HADES (Haides, Aidoneus) The grim King of the Underworld, the ruler of the dead. MINTHE An underworld nymph loved by the god Hades. TROPHONIUS (Trophonios) The Daemon of the subterranean oracle of Lebadea in Boeotia. His realm was the prison of the ancient Titan gods, sealed on all sides with walls of bronze, and guarded by the hundred-handed Hekatoncheires. Lendo o jornal da manhã, John Constantine fica sabendo que Isabel, uma antiga namorada, foi morta em circunstâncias brutais, o que leva a crer que ela foi vítima de algum tipo de ritual de magia negra. The Master of Death is a dangerous title; many would claim to hold a position greater than Death. In some variants of the ritual, the effigy is burned; in others, it is first set on fire and then thrown into water. The tradition of celebrating it on 21 March only began in the 20th century. Moreover, even medieval chroniclers suggested that the custom had already evolved into a light-hearted, fun event and its original meaning had been almost forgotten. Welcome To Pussyville 10. [14], Traditions related to Marzanna and the copse in Silesia, Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, http://www.folklornisdruzeni.cz/vynaseni-morany-v-dolni-lomne, http://dbbrewingcompany.com/beers/morana/, http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art171090.asp, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Morana_(goddess)&oldid=1004926204, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Dixon-Kennedy, Mike. 564 BC: Arrichion of Phigalia, a Greek pankratiast, caused his own death during the Olympic finals. RHADAMANTHYS One of the three Judges of the Dead and king of the Elysian Fields, home of the favoured dead. LAMIAE (Lamiai) Underworld Daimones in the train of the goddess Hekate. She is an ancient goddess associated with winter's death and rebirth and dreams. He was originally a king of the island of Aegina who obtained his position as a reward from the gods. What will he do with the eternity granted to him? Voci correlate. She who issued forth from the underworld with a train of torch-bearing Lampades, demonic Lamiae, ghosts and hell-hounds. Researchers emphasise that Marzanna functioned not merely as a symbol of winter, but also as a Slavic goddess. But Vladimir Dahl says it means 'phantom', 'vision', 'hallucination'.[4]. *** The Romans used the Greek names for all five rivers of the underworld--Styx, Cocytus, Acheron, Lethe and Pyriphlegethon. AEACUS (Aiakos) One of the three judges of the dead in the Underworld. CORE (Kore) "The maiden," another name for Persephone. LETHE The goddess of the underworld river of oblivion. ORPHNE An underworld nymph, the wife of the river Acheron. Typically the effigy or doll representing Marzanna is made of straw and dressed in traditional local costume, rags, or even bridesmaid's clothes. 15th century Polish chronicler Jan Długosz likened her in his Annales to Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture (together with another Slavic goddess Dziewanna). Encyclopedia of Russian & Slavic myth and legend. There was a link between the Moirae and the Tyche the goddess of fortune and luck. They were vampiric monsters who assumed the forms of beautiful women to seduce and devour young men. They were sometimes portrayed as ministers attendant on the throne of Hades. ARAE (Arai) The underworld Daemones of curses. Marzanna is also the name used to describe the effigy of the goddess, which was ritually burned or drowned during an early spring rite called Jare Święto in order to hasten the approach of spring. She was the wife of the River-God Acheron. During this procession Marzanna was repeatedly dipped in every encountered puddle or stream. [2] The connection to Mars is supported by, among others, Vyacheslav Ivanov and Vladimir Toporov, who underline that he was originally an agricultural deity. In the 2016 BBC television series Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency holistic assassin Bartine "Bart" Curlish is designated "Project Marzanna" by Project Blackwing. At the turn of the 18th century there has been an attempt to replace it (on the Wednesday preceding Easter) with a newly introduced custom of throwing an effigy symbolizing Judas down from a church tower. White Trash Gigolo 13. Held by his unidentified opponent in a stranglehold and unable to free himself, Arrichion kicked his opponent, causing him so much pain from a foot/ankle injury that the opponent made the sign of defeat to the umpires, but at the same time broke Arrichion's neck. LAMPADES Torch-bearing underworld nymphs in the train of the goddess Hecate. A year later Angmar falls and Harry is freed. EMPUSA (Empousa) A monstrous underworld Daemon with flaming hair, the leg of a goat and a leg of bronze. Vuuminpeikkon Kyrpa 14. He was related to the Oneiri or dream-spirits. [11] The effigies were carried around the village. The procession carried it into the village, accompanied by songs and best wishes. The authors of Wyrzeczysko propose that Marzanna is sacrificed to the demons of water, whose favour was necessary to ensure a plentiful harvest in the coming year.[13]. ERINYES The three goddesses of vengeance and retribution. Marilyn Monroe (/ ˈmæɹɪlɪn mənˈɹoʊ /), pseudonimo di Norma Jeane Mortenson Baker (Los Angeles, 1º giugno 1926 – Los Angeles, 5 agosto 1962), è stata un'attrice, cantante, modella e produttrice cinematografica statunitense, ricordata come una delle più grandi attrici nella storia del cinema.. Dopo aver trascorso gran parte della sua infanzia in case-famiglia, Marilyn … Jerzy Pośpiech points out that at first only adults participated in the ritual; only when the custom became a fun game did the young join in.[7]. The procession would usually return carrying a copse – a small spruce or pine tree adorned with eggs and ribbons. Culture Day – Japan. The individuals were Clotho who spun the thread of life, Lachesis who measured it, and Atropos who cut it short. Hosts would reward the singers with money or eggs. Some authors also likened her to mare, an evil spirit in Germanic and Slavic folklore, associated with nightmares and sleep paralysis. The following is a list of deaths that should be noted in January 2020.For deaths that should be noted before the month that the world is in, please see "Months". The 3 Full Lengths included in this set are remastered versions, the rest of … ASCALAPHUS (Askalaphos) An underworld Daemon who tended the orchards of Hades. Psycho Monkeys 08. Second album from this female fronted (fronted by hottie Karyn Crisis who is an incredible vocalist) New York based band that plays a modern and weird mix of thrash, They were the similar to the Lamiae. Virginian brewery Devils Backbone brew a 14° Czech style dark lager named in honour of Marzanna, using her Czech name Morana. Bia - The goddess of force. He was originally a king of Crete, who was awarded his position in Hades as a reward for the establishment of laws on earth. His fee was a single coin which was placed beneath the tongue of the dead. He was wrestled by Heracles who cracked his ribs. LAMIAE (Lamiai) Underworld Daimones in the train of the goddess Hekate. The gods swore their most solemn oaths by her pitch-black waters. STYX The goddess of the underworld river of hate, whose streams encircled the entire realm of the dead. She was probably identical to Hekate. The Romans called them Nona, Decima and Morta. They were called forth from the underworld to inflict suffering and madness upon the evil-doer, to bring drought and famine to nations, and punish the souls of the damned in Hades. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. He was a famously just lawmaker who was appointed this position as a reward after death. As a huge mythology fan, I have been constantly angry at the way medea treat Hades. GORGYRA An underworld Nymph. [3], Other theories claim her name is derived from the same Indo-European root as Latin mors 'death' and Russian mor 'pestilence'. [7] In some regions – such as around Gliwice and Racibórz – local girls were followed by boys carrying Marzanna's male equivalent – Marzaniok. He was described with blue-black skin and was possibly imagined with a vulture's head. In some variations of the ritual a doll is tied to the top branch; in others, a local girl accompanies the copse (hence "walking with the Queen"). Village dwellers carry the effigy away from the village, often singing event-related songs. Edwin Mellen Press, 1993. She was a daughter of Hades. Following the principles of sympathetic magic – as described by James Frazer – it was believed that burning an effigy representing the goddess of death would remove any results of her presence (i.e., the winter) and thus bring about the coming of spring. Theoi Project © Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand. in Brynica – a district of Miasteczko Śląskie), the beginning of spring is then celebrated with a feast. Today Marzanna is often perceived as a personification of winter and the symbolic drowning ends this season and returns life. This ritual represents the end of the dark days of winter, the victory over death, and the welcoming of the spring rebirth. Her annual return marked the coming of spring, whilst her descent in Hades brought on the barren months of winter. The rite of drowning Marzanna, often conducted together with carrying bouquets of green twigs and branches (dubbed gaik in Polish, literally "copse") was originally performed on the fourth Sunday of Lent, called the White Sunday. A Russian folk metal band Arkona sings about Марена on their album entitled Lepta. Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, 1853. Marzanna (in Polish), Marena (in Russian), Mara (in Ukrainian), Morana (in Czech, Slovene, Croatian and Serbian), Morena (in Slovak and Macedonian) or Mora (in Bulgarian) is a pagan Slavic goddess associated with seasonal rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature. Tartarus himself was the pit, rather than a man-shaped god. Hidden realms of wonder and horror await any who would pass to the other side. The Sword – symbol of strength and courage. The sound of shedding skin crackled loudly in his ear as he got up to look over his new body, he was a girl this time, maybe eight or nine years old. She issued forth from her home in the underworld trailing her dark mists across the sky. Usually schoolchildren and young people participate in the celebrations alongside local folklore groups and other residents. Songs, often improvised, were sung in front of each house, especially if a girl lived in it. ** The Greek names for the three Moirae or Fates were Atropus, Clotho and Lachesis. EREBUS (Erebos) The primeval god of darkness. After giving birth to Hestia, Demeter, and Hera, Hades was born. The children of Nyx and Erebus also included Doom (Moros), Old Age (Geras), Divine Retribution (Nemesis), Death and Sleep (Thanatos and Hypnos), Strife (Eris, the goddess of Discord), Charon, the Keres and other personifications. The souls of the dead tasted her waters to forget their former lives. EURYNOMUS (Eurynomos) An underworld Daemon who stripped the flesh from the corpses of the dead. Names under each date are noted in the order of the alphabet by last name or pseudonym.Deaths of non-humans are noted here also if it is worth noting. His mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth. The idea or image of a triple goddess may be linked to very ancient worship of a moon goddess in three different forms: a maiden (the new moon), a mature woman (the full moon), and a crone (the old moon). Marzanna's later association with death (in some regions Marzanna is called Death Crone) trivialized the importance of the goddess, who was the lady of not only death, but also life, and commanded the natural world. These symbols are associated with the sun goddess, Amaterasu. Hecate was the minister of Persephone. ONEIRI (Oneiroi) The Daemones of dreams. He was the father of Hades cattleman Menoetes. The Jewel symbol of compassion. However, both the custom and tradition prevailed. Atropos - (a.k.a.