Being friends with an ex also significantly increases your chances of getting your ex back. History. It’s nice if you can be friends with your ex, but that’s what they are, an ex. Nicole Richardson, LPC-S, LMFT, cautions that it’s a bad idea to try to maintain a relationship with an ex just because you feel like you “should” stay friends with … A historical present doesn’t exist, it’s an oxymoron. Kris had … That said, being friends with an ex is actually more common and more expected than most people who have never had an amicable break-up realize. One is a very close family friend (we dated over 10 years ago ) the other is my ex husband (we share kids, so that's an obvious one). Above the table, and you're probably being more honest about why you really want to keep your ex around — and your friends will totally approve. Shutterstock “If your relationship was healthy and non-toxic, and you truly loved them as a human being, then it's natural to want to stay friends with an ex … The two words contradict each … For this week’s Mailbag, “S” writes: Hi Zach, I think what you’re doing is great & healing for a lot of people. Staying friends with an ex: Sex and dark personality traits predict motivations for post-relationship friendship. He looked angry, because I had my reasons to be unhappy about that friendship. Recognize that your partner and their ex are raising a child and it’s in the child’s best interest for the parents to get along. Staying friends with an ex can become especially tricky when the “friendship” starts to take precedence over the relationship. Much like being in a romantic relationship, remaining friends with an ex requires that you’re both looking for similar things. While these kinds of relationships can invite jealousy, remind yourself that your partner being friends with their ex is likely what’s best for the child. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 114-119. “Okay, then you stop being friends with Kris,” I suggested. Even if being friends is in the cards for you and your ex (newsflash: it isn’t for everyone), it shouldn’t happen right away, according to Susan J. Elliott, author of the book Getting Past Your Breakup. Staying friends with an ex is tricky terrain to navigate in a new relationship. If you are truly ready to commit to a new relationship, then you need to sacrifice old romances. SHARE I’ll back up a little. I don’t advice telling your ex “let’s be friends” if you want your ex back. Tonight while at dinner, we were talking about ex's somehow and it came up that I am still friends with a few of mine.