Similarly, as a card of advice, the King of Swords may be advising that you need to seek out an advisor of some sort. Also in combination with other cards, he uses his authoritative powers to reign. He is full of mental clarity and ideas. A straightforward approach is needed. King of swords is an indicator that there is a set procedure you can go ahead with and … Senator. The King of Swords is an obviously powerful and intellectual person, capable and willing to take command and accomplish whatever he sets out to do. If you are looking for love or hoping you’ve found the one, the King of Wands is a great omen. king of swords Overview. Spend time reviewing all the ramifications because this King of Swords requires a thorough, methodical examination of ideas and possibilities. His kingdom is the kingdom of high ideals. The King of Swords recommends being honest and caring in relation to your relatives, colleagues and loved ones. Capricorn & Aquarius The advice for us is coming from a Page, so I probably wouldn’t join team “Dramatic Gesture” just yet. When you get the King of Swords in a love reading, it usually will indicate that there isn’t any love in the air. He certainly got worked up!). This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. The reversed King of Swords represents a stubborn, opinionated, bombastic person who is prone to bullying others to get their way. Keywords: Authority, law, advice, intellect. If this person is the object of your affections; forget it, they are incapable of loving anyone but themselves. Doctor. The meaning of King of Swords is all about weighing the pros and cons of the situation. In this position, the King of Swords advises that you research your situation and in … Remain objective. He can be very cutting to small children, but he always thinks he’s being logical and cool. King of Swords Tarot Card: Upright, Reversed, & Love Meanings King of Swords Card Meaning. This card signifies logic and reason, integrity, ethics and morals. As far as your personal life goes, the King of Swords urges you to use your intellect and logic to maneuver the path that lies ahead. You must find a balance between solutions that are beneficial to you and the ability to help other people. The King of Swords is someone who has experience in arguments and debates. I got the king of swords in the advice position and got a little confused, but I'm new to tarot so I didn't payed much atettion. In the Advice Positon. He is quite eloquent and insightful. If this person is the object of your affections; forget it, they are incapable of loving anyone but themselves. Make a fair and honest decision with yourself. The King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning: Upright. He can sometimes come off as cold and aloof. And, it probably won’t. Designed and Published Under Copyright Laws by Laurelle Adjani 2013-2020. Like in the starving artist example, he is happy to take the job as a corporate artist. Known for being quick-witted and sharp, he can hold a position of considerable responsibility (although not necessarily). Sometimes we need someone else to point us in the right direction when we are failing to do so on our own. Speak the truth but leave the brutal part out of it. King of Swords Tarot Card Keywords. Air is assigned mental energies. Detach as necessary so you can stay neutral. Be calm, be still and be strong. A lot of times we need the logical portion of our lives to take over. The King of Swords in Tarot stands for being intellectual, analytical, articulate, just, and ethical. Another example of letting something go is changing jobs. The King of Swords is a strong, male figure. The King of Swords as advice asks you to think about things logically. He will be the first to go to war if he feels it is necessary and others will follow. You don’t get worked up if you win or lose (unless you are my 7-year-old brother, who I never let win because I was 11. As the King of Swords, you see not only the symptoms, but the issue itself, the root cause. Banker. He's a charismatic leader, entrepreneurial and ambitious, always creating new adventures. He is quite eloquent and insightful. The King of Wands isn’t one to second guess himself. The King of Swords is the leader who is able to detach from his own needs and desires in order to make objective decisions in favour of the highest good of All. The Ace of Swords can symbolize a new opportunity or breakthrough. The King of Swords card from the Minor Arcana is often used to depict a mature man with sound intellectual understanding and reasoning.This card depicts a man who is strong-hearted, decisive, and intellectually oriented. If the King of Swords is a signifier in the reading (and not the energy of the reading) it will indicate that he needs his intellect aroused more than anything else. In this series, we’ll explore the advice options for every card. The King of Swords upright is best represented by – this shouldn’t be a surprise – Mr. Spock from Star Trek: The Original Series. The trees are erect and now sturdy. He could symbolize a business advisor or coach who can help you in your business. We can’t run around with our hearts on our sleeves all the time. The advice from the King of Swords Shadowscapes Tarot is that you should take more time to rest, avoid worrying about thinking too much and stressing yourself. The King of Swords in Tarot stands for being intellectual, analytical, articulate, just, and ethical. Remain objective. The King of Swords is the tough as nails leader who goes into the battle without a second thought. You make this decision with your head, not your heart. What are significators in a tarot reading? The King of Swords asks you to take a better look at your life. For a female querent, any King in the outcome position means that you will find another man. You will need to confront the issue at hand and make a sober decision. King Of Swords Meaning (as told in his own words) As an aged King of Swords, I remember the mistakes of my youth before I pass judgment. Love and Relationships Meaning . You have to wrap your mind around a new idea or identity about yourself. Because he rules over the suit of swords, he has a special connection to rules, laws, and diplomacy, which are systems of logical thought applied … It’s like you are just playing a chess game. The King of Swords is not an unemotional person, and other Kings in the tarot use logic, too. For example, you might be dating someone with children. You get a job offer with a large corporation for a graphic designer position. Logic is needed. Introduction: The King of Swords reversed usually represents a powerful, opinionated, forceful man in your life. The King of Swords rules the element of air. For example, say you love your job as a free lance illustrator, but you are barely making it. The King of Swords meaning suggests that you should take time to reason with others and be candid with the observations that you have made. Be courageous – and assertive. Often, the King of Swords represents an adviser who can provide you with the knowledge and the best pieces of advice for your problem. His leadership style is defined by wise words and equally wise choices. The King of Swords has all the characteristics of a good king. If you are expecting changes or particular circumstances that will require an expert opinion, you can be on the front foot by seeking help before they happen. King of swords is an indicator that there is a set procedure you can go ahead with and once you know the how to you can move forward with ease. You, the same as he, should be responsible for your power and use it considering the needs of others. Tarot isn’t just for divination – it can also be a wonderful tool for guidance. King of Swords in an Upright Position. Every Tarot reading sees the cards dealt into positions representing the past, present or future. In a legal reading, it suggests that you win the lawsuit. In this position, the King of Swords advises that you research your situation and in the process question existing authorities. His cape is purple and the yoke of his crown is red. Love happens, but not in this reading. Accountant. Telecommunications. King Of Pentacles And King Of Swords As Advice As advice, the King of Pentacles and King of Swords combined represents a strong recommendation to work on increasing your self-discipline and coming up with a constructive plan that can get you to where you want to be eventually. The result? The way to success is through stamina and poise, and the King is telling you that you can achieve hopeful outcomes. You decide that it’s not the right time to date because it’s too emotionally difficult on the children. The King of Swords in most placements in a reading, suggest using your head over your heart. He will often retreat or come back with harsh insults. The clouds are at ground level too. This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. Speak the unvarnished truth. I’ve read on many accounts that the King of Swords is assigned to the Major Arcana Emperor. Make decisions for the benefit of yourself but … King Of Pentacles And King Of Swords Reversed As an Adult Man: Call him "The Judge". Pages are the beginning, the seed of creation as opposed to the final iteration. The King of Swords and The High Priestess. King of Swords advice The King of Swords is a smart, authoritative and rational man who knows how to control his emotions. Below we wrote down the most important card combinations of this Swords Court card. He just doesn’t understand whining and temper tantrums. A straightforward approach is needed. He encourages them to think for themselves. He could be stubborn to a fault. In the King of Swords position, it means that you usually choose with logic, reason and resolve. When the King of Swords is reversed, pangs of conscience no longer prick as keenly. It is all about being critical and in a relationship, it can mean when one partner is analyzing the other one way too much. Writer. Get all the facts and advice from professionals. In a general reading, the King of Swords as the outcome cards means that you will have to use a sharp intellect and apply it to the current question or situation. Intelligence Officer. He is a judge and relishes in fairness. How to read for someone who is panicked, frantic, or in a bad frame of mind, 10 ways to use Tarot in your everyday life, Hoodoo, Tarot, and the Black American Experience with David Davis. I don’t see this connection. You’ve got what it takes to make it, now implement it. Similarly to the Queen of Swords, he rules with his head, not his heart, and is a wise and impartial judge. Where do you need to take command in your life? Although, my gallant Knight serves a vital purpose in my kingdom. This card provides no clear answer, maybe at best. He may have been hurt in love in his younger days and now is cautious about who to love and share his life with. The King of Swords can definitely represent a man in your life either currently (as in a relationship) or someone that is coming your way. Reversed: King of Swords. As a person, the Knight of Swords reversed is an adult (20-35 years of age and usually male) who may be overly cocky and impulsive to the point of putting others in jeopardy.