the author of this article, but Simon believes that these people are not suffering inner pain; they're just bad people. So no remorse, just a sense of aesthetics, dictated by his belief that he’s entitled to a higher class of loyal subjects, rather than his army of knuckle draggers. I am fascinated by Don Junior’s coked up demeanor. And before 911, 2 days before I heard a loud chorus of voices in my dream saying “ghost world” and woke up freaked out. i liked him back then. If you live in the west, dating an Indian girl is one of the worst decisions you can make. I doubt he even knows how to drive, operate any kitchen appliances, etc. Luckily, it’s not enough radicalized loonies to be successful, but damn, yes, this is scary stuff. Do you have clear boundaries that you enforce about what types of behaviors you will or will not tolerate from a romantic partner? Im a bit concerned that Biden is taking the train to the ceremony. They should be removed from both forever. After Kennedy was shot, it was done on the run. I never post here, but I had to share this with you. Esmom, I noticed the “coke jaw” too. We had been there so many times during the W years, and people do forget how bad those years were. We toasted and cried through the proceedings and I felt a lightness I haven’t felt again at all, except for maybe a few minutes after hearing the race called for Jon Ossoff. @Mac I am sure you’re right. Later, when he contacted her again, she thanked him, but said that she did not think that they were well-suited and refused to see him. The coward won’t even be there on the 20th!!! I’ve been inside the West Wing. It only takes one traitior in the ranks though. While women do not want to be traditional by having men do half there work at home but will not contribute half to the family finances by getting a job. But, then Bob starting asking Tina some questions that she found too intrusive for a first date: “Why had her last relationship broken up? Well, or he might appear to have taken himself out…Putin disposes of what he’s finished with. Very confidently they told me that Trump — not Biden — will be the president on January 20. He did not write that speech, it was written for him, he does not believe what he was reading. I hate his politics, but admire his cold-blooded abilities. To celebrate at Georgia Brown’s? It’s important to cut ties and end interactions with toxic people as soon as possible so you can get centered in your own reality and validate your own identity. Snuffles your post gave me goosebumps o_o. 10 intense and powerful narcissist quotes that will hit you hard in the feels and remind you why you left or why you should leave! He’s not psychologically fragile. For Bob, the ground had shifted. One administration official described Trump’s behavior as that of “a total monster.” Another said the situation was “insane” and “beyond the pale.”, “He is alone. It was not that he liked Tina more than before, but he felt the need to convince her to see him again. Alcoholics at the time were furious when people started pointing fingers at them and they responded they were merely trying to relax with a drink or 10. Darla, I agree. i promise if you can do that it will work because deep down he loves you ALOT more then you it’s your time to bring out the best in him, and he will be forced to make changes and become closer with you then you could imagine not out of guilt but LOVE. Yesterday’s statement had to be scripted and a video, because they need to be able to control the situation because if they don’t he will go rogue and they know it. I’m genuinely concerned about Joe & Kamala and what’s to come on inauguration week. We had sex, tht night he called nd after tht he stopped calling me. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. His valet? If being with this person makes you feel uncomfortable or they regularly maneuver you into doing things that you do not want to do, he or she is probably not right for you. 45 years is too long to just dump someone when you were in regular contact and were always respectful support honest yet conscientious of each other’s feelings. It’s kinda weird how everybody sees this going down the same way: literally in flames. } Yes, write down what YOU need, what YOU want. The PA Senate situation is insane because it’s entirely symbolic – even if they seat that Democrat, they still hold the majority. The question I present to you is this: if you’re unwilling to do it, why are you expecting your daughters to do so? I’m so sorry, for me my animals are part of my family and losing one is very painful. Frightening. I just hope that she is able to get the impeachment through if Pence doesn’t invoke the 25th amendment. He is unfit and rabid. Not a good thought right now. I knew getting out of DC afterwards would be a nightmare and I got a hotel, some of my friends did too, and we celebrated and got drunk. He has some sort of valet for his clothing. We are 81 mil to 75. It's not that suddenly people are being over diagnosed. Spare me any and all of the “new tone” crap. Tara walked out pleased with herself and her new bracelet and Sam felt angry and miserable. I doubt there are any more narcissists than there were years ago. These are the type of women why so many men are going MGTOW today which is the very safe way too. At this point, many people who have no knowledge of narcissism at all will politely disengage themselves from the relationship because the trouble of catering to their new friend’s needs outweighs any possible benefits. It’s so scary. I do think there was some talk about that. The Tea Party was awful but nothing like these MAGATs. I also think more cabinet secretaries will resign rather than cast a vote to invoke the 25th, because apparently seeing the Capitol stormed and people killed still isn’t enough for them to grow a spine and remove this madman. To start a fire he’d need matches or a lighter. ... Why do you think it took her so long to concede defeat? I did get a chance to go to the funeral I saw his wife and kids they didn’t seem sad at all. Believe me, that thought has been playing through my head since the election. My first time I was a teenager and I woke up swearing I was hearing sirens. No- just more women eager to call people they don't like by that name. His Niece, Mary Trump, was interviewed after the insurrection. It was so beautiful. Maybe the problem is that the narcissist magnets read too many psychology blogs and now diagnose every man they date as narcissistic. Don’t believe him. I…can’t. NOTE 10/11: There was no DOH COVID daily report on 10/10. I up here in Canada feel wwaaaayyyy too close for comfort at this point. So why do long-time friends cut you off? I'm aiming for that. What do you do? i know some guy from college, we werent together. Here’s a quote: Dump said the journey is just beginning. I hope that doesn’t happen. You just wait. I passed by Trump and could hear him on the phone complaining how unhappy he was about something. This may work with your father and with others too. He’s fine with playing second fiddle as long as he is moving toward his plans. When I got my first job my manager was a problematic narcissist who took credit for projects he didn't touch or know anything about, yet seemed he entitled to tout these successes as his own. Tina took this as a warning sign that she and Bob would not be a happy couple. Right now I truly believe he’s being patched together with pharmaceuticals and access to the best doctors at any moment. The West Wing is rather small. I’ve been afraid of this for a long time, and its much worse after Wednesday’s failed attempt. Are the FBI ready? Everyone can see it – those who have resigned now are only doing so cause they know what is coming. And I wish that Biden and Harris could have a normal ceremony/day because they deserve it. I've also had to decide to deescalate friendships with narcissists when their behaviors became a challenge. Devos may have resigned, but her brother’s private militia is waiting in the wings……we should all be on high alert. Pelosi is doing what she can; she is amazing. NOTE 11/27: There was no report from FDOH on 11/26. Who will want him there. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. Some of his advisers had pleaded with him to give this kind of speech in November, after it was clear he had lost. I’m hoping that was premonition for what happened Wed, but I too am worried this isn’t over… Esp if zero consequences…! @ Golly Gee, the Capital and DC were both offered the NG on Sunday ahead of the violence from the deranged and demented MAGATS! Alexandria, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One on his way to Dallas after Kennedy’s assassination. And this: “My campaign vigorously pursued every legal avenue to contest the election results. Tyrants always end up alone at the end. And I hear it has a terrible rat problem. Back then there wasn't a word for it. I’m very scared. I hope that his cold-bloodedness kicks in now that Drumpf tried to get him killed, because that is what a lot of those MAGAts who stormed the Capital had in mind. Nothing. RUN and keep caring about YOU!!. Like, I keep seeing the same image of smoke rising from the WH. Women if you want men to do half your work at home then you should do half of men’s traditional work by contributing financially half of the family income. float: left; Trump’s actions are ALWAYS for his own self interests. I’m not sure how they could keep a second location secret though when this was clearly allowed by people on the inside. I used to work in. These are not private channels–anyone who cares to look at them–parler,, DLive etc–can see the chatter. Declare martial law? @Circe what a stupid comment to make. I always say that after 18 years of living around someone else, I can spot issues very early on and have no more tolerance for it. Question: Why do adult children today cut off relationships with parents when earlier generations did not? I’ve noticed on Twitter that trump cultists are very big on emojis. The video has some of his supporters feeling betrayed by his “concession”- they really thought he’d be their dictator. It sickens me to watch the video and enrages me at the same time. Humans tend to redo history, we know he’s capable of trying this & I don’t doubt this isn’t in his wheelhouse. It needs to be everywhere, as Trump’s people really do have blood on their hands. Scary thoughts. It’s surprisingly old and dilapidated. and thats it. 6000 National guard will be there plus I’m guessing FBI and whatever police forces are around. } If one is a leader, entrusted with important responsibilities and is known for getting things done they will attract narcissists. The emperor truly had no clothes. Abuse is ABUSE...Mental, emotional roller coasters lie ahead if you are with a Narc. A narcissist does not want to be alone and he constantly needs someone to validate him. It’s an eyesore anyway, and is essentially a monument to a greedy, sociopathic, racist piece of shit who committed treason, sedition, and has the blood of hundreds of thousands Americans on his hands. Tara sent him a few sweet texts and thanked him profusely for his generous gift. Do you realoze these are democratic European countries and to throw them in one line with Belarus and Israel is a bit of a stretch and showing ignorance. Rule 2: If they did not respect your boundaries in the beginning of the relationship, they will not respect your boundaries later. She ended the date early. I haven't been left with negative feelings because I knew what these people were before engaging with them. Kaiser, I’ve been having similar dark premonitions. I can see the smoke as well. Having off our radar would be a huge mistake. Let me explain. All of the cameras are on the exterior of the White House on the evening of January 19th, and suddenly we can see smoke coming out of the building. It seems where the Secretary of Defense failed, the Department of the Army did not. Right now it feels impossible, but I can’t imagine how we’d be feeling if Trump had won another term and if the GOP Senate majority had held. New conspiracy theory is that the dead woman didn’t really die. Trump is done. Sam was not a diagnostician, nor was he sophisticated about psychology. He is so scary. Are there more narcissists than ever? Trust your own instincts. People who didn’t realize they’d messed up [Buzzfeed]. Run..don't walk away from USERS, ,,PERIOD.. Married young , my first encounter was horrible as my controlling Narc husband made easy excuses out of things, showed very little if any emotion and could care less about what I felt at all. After a few dates, you notice that your new romantic interest is exquisitely sensitive to slights, needs to be the center of admiring attention, ignores your feelings, and requires lots of reassurance about how great he or she is. It was called the “Beer Hall Putsch,” an attempted coup d’état by Hitler and his followers, which was calculated to seize the power of the Bavarian state government (and thereby launch a larger “national revolution” against the democratically elected Weimar Republic). Society hasn't crafted a way to address this affliction. They were coming up with outlandish President/VP combinations with lots of praying hands and heart emojis. Are You Dealing With a Malignant Narcissist? Remove him now. The BBC yesterday had a GOP representative on to get his take about the Capitol riot and he blamed “the radical left” for inciting it, would put zero blame on Trump and would not back down from that position. I was still a child when I knew something was very wrong with my parents. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. There was a video that Junior posted of a bunch of them watching it on a big screen. This increases the likelihood that you are keeping narcissistic people that others would weed out before they got seriously hurt. Uggg… the fact that we even have to think this way! I suppose letters and words are hard. So, yeah... there are probably more narcissists today than there have been in the past. The more Tina pulled away, the more Bob pursued her. He is a danger to the country every minute of the day. Remember there are good people on both sides with Charlotte village. I was with her for 11 years – then we split for a while, I met someone else who was wonderful and I swore that I would never go back (This is before I understood what a narcissistic was or that I was being so damaged). There is the West Wing and the East Wing. The store was open and Tara suggested that they go in just to look. I probably smell them too early on. Did you notice the song “Gloria” they were blasting? When he did not respond, she became angry and then sent him a long, nasty, rambling text message that ended with her calling him “a miserable, cheap, heartless loser.” Sam was relieved that he had not stayed in the relationship longer. Many people feel as if they are “narcissist magnets.” If there is a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder within 100 feet, they believe that somehow that person will be attracted to them. I don’t know if it will be a real fire or not, but I do have a feeling it will be the end. I think the actual inauguration part doesn’t take long, like a wedding. Twitter is littered with Parler screenshots of them boasting about what they have planned for the Inauguration. It feels like so many of us are feeling our sixth-sense psychic powers tingle… there will be fire and it will be bad, I’ve been thinking he’ll be inciting his MAGAts to set various fires all over DC.