Exploration Solutions You should make sleeping while in the wilderness count as a short rest instead of a long rest. [–]protectedneck 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). I’m currently running it now. He just showed up again out of the blue. Let the players know how the region is affected by all the chaos. Chapter 2 This chapter is great! The book recommends that you let your players roam around until you get bored and throw Harshnag at them. I guess that information is accessible through the Forgotten Realms wiki or whatever, but that just means it's more stuff for the DM to have to prepare, which defeats the point of having a chapter like this. Most of the adventure seems made up of side quests that do little to tie the characters to the main storyline until they meet up with Harshnag the Frost Giant and visit Annam's Temple in later chapters of the book. Unreasonable. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: LMoP streamlining into SKT? The monk PC in my game would be very pissed if I did this. I focused a lot on the famine caused by Queen Guh. If you’re looking for something out of the box that you can just run, I would run FAR away from SKT. No unrelated fundraising - No links to fundraising pages unless they're specifically related to D&D or roleplaying projects (such as Kickstarters or Indiegogo campaigns). [–]Sennin_BE 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). They rethink the story and lay the groundwork for later chapters, and also bring Felgolos in super early as a fun npc, [–]Alpacacin0 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago* (3 children). Her VENgeance NOW has BEEN in FULL unLEASHED-- Chapters 5-9 I really liked all of the giant fortress chapters. The only thing my players struggled with was the scale of things. [–]J4ckD4wkins 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). And make sure you have the giants talking and threatening the players. We started out playing Storm King's Thunder, which quickly evolved into a homebrew campaign with that module as the backbone of the story line. I know it's a pretty old comment, but I guess clearing something up is nice for people who might stumble upon this post later: There's no reason why KS would capture rather than kill Hekaton. I guess basically what I'm saying is... it gets better. It worked pretty well and encouraged some fun roleplaying. Bryn Shander - a Storm King's Thunder DM's Resource This product is created to enhance the town of Bryn Shander when you run it during the Storm King's Thunder adventure, as well as significantly reduce the preparation time needed to run Bryn Shander in an entertaining way. I wrote this guide which should be able to help! The FIRST to FALL the CONsort OF a KING. For your second to last point, I had KS keep Hekaton alive without Imyrth's knowledge so that he could be used as a bargining chip/blackmail against her. It helps the players with the otherwise directionless chapter 3, Make sure some characters speak Giant, or give them a magic item to comprehend languages early, [–]AHumbleBulletFarmer 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). Iymrith wants Hekaton kept alive so that he can't be resurrected and so that he can be held for ransom if her plans are thwarted." When the players arrive, you REALLY want to ratchet up how bitchy Mirran is and how sketchy Nym is. You get a paragraph or two describing locations that entire sourcebooks have gone into detailing. Disclaimer: Creatures and objects in this adventure are bigger than they appear. There's a good Sly Flourish article about this, use it for inspiration. Getting rid of her is probably what my group is most famous for in Waterdeep. If we make finding Harshnag the goal of chapter 3, your players will be more focused. Jokes aside it's by far the worst chapter if you are going to run it straight from the book, it's meant as a sandbox chapter but it's unclear how to proceed to chapter 4 other than "harshnag will take them to the thing". Exploration Problems The SKT map is huge. I had another come with a pair of guards. So many things come out of left field. Sea Spawn and Kraken Priest seem like they should be added to the Kraken Society encounters. Also infiltrating the Grand Dame is more interesting at lower levels. As evening approaches, you spot a wooden signpost next to a trail that heads north into the hills. Just spitballing here. The back of SKT has good ideas, like throwing players or body-slamming them or throwing nets. It's a great campaign, but takes a lot of preparing due to the sandbox nature of it. Yes, I have read that guide. I made the Kraken cultists to foreshadow Slark. Generally I feel like, if you can increase numbers to balance a combat, or decrease them, better to decrease as it's easier to manage. I'd like to discuss some of the issues that I had with the adventure and some of my proposed solutions. Any advice? SKT is a lot of fun. All this, in addition to me having to completely re-write Ilymrith’s motive, and home brewing the entire chapter 3. It looks like it's all just a giant combat once the gargoyles spot the group of giants. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 20468 on r2-app-03d9f2736d8642c5a at 2021-02-28 19:56:22.943941+00:00 running b1d2781 country code: NL. Edits, tons of edits. Running Storm King's Thunder (self.dndnext), submitted 3 years ago by Wolfen_FenrisonWarlock. So I could use more of the book, it took them 3 attempts to get a conch to go to maelstrom. Instead of making the cultists serious and surly, I played them as crazy brainwashed full on lunatics. Ad a DM you need to somehow do hundreds of damage, and fast, if you expect the fight to pose a challenge. Affiliate links are not allowed. I have experienced everything from being a totally new DM, to running plane hopping epic end-game adventures. I suggest taking your group through at least three giant lairs. Storm King's Thunder Sources Storm King's Thunder. If the solution they come up with is interesting, let them have it. [r/dungeonsanddragons] Seeding Storm King's Thunder into Lost Mine of Phandelver [r/mattcolville] Help me prep for my upcoming campaign? and join one of thousands of communities. EDIT: Wanted to add that you need to upfront offer some kind of monetary reward for the quest that takes the players to Bryn Shander/Goldenfields/Triboar. Also if they find an inn or a fortifiable position they can long rest for free. Storm King’s Thunder deviates from that path, effectively running from levels 5-10 (there is a lead-in adventure to go from level 1 to level 5, but it’s being extremely generous with the levels). The puzzle to get into the Eye of Annam isn't the most obvious. I would suggest having her 2 dragon children from the nearby town to the west come to her aid part way into the fight and/or throwing some other tricks in as well. [–]Drunken_Economist 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago* (2 children). It is supposed to be an epic battle, but the way it is set up she doesn't have a chance and ends up being a 8+ hour slog fight with very little danger for the party. SKT is an ocean six inches deep, [–]Nutritionisawesome 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), To a giant, the ocean would be six inches deep, [–]tlorea 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). They knew from casting a Commune spell that Iymrith wasn't dead and was at the Maelstrom. Just wanted to say I had the same experience a year ago with SKT as a first time DM with first time players. It's really fun but the main plot is sloppy and needs some rewrites. So I've been running Storm King's Thunder and I have the module both on DnDBeyond as well as Roll20. moment instead of a random search. Skt comes off of the back of hoard of the rise of Tiamat adventure. Also, there are a lot of interesting, powerful things that should feel like that but that lack foreshadowing. Dragon cultists. Why is she evil? View our online exhibition illuminating the making of Storm King over 60 years, with 200+ never-seen-before archival images and documents. A few thoughts, in no particular order: Read ahead a bit and foreshadow the existence (but not involvement) of the Kraken Society, Make sure somebody in the party knows about Force Grey. "(...) the kraken aims to rekindle that war (between giants and dragons) and destroy the cities of the Sword Coast in the process". If your players get access to Winged Boots, it will break a good number of the planned encounters. If one of your players picks the Uthgardt background from SCAG this becomes even better. [–]Demetrios1453 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). And Weevil couldn't leave the ship because he knew Harshnag was waiting for him, and he kept winning his bets no matter how risky due to Lord Drylund rigging games in his favor, like a Twilight Zone episode. Use clear, concise title names - Titles must be clear, concise, and not worded in a misleading fashion. Telegraphing abilities is the name of the game! By default, she's really not a terribly good challenge for a tactically-smart group. It is a grand, sweeping epic that has reportedly been inspired by … Storm King's Thunder was the second official 5th edition adventure module to be released on Roll20. Most players that care for motivation (and not 'we have to go because the adventure says so' mindless drones) will find hard to suspend disbelief there. Lord Drylund wanted Harshnag to board the ship so he could use it as a platform to overthrow the current leader of Yartar (who allowed Harshnag into the city), so he was baiting the giant. Reading these comments make me feel a lot better. I made the mistake of trying to get them to figure it out themselves, and it ended up that they were halfway through the adventure before they understood that (for example) Chief Guh wasn't the leader of all the hill giants, just one of many lords, If the players get to a spot where they don't know what to do next, have Zephyros appear again and say that he learned some more information. Too many cooks. What chapter should I insert Cloud Giant's Bargain? The party had found the origin of the token way before Marlstrom and had even met with and became acquaintances with Drylund. There's some tuning that should be done, but the biggest offender is right at the start - Nightstone has two worgs visible right from the gate, which is a bit heavy for 1st level PCs. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Since chapter 1 seems really short for new-ish players. You want to really emphasize to the players that Serissa is someone on their side that they want to help. Storm King's Thunder PDF free download Documents [PDF] Microcontrollers and Microcomputers: Principles of Software and Hardware Engineering Ebooks. Combat Problems Giants as an enemy type are really difficult to balance around. A lot. This was a lot to read through, so I appreciate your patience and I hope that you find this advice useful! He loves destruction, and he wants to see it. [–]TeddybombChill Touch < Wight Hook 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (0 children). Blue dragons are by nature glass cannons, so that's how I played out Iymerith. When the Jarl comes back your players have a good chance of getting STOMPED if they play it wrong. You need more bodies in the fight because otherwise a single stun/Banish/whatever will completely ruin the fight. I like making the cultists come from Klauth's cult. best tips i found were A half competently written campaign shouldn’t need so much home brewing to even make sense. The two marked “Waterdeep” and “Daggerford” follow the High Road but point in opposite directions. somebody's hold?) [–]Drunken_Economist 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child), Iymrith's motivation is on p10, bringing the giants to war with small folk and recover the Wyrmskull Throne herself. The big issue with the chapter is with the side quests. Feel free to add to the community resource folder and the resource list. The airship was a huge hit with my players and I couldn't bring myself to pop the balloon. Which is a pity, because I really like the settings in SKT, but had I knew how many holes I had to fill in the first place, I would have gone the home brew route. Their choices made sense but derailed the action at times. Maybe he crashes into a cloud giant castle, bringing it to the ground, and his wing is pinned underneath some rubble. Klauth came out of NOWHERE and my players were really confused that he was helping them. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Foreshadow Harshnag and the Golden Goose at least, especially if you're using Harshnag as written. I made full use of her burrow feature and her lair. [–]DMHomeB 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). This saved a trip back and forth and Harshnag even bought the relics off of them, so they were rewarded for choosing to get 3 of them. How large could the printout be before it starts to get blurry? Rendered by PID 20468 on r2-app-03d9f2736d8642c5a at 2021-02-28 19:56:22.943941+00:00 running b1d2781 country code: NL. Demolish buildings, pick up trees. I really played it up in Nightstone. What spells are overbalanced for their level? Saarvin is awesome. I'm GMing SKT for my group now, and they've just left Zephyros' tower - really wish I'd thought to make the cultists followers of Klauth! Storm King’s Thunder PDF Download [PDF link given below] ON THE COVER. It's my second DMing module after LMoP, and I found that if I put in the time to prep it went smoothly. Storm King's Thunder -- Sprawling sword coast setting with giants -- You can move pretty easily from Phandelver to Triboar and start at level 5 or so, moving right into a giant attack.