These dreams usually indicate frustrations you may be feeling in your waking life. Dreams about being lost are quite common. I have athazagoraphobia,or fear of being forgotten. You feel like you have no way out and are completely lost about what to do. Illustration about 3D rendered image of a group of people being led by a leader. Lead (pronounced led; rhymes with bed) is a noun and refers to a metallic element. Of course, dream interpretation is subjective at best. Example: A young girl dreamed of being lost trying to find her way to her old high-school. For example, when you see gasoline signs that say “unleaded gas,” this is sense that they mean. (This is the verb "to lead" in the past tense.) When many people share one dream, it can drive you to connect with the other dreamers. You are agitated by other people and their action, and also your job or your family has only been pressuring you and making you feel bad about yourself. Dreams about being trapped, feeling lost with no way out or being unable to move are quite common. “When you dream of someone dying, even if you dream of your own death, ask yourself what has changed, what needs to be released," Loewenberg tells Bustle… While this type of dream is extremely common, it is always difficult to experience. According to experts, dreams about being lost represent feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, inadequacy, and a feeling being ‘out of place’. I also have low self esteem.I understand my dreams lead up to both of theses and that my phobia is from my self esteem.However,I just cant figure out where my low self esteem came from. Illustration of crowd, discussion, politic - 9214629 Dream about arguing with someone unknown. All of these meanings of lead have to do with being in charge, being ahead, or being in front and are pronounced leed. The dream could be from being trapped by being buried alive, or it could be due to being trapped in a hostage situation. lead ore Led The word "led" is the past tense and the past participle of the verb "to lead" (which rhymes with "seed"). Dreaming about being invaded by aliens. Dr. Carder Stout came late to the world of psychotherapy: After working for Warner Brothers and then branching out to do his own thing in the film industry, he went back to school for his Masters in Psychology in 2004. The dream may be a sign that you are allowing someone else's lack of clarity to keep you insecure and confused. The Different Interpretations of a Dream About Being Trapped. When you wake up from a shared dream, it can leave you anxious and confused. Photo by Beth Hoeckel. He has led … If you had a dream about arguing with someone you don’t know, then this dream represents stressful life. Ive had dreams lately where everyone just seemed to forget about me. Someone has stolen the lead from the church roof again. Illustration about 3D rendering of a group of people being lead by leaders. So are dreams about dying, falling, and being chased. What Dreams Mean. To dream of being lost in fog represents feelings about being unable to escape a situation that uncertain, mysterious, or giving you mixed signals. If you saw someone else being abducted by aliens in your dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating some pleasurable event or even an engagement in the near future. Example sentences with "led": He led the cavalry over the hill. Illustration of businessman, corporation, leadership - 11492867 Sometimes precognition dreams can be shared across a large number of people. Also, you may even experience a dream of being buried alive or that you have lost the ability to scream or breathe. Shared Dreams: When the same dream is shared by two or more people, it is usually a vision of things to come. Dreaming about other people being abducted by aliens.