FDDI is a group of networking specifications standardized by ANSI in the mid-1980s. Traffic on each ring flows in opposite directions (called counter-rotating). Nodes on an FDDI network are typically connected to two counter-rotating rings, offering reliability. Figure 3.2 shows the dual ring topology of an FDDI network. Also, because it runs over fiber it is not susceptible to EMI like other media options. It contains two token rings, a primary ring for data and token transmission and a secondary ring that provides backup if the primary ring fails. FDDI is a dual-ring topology networking architecture based on a token-passing access method. FDDI Network Architecture. FDDI uses a dual-ring architecture. FDDI technology can also be used as a backbone for a wide area network (WAN). - FDDI uses a rotating ring setup in the same way as the token ring protocol. An unbroken FDDI network can run to 100km with nodes being up to 2km apart on multi-mode fibre (62.5/125um), and 10km apart on single-mode fibre. The FDDI network is similar to Token Ring, so both network configurations share certain characteristics such as topologies and media access methods. Designers normally constructed FDDI rings in a network topology such as a “dual ring of trees”. FDDI has a sequential logical topology, physical ring topology, data rates of 100 mbps over fiber, and uses modified token-passing for MAC. Standards for FDDI over copper wire, Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI), have been developed. The dual-rings consist of a primary and a secondary ring. FDDI: Stands for "Fiber Distributed Data Interface." FDDI – Primary and Secondary Ring. Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), which is an optical data communication standard used for long distance networks provides communication with fiber optic lines up to 200 kilometers at a speed of 100 megabit per second (Mbps). It uses ring based token passing mechanism and is derived from IEEE 802.4 token bus standard. There can be up to 500 nodes on any one ring. Like token ring, FDDI also has error-detection and correction capabilities. FDDI had a larger maximum-frame size 4, bytes than the standard Ethernet family, which only supports a maximum-frame size of 1, bytes, [a] allowing better effective data rates in some cases. Secondary Ring is one of the two rings used in Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks to interconnect stations on the network. The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) provides high-speed network backbones that can be used to connect and extend LANs. An FDDI network supports data transfer speeds of 100 Mbps over a fiber optic cable and uses a rotating token … Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a ANSI LAN standard which is made from two counter-rotating rings running at 100Mb/s half-duplex. Dual ring is configured for FDDI to provide redundancy and fault-tolerance. FDDI has dual primary and secondary communication rings. FDDI Architecture Network Security 4. Components of FDDI Fiber optic cable A concentrator (ring) Stations: 2 types DAS (Dual Attachment Station) or Class A: Connected to both the rings SAS (Single Attachment Station) or Class B: Connected to primary ring Network Security 5. - FDDI's ring operation is basically very similar to the Token Ring early release operation in the way that tokens are passed on the network. In a normally operating Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) ring, the token passes by each network … Differences - As opposed to Token Ring's single ring, FDDI, uses two to achieve better results and less chance of failure. During normal operation, the primary ring is used for data transmissions, and the secondary ring … One of the main features of FDDI is that it uses fiber optics as the transmission medium, and this … Primarily, FDDI was developed to run data across the network backbone of a larger company. Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) provides a standard for data transmission in a Local Area network that can extend in Range up to 200 kilometers (124 miles). Fiber Distributed Data Interface – Wikipedia.