In this post, you learn how to work with Scripts - Background to add some demo data. Free-form JavaScript can negatively impact data and system performance. Which one of the following is proper syntax for accessing values of variables from a Record Producer script field? In this short video which would be Part 3 of my multi-row variable set videos we take a look at how to add rows with client script. Below is the onAfter script: (function runTransformScript(source, map, log, target /*undefined onStart*/ ) {//Create Questions in Record Producer var irpVariables = new GlideRecord("u_imp_irp_variables"); The above script will create the actual Record Producers, the onAfter will assign the existing variable sets and create the new variables. In the example below, it uses a Script Include and Client Script to set the Department field on a form based on the Requested For user. Below is the onAfter script: (function runTransformScript(source, map, log, target /*undefined onStart*/ ) {//Create Questions in Record Producer var irpVariables = new GlideRecord("u_imp_irp_variables"); /* ServiceNow: Script to Populate Variable Parameters in Incident Forms Raised by Record Producers: Run Location: Record Producers --> What it will contain: Builds Tested On: Eureka: Usage: Usage: Add the script to the 'Script' section under 'What it will contain' in a Record Producer. 1. Right click to add new variable for category; Create reference to category on the incident table as shown. If true, the API includes variables with no user-defined value. Original Poster 1 day ago. level 2. You can use similar GildeRecord scripts on the client side, except you should enclose them in a GlideAjax Query. No need to create a record. Right click to add new variable … NOTE: Scripts - Background should be used very carefully and only in non-production environments. includeNilResponses: Boolean: Optional. Follow these steps to extend the Record Producer for submitting a new incident. The above script will create the actual Record Producers, the onAfter will assign the existing variable sets and create the new variables. The procedure to check if a column in the MRVS has duplicate values is given below: Must be a record with Service Catalog variables defined, such as a requested item [sc_req_item] record or an incident submitted through a record producer. The most useful scripts that can be executed to check the multi-row variable set (MRVS) are written in the catalogue item/record producer. Just write or paste in a script and run it. ServiceNow - Dependent Variables on Record Producer in Service Catalog. by Scott Poling For those of you working with record producers and building out dynamic pages, you may be aware that this can be a bear to work with. In this scenario you could show a variable set with the fields you need populated in this table. Report Save. Useful scripts. Create Two Variables for Category\Subcategory. Navigate to the catalog item to be updated. share. Script Include Yes, only one record. ... C. producer.variable_name D. current.variable_name In the record producer script you can create the record and fill the reference field with your new record. Reply. Can you assist with the script? Copying variables into the Description field provides a way to search on and parse through information from catalog item or record producer variables.