Very passive demon that doesn't do much in the way of damage or even support on his turns. It's time to add to the pile of tier list videos... but this time... we make the best one yet. High survivability due to innate skills (esp. To add insult to injury (or in this case more injury to injury). Fiddlesticks. Sort by win rate, tier, role, rank, and region. Decent bulk for a mage and panels support it. I would also allow to have a slightly more objective way of grading the demon. Low AGI forces her into slow teams which makes her low VIT a problem. *Healing effects from Dx2 Skills, Lydia and Revival skills also do not … Currently in Patch 11.4, S Tier is led by Kayn as Jungle, Shen as Top, Jhin as Bottom, Galio as Middle, Janna as Support, Janna as Support. Maybe that makes him too focused on one niche tho? His only Piercing attack being Random Target makes him near unusable in PvP. Widely considered the best demon for PVE as he has access to an AOE in. Triggers passives that are strong when going second: No unique support skill to complement his role in a PVP team. Tiers for Pokken Tournament DX including top daily, weekly and monthly changes, best / worst match-ups and most voted match-ups Good STR/LU/AGI supporting her role as an offensive unit. Many PvE enemies including certain Bosses are not immune to curse, making him an insane Debuffer for PvE. (Always confuse the two lmao) Anyway. Too slow to be a viable ailment demon in PvP. Extremely high Magic and Luck stats allow her to be built as either a Sweeper or an Ailment inflictor. Underwhelming stats outside of LUK, which he doesn't make much use of. Random targetting is very hard to use for PVP. Ive played it and it works. Weak to Fire. Nobody knows if he will be rerun. Difficult to build optimally as he wants both damage and bulk/evasion; focusing on one will cause the other to suffer as a result. Panels that benefit from his luck such as crit resist/ailment infliction, Has no attacking skill despite innate back attack. He still sweeps hard, so I think 7 is justified. Megaton Raid and Charge are wasted slots. Last updated on Aug 29, 2020 at 16:00 by Oxygen 12 comments. I think MC gets a lot worse if you don't have active control over who to revive and when to revive them, but it's still amazing so I wouldn't oppose that. Both her skills have levels, making her a very costly investment Kasane-wise. but against higher Tier I see him having more difficulty than those. Low AGI forces him into slow teams, but slow teams prefer very high damage demons (even if their MP cost is high) rather than demons able to spam low MP-cost low damage attacks. High STR, Auto-Tarukaja and increased Accuracy from, Auto-Rebellion on Poison boosts his damage and synergizes with, Ailments fall flat in late/endgame PvE because of inflated enemy stats. Home / Heroes of the Storm / General Tier List. Not stand out in PvE barring a few bosses. On top of that, he has no innate passive that boosts damage. Rainbow Six Siege Operators Tier List. Name your tier Select a Colour I agree that the gap between well built ones is immense ranging from decent but not amazing to almost Masa tier. Nobody knows if she will be rerun. Two awful innate attacks making him very passive in PvE and PvP. This eliminates the need to cover weaknesses for all your demons, allowing them to inherit more valuable transfer skills like. Requires Panel 2 to unlock his full potential for PVP, as being able to guarantee crits for extra turns is very powerful. Incredible set of resistances with 3 Nulls (Phys, Dark, Light) and no weakness allows you to tailor the rest of his transfer slots however you please. Low AGI but low enough that it's good for slow teams. Does not innately have other noteworthy support skills. All of his archetypes have a niche but Red is preferable in most cases. Hard-countered by Ailment immunity, most notably. The flags below the Demon's portrait in the tier list show how they can be obtained. Doesn't do anything except boosting Battle Speed. R6 Operators (Void Edge) Rainbow Six Siege Attacker Primaries that Matter. Needs skills to boost his damage output or accuracy if not Purple. Reasonable bulky with 3 Nulls makes him a decent support demon. Metatron, Lucifer, Susano-o, Ace Frost, Shiva Defense PVP : Ixtab Defense : from 7 to 6. Has three sets of Drain resistances and no weakness if in Teal, making him an ideal teammate for. Full Almighty / non-Piercing kit means he is shut down hard by Five Elements. Very high MP costs. No physical pierce so offensive capabilities are hindered without, Relevantly high mag stat of 199 and innate, Below average luk making him not the best at hitting his, Two weaknesses and both are bad ones to have so he'll need to cover them unless paired with. -Maaster. Healing and MP reduction from Panels further his tanky Mage role. Id say 8.5 on def is fine. Functions as tanky mage with supporting skills. Set 4.5. If you’re coming back from a break since Season 10, a lot of our rankings will be dictated by the new items so be sure to understand all the changes with our Mythic items video. Though exactly that might justify putting him to at least 9.5 on both? I guess maybe just decrease his offense rating by 0.5 instead? High MAG stat and above average AGI making him a good mage. If multiple demons are killed at once through the same AOE. However Flauros can repeatedly gain weakness hit multiplier as. Patch 11.4 Auto-Cure increase isn't as good as having an ailment cleanser nor reliable. Due to her high MAG and Panel 1 bonus, she works very well as an elemental caster for, Most important targets in PvE are immune to Mortal (Bosses, Kiwami Adds etc. The current demons in Tier 6 would be pushed to 5; except for those I named below: I disagree, I would still put him at 10, just because of his raw power. Other changes: overall I think there are some inconsistencies in PVP Defense Rating currently. So I wouldnt consider that dropping him down. Panel 3 unlocks a damage aura for your other, The MP restoration aspect is very powerful in the current PVP meta as a counter to, Naturally drains Fire and Elec while gaining, Can be used in Phys Democalypse as a powerful boss unit, particularly in purple for. Healing falls off almost entirely late pve and not a good role in PvP. Requires additional MP Support when going against. Nulls Phys and Drains Force innately. Forbidden/Limited List Changes: December 26, 2020. No offensive ability and even if panel 3, it's not much to note. Hard countered by revive sealing skills such as. Falls off hard late game due to his jack of trade nature. Needs to survive an entire round to make use of Auto-Charge. Karti is probably better than Garuda for Turbo-Ailments for example. Can be used in an, High MP costs make him unsuitable for anything outside. Yaksha Claw cannot bind if it gets Nulled, Repeled or Drained. In theory Id agree, but in practice he is either too frail, too blind or too weak. 5★ PVP scores are defined as such Rainbow Six Siege Maps Tier List (2020 Steel Wave) Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators. Relies heavily on transfer skills to function well. -Maaster. Very difficult to fuse, only 1 recipe available. This is the Epic 7 hero tier list for Global server. Sort by win rate, tier, role, rank, and region. Unimpressive STR stats, low base power on both her skills and no damage boosters in her kit severely hurt her damage output. Not only does. Extremely high MAG stat. Resources Tools Quest Areas Gameplay Event Pages Beginner's Guide (start here if you are new) ... 5* Tier List; 4* Tier List; PVP Team Building; Formulas; Areas. This List shows the relative strength of a demon and how/where it can be used. Low Base power on his skills means he will struggle to do damage. (If I had better brands I would still play it) -Maaster. From SMT: Dx2 Wiki. High STR and Decent VIT while providing decent support. Resetting battles over and over to get good rolls can be tiring. The only demon in the game with access to both. Access to single target/aoe physical skills. Needs some accuracy investment on defense to avoid consistent misses plus has to deal with the abundant N/D/R physical. Functions well in a Moirai Sisters team, as she can fulfill the Lady/Femme requirements while still providing massive utility. Doesn't carve himself any niches that others don't do better. Two weaknesses is a nuisance if you can't beat the opposition in a single turn. Unfortunately most good transfer skills are Gacha-only. Access to Concentrate to further increase his damage. While he has pretty mediocre MAG stats, panels help to offset this by providing him a lot of damage. If you have literal perfect brands (HP, Acc and Patk) Id might put him to 9, but...idk. High MP costs and no MP recovery prevent him from spamming his spells freely. Has top tier speed stat of 237 and above average STR. Can provide multiple roles such as Dodge, Ailment and even Offensive but primarily is best used as support. No weaknesses is a lifesaver early on and gives him more flexibility in transfer skills. Does nothing against Almighty and Fractional damage, both of which are extremely common in higher tiers of PVP. No stand out colors that really assist her role. Some people are still able to abuse her to get to T500. This makes him a good early game support demon. Sort by win rate, tier, role, rank, and region. This is a problem for last hour PVP, as. Tier list methodology. Extremely high STR and LUK means he will hit hard and crit often. All these Elemental Drains make him an excellent partner for, Very MP Hungry and prone to MP denial teams like, Innate Drain Phys makes him a decent candidate for. So the main criterion for Tier rating must still be a rank-order criterion. As the Tier List represents the rating I tihnk a 9 is fine because thats him at his best. If you have any problems with evaluations/ratings here, feel free to discuss it with us on Discord! Everybody agrees that PR is by far the best ailment unit (as an aside I literally got killed by a PR team while typing this :) ), Id settle for a 7. Good base stats and no weaknesses allow him to fulfill a variety of roles, be it support or sweeper. One of slowest demons in the game and doesn't gain much of note by going second. He is the cheapest way to get an auto-buff in your team. Needs to be alive for the unique to work and he's frail... Has a very high speed stat 226 or 246 with max lv. -Maaster. Water Xyz was promoted to Tier 2. Yellow AI has issues on auto as it will sometimes cast. Just put it in notes/con then that he needs good brands and a team tailored to him else he drops a lot. Good Str, decent Agi and Luck means he will hit hard without much Accuracy issues. Only has a 3 PvE rating due to how useful he is early on. Has a very expensive banner, requiring 27,500 gems for a guaranteed copy. No innate pierce means he will have trouble with. Maybe 9.5 and 9? Has no offensive skills despite possessing. With Panel 3 unlocked, she can keep enemies permanently charmed by reapplying Charm each turn. Thunder Dragons were demoted to Tier 3. Unimpressive without good teammates. is not affiliated with or endorsed by is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. Has no drains to take advantage of his unique and drains are fairly rare, His ability is too situational to reliably use in PvP even with. While far from the best using her in Fire. This can cause issues with his AI attacking into, One of only three demons that can negate pierce. Best Support champions based on millions of League of Legends matches. Comboes well with piercing attackers that drain or repel their own attacking element, who proceed to purposely hit into. Panel 3 grants team-wide rebellion whenever he crits. Agreed, tho this is apparantly a hot topic on Discord. Has access to a single target physical skill in Red. For a more comprehensive Democalypse Tier List, refer to the, For the 4★ tier list, anything above a score of. Expensive multi-fusion that requires clear. Great set of Panels especially Panel 3 which provides insane MP-cost reduction. Lacks Phys Pierce, reducing his viability in certain areas which require it. Cant really talk much here. Using. He has access to. A good demon to have early on due repel phys. Guess I agree I just think his defense rating should be higher than his offense rating, and he recently got a resurgence due to MasA after growing more and more irrelevant the past few months. Awkward combination of balanced stats and having both Physical and Magic skills make her pretty mediocre at everything. Does not have a noticeable damage output kit even Paneled. No innate pierce, 2 weaknesses and frail. Quezalcoatl: very underwhelming in today's Meta (and tomorrow), but it is objectively a solid combo (Ali+Quetz). Getting powercrept by better support demons... And his panels did nothing of note. Can work as a bulky tank, evasion tank, healer and/or revive support based on build. One of the lowest VIT stats in game and slow to boot. Wouldnt oppose this change, tho I do feel that his high crit and heal are pretty strong. Her Panels provide valuable ailment immunity, making it harder for Ailment Teams to sweep her on revenge. Fair enough. Set 4.5. Requires a good team setup around him to truly shine. Highest Base AGI in the game, making him invaluable for fast teams. -Maaster. Not a practical note but he's arguably the best user of, Has access to the valuable Aura Gate skill. Story; Eclipse; Dx2 Quests; Hell's Park; Aura Gate; Strange Signal; Brand of Sin; Democalypse; Kiwami; D2 Duel; PvP Rankings; Middling luck stat, which hinders his role as ailment user. Requires a good team setup around her to truly shine, as. The PVP Tier List compares demons in their Panel 3 form, with their skills leveled up, with good brands, and assumes the best transfer skills. A decision must be made whether he should have more EV% or Physical Attack%. Weak to Phys, forcing you to transfer him, No innate AOE, and his innate attacks are low tier. Instead the Defense Rating should be based off 1/ comparison with the Def Rating of similar demons and 2/ from the definitions established above. Needs transfers to help his damage output. First the current definition for 10 in PVP rating is "can be used against every teams and still be effective". Difficult to boost her damage due to her being a dual Physical and Light Hybrid attacker. Yaksha Claw is random target instead of AOE. Agree, even though Endures and no pierce doesnt really matter (noone covers weaknesses atm and force NDR is pretty scarce) -Maaster, Yeah it's just fancy ways of saying that I don't think single target nukers that can only nuke once per turn cycle are all that strong right now unless it's for specific revenges, but rating demons for revenge or targeting is dumb, Ehhh...In the right team, Id agree. If you cant kill t1, you are dead 99% of the time. Two weaknesses hurts their viability for the most part. Ban % 1.1%. Requires a specific team built around him to really work. With. Physical Mirrors also work with his unique passive. Needs to be below 50% HP to unlock most of her kit, making her a glass cannon. Champion Tier List. Decent healer in Yellow due to High MAG stat and High VIT, Somewhat outclassed by other healers like. Top-tier physical demon for a 4* demon having 235 STR. However a Tier List comparing demons solely in their Panel 0/1/2 forms would not be largely different from this one. From SMT: Dx2 Wiki. Our updated LoL Tier List shows you the Best Champions to play in Patch 11.4.1. Requires a good team built around him to really shine. She has pretty bad AI (will sometimes Mamudoon instead of spamming DFM), keep this in mind when using her for Defense. Middling AGI makes him slightly awkward to fit in fast or slow teams. I'd give him a 9 just because of his broken buff skill and press turn generation, -1 for not being able to stand on his own and getting countered by 5 elements, Im kinda torn on this...on the one hand you are right, on the other hand I would argue that Garuda is more flexible (Karti only benefits Phys Teams). Personally I dont think he is a 9. It mean. Dark element AOEs are severely countered by the PVP Meta (, High LUK helps her with landing ailments and run a Dodge Tank build relatively well, especially if you have access to Panel 1 and/or, Has decent synergy in a Moirai Sister team - she fulfills their skill requirements being of the Lady race, and the constant passive damage from. However a Tier List comparing demons solely in their Panel 0/1/2 forms would not be largely different from this one. -Maaster, Agreed. Dx2 Tier List suggestions (PvP focused) Masakado A: Offense/Defense -> 9 Enables the best burst teams both on offense and defense, but is very much capped by the demons you bring with him Garuda: Offense/Defense -> 8 Put on one level with the other fastest demon Karti since I don't think either is significantly enough better to put them one rating apart Overall decent stats and High MAG/VIT stat. That being said a demon a league above all Tier 7 demons would be Tier 8 even if it doesn't fit the Tier 8 definition and vice-versa. Huang Di: against low Tier teams/demons HDi may be a league above P3 Cu Chu, Shiva, Meta etc. Panels give him and his teammates even more damage. He needs a team to be built around, but so does literally every demon, as your team needs synergy. This video is unavailable. (also innately has another double debuff). Patch 11.4 Does not have any other niches outside Celestial Gui Xian. The chain from Panel 1 (Cover Fire) will give you an extra 0.1 Multiplier in Physical. Jump to: navigation, search. Custom Tier List Maker. Limited-time Collaboration unit. Since the current PVP Offense Tier ratings are more or less self-consistent, we can start by making the Definitions from them: These definitions can be used as citeria for furture change in rating + new demons. Having troubles with it, but since they are pretty much just used for speed I think 8 on both is fine. Expensive to fuse and only available in clear. One of only three demons that can negate pierce. While not exactly optimal in PvP, he does have access to Null Curse so he has decent potential when targeting specific teams. Limited-time Collaboration unit. Panel 3 Siegfried is a very good candidate for. A powerful (but not mandatory) addition to the Moirai Sisters archetype. Outclassed by other demons with physical and repel and. Welcome to the Mobalytics Predictive Tier List for League of Legends for Patch 11.4! More discussion needed. Fairly mediocre MAG and unimpressive Base Power on both skills hurt her damage potential. Second, I think it is time to make a description of each Tier (at least for PvP). When combined with two other Lady or Femme demons (preferably her two other sisters). I think offense rating is kind of fair since AI is still kind of dumb and there are few defenses that can deal with her gimmick nowadays with few purple GYs and even fewer Indras on defense. Decent Magic allows her to deal damage while also inflicting ailments on the enemy. Running Divine sets hurt his overall damage and/or Bulk. Heroes of the Storm General Tier List. Has a good AGI. One of the best healers in the game due to high mag and considerable bulk. Chain effects kills demons before they have a chance to talk, making him less useful for, Despite wanting to go second to fully abuse. Perfect for this strategy. He is very good in the current Meta, both against Curse-focused, High STR and VIT make him a bulky Phys Sweeper with with no weaknesses, perfect for slower. High STR is wasted on him as an Elec Mage. This is very powerful for Physical-based, While not common, he can work as a Fire Mage as he has passable Magic and. Has no innate skills to boost his good mag stat. If Mahakala is not alive at the beginning of the turn, Ice Weakness and non-existent bulk makes him go, Middling AGI means he will have accuracy issues and occasionally, Due to Mara having no single target besides his regular. Is very frail thanks to a low VIT and HP stat. Good balanced stats coupled with no weaknesses and a perfect base kit allows total freedom in builds. He's passive in most teams, he's in due to lack of pierce. Great support for teams that rely on speed like ailments while also boosting the entire parties EVA by 20%. Requires extra Accuracy investment from Brands, Panels or skill transfer to hit reliably. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Highest LUK in the game paired with innate. -Maaster, I think that debate is more about Nergal. Panel 3 is very hard to get as he is Banner exclusive and aiming for P3 isn't necessarily the best choice because dupe. Drains 1 MP from the enemy at the start of their turn, which stops MANY T1 sweepers (eg Baal, Anat, Uriel) in their tracks. Also one of worst LUK stats in the game while also having. ADC Tier List with Riot-partnered stats of U.GG. Panels 1 and 2 don't contribute to the Ailment build. Amazing set of panels that provide him MP reduction, She is essentially an entire ailment team neatly packaged into one demon. While not common, he can be run as a physical demon to some degree. Phys Weakness is particularly bad unless paired with, AI is very unreliable for PvP Defense; will occasionally, Panel 3 healing has some fun applications together with. No Pierce, heals and random targetting make him worse. One of only three demons that can negate pierce, and the only fuseable source. Purple provides all 3 Auto-Buffs, which is incredibly strong. Doesn't perform any roles that others can't already including other 4*s such as. Ailments fall flat in late PvE because of inflated enemy stats. Ailment chain effect inflicting poison and bind if P3. Makes up one the best PvE teams in the game. Find the Best Champions for top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in season 10. Good set of panels that provide him damage, bulk and MP reduction. For Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Tier list". He will have a bad time. Nero: 1k HP no panel, but somehow needs to survive a full turn of abuse, and unlike Luci, loses his edge if he dies but gets revived. Mastema: similar to Iza I guess (no pierce though but maybe being part of the Heralds is a sufficient conpensation). Jump to: navigation, search. Incredible Elemental resistances especially in Teal. Gains. Good HP and Vit stats and no weaknesses give her a lot of bulk. The current characters are graded based on … Needs to run Divines without Panel 2 for first turn. The result is he has 2 completely free transfer slot. Other options for demons that can act as double null panel/zones. Fairly bulky with his given stats/panels. The problem is that on def he will not pass (as with everyone) which will make him probably miss since you will probably put 0% in Acc, and rather go full speed to go first. Decent Magic stat and good Panels can make him a strong Ice mage. Low Magic stat wastes his AOE potential, despite having good spells and panels. Lack of Physical Pierce hurts his pros greatly as he does only chip damage against physical NDR with even. Low AGI doesn't help either for his role. Incredibly high ST damage that also generates press turns thanks to his high Crit Rate. Drags speed down greatly due to low AGI which is bad in PVE. Strong mage early pve with even skills like. No natural Pierce outside Panel 1 might cause issues when out of MP (Rapid Shot does not naturally Pierce). One of the strongest fire mages in the game making him an excellent choice for fire. Panels let him play a more support-oriented role, providing team-wide bonuses as long as he is alive. Immune to the primary elements of the Dark Aether Quests if teal. Needs a team built around him to be really effective, Very high bulk, which he can capitalize on thanks to innate, Three weaknesses makes him a good partner for. Superior (though more expensive) candidates for. Very high Magic stat. Kinda hard to compare the two imo. Samael: ailment probably wants him even though he'd probably tank your speed by 1k to 2k BS. Duke it out for yourselves, Im no ailment guy. Tier List. Serves plenty of niches late game PvE such as Celestial Baihu and Celestial Feng Huang. Colored variants are Gacha exclusive. This page was last edited on 14 February 2021, at 08:56. LoL Tier List - Best champions across all roles. Needs specific team compositions to work well. Meaning you have to transfer an ailment skill and else he is a dead weight with no skill to use in battle. Fairly slow making her teams take the risk of being outsped. One of the best PVE support demons in the game. It comes from the fact the Defense rating used to be, by default, equal to their Offense rating minus 1; but more recent ratings don't follow that so we get inconsistencies. League of Legends Tier List. Great set of Panels that provide additional Ailment Infliction, reduce MP costs and the aforementioned breaks. Weak to Phys and Fire. No good physical attacks to exploit his innate Phys Pierce. Mot(Offense only): I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since some perform well with it. Incredible set of Panels. Excellent set of panels that grant him Accuracy, more MP and more damage. Needs a lot of Accuracy investment due to bad AGI. Purple has troubles versus Fire Anti-Pierce comps like, Hard-countered by Revive Sealing units like. Incredible panels that give her damage amplification, MP cost reduction and increased uses of her signature unique skill. Updated weekly by The Top Player Council, the best-performing players every 3 months. I tried him out when I got him but couldnt get it to really work. This page was last edited on 3 April 2020, at 14:51. One of the few demons that take reduced phys damage if panel 2. TFT Meta Team Comps Tier List. Panel 3 allows her to generate MP for the team, enabling certain first-turn kill strats like. Miss Fortune. 84 Mitama (21 of each) is required for P3... and still costs a decent sum of 6 mil mag. Highly dependant on the first kill for tempo. No natural Pierce outside Panel 2 might cause issues when out of MP. Divines help with MP costs but reduce his bulk. Note that this is still a beta feature! Sort by win rate, tier, role, rank, and region. Good MAG stat and passable speed allowing him to function decently as a mage. Is a hard support unit, relies on transfer skills to offer anything outside cleanse. You are at the AI's Mercy on which Element gets casted. Units that are highlighted are subject to re-evaluation in the …