Swordtail Fish – Wojciech J. Płuciennik (CC BY-SA 4.0) Adaptable to a variety of water conditions, Swordtails are live bearing fish that breed quite efficiently and get along well with other live bearing fish like guppies or platies. While these fish prefer hardwater and angelfish prefer soft water, most of the fish available in the hobby now are captive bred and can adapt to a wide range of water types. Females are usually longer than the males. You will see male guppies chasing female platies. The Poecilia can crossbreed with each other and the Xiphophorus can crossbreed with each other, but Xiphophorus and Poecilia cannot crossbreed. I would like to cross breed them to see what comes out of the process. This is because they belong to the same genus or family of fish. Here's Why. Check out these fish tanks and products today. As Mollies belong to the family Poecilia and Platies belong to the Xiphophorus therefore, they cannot cross breed. If this is not possible, breeding traps can be used in the main aquarium to hatch and raise fry in. Do feel free to ask our experts.We have 1000's of posts about the very topics you're interested in covering all aspects of tropical fish; their habitats, best ways to keep them thriving, where to buy, from whom and more! They also have the same temperament, which means they’re compatible living in the same aquarium. And yet, Mickey Mouse platies often prefer the company of other members of the genus Xiphophorus. Both are also easy to care for and not picky about their food. Even … You may give it some time or change the male or one of the females if necessary. The female Angelfish will check out the male and shake her fins in acceptance. I'm sure people have tried it before. … Platies and swordtails will breed together, so much, in fact, that it's thought that most captive platies have a little swordtail blood, and vice versa. Crosses resemble more of the platy, with some fry exhibiting some swordtail characteristics. During breeding time, in attempt to attract a mate, the male Angelfish will fan out their fins and slightly shake them. A canary doesn’t come out of the cage, so you only need to give your canary bird food, water and cage cleaning, but doesn’t need one-on-one play time. The problem however is that fishkeepers have reported these to have a low mortality rate and unable to reproduce. In the ornamental pet fish trade, the purpose of creating hybrids—or crosses between two species—is to produce better offspring which carry more desirable traits. Some people use a plastic colander bought from the dollar store. Just avoid materials that may hurt, entangle, or cut your fish. Your goal for good platy care is to maintain clean water by doing 25% changes every two weeks. They’re hardy fish that have found their way into the hearts and aquariums of hobbyists for their beautiful colors and lively behavior. While live plants are helpful, they’re not foolproof.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'explorefishworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',125,'0','0'])); You may use a breeding cage purchased from any fish pet store for this purpose. The mating process should be helped by human intervention, bringing the two species together in one breeding tank for exclusivity. In captivity, breeding will naturally occur if there are several males and females of the same species in one tank. Trade him in your local fish store for other fish or just give him away to someone who has a bigger tank. It can be a 5- or 10-gallon tank with filtration and some live plants. In the … Danios are egg scattering fish that commonly spawn in groups, however, a single male/female pair can also breed. Of these species, both Platy and Swordtail there are a myriad of line-bred colour forms, in virtually any colour and pattern variation. You can arrange the plants according to species. There are no differences between regular livebearer breeding and crossing swordtails with platy fish. … They don’t recognize their own fry as kin and look at them as food. For many aquarists the problem is often not getting them to breed but stopping them from breeding! The males pointed anal fin is actually modified into what is called a 'gonopodium' and is used for transferring milt into the female for internal fertilisation. Now that you know mollies and platies can’t breed with each other, let’s take a closer look at this topic. It’s almost like a tetra and a pleco. Inducing breeding requires no specific conditions, although a varied diet with additional algae or vegetable based foods and a good ove… I’ll explain whether or not fish (as a type of vertebrate animal) can indeed crossbreed and if so, which species in … As with other livebearers, the ratio of males to females is important and should be at least two females to every male. Yes that is a guppy, and they will try to breed just about anything even through they can't breed . They get their name from their long sword-shaped fin at their bottom, but their unique color is also an eye-catching feature if you … Swordtails can grow quite large, males up to 11 cm, and females up to 12. Then, introduce them to a cycled aquarium that's at least 29 gallons, and wait for them to start breeding. Guppies & Mollies If you can’t fix the aggressiveness, probably you will need to get rid of him. To breed platies, start by getting 1 male platy fish for every 3 females since having too many males can stress out the females. Water quality: Water parameters are the usual for tropical livebearers: a temperature of 74 to 82 deg F, a pH level of 6 to 7.5, and water hardness of 8 to 12 dGH. Being aptly informed is key to any hobbyist wanting to keep his fish happy. Female swordtails stay gravid the same length of time as guppies do: 28 to 30 days, depending on the temperature of the breeding tank. You can keep them in your tank to add some bright colors. Helping Fishkeepers With Their Fishkeeping Needs Since 2006, Think Fish © 2004-2019 everything you need for your, Welcome to our Tropical Fishkeeping Forum. They are livebearers which means they give birth to baby fish (fry) rather than laying eggs. However, if you plan to add other fish for good company, plan to house them in at least a 29-gallon aquarium. There are lots of varieties to choose from, and they come with a variety of different colors, as a result of selective breeding. This is because not all female platys have a gravid spot. Platies are Xiphophorus maculatus. the 1st 2 with the 2nd 2 has no longer been recorded, and particular isn't accessible. Swordtail fish are average-size fish; they don’t need very much space due to their size, but given they are very active, they greatly benefit from having enough space to swim around. Hybridization is the process by which two animals, regardless if they’re the same species, breed and produce offspring. Feeding: Food is important to livebearers as the adults need lots of protein to be able to produce healthy fry. Clownfish Can't Live In Tap Water. The fry will take small foods such as small daphnia, Cyclops, and newly hatched brine shrimp as well as crushed flake, straight from birth. Male guppies will try to mate with females of many species — as well as males of their own … However: Platies that are Xiphophorus maculatus cannot interbreed with Guppies which … The problem is not as severe as with other fish such as Guppies or Dwarf Gouramies however, and both Platies and Swordtails are still relatively hardy and suitable as a newcomer's fish. Swordtails: You already read about Platies and this fish is very closely related to them. And try to breed with them. Although both egg layers, they cannot breed together. If well-taken care of, they will survive for as long as 5 years. Assuming you have a pair, they are not difficult to breed. For Platies, a 60cm+ aquarium will suffice, whilst fully-grown Swordtails will require a 90cm aquarium. If there are just two or three males, one may become dominant and bully the weaker males, whilst in larger groups the males are much more sociable. The females don’t have this characteristic. Ammonia and nitrites should remain at 0ppm, and nitrates should be no more than 40 ppm. They have a long bottom fin that almost looks like a sword. Swordtail Description and Behaviour. Explore Fish World discourages the deliberate breeding of different species that will expectedly end up producing weak and sickly fry. How Many Fry Do Swordtails Give Birth To. They are undemanding when it comes to food and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters. Platy fish lacks the sword or elongated caudal fin like Swordtail fish, however by inter-breeding Platy & Swordtail fish, breeders have achieved elongated caudal fin in Platies as well. Sexing can be tricky in very young fish, of which the males may not have yet developed their pointed anal fin, or male swordtails which may not have developed their 'sword'. This is the best combination of guppies and bettas you can have in your tank. Swordtails are very hardy fish that are easy to take care of. However, Platies can breed with Swordtails and Mollies can breed with Guppies as they share same families. However, for the most part, you should definitely avoid this. Aquarium decor should contain planted areas and plenty hiding spots as well as open swimming space. They’re very similar in a lot of ways. The simple answer is no, they cannot breed with each other. And platy fish and swordtails are very similar. Although not strictly a shoaling fish, they both look and cope better when kept in groups. I know you can cross endlers with guppies and swordtails with platies. Guppies and mollies can breed together, and swordtails and platies can breed together. Swordtails are Xiphophorus helleri. They can breed in 78-80F water, but cooler water works as well, the fry just develop slower. Avoiding very nippy fish, which may attack the male Swordtails sword, both Platies and Swordtails, can be mixed with almost all similar sized and smaller peaceful tank mates. Panda Platy Fish (source – CC BY-SA 4.0) The Panda Platy is closely related to the green swordtail, and it can even interbreed with it. Leaving the female with a male in the same aquarium is almost always a guarantee that it will get gravid. In addition, when keeping Swordtails, it is important to either have just a single male or a group of four or more. This is the goal of the breeding cage. Order online today Read on to find why … Black Molly fish are a peaceful, community fish who will happily live with almost any other peaceful, community fish. Give your fish a treat with some natural alternatives to dried foods. But, usually in aquariums they are smaller, it is very dependent on the type and conditions of detention. In a community aquarium it is not uncommon for all, or at least most of, the young to be eaten often before they are even noticed by the fish keeper. Crossbreeding is the mating of two different species of animals that come from the same breeds to produce a new species with the desired characteristics from each parent. Swordtails are Xiphophorus helleri. Female swordtails can even give birth to 80 babies at a time. The cage can be as wide as the breeding tank and half as shallow. Breeding compatibility comes with species within the same family. Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Thread Tools: Display Modes: 10-13-2005, 01:56 PM #1: DUSTIN323. Platies are easy to keep and well suited to a community aquarium. Platies can breed with swordtails as they’re both from the Poeciliidae family. Platies and swordtails are both live bearers, both freshwater fish, and both from the same family: the genus Xiphophorus. Platies are a very peaceful fish that will live peacefully with any other non-aggressive fish. Some of the fish we have successfully kept with our Black Mollies are Guppies, Danios, Tetras, other Mollies, Swordtails, Gouramis, Platies and even female Betta fish. Other compatible tankmates include angels, catfish, danios, gouramis, and tetras. Can Guppies Breed With Swordtails? Quick Stats: Origin Members of the … Feed your Platies a high-quality commercial flake or pellet food supplemented with fresh vegetables, spirulina … Some of these can be … There are many other types of fishes with whom guppies can live peacefully and in comfortable circumstances. An Indian almond leaf is preferred to keep the water clean especially for when the babies arrive. Yes, Endlers and guppies can and will cross-breed if housed in the same aquarium. These are all livebearing fish, such as the guppies, mollies, and swordtails. This is expected since they belong to the same genus: Poeciliidae. For example, every batch of newborn “pure” platies or swordtails will exhibit some variation in body shape. Senior Member . Breeding Swordtails: Swordtails are simple to breed & beginners can easily breed them, if aquarium conditions are appropriate & if it consists of both males & females, reproduction will happen naturally. Anything will actually do as long as it won’t hurt your fish and has holes wide enough for the fry to pass through. Swordtails can also be sexed by the sword extension, which gives the fish its name, and which only the male's posses. It would be around over an inch during this age. Yes, swordtails and platys are part of the genus Xiphophorus. Crossbreeding in fish can be really fascinating as it results in the creation of something new and totally different. Gravel substrate and heavily planted tanks are best for platies. The resulting descendants are called hybrids. The constant crossbreeding and inbreeding among the swordtails and platy fish are the reasons why we have such a variety of lively colors and prominent characteristics among these aquarium fish today.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'explorefishworld_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',110,'0','0'])); It is very rare to find a true Xiphophorus nowadays. This 'fast and many' method of breeding goes hand in hand with a lack of parental care, and the fully formed young are left to fend for themselves as soon as they are born. Plenty of little hiding spots will allow the females a retreat and place of recovery. Join Date: Sep 2005. Like many other livebearers, both Platies and Swordtails breed easily and readily both in the aquarium and in the wild, producing between 20-100 young in each batch. A good variety of live food, frozen food, and fish flakes can help boost their immune system and strength when offered regularly. It’s normal then, that you would want to produce your own fry to take care of. These fish are ready to breed when they reach 8 to 10 weeks old. A livebearer and long-time favorite, platies are another good tank mate for angelfish. There is some confusion in many retailers over whether Platies are suited to unheated aquaria, partly because the stronger strains of the past would tolerate such conditions whilst those available today will not. The minimum tank size for one adult swordtail fish should be at least 15-gallons. The male to female ratio: The adult livebearers are then selected for the mating. It can become pregnant again within 6 months of contact with the male and give birth every 30 days. Yeah, they are pretty easy to breed and, truthfully, sometimes livebearers tend to mingle with whatever is willing to take them. A family owned farm. If you want to crossbreed these two species, you can breed Mollies with Guppies and Platies with Swordtails. Most breeding tanks are not big at all. How can I get them to breed? As an aquarist, you won’t have to offer a lot of assistance for breeding your swordtail fish. A canary can be kept by itself and it entertains with its song. Fishes That Can Breed With Guppies. Swordtails and platys are prolific breeders, and crossbreeding them can produce an average of 50 babies per brood. In tanks where there is a lack of available partners within the same species, a swordtail and/or a platy will choose the next best thing: a closely related species. They will eat their fry and guppies and mollies can breed but they are known to die at a young age because of birth defects How Can You Tell If A Swordtail Is Male Or Female? Yes, since Swordtails and Platy fish come from the same family of Xephophorus, they can breed and produce viable offspring. Once the hardiest of species, heavy breeding has made these fish weak, Alternative Foods Otherwise, none would survive in the presence of adults. Platy and Sword tail belong to the same Genus. This is because she can hold the male’s sperm in her during that length of time. In breeding swordtails with platy fish, there are 4 factors: The breeding tank is necessary for isolation as well as to let you monitor the progress of the mating. Check from time to time as some fish may not take to their partners right away. There are several species of Swordtail, with Xiphophorus helleri being the usual one found for sale in the trade, although crosses can occur often. Don’t forget to choose those that look the healthiest and strongest. This cannot be described as natural, though, since captivity in itself is considered human intervention. Both Platies and Swordtails have a period between mating and birth of around five weeks, and the females can store milt from one mating to produce up to five broods. The fish can sometime breed within thier own genus but not cross. The adults will also reach different sizes, with females being the larger sex; in Platies males will reach around 3-4cm, whilst females can reach 6cm, male Swordtails will grow to 10cm, and females to 12-13cm. As for coloring, it is difficult to single out any one form, although the most popular will be red with a black tail. Support this site by buying a product from our partner. If this happens accidentally in your aquarium though, we encourage you to help nurture the fry as best as you can. I've … It is sometimes difficult to tell when your female platy is pregnant. Danios can be bred in captivity, but some extra care is required to raise fry to adults. Any retailer should be able to pick you out either all one sex or a specific ratio of males to females. As with many fish, there is a possibility of the parents eating their eggs after they are laid. Warmer water, around 25-28C (77-82F) will also improve overall health, and an area of strong flow is appreciated by Swordtails. They may look different, but scientists deem them to have come from the same ancestors. Like any livebearing fish, platies are easy to breed in an aquarium. Conversely, mollies can breed with endlers as they’re both from the Poecilia family. I hate to correct you but they can and do cross breed… Some of the variations in color and appearance come from doing that. They are also peaceful community fish and breed easily. Swordtails. Posts: 515 Can you cross-breed platies & swordtails. They are very attractive and come in many different morphs of colour and shape. Arizona Aquatic Gardens carries a HUGE selection of Japenese Koi for ponds, as well as Goldfish, Tilapia, Bluegill, Catfish and more! In the wild the fish can be found in cooler water, but this should not be the case for the tank-bred varieties. The usual pair chosen is a male platy and 2 to 3 female swordtails, expecting the resulting fry to mostly resemble the platy. However, members of the Poecilia genus can crossbreed with each other and members of the Xiphophorus family can crossbreed with each other. It also defeats the purpose of crossbreeding which is basically to produce better offspring with higher economic value and survival rate. I have had a cross between a green swordtail and a sunset play, a green guppy and a sunset platy, and a tuxedo platy with a black sword tail; like i said, if given a chance they will mingle with any other liverbearer. I dont know about artificial insemination. 10. They can also be deemed mature when they reach a length of 20 mm or about ¾ of an inch. Since ability to sell is the bottom line, fish breeders aim for rarer colors, more unique combinations, or longer fins (especially in the case of Swords). Most breeders choose a lyre tail as it is beautiful and more desirable to most fishkeepers. How I can I get my swordtails and platy to breed? In other livebearers, there have been reports of mollies and guppies mating. Mollies are live bearers and can be fairly easy to breed. Female swordtails have to be about 3 months old for it to be mature enough to breed. Yes, swordtails can breed very easily. Mollies (have shown a lot of breeding success) Endlers (a bit hard as they can be smaller than guppies) Platies (has a history of breeding failures) Swordtails (not a lot of success in producing healthy fry) Bettas (extremely rare to interbreed, except for extreme tank conditions) Tweet Share Pin It Print. However, if you have very soft water, you should probably avoid these fish. In the case of swordtails and platy fish, none of the existing adults we have today are true breeds. How Do You Know If A Swordtail Is Pregnant? With today's fish stocks, the common platy X. maculatus, will not do well in cooler water, but the Variatus Platy X. variatus will do perfectly well in unheated indoor aquaria, and is found in cooler water in the wild. You can also try selling them as “mature angelfish ready to breed” on ebay or aquabid. Molly and Guppies to a different Genus. Having more males (both of which are dominant) in such a small space will trigger their aggressive behavior.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'explorefishworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',117,'0','0'])); Choose the adults that have the prominent features you want in your fry. How Do You Tell The Difference Between A Male And Female Platy? I also tell you How To Care For Swordtail Fish Fry! Purposely hybridizing the two has resulted in the development of new Endler strains (although technically not a pure Endler); this includes the Yellow Tiger Endler as well as the unique Santa-maria Endler strain. Male guppies often mistake female bettas for guppies. Aside from the fins, beautiful, striking colors among your adults can help you select your breeders. Since purebreds are very rare, crossbreeding is no longer applicable to breeders (unless you can get a hold of a purebred).eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'explorefishworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',114,'0','0'])); Swordtails and platy fish, if bred together now, wouldn’t be crossbreeding but undergoing the process of hybridization. They can withstand a wide range of water parameters, except for swordtails, who are a bit more sensitive than others. In this episode I'm learning you How To Get Swordtail Fish To Breed! Both Platies and Swordtails are undemanding in terms of water conditions and can be kept in most community aquariums. The best male to female ratio is one … They are substrate spawners and will lay the eggs on a vertical or diagonal surface. Swordtails … As has been seen before with such intensive breeding to produce and maintain these colour forms at high production rates, there is a trade-off and the fish for sale nowadays are much less hardy than those seen 10 years ago. You can also make your own out of a sturdy frame and some aquatic or PVC mesh. Century later, there are many Platies varieties on the market, in all colors a… Breeders use it to get a higher yield of fry per brood. The Molly and Platy are not closely related. However, these fish have many distinguishing traits that had made them a favorite with enthusiasts ever since they were introduced to the aquarium hobby in the 1900s. Female platys have rounded anal fins, while males have pointed anal fins (gonopodium) it uses for mating. Male swordtails usually have a long pointed lower fin tail which it uses to attract females. Can you cross-breed platies & swordtails Become a Supporting Member Become a Preferred Vendor: Breeding Freshwater Fish Find out the different ways on breeding freshwater fish. Fertility is not an issue with platy-swordfish crossbreeds. Although hard water is preferable, they will acclimate to softer conditions in well-maintained aquariums. If we select, say, only the most elongated platies from these batches and breed from them, subsequently selecting just the most elongated offspring — and so on — we can eventually end up with true-breeding elongated platies. You can tell if a female is carrying young as she will develop a dark patch at the rear of the belly and will become very rounded, however it is difficult to guess when she will give birth since the size of broods varies so much. Where Do Platy And Swordtail Fish Come From? You could try to cross breed any of those, but it could just result in a deformed fish that can't live a healthy life. Platies are Xiphophorus maculatus. Once you've introduced your fish to the tank, start checking the females for dark spots on their abdomens, which is a sign that they're … Platy-swordtail hybrids live an average of 2 to 3 years. All you really need to do is to put a male and female fish together. Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : This fish can breed in 7.5 or lower pH. In fact, they can get most of their exercise needs met by playing indoors and in the backyard. Here's Why, link to 9 Reasons Why Your GloFish is Hiding (and How You Can Help). Like many other livebearers, both Platies and Swordtails breed easily and readily both in the aquarium and in the wild, producing between 20-100 young in each batch. Thanks for stopping by! Being natural grazers they will require some vegetable matter in their aquarium diet, this can come from naturally occurring algae, or from vegetable enriched foods. At Explore Fish World, we understand the nature and level of emergencies fishkeepers may face, but it is... 9 Reasons Why Your GloFish is Hiding (and How You Can Help). Remember, the goal of the breeding cage is to save your fry and not hurt them. My kids love Bettas, so I thought I should share my experience with you. I have 4 swordtails (1 male and 3 females) and 1 female platy. What Is The Gestation Period Of A Swordtail? Swordfish are Genus Xiphophorus, sp.hellerii (type species) These two members of genus Xiphophorus can and do cross breed, so very successfully that today, virtually all of the Platies and Swords that you will find in the aquarium trade are hybrids between these and all of the other known species of Platy and Sword. It might take some time for some though, but having the right conditions will help the process along.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'explorefishworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])); In the wild, fish choose their own kind to breed as there would be no reason not to do so with the abundance of available partners. Hiding spots are very important for females, which can be harassed and stressed by males to the point of ill health, especially when the females are already heavily pregnant. Thus a guppy can crossbreed with a molly and a swordtail can crossbreed with a platy. As a new Clownfish owner you might be wondering if your Clownfish can live in tap water. Like what you read? Apart from this requirement, there are no specific needs and the fish will thrive on a diet of mixed proprietary foods supplemented with small live or frozen foods. Platies can breed with Swordtail fish (Xiphophorus hellerii) as they are both closely related. Hello do you have a question about tropical fish care? Good tankmates for Angelfish include mollies, corydoras, platies, bristlenose plecos, kuhli loaches, and swordtails. There are two species of platy commonly found for sale, Xiphophorus maculatus, the common Platy, and Xiphophorus variatus, the Variatus Platy. Inducing breeding requires no specific conditions, although a varied diet with additional algae or vegetable based foods and a good overall environment will encourage more successful broods. In fact, almost all swordtails and platy fish being sold today are crossbreeds between the Xiphophorus helleri (the green swordtail), the Xiphophorus maculatus (the moonfish or Mickey Mouse Platy), and/or the Xiphophorus variatus (variegated platy). Thus, the species can interbreed. 3. They live in an aquarium from 3 to 5 years. I had a make platy but he died and did not mate with the female platy because he got really sick a few days after I got him. They are long lasting and hardy in nature, which is good for the beginners. They prefer water with a 7.0–8.0 pH, a water hardness of 9.0–19.0 dGH, and a temperature range of 18–25 °C (64–77 °F).. Make sure it’s not too small that your fish will get stressed. Pierre and the WaterWorldCraze … Platies and swordtails interbreeding is worry-free. There should be no more than 1 male, since breeding tanks are usually small and controlled. link to Clownfish Can't Live In Tap Water. This Platy fish with swords usually are around 3 inches but the Swordtails can grow up to 5 inches or more. And given their prolific breeding behavior, the male of the two will eventually try to mate as long as both species are healthy and living in the right conditions. Yes, since Swordtails and Platy fish come from the same family of Xephophorus, they can breed and produce viable offspring. Obviously, the betta won’t be pleased with this and may end up attacking your guppy. Swordtails and platy fish come from the warm waters of Central America. In order to select your adults you have to know how to determine the age and sex of your fish. This 'fast and many' method of breeding goes hand in hand with a lack of parental care, and the fully formed young are left to fend for themselves as soon as they are born. Substrate is not necessary. They are already hybrids in themselves. Adult fish should be separated from the fry once the little ones are born. Swordtails are live bearers like other fish such as mollies, guppies & platies. The Platy fish is a freshwater fish belonging to the genus Xiphophorus that is commonly lumped in with other livebearers like Swordtails, Mollies, and Guppies.