Excellent cherry for Europe, Middle East and Usa. Cherry blossoms are probably the most popular Japanese flowers and one of the most loved flowers in the whole world. All cherries do best in drier climates, in the full sun with moist, but well drained soils. Red Sonnets taste so similar to Rainier cherries that if you closed your eyes, it would be almost impossible to tell them apart. Cherry Trees. The fruit is glossy and attractive in a pack. We have an enormous amount of these wonderfully sweet, very firm, crunchy, dark cherries. The sour cherry was then crossed to another Mongolian cherry, a new and improved variety to get the dwarf sour cherry. The Sweetheart cherry variety was discovered by researchers at the Agriculture Canada Research Station in Summerland, British Columbia. Fertile. Great cherry for retailing. Very popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. Each variety has been carefully cultivated in our exceptionally maintained orchards throughout the Okanagan. Fruit has a significant nose dimple, making it suseptible to splitting. Very popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. Picked 7-10 days before Rainier, the Early Robin variety has excellent color (lots of blush), sugar, size and is very firm. Developed at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, this variety was bred for the Canadian climate. Strong, sweet flavour but lacks slight tart balance of Rainier. Turovtsev and V.A. It is described as sweet, acidic with excellent flavor, juicy, firm and crunchy. When compared to Lapins, Skeena fruit are slightly larger, firmer, with thicker stem and easier tree to manage. Two types of wild cherry trees grow in Ontario, including the wild black cherry and the wild red cherry. They have an attractive heart-shaped appearance and the fruit is very sweet with extremely firm flesh. Fruit is very firm, crunchy and moderately sweet, exceptional habit. The Sovereign variety is a late cherry, picked about the same time as Staccato. Pulp color: Canada Giant has the Red color pulp. Med. We appreciate your patience during this time. Sweetheart cherries are a beautiful naturally red cherry and perhaps the no.2 selling variety in the world. Dark Sweet Cherry Varieties Maturity (days +/- Van) Ave. Fruit Weight (g) *Firmness (Durometer) Natural Cracking Productivity Habit. Cultivated to produce fruit in the colder areas of Canada, ‘Juliet’ is a dwarf cherry tree hybrid that combines the cold-hardiness of sour cherries ( P. cerasus) with the higher sugar content – and small stature – of the Mongolian cherry ( P. fruticosa ). Lane, at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Center, Summerland, BC, Canada. The fruit of 13N0770 (Stardust™) mature mid/late in the harvest season. Care should be taken to obtain virus free planting stock since sour cherry yellows virus disease has been a problem in the past. as firmness without is a concern, very good taste, and attractive in a pack. Susceptible to powdery mildew. These cherries can range in color from light yellow with a slight blush to a delicate pink. Although, new research has shown, implementing the latest pollination techniques and proper rootstocks can triple yields. Large, attractive fruit. Picked about a week after the Rainier cherry, the Stardust variety has more of a "golden" colour with a beautiful red blush. Available by Air and Truck. This variety crops heavy and their green stems are long and thick. The Bing cherry is one of the most popular varieties in the world. This variety can extend your "Rainier" cherry sales by an extra 10 days. Developed at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, this variety was bred for the Canadian climate. Fruit mod. Large fruit, distinctive bright red blush, responds well to GA. Fruit are large with dark red, glossy skin. SAVE UP TO 42%. Black Douglas is a large black cherry with firm, meaty flesh. Late harvest. Developed by W.D. All sizes. The Skeena variety is picked mid-July around the same time as Lapins cherries, this is my favorite variety of red fleshed cherry. This variety of cherries is harvested after the lapins, which usually is Aug 10th or later. You will be very happy with our high quality standards. Large fruit, mod. Want to know more about the types of cherries we grow at Weaver's Orchard? Wild red cherry trees, also known as pin cherry, feature small, red cherries with a sour taste. Read more... NY032. Rainier cherries (aka "Blush", "Yellow") are one of the hottest varieties on the planet and just happen to be one of our specialties. Very popular all over the world, supply is limited to the first few weeks of the cherry harvest. A blush variety... View Varietal. Strong demand exceeds availabilty. Test only, fruit are firm, juicy, sweet, with good flavour. With such a wide variety of varieties, we offer cherries for every taste or preference! The dark red fruits are moderately large and of good flavour. Fruit crops medium to large size fruit, 9.5R average. Sour cherries do not require another tree as a pollinator. Additional sweet cherry variety and/or rootstock trials are carried out at WSU’s Western Washington Maritime … Most varieties were developed through cross-breeding programs at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre (PARC) in Summerland, B.C. Santina cherry is an early cherry, usually harvested in mid to late June. size fruit, responds well to GA, good choice for early market. The Santina cherry is a very attractive early variety with fantastic flavour and sweetness. Long Shelf-life, easy to handle. This variety of cherry tomato is super short in stature. Santina Cherry variety is a very sweet, average sized, black cherry. Standard for mid-late season varieties, overcropping may be a problem in some years, upright habit can be a challenge. They are also very delicious in sweet cherry dessert recipes, cherry … The Tieton cherry is an early variety picked about 5-7 days before the Bing cherry. Most varieties were developed through cross-breeding programs at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre (PARC) in Summerland, B.C. Excellent shelf-life. Bing Cherry The Bing cherry is one of the most popular varieties in the world. Staccato cherries crop medium to large size fruit, 9.5R average. Beautiful dark colour, export quality is crunchy, good shelf-life and easy to handle. P. fruticosa x cerasus. Below are many of the early cherry varieties popular in Canada and around the world. As a general rule, … Very thick stem holds up well in cold storage, tolerant to rain splitting and very tolerant to sun scalding. All Sizes. Again... growers are hesitant to plant due to low crop tonnage versus other similar season cherry varieties. Tends to nose crack, Good on Gisela 5, unproductive on other rootstocks. Developed by H.W. Developed at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, this variety was bred for the Canadian climate. Other common varieties of dark sweet cherries include Tulare, Lambert, Chelan, and Lapin. Subject to availability. Lane at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Center in Summerland BC, Canada. Exclusively available for test from McGrath Nurseries Ltd n New Zealand. Good size, very nice colour, great sugar and flavour, strong green stems and firmtech values. Extremely Long Shelf-life, easy to handle. Size: Canada Giant cherries have a caliber or size thick-very thick. This amount of suckering increases if the soil around the tree is continually tilled or disturbed. The Early Robin variety was discovered in 1990 by Robin Doty in Mattawa, WA, USA in  his Rainier cherry block. Trees range from 1.75 meters to 2.5 meters (5-8 feet) tall. Of similar age to Burlat, this Canadian cherry variety, matures after 20 days of Burlat. The varieties usually cultivated in Spain are: Marvin, Burlat (French origin), Garnet, Stella, Starking Hardy Giant, Summit, Sunburst (from Canada), Sweet Heart, Blanca de Provence, Ambrunes, Heldelfingen, Napoleón (Germany origin), Bigarreau Tardif de Vignola and … Santinas came from the Canadian cherry breeding program in British Columbia in the 1960's. It is precocious, heavy bearing, and will pollinate with Bing. Good Shelf-life when handled properly. The company is owned by the BC Fruit Growers’ Association which struck a deal in the 1990’s with the federal government to commercialize cherry varieties bred at the research station. Good shelf-life. Sonatas are picked just before the Lapins and are an extremely big, black, beautiful cherry. Good tolerance to rain induced cracking, flower hardiness similar to, or better than Bing. Our favorite cherry (usually we eat them all ourselves) and impossible for us to fill orders, first-come first-served basis. Firm fruit with a softer flesh and very popular because of their sweetness. Very popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. One of the prettier cherry varieties, dark-red appearance with thick long green stems. The C-14 cherry is an early variety, looks pretty and eats well. Very nice variety to retail and your customers will come back for more. Of unknown origin, this variety matures 20 days after Burlat. Check out this video from Weaver's Orchard with owner Ed Weaver. Developed at the WSU Irrigated Research & Extension Center in Prosser, Washington, USA. Multi-pick yellow cherry with red blush; susceptible to p. mildew. STARDUST CHERRY - RAINIER TYPE (13N-07-70). Sweet Cherries generally require another tree as pollinator, although some varieties are self-fertile. Taste: The variety of cherry Sumgita, is a variety of taste very good. Dear TreeTime.ca customer, we are committed to the health and safety of the TreeTime.ca team. See more ideas about cherry, fruit trees, cherry tree. Most cherry varieties have a chilling requirement of 800 or more hours, meaning that in order to break dormancy, blossom, and set fruit, the winter season needs to have at least 800 hours where the temperature is below 45 °F (7 °C). 13S2009 (Staccato®) The fruit of this very late cherry variety is large, firm, and has a good tolerance to rain induced cracking. Spray Thinning, Growth Regulators & Sun Burn Protection. Long Shelf-life, easy to handle. Its fruit is very sweet and low in acidity, making them the ideal for people who have heartburn and other acid-related health issues. Beautiful Red color, excellent flavour, firm flesh and this variety continues to firm up on the tree up to 12-14 days after maturity. Very popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. Different interesting varieties of late cherry tree varieties 4-84. tolerance to cracking, skin can be slightly mottled. Resistant to splitting and therefore a good choice for wet areas. Our Cherry Varieties Falfel Frisco Index Kordia (Attika) Lapins Nimba Rainier Red Pacific Red Sonnet Regina The founders of the variety are N.I. Developed by W.D. No commercial value under current grade standards. Superhard, crunchy and one of the sweetest cherries you will ever sink your teeth into. Flower bu... View Varietal. Long shelf-life, easy to handle. They have beautiful white flowers and dark red to black berries that are a superb base for jams, jellies, syrups, juices, and fruit leather. Mild flavour, considered moderately sweet. £23.95 Cherry Tree 'Sylvia' This new Canadian variety is naturally compact and therefore ideal for small gardens and for growing in a pot on a sunny patio. Very popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. Bing is the most common cherry in North America. Long Shelf-life, easy to handle. The Van cherry is a personal favorite, although we can't eat too many because they are just too sweet. Split resistant, crops heavy with good sized fruit. Developed at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, this variety was bred for the Canadian climate. The fruit of this very late cherry variety is large, firm, and has a good tolerance to rain induced cracking. May have to pick this variety more than once to attain maximum fruit color. The secret cherry taking over Canada Able to survive temperatures as low as -40C, Saskatchewan’s prairie cherries are tarter than traditional sweet … Van have short, thick, green stems that do not fall off the fruit like some other varieties as they age. Self. Fruit usually crops medium to large size, 9.5R average. Crops from an early age. Short picking window but it is available just before the onslaught of Lapins begins so you can make some good returns. Selection from Prosser, WA. Percent and intensity of blush may be a concern. Flower bu... View Varietal. Here are a few sweet cherry varieties to look for: Angela: medium to large cherry with firm flesh and good flavor. Often marketed by name to keep your customers coming back again and again. Good Shelf-life when handled properly. Cherry is light red colour and susceptible to mildew. Fogel at the Washington State University, Prosser, USA. In optimum weather conditions the Tieton variety has excellent size, firmness and great flavour. Click on Details>> to read more or order one of the varieties below. Cherry Trees are divided into the fresh eating Sweet Cherries and the Sour Cherries predominantly used in baking and canning. Sylvia is a beautiful early cherry variety, the firmtech values are perfect for Europe, Middle East and Usa markets (not Asia). An early mid-season cherry of good quality but with some tree susceptibility to bacterial blast, and split susceptibility. This short height makes the Sweetheart cherry tomato ideal for small containers. Picked about 10 days before Bing, the Summit variety is known for its huge cherry size potential. large, very firm, bright red skin. Responds well to G.A. This is a meaty, firm, intensely sweet and juicy cherry that is also sweetly aromatic. What I love about this variety is the way it explodes in your mouth when you take a bite into the firm outer skin; the flavour is excellent and possesses a beautiful dark-red color. Pacific Agri-Food Research Center, Summerland, BC, Canada. Bing: large, red-black cherry with dark flesh. The fruit are glossy and make an attractive pack. Cherry Varieties. This  variety is marketed as an early Rainier cherry, the differences between the two varieties is very slight. Lane at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Center in Summerland, BC, Canada and picking usually starts right after the Lapins variety. We have an extremely large crop and I can confidently say we have one of the best packs. To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, our team is taking orders and answering calls from their private or home offices. Subject to availability. Limited availability in early July. Fruit can be large, but become small on overloaded trees. This variety is very fragile and the utmost care must be taken when picking and packing. You will love eating this variety. Compatibility on Rootstock other than Mazzard is unknown. This heart‐shaped variety is available late in the season. Choke cherries are small, fast growing shrubs or occasionally trees. Very popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. We have Cherry trees for sale for a limited time for the wholesaler and garden lovers. Sizes vary year-to-year. Good shelf life, easy to handle. Some suckering can happen with some varieties. Growth Habit. Santina cherries are delicious when eaten fresh. Bing cherries mature mid-season. Juliet. An amazing selection of Okanagan cherries. Very popular variety with consumers and in demand. Some fruit lovers prefer red or black cherries, such as Bing, while others love the taste of yellow and pink varieties, like Rainier. This cherry has a fairly large fruit, which is the hallmark of the variety. Highly prized for its reddish-brown, close-grained wood, the wild black cherry tree offers juicy black fruits. Moderate resistance to P. mildew, Very precocious with heavy crops, overcropping may be an issue. Long Shelf-life, easy to handle. Developed by W.D. It is oval shaped, with a beautiful bright attractive skin. Although developed in Canada, this variety has been heavily planted in Spain. There are more than 80 different varieties or selections of cherries grown within Australia that have their own unique properties, growing and harvesting requirements. Old English cherry variety of note. Sweetheart is a cross between the Van and Newstar cherry varieties. An early, dark cherry variety that ripens about 10 days ahead of Bing, Coral Champagne™ is large, firm, and has good export quality. California’s major fresh-market cherry variety is the Bing. Origin Czeck Republic, late bloom, sensitive to frost, heart shaped. Ideal for our Asian clients including China. Buy now! This is the last cherry variety to be picked by most growers in the Okanagan Valley. Turovtseva. Black Cherry. Lots of flavour, picked almost-black and crops heavy with medium to large size fruit. The flavour is one you won't easily forget and you will instantly become a fan of this fantastic variety. Please contact us or visit the PARC website for more information. The medium to large sized Chelan is our earliest cherry and is ready the second week of June. Marketed in the U.S.A. as "Strawberry Rainiers" because of their heart-shape, this variety is incredibly sweet and has a beautiful red-coloured skin. Highly susceptible to mildew and can have mixed maturity problems. All Sizes. Late harvest. Prone to larger sizes. The Staccato cherry is one of the last and best Canadian varieties we have to offer. Form: The variety of cherry Canada presents cordiform shape. NY 032 looks to be a very large, firm cherry of very high quality. Developed at the Pacific Agri-Food Research Center in Summerland BC, Canada. Productivity is moderate, perhaps better on a precocious rootstock? Of coarse size and very high productivity, it... Vic. * A durometer measurement of 73 was determined to be "Just Right" in relation between firmness and perception. It is well known as a large, dark red cherry with superb flavor and firm, juicy flesh. Similar to the Bing variety, the Cristalina cherry is an extremely attractive (heart-shaped) early variety. Read more... Modesto. The fruit is usually very firm and crunchy with a sweet wonderful flavour. Mar 20, 2016 - Explore June Payne's board "cherry varieties", followed by 101 people on Pinterest. Not commercial quality, very susceptible to rain splitting, yields not high. The Regina variety may be second in popularity only to the Kordia. Choke cherry - Prunus virginiana - Zone 1. Very firm flesh and they have a nice lustre that makes them very appetizing to look at and best of all they taste wonderful. Get over 10+ varieties of dwarf Cherries to select from! Extremely popular variety with retailers and consumers alike. Fruit crops heavy on the tree with medium to large size fruit. The Bing cherry crops medium to large size fruit with lots of sugar. Many of the cherry varieties popular in Canada and around the world are included under our pages Early Cherry Varieties and Mid to Late Cherry Varieties. stem short and fruit is Van like but not as blocky, lack of storage life. Tendency to fall from stem before or during harvest, recommended for stemless market only. Japan has over 200 cherry blossom varieties of which the most popular is the Somei Yoshino.It’s a single-flowering type with five pale pink petals that blooms in less than a week and make up 80 percent of the cherry blossom trees in the country. Chelan. Please contact us or visit the PARC website for more information. Our unique growing conditions produce a large heart shaped cherry. It performs best on Mazzard rootstock. All Sizes. Popular variety with consumers, an especially good seller in Asia.