In any case, it … When a man has a UTI problme, he will likely notice the big three symptoms first: Painful urination, an urgency to urinate even if there is no urine to come out, and a feeling that the bladder isn't empty even after urination. Yeast infections can cause an unpleasant smell in the genitals, together with itching, cheesy discharge, and burning. If your semen smells of fish when it is first ejaculated, you have a problem and should see your doctor. So at … Every time my husband and i have sex i have the same issue. It smells fine. Yeast infection could also cause the fishy smell of the manhood. Vagina smells fishy + Penis smells fishy + Old piss diaper smells fishy = urine makes you smell fishy. I married a guy with a circumcised penis, and his penis sometimes smells pretty fishy too. The result is a strange smell to the urine, often said to be a fishy penis smell. That smell is from dried up semen/sperm. When he ejaculates, it doesn't smell bad and just smells normal but I was throwing my garbage out today where condoms were (I don't think some were tied) and the garbage was a few days old and it smelled like really rotten fish. Wash like three times. Yuck. *Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) facts Medically Edited by: Charles P. Davis, MD, PhD. But then there is the smell, which is usually a … “Semen is slightly alkaline (the opposite of acidic) on the pH scale, and many people consider semen to smell like … Fish odor syndrome (trimethylaminuria) is a genetic disease; symptoms are often present from birth. All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. If a couple of days went buy before we took the trash out in the w/c, it smelled very fishy (it was just diapers in the trash). Though the smell is a problem, what is causing the ketonuria might be an even bigger issue – it usually occurs when a man has a medical problem, such as diabetes. This condition happens when a man has too many ketones in his body, which spill out in the urine. I perform oral sex on him and i made it a point to kinda try and smell his semen (iknow, gross right!!) In order to keep the smell away, you have to make sure that you wash it off after every time you have had sex or have masturbated. I knew it was from the condoms tho. Semen smells like fish Orange semen Ejaculated semen smelled like rotten fish possible reasons Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor. Also, if you body is fighting some type of an infection or illness, you urine can have that smell. Thats is so weird that you talked about that. Yeast is present even in the healthiest bodies, but with a compromised immune system yeast will rapidly grow uncontrollably. The smell of fish, due to the existence of bacteria on the skin, occurs in men who do not have circumcision, because when their skin cells dies under the foreskin it accumulate below the skin and added with the moisture of sweat, remains of urine and the closed environment of the balano-preputial area, becomes a feeding area for bacteria. When we have intercourse and he ejaculates inside, i make sure i go to the bathroom and clean up real well. However, if you are uncircumcised and do not wash your penis thoroughly after ejaculating, the the semen will semsn will be trapped behind your foreskin and will quickly begin to smell of rotten fish. Because semen is a bodily fluid, it does have a characteristic smell.