Have you tried feeding cabbage to your guinea pigs? Guinea pigs can eat cabbage in up to 2-3 times a week. Cabbage is also rich in many minerals like Manganese, Iron, and many other vitamins that are vital for the body. As we know, cabbage does provide vitamin C and vitamin K for a guinea pig. And cabbage is great when used by an expert soup maker. Along with it it also has a lot of other vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for guinea pigs. Although your guinea pig will crave for more but serving anything in excess can be bad for your guinea pigs. Can guinea pigs eat cabbage? You can either chop it into small pieces or live it as it is and mix it with other veggies for serving. It has higher amounts of calcium and lower amounts of Vitamin C. While conducting through research for this article, we found another website that recommended feeding red cabbage to guinea pigs. As you introduce more, you can move up to feeding about half a leaf, cut up into 1-square-inch pieces. In addition to kidney problems, too much calcium can lead to bloating and digestive problems. We can eat savoy cabbage 2-4 times per week, but only in small portions because it's a gassy food. Along with it it also has a lot of other vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for guinea pigs. Can Guinea Pigs Have Straw In Their Cage? Fresh greens give them important vitamins and nutrients. These vitamins are essential in the growth of guinea pig. Potassium helps to maintain consistent blood sugar, whereas phosphorus contributes to managing good health by storing energy, maintaining and repairing tissue and cells of the body. The question is, can a guinea pig have cabbage, and if so, how much of it can they eat? But this should not turn you away from feeding this leafy treat to your guinea pig. Josh has been raising guinea pigs for over a decade. Yes they can but its not the best vegetable for them to have and there are better out there that provide more nutrients for piggies. Yes, guinea pigs can eat white cabbage. Cabbage is, without a doubt, a rather clawless vegetable. But a guinea pig that regularly consumes high amounts of calcium could develop health problems. Yes, These leafy green cabbage is an excellent diet for cavies. Can guinea pig eat cabbage? Cabbage is, without a doubt, a rather clawless vegetable. It contains many important vitamins and minerals but can cause gas and bloating. Just stay with me till the end of this article, and I shall ensure all your doubts are cleared. Savoy cabbage has much less vitamin c than red, but it also has less calcium.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'guineapighub_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',119,'0','0'])); Cabbage is packed with vitamin k, which is important for healthy blood that properly clots. Even if your piggy enjoys cabbage, keep the servings small. Yes, guinea pigs can eat cabbage for sure. However, if we feed it in moderation, it can be beneficial for them as well. Purple cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Vitamin B6, which is essential for our guinea pigs. You can throw some cabbage in their diet sometimes but make sure you don’t include it in their daily diet. SERVING SIZE TIP: We have found that starting with 1 square inch of cabbage is a good amount. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'guineapighub_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',116,'0','0'])); I am sure many of us were told to drink milk as a child because it had calcium, which would help our bones. What about if it is boiled?eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'guineapighub_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',122,'0','0'])); While boiling cabbage does reduce the amount of calcium in cabbage, it also breaks down other important ingredients. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B9, and other vitamins which are needed for healthy growth in the guinea pig. Although you must avoid Chinese cabbage entirely as it is high in calcium. As you can see napa cabbage does contain a hint of fat and some calcium which is a shame as its vitamin c content is very good. No, guinea pigs cannot eat cooked cabbage at all. Even though your guinea pig can eat cabbage several times a week, they cannot rely only on it for snacks. Safety & Nutrition, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries? You may wonder whether guinea pigs can eat cooked cabbage, like the leftover leaves from your cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage. White cabbage is rich in Vitamin C and dietary fiber, and at the same time, it is low in calcium as well. Well yes for sure! However, the serving size should be moderated to avoid health issues. It’s a companion to love, and you can make sure that your furry friend stays happy and healthy with these top 3 guinea pig foods based on our expert reviews. Vegetables such as Lettuce, Zucchini, Bell peppers, should be part of their daily diet. One that rarely inspires neither fear nor love. Pellets are less important than a constant supply of fresh grass hay , though pellets can provide additional vitamins and nutrients that your guinea pig isn’t getting from hay alone, especially if the pellets are fortified in Vitamin C. Why Is My Guinea Pig Always Hungry? It might contain traces of chemicals on the outer leaf, which can be bad for your guinea pigs. While young guinea pigs can be served a little excess amount as well, the older guinea pigs should only be fed in moderation to avoid bladder stones in them. For any medical assistance and advice, it is recommended to consult a licensed veterinarian. That’s right, as always, the first step in feeding any plant-based food to your cavies is to give it a thorough washing. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin c & Vitamin K, which is a must for them. If you want to feed dried food to your guinea pig as a treat then you must try this Pea Flakes. Our site doesn’t provide you with any medical advice for your guinea pigs. The purple leaves of cabbage also contain vitamin A and calcium. If your guinea pig ever gets scraped, it is important to have enough vitamin k in their bodies. Yes, guinea pigs can eat red cabbage. Start with a small leaf and see if your guinea pigs like it. Yes, guinea pigs can eat napa cabbage for sure. The author said that red cabbage has less calcium than green cabbage. Can guinea pigs eat red cabbage? Try to feed different greens to your pets every day but make sure they are suitable for guinea pigs to eat. Red cabbage also contains a hint of sugar, fat and calcium. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made by our readers with no extra cost added to you all! Red cabbage is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which is essential for guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs can eat cabbage. Instead, it just means we need to take a moment to ensure we feed the right kind of cabbage to our cavies. While it does contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, it is also quite high in calcium, which may cause your pet to suffer from bladder stones . As you have learned by now, guinea pigs can eat cabbage. Food bowls are a must for our guinea pigs. The second step is to wash the cabbage properly. Another vital downside to consider with Cabbage is it can lead to bloating and diarrhea in guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs can eat cabbage but the key is to serve it in moderation to avoid health issues in guinea pigs. Sweetheart cabbage is extremely rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin C, and Folate, which are crucial for the good health of our guinea pigs. Whether its time to serve some pellets or veggies, you need a tip-proof bowl for your guinea pigs, and staybowl must be your only pick. Common Health Problems; Veterinary Care - Advice & Tips; Weight; Teeth; Behaviour; Nutrition; Guinea Pig Insurance; Shop. You don't want to miss them out! Do they carry lots of nutritional value in them? Especially the first time you introduce cabbage to your guinea pig, start with just a small slice of a leaf. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cabbage? Cabbage also contains Potassium and Phosphorus, which is also essential for guinea pigs. And each type has a different proportion of nutrients. Provide your guinea pig with about 1/4 – 1/8 cup of plain, corn- and seed-free guinea pig pellets for eating each day. How to Look After a Guinea Pig; Care Sheets & Checklists; Handling and Picking Up; Grooming Guide; Bathing; How to Clean the Cage/Hutch; How to Cut Guinea Pig Nails; A Boarding Guide; Health. Thus we can feed purple cabbage to our guinea pigs but only in moderation. Yes, guinea pigs can eat savoy cabbage. In small amounts, you should have no worries. Calcium is good for the development of bones and teeth in young and nursing guinea pigs but can be a risk factor among adults. So, we should only serve it in moderation. Feeding cabbage core is a debatable topic among guinea pig owners. Also eating cabbage every day can be bad for their digestive system which in turn leads to bloating and diarrhea in guinea pigs. Some vegetables are suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs, while others can cause upset stomachs. Other Foods Guinea Pigs Can Eat. While it may not harm your guinea pigs to eat cooked cabbage, the process of cooking causes vegetables to lose vital nutrients. Regardless of whether or not this is true, we do know that calcium can cause kidney problems for guinea pigs. Also, cabbage may cause stomach upsets like bloating and indigestion, which can be dangerous for cavies. They can eat cabbage, and small amounts will not cause them any harm. If you are wondering if your guinea pig can eat cabbage, you’ve come to the right place. Savoy cabbage is also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which is essential for guinea pigs health. However, remember to introduce the veggies very slowly so that they don’t suffer from diarrhea. link to Is It Worth Getting Pet Insurance For Guinea Pigs? Certain plants can even poison pets, so it’s important to check what you’re feeding them is safe. Safety & Nutrition... Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kale? It also helps in improving digestion, boosts the immune system, and also prevents inflammations. But can guinea pigs eat this leafy green (and sometimes red) if it is cooked? Okay so we’ve talked about the human food that guinea pigs can eat, so to wrap it up, we’ll talk a little about other types of foods guinea pigs can eat. Also Read: 25 Common Health Problems In Guinea Pigs. Cabbage core is the woody texture part of the cabbage which holds the leaves together. If yes, no more cabbage for that piggy! Avoid wilting cabbage entirely. Before you read further, Here are some of our popular books that provides you great value. Always serves one cup of veggies with a mix of 3-4 vegetables in it so that guinea pigs can get a balance of all nutrients in their diet. On the other hand, they are high in Calcium, and can also lead to bloating. They will love it simple and bare as it is. (Reasons+What To Do), Why Is My Guinea Pig Not Eating? But what are the vegetables we should feed to our guinea pigs? We must serve a mix of 3-4 types of veggies daily so that they get the right amount of vitamins an minerals for healthy growth. But if you are thinking of feeding your guinea pig cabbage as a snack, there are a few tips you should be aware of. But guinea pigs? Although cabbage is an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K, it can also lead to a digestive issue in guinea pigs. It also has other necessary vitamins and minerals that will keep your guinea pig healthy. Safety & Nutrition... Can Guinea Pigs Eat Spinach? Finally, remove any uneaten pieces of vegetables from your guinea pigs cage within a few hours of serving. Yes, guinea pigs can definitely eat cabbage leaves. Your guinea pig is more than just a pet. Thus, feeding cabbage 2-3 times a week should be more than enough for guinea pigs. Organic cabbage is the best choice if you can get one for your guinea pig. Any behavior or digestive changes? Guinea Pig Coloring Book: Let Your Anxiety Go Away! Perfect for guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas and other small animals. (Toxic Food+Food To Avoid). They are a good source of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your guinea pig. He's had two Americans, two Abyssinians, and one Silkie Guinea Pig. It’s very important for guinea pigs to have access to balanced minerals, vitamins, protein, and other nutrients at all times. Recommended Supplies For Guinea pigs: Our Top Picks! Unlike round treats for guinea pigs like tomatoes or grapes, cabbage has tons of nooks and crannies where dirt and bacteria can hide.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'guineapighub_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',120,'0','0'])); Since guinea pig mothers don’t teach their babies to wash their food, it is up to us to do this for them. My motto with this blog is to help guinea pig owners understand their pets better so they can provide them with the life they deserve. FUN FEEDING TIP: You might not be able to cook meals for your guinea pig, but you can certainly prepare some! (Safety & Nutrition), 10 Guinea Pig Breeds – Guide to All Types of Guinea Pigs. By Tamara Labelle 18 Oct 2019 . The sort of vegetables that people usually have in their homes that are safe to feed to guinea pigs are as follows: We won’t tell you whether you should or should not feed cabbage to your guinea pig, but we will provide some pros and cons to help you make your own decision. Vitamin C and Vitamin K play a significant role in the development of guinea pig health. Possible Risks With Cabbage? Real grass for your guinea pig to lounge on! Being readily available at an economical price, people often wonder if they can use straw as bedding... Is It Worth Getting Pet Insurance For Guinea Pigs?