If he is not, don’t ask him why, he’s already told you. There are many men, who like myself, are intensely shy. I’m dating a resident and he makes plenty of time for us to either be together or talk/text. If he likes you, he will carve out time for you in his schedule even if the is running a multinational firm and puts in 80 hours a week. And that's just his excuse for never being there. It sounds like LW’s guy doesn’t – whether that means he’s married or just not that into you, I don’t know. Generally you will know if a guy is interested. Men who want to be with a girl will make the time to be with her, no matter how hectic their schedule is. Close. Yes, he’s really busy and can work long hours, but we WANT to make it work, so we do. He will take out time not only for the late night booty calls but also for couple activities in public places. If he’s interested in you, he’ll make the time to be with you. 3. When he first got into the accident and I went to visit him in the hospital, he was really quiet and it was like he was ignoring me. Even if it turns out he really does like you and is too busy for dates — then he's showing you that dating, love and you are NOT his priority. So I asked him what was up and he says it's all my fault and he wouldn't have even gotten into the accident if he wasn't coming to see me. I didn t really think about it too much as I was going through a lot as I said, and kind of decided after that to not reach out again as I believe it not to be very fair / polite to V. Fast forward to a few months later when I ran into him at a bar. Hey thanks for the A2A. Plenty of sites say things like, “A guy who is shy might not make a direct move, but if he’s really interested in a woman, he will make some moves.” This is a complete – and false – generalization. Real men who want a relationship will show you by ending most communication with set plans to see you again. He’s just not that into you – No matter how busy, there are just too many avenues of contact right at our fingertips for not staying in touch and in touch quickly. Signal Twenty-Seven: Too Busy. He will make time to communicate with you and to meet up with you. In conversation he will casually talk about about things you two could do in the future. 2. Is he too busy or just not interested ? … He is a really nice guy and we get along really well so I would like to see him again but I’m unsure as to whether he is just not that interested in me or whether it really is just his work getting in the way. No guy is too busy for the woman he truly wants. I’m really confused as I know for a fact he is genuinely busy, but of course I don’t want to come across too needy. He’s using the classic excuse that men use when they're not interested… “he's always busy”. You deserve someone who can’t seem to stay away, not a man who thinks just about anything is better than being with you. If he is slacking or you realize you are the one always planning the next date, then he’s not really looking for a commitment and it’s not just because he’s too busy for you. A man is never “too busy” to see you… at least, not if he really wants to see you. Posted by 1 day ago. On rare occasions being too busy may actually mean he really is too busy. Now I get it, some guys are just legitimately busy. When he finds himself already waist deep in spending time with you, it’s easier to say, “I’m too busy for a relationship” than to say, “Ya know, I’m just not attracted to you that much.” Reason 2: What He Says Is What He Means. If a guy who is supposedly trying to impress you is just too busy to make time for you, that’s a strong indicator he’s not interested in you.