shutter island things you missed reddit

It's as if Scorsese had put his filmmaking fever on psychotropic drugs. When he interviews some of the patients there doesn't seem to be recognition, but they may be people selected specifically for the role of deceiving him, however the lady writing "RUN" in his notepad doesn't really seem to have any particular reason for doing so unless she's really a patient herself. There seem to be two main theories about the movie: Teddy is Teddy (he is actually a martial that the doctors make insane to hide their unethical experiments), or Teddy is Andrew (he was insane the whole time and the doctors are trying to cure him, as it is in the book). There seem to be two main theories about the movie: Teddy is Teddy (he is actually a martial that the doctors make insane to hide their unethical experiments), or Teddy is Andrew (he was insane the whole time and the doctors are trying to cure him, as it is in the book). So I would consider this point irrelevant to the plot. When Chuck calls out to Di Caprio at the end, he calls him 'Teddy' - not 'Andrew'. Is there really a definitive version, or is the director just trying to make his movie seem deep :). You're not investigating anything. The bald shrink seems to know about Di Caprio's dreams: "Why are you all wet baby?". You came here alone. All of this, is for you. She cannot be apart of his imagination because she starts an actual fire that actually makes Di Caprio feel warm and actually scares the rats out of the cave. Revisiting Scorsese's Hitchcock homage a decade later. Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane Shutter Island is a novel by American writer Dennis Lehane, published by Harper Collins in April 2003. Plus the source novel and those who worked on the film had made it clear that Andrew is the real DiCaprio. He's a better craftsman than that. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Not sure what it means but it’s something I noticed the first time I watched it and never understood the meaning behind it. As for the German doctor pulling the syringe, as you said he was not in favor of the experiment anyway, and probably avoided DiCaprio during the experiment. He has made a breakthrough to reality once before but regressed. Teddy and his partner are police officers in “her home”. About being called Teddy at the end of the film, the reason for this is likely that after finally admitting he's Andrew, he quickly returned to saying he's Teddy, and his psychiatrist simply calls him "Teddy" as he insists/prefers so as not to start conflict. What happened was the truth, he was the patient. At 50:58 Teddy is talking to the doc at the table. 3. However, a few crime movies contain some really clever and original Easter eggs that you may have missed. Der US … (Foreshadowing) that the doctor/warden have already experimented on this girl to pretend like she isn’t in an asylum. 75. For example, evidence to … “This is a game. The best I can guess is that this was part of a theory that they could somehow trick him into believing he's Andrew by indirectly introducing him to the idea that he's a prisoner on the island, and that the overlap between the delusion and reality will dissolve the delusion. The bald shrink made sure he was going to the lighthouse anyway by tricking him that they were lobotomizing his partner ("You don't have a partner"). I also thought he may have gone back to being crazy at first, until I remembered his last line, "Which would be worse: To live as a monster, or to die as a good man?". It doesn't work. If Teddy is Andrew then it seems entirely counter-productive to end the fantasy at that point. I only saw the film today. It's been a couple of years, but as I remember it the movie is a pretty straight forward psychological thriller. Those looking for a good psychological thriller will enjoy it, too. If she isn't real, that means that they tricked him to onto the island, and the plan was to make him insane all along. One of my favorite Dicaprio movies of all times. They're trying to reason him into accepting that he is in fact a patient to cure his delusions. There’s 24 patients in ward C and 42 patients in ward A & B. Also, please be warned that some of the descriptions below contain spoilers. Directed by Martin Scorsese. Yes, as the others said the novel leaves nothing to the imagination at the end. So the pills the doc gave Teddy were to keep the hallucination going, 1:13:21 probably the biggest giveaway. share. While this theory fits best with the facts (except his conversation with the lunatic), it doesn't really seem to make much logical sense - why go through all this trouble for a simple experiment? We know this because Di Caprio doesn't hand over his holster at the start of the film while Chuck does. This serves as a cinematic clue which is symbolically clarified in that last scene. I don't think there's any comparison between Inception or Shutter Island.People put way, way, way too much weight into the ending shot of Inception.Inception's ending isn't a twist, it doesn't drastically change the understanding of previous events in the movie in anyway.The point of the ending is to suggest that perhaps if it's a dream, it doesn't matter after all because it … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. We were having a lot of trouble in the past 48 hours with our servers. Edit: Sorry for responding three months late. Still haven't figured that one out. level 2. Obviously there are only so many comparisons that can be made to the book but it wasn't an ambiguous ending at all. That line lends me to believe he realizes the bad acts he's done, but is making the conscious decision to just be lobotomized instead of living knowing that he was a monster. When the lights came on, I handed my dad the paper and his eyes bugged out, "How did you know!" There are actually two different lighthouses. Shutter Island ist ein US-amerikanischer Psychothriller von Martin Scorsese mit Leonardo DiCaprio in der Hauptrolle. It’s a thought-provoking movie for anyone. The faces of his supposed sons are never shown, and his daughter is actually the girl he remembers from WWII. You weren’t investigating anything. Overall I think the film's story points to DiCaprio being Andrew. save. Share. level 1. "Shutter Island" starts working on us with the first musical notes under the Paramount logo's mountain, even before the film starts. I don't know if it's a great movie, but I definitely love Shutter Island for what it … Deputy Warden McPherson: Right now Marshal, we all are. One of Scorsese's absolute best. A case can be … What do you think really happened? But Did anyone else notice when Leo was interviewing the women that murdered her cheating husband she asks for water. Also about the lunatic in Ward C, he may be delusional himself or simply plays along to antagonize other inmates. by Jack Pooley. Rene Rodriguez. Shutter Island is an anagram for Truth and Lies. When he says his final line ("Is it better to live a monster or die a hero? I don't think the real story is so simple as the above points disprove both. The doctor immediately tells Teddy he’s having a migraine and races to his desk to grab pills and practically shoves the pills in Teddy’s face to take. hide. When chuck returns with the water she takes a sip but doesn’t have the glass in her hand. Why does the German try to drug Di Caprio near the end? We are back with another movie related list. Did anyone else notice that towards the end of the movie when the new age doctor tries to explain what’s really going on and when ted realizes … She cannot be an escaped patient/doctor because she calls him Marshal. He may be just intentionally yanking his chain. (I'm not sure if this really matters, or is just a part of his selective memory). In fact, she believes that she is still at her home at the hospital, and all of the staff and other inmates are merely neighbours or deliverymen that she encounters in her daily life. I feel that the end of the film where he is talking to chuck it shows he has gone into remission and is back to square one. The cup is empty. 3 years ago. Chuck was smoking the same cigarettes as Di Caprio, so it is unlikely that they were drugged. Meaning that they are trying this experiment again on Andrew (Teddy). Investigating the many twists and mysterious of the noir horror film SHUTTER ISLAND starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Martin Scorsese. He could have hallucinated the rats and fire as well for all we know, but if she was a hallucination then perhaps it's much different than the others he has. A film adaptation was released in February 2010. The very first opening shots of the movie – a ship slowly navigating in the fog and landing on an island as well as a detective on board with a strong seasickness meeting his new colleague – can let you breathe the air of great Cinema. 1-5 Things You Probably Missed in a Movie 1.… So is the film. Photo credit: Gramercy Pictures. He was crazy, and it was a zany scheme to try and get him back to normal (which obviously failed). In his mind, this is the only way he can die a good man. Positive —“Shutter Island” is a film about mental insanity, which is a very real thing. 15 Shutter Island … I don't think it did fail though. Teddy Daniels: Seen something like it … The fact that the doctors are very familiar with his hallucinations that he had never told them about during the film backs up their claim that they've heard them all before. She was probably another actress. Oh, how time flies. And before you make the assumption that it's simply an unintentional scripting or dialogue error, consider the insane complexity and depth of Shutter Island. Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels, who is investigating a psychiatric facility on Shutter Island after one of the patients goes missing. Being a parent means that I usually get to see the likes of Toy Story 3 and The Last Airbender, but not always the likes of Inception, Kick Ass and Shutter Island. Or they they were just intentionally stressing him out, that the pressure would make him see his past. Smoke symbolizes. Perhaps only that. (Foreshadowing) that Andrew is starting to shake out of his Teddy persona? The Conversation Di Caprio has with the lunatic in ward C suggests that they knew each other outside of the Island. While “Shutter Island” did not go on to have the awards success that the director and actor’s other projects did, it has continued to endure over the last 10 … I think this suggests that he actually does realize what's happened, but can't stand to live with the knowledge of what he's done. On the other hand, he is fully aware of the MI5 and other intelligence agencies when talking to Chuck in the cemetery. As such, you … 6. She also gives him information that he could not have possibly known (stuff about science). I also noticed the two lighthouses, but I doubted that I had seen them correctly, and maybe it only is one. Inception is what Andrew Laeddis mind made up after they gave him the trans orbital lobotomy in shutter Island. There's probably other tells throughout the movie that DiCaprio is Andrew, maybe by analyzing all the dialog more carefully to ascertain who knows what they should not have known. Not really the point of this thread, but the small, subtle look DiCaprio gives Ruffalo at the end of the film right before he goes to be lobotomized is his single greatest achievement as an actor. Mar 6, 2020 March 6th, 2020. He's then carried off to be lobotomized. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Teddy Daniels: You boys seem a little on edge, Mr. McPherson. The Ward C conversation I didn't analyze very carefully so there may be something revealed in that conversation, but they probably would have met before because Andrew himself was kept in Ward C, as he was considered among the most dangerous prisoners. Paramount Pictures. There is evidence to support both points-of-view. When confronted by him in a dangerous situation, his instinct was to move in self defense, and the syringe was all he had. A couple of interesting points many people seem to miss: When Di Caprio wakes up in the first scene, there are handcuffs in the cabin, suggesting that he was chained. Original Poster 3 years ago. Being experts in the subject they used everything they learnt about him, his background, his issues … It seems to have worked during the film, where his dreams gradually reveal more and more of the facts of his wife and childrens' deaths. I was really hoping beyond hope that Scorsese was going to pull a fast one, and take the movie in a different direction, and was so upset when he didn't. Shutter Island holds you, but it doesn't grip you. JOIN THE COURSE: (Use Code: YOUTUBE for $50 off as a viewer of the channel! He instantly recognizes the lunatic, but no one else on the island. The "Inception" ending dominated movie headlines in 2010, but "Shutter Island" opened months earlier and had a similar last moment that continues to perplex. To make up for it, I bought the novel by Dennis Lehane, and read it just a few weeks ago.I’d seen the movie trailer and a few clips that pointed to a … Those who are interested in studying the subject will find the film intriguing. I mean, if the government was really trying to prevent him from blowing the lid off the island, they needn't have bothered something so stupidly elaborate as sending him there in order to admit him. As all is now well, let’s start the day with this wonderful list. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Favorite scene of the movie for me. On the other hand his vivid dreams happen right after being given 'advil'. I must start by saying that I strongly respect your (A.O. I took my father to see this having seen only the first trailer. Di Caprio never mentions having any children throughout the movie. It explains why they don't let him look at patient records or why they don't really assist much in his investigation, whereas they'd probably have done more to accommodate a real investigation, even one they are hostile to. The toy gun the shrink breaks at the end was actually Chuck's (his 'partner'). This is an interesting question. Shutter Island Review My Letter to To Tony Scott and Michael Phillips, My comment here is in response to your review of Shutter Island. Also, why is he introduced to the German? "), he could be referring to himself as a monster or he could be referring to the doctors as monsters. Shutter Island is a Martin Scorsese attempt in the realm of suspense and thrillers that seems to pay off in an obscure way. Viewers of Shutter Island most often come away with two different interpretations of the story: (1) Teddy was being psychologically manipulated by the doctors so that he couldn't reveal the real face of Shutter Island, or (2) Teddy was himself a patient on the island and the doctors were trying to help him. When talking to one of the shrinks he says "I'll report over to ...", and needs to be reminded that he reports to the FBI. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. On the island … In 1954, a U.S. 0 comments. Boy was it. More posts from the ShutterIsland community, Press J to jump to the feed. They're ominous and doomy. Regarding the cabin of the boat having handcuffs and chains, these are probably normally used for transporting prisoners onto the island, and that it's not necessarily specific to DiCaprio's case; they're just there because the boat is often used for that. At 52:10 the missing girl believes she is in a “different reality” where she believes everything is normal. Also the obvious tell at the end of the movie that is a signal to the audience what really happened is when Dr. Sheehan smokes the same cigarettes he gives to Andrew, landing a major blow against the conspiracy theory. I understand that he didn't want to do this to begin with, but he had numerous other opportunities to end the 'role-play'. Marshal investigates the disappearance of a murderer who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane. Can you explain any of the above. Read full review. How did you guys really interpret the film? If Teddy is Teddy, then the other Rachel must be a real patient. I just watched this excellent film and was really intrigued by the ending. But I also think that Teddy had to be a little crazy to end up on Shutter Island to begin with: he is, after all, a pyromaniac. He's the patient. I’ll be the one taking you to Ashecliffe. Some say it's Scorsese's worst, some say it's great. It's an absolute perfect moment and definitely doesn't get the love it deserves because it's such a small one. 10 Surprising Secrets About Shutter Island It's been 10 years since Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio blew our minds with the twist ending of their fourth collaboration, Shutter Island I have to look at the scene more carefully since I only watched it once. Analysis and Things You May Not Have Noticed In Shutter Island The beginning of the movie is a little unclear to me and if anyone can help clear this up that would be great. Or she's a really good actor? [noticing the electric barbed wire around the edges of the institution] Teddy Daniels: Electrified perimeter. It seems like the staff were trying to make him go crazy, not make the whole situation seem preposterous (as they claim). Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule, go on a ferry boat to Shutter Island, the home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane, to … Anyway, I'm curious as to what you guys think! I have respected you as journalists and film critics for a very long time Shutter Island Review My Letter to To Tony Scott and Michael Phillips, My comment here is in … why are so many of the staff trying to antagonize him and plant conspiracies in his head. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. It conveys EVERYTHING and it lasts a second, if that. His children are probably the last thing he's able to remember as that's part of the basis for why he forgot his old self and invented a new one. Rewatched it for the 3rd or 4th time last night and I enjoy it as much now as I did when I first saw it the better part of a decade ago. The Easter egg in the Coen Brothers’ classic crime film Fargo actually led to a bit of an urban legend—that the musician Prince had a … Why stop it near the end? That's why he isn't dead already. this video explained a really good theory about the water. Shutter Island is no impenetrable art-house enigma: it's an old-fashioned noirish thriller that ends with a massive plot twist. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The Rachel that Di Caprio finds in the cave is actually part of the 'role-play'. 20 Things You Didn't Know About Shutter Island. When that was is not clear in the film, and hence, it is not clear to me how the movie starts with him on the boat and having no … At 56:31 Teddy is having a “migraine” and the speed of the movie starts to increase, with white bouts of flashing lights. While we have a Shutter Island review where you can leave comments, we've set up this as a place where you can discuss spoilers about the film without worrying about ruining it for folks who haven't seen it yet.. To help steer discussion we've added a lengthy analysis of the Shutter Island ending and an explanation of why our analysis of the film fits with the story … One thing that doesn't get brought up in Shutter Island threads: Jackie Earle Haley was incredible in the cell scence.